
'Love comes to those you deserve it'



Is it real? Deep within the darkest reaches of our hearts do we truly love? Wanna know my answer? Well if not your getting it anyway. I believe that love exists for only those who deserve it.

Was I one of the lucky few that got the love they wish for and never doubt it? Nope, I love him, but he loves her. He says he loves her long, silky blonde hair. He plump rose lips. Pale blue eyes. Her thin body and large chest.

He says he loves Ino. Do I believe him? No.

Why should I? He's a Uchiha. Uchiha's do not love. That is common knowledge to those who wish to see it. When she's not around he flirts with other women. That also supports what I think. You only get the love you deserve.

And what about me? I have no idea what I did to deserve this loveless life. I'm a skilled medic that has saved countless lives. I have powers that have surpassed that of even the 5th Hokage, Tsunade.

Maybe I'm slefish of the fact that Sasuke and Ino are the 'perfect' couple. Maybe since I turned down the invitation to the wedding of the century. Maybe it was just the fact I fangirled over Sasuke as a girl, but Ino did to. She was even more of one.

Maybe one day he will realize it's not Ino that he should love, it's should be another girl. Someone that loves him for more than looks. Someone that loves him for more than his deep pockets.

Someone that loves him for whohe truly is, not just his name.

So as I fall from grace or whatever you wanna call taking a suicide mission that even the Hokage, Naruto has no idea about. Chance's are leaning in the favor of me not coming back at all. Only after I have been declared M.I.A or even K.I.A, will they tell my family, my teammates what I did.

Am I making the right choice?

Who knows!

I might come back and still be loveless. Now as I stand on the gates watching a wedding that should have been mine, I wish for mydeath. I never want to see what my love would be like with another women. I turn away from my last look on my beloved Konoha.


Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto!!!!!!!!! If i did Neji and Tenten would be together and Lee would not have bushy brows!!!

I just had sudden inspiration! Hope you like it!

Please Read and Review!!
