Olá! e boa vinda ao décima, e final, capítulo! – Portuguese. And now, since I'm nice, I'll translate that. Hello, and welcome to the tenth, and final, chapter! Don't worry, though, I'll be writing a 'book 9' soon enough. Enjoy, please, and R/R.

Chapter Ten

Sabrina was officially freaking out. Not only was there a bloody rock looming on the horizon, but the next day she was marrying Puck. Sabrina couldn't wrap her head around it. Sure, she loved him. Sure, one day, she wanted to marry him. But she wasn't even thirteen.

At the same time, though, she couldn't help but be excited. Terrified, but excited. The past few days with Puck had been amazing, and Sabrina liked the idea of spending the rest of her life with him.

She just wasn't sure if she was ready.


Puck, however, was ecstatic. Over the past two days, the relationship he had with Sabrina had progressed at an amazing speed. Now, whenever they saw each other, they would kiss, and hold hands, and at night when they went to bed, Sabrina willingly curled against his chest.

The idea of getting married, while scary, made sense to him. He loved her, she loved him. What more mattered?

Of course, Puck thought the night before they got married, I AM four thousand years old. I guess I've finally started maturing.

He turned over uncomfortably. Since it was the night before their wedding, Puck had been banished to the guesthouse, and the bed was incredibly uncomfortable. Or maybe it was the lack of Sabrina that made it hard to sleep.


Sabrina, after hours of tossing and turning, had finally fallen asleep. In her dream, she and Puck were lying in bed, talking. Suddenly, he started stroking her hair, and she moaned a bit. It felt so nice…

Sabrina woke up slowly, thinking the hair stroking was part of her dream. But when she woke up, the feeling didn't leave, and Sabrina smiled a bit, turning over.

"Puck," she whispered, "you aren't supp—" Sabrina broke off with a gasp. Because lying in the bed next to her wasn't Puck, but Darren.

He smiled creepily. "Hello, sweet one. Did I wake you?"

Sabrina was too petrified to scream, and barely got out a few choked words: "What are you doing in my house?"

Darren's smiled turned a bit sad. "Pet, don't worry. After tomorrow, you won't have to live here. You'll be with me, forever. And that ridiculous Puck won't ever be allowed to see you again!"

"What?" Sabrina asked. At his words, her usual spunk came back. "Darren, one, do not call me pet. Two, after tomorrow, I'll be married. I want Puck to see me. If anyone shouldn't be allowed to see me, it's you, you little creep!"

Darren's jaw clenched. "I see that bastard has brainwashed you, dearest. But I know a cure." And then Darren's lips came crashing down on Sabrina's, ignoring her struggles.



Darren walked through the dark streets after the girl. She was promised to another, but Darren saw the way she looked at him. He wanted her, and she wanted him. That was all that mattered.

Finally, he had her cornered.

"Please, Darren, don't hurt me!" she whimpered.

"Shh," Darren whispered. "It's ok, I'm here now."

"No, please!" The girl was crying now.

"I see that bastard has brainwashed you. I know a cure, though," Darren whispered, right before his lips clamped down onto hers.





Sabrina finally got her lips free of his. Although normally she would have attacked him, Sabrina new she had to go about this a different way. Darren was insane and unstable. She couldn't set him off.

"Darren, I need to breathe, ok?" Sabrina said as calmly as she could. "Can you stop kissing me for a minute?"

Darren didn't stop, and Sabrina started to freak out. She took a deep breath, trying to think clearly.

"Um…honey…uh, wouldn't you rather we do this tomorrow night? Uh after we um get rid of er Puck?" Sabrina said. She tried to make it sound like she wanted Darren to touch her, but it wasn't easy.

Darren sighed. "You're right, love." He kissed her for a second. "I'll be seeing you tomorrow."


Darren had, ever since he was a little boy, been slightly insane. Once he set his eye on something—or someone as the case often was—he would stop at nothing to get them.

Over the years, starting when he was eleven and started to notice girls, he had always wanted the girl he couldn't have. Either they were betrothed, or married, or simply didn't like him.

Whenever that happened, Darren would stalk them, and send them threatening notes, and finally convince himself they really did love him, but were brainwashed. If they continued to resist him, he would take them forcefully and then kill them.

It wasn't exactly Darren's fault. His father was abusive and raped Darren's mother several times. Over the years, Darren began to think that was how love worked. It wasn't his fault he always wanted the wrong girl.

But Sabrina was different. He really did love her, and had since the moment he met her. The thought of her marrying that idiot, Puck, who she obviously didn't love, made him angry.

But tomorrow, when she was going to be forced into marriage, Darren would rescue her, and kill that stupid boy. Then he, Darren, would get the girl, would get to touch her soft skin, would get to stroke her pretty hair.


Sabrina didn't fall asleep again that night. Instead, she spent it figuring out how to escape. She had found a hole in the wall big enough for both Puck and herself to get through. Tomorrow, before the wedding, she would get Puck, and they could run out.

With that in mind, Sabrina went to the dresser she and Puck shared, looking through his clothes. It would be impossible to run in her wedding dress, and Puck was close enough to her size that she could wear his clothes.



Sabrina was hyperventilating. They wouldn't let her see Puck, and she was standing in front of a mirror, looking at herself in her wedding dress. Five minutes before she got bond with Puck forever.

Under her dress, she was wearing a pair of skintight breeches and a tight shirt, along with boots. The night before, she had sewn the pants and shirt so they fit her perfectly, and people wouldn't be able to see them under her dress.

"Sabrina, it's time," one of the women said.

Sabrina took a deep breath and one last look in the mirror. Her dress was pure white, whiter than snow, and fell all the way to the ground. The skirt was huge and loose, but the bodice was tight and beaded. It showed more of her chest than she was comfortable with, but with her hair curling slightly around her shoulders, and falling partway down her back, her eyes shining, Sabrina didn't mind so much.

Sabrina accepted her bouquet and stood at one end of the red velvet carpet. On the other end, she could see Puck, and he looked unbelievably handsome in his tux, his hair combed neatly.

Music started to play, and people stood up as Sabrina started walking down the aisle, towards Puck. People murmured how beautiful she was, but she didn't hear them, or see them, or even know they existed. All she could see was Puck, who was looking at her with wide eyes.

Sabrina knew, then, how much she really loved Puck, and knew with all her heart he was who she wanted, forever. He was the one person who had always been there, always cared…always saved her. He was the one person she felt truly safe around.

Sabrina sped up, and soon she was kneeling next to Puck as the priest bond them in holy matrimony.

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest said. Sabrina was surprised. She hadn't even realized how long she'd been kneeling there. She and Puck had been looking at each other, and every time she glanced at those green eyes, it was like falling through a forest: disorienting and beautiful.

Puck smirked at her. "Well, Grimm? You finally get to kiss me." Sabrina smiled a bit and they both leaned in.

Just as their lips touched, Sabrina felt a knife on her neck.

"Now, pet," Darren said, "is that really who you want to be kissing?"

To be continued

Look for 'Book 9' sometime in September

Thank you for reading this, and for all your reviews.

They meant the world to me.

