Alright dudes, listen up. Ndasuunye here and telling you if you were a fan of New Life, New World, then it's in my hands now. I did not edit this for quality purposes. People oddly seemed to have liked this the way it was so no changes will be made. The creator of this story: grasshopper named octavias, has decided to let me continue it. So if you read this, please skip ahead to chapter 8 as no changes were made. If you read this before and want me to make this better, then let me know. Please go on his page for the original. Alright enough ranting and enjoy the show.


Two teenage boys were facing off in a large valley, but these were no ordinary boys. One was a blonde with whisker marks on his face, his pupils were long vertical slits, and his irises were red. He was wearing a tattered orange jumpsuit and a blue headband with a piece of metal with the symbol of Konoha on it. He was also covered by a thick aura of orange chakra forming in the shape of a fox. The other boy had a far more sinister appearance than his feral looking counterpart. This one wore a black shirt with a red and white fan on the back and black shorts; he also wore the same type of headband as the other. But what really made him look evil was that his skin was a type of gray color with a black cross on his nose, his irises were also red but he had three tomoe marks surrounding his pupil in the center. The rest of his eyes were black as midnight pitch, but what stood out the most was the fact that he had two huge hand-like wings jutting out of his back. The former was named Naruto, the latter Sasuke.

The two were facing off on opposite sides of the valley, a river separating them. In Naruto's right hand a ball of swirling purple energy formed. Sasuke seeing this lowered his left hand, gripping his wrist with his right hand, and in his left hand a ball of lightning formed making a sound like that of hundreds of chirping birds.

They both jumped at each other, their attacks aimed at their opponents vital points. Simultaneously they yelled out the names of their attacks.

"CHIDORI!"Sasuke cried

"RASENGAN!" Naruto cried

The attacks looked like they were going to collide, but looks can be deceiving…

Sasuke's attack got under Naruto's guard, punching a hole straight through the Jinchuuriki's chest, Naruto's attack harmlessly putting a scratch through the symbol of Konoha on Sasuke's headband.

Inside of Naruto's mind Kyuubi was screaming in frustration as the blonde lost consciousness "Don't die on me Kit!"

Out of desperation Kyuubi forced as much chakra into the boy's body trying to heal him. But even Kyuubi couldn't have expected what happened next. The force of so much demonic chakra in one place had actually ripped a hole into a new dimension, but which one only god knows.

AN: So that was the prologue of a new story I've been thinking of. Please tell me if you like it. Other info on this story: set right after episode 17. It will not be redone unless requested by pm or in reviews section. Umm, that's it. Review and go to the next chapter new people.