A/N: Okay, so I updated a little early, because I was excited about this story. Haha. Again, this chapter will be a little short, but I plan on updating as often as possible to ensure that you guys get your fill of this story.

iCan't Believe It – Chapter Three

Freddie paced around his apartment, trying to decide what to wear to meet Juliette for the first time. Do babies notice or even remember first impressions? Freddie didn't want to take any chances. Explaining to his mother where he was going and why was hard. Way too complicated for one day. He decided to just tell her that he was going to meet old friends, and when she asked who, he ignored her and pretended not to hear. Casual or semi-casual, semi-formal was the question, but he just went with casual. Babies didn't tend to notice the difference between nice and crappy clothes anyway. He looked at the clock. One thirty in the afternoon. He did a map search and determined that it would take twenty minutes to get to Sam's apartment, and he gave himself a few buffer minutes, to get dressed and to calm himself down. Once he found a decent pair of jeans and a button down shirt, he headed out the parking lot, hopped in his car and headed off. He got to the building at one fifty five, with five minutes to spare and examine the place.

It wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. Sam must have been doing something for herself, since this seemed like a pretty nice place to live, at least for living in the city in Seattle. The tinted brick added a cool effect to the building, even though he was sure that the brick wasn't what Sam was probably looking for in terms of an ideal home. She always hated brick, unless she was throwing it at someone. Freddie looked at his watch again, one fifty eight. He walked into the building, and looked at the various doorbells. 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 2A and 2B. The nametag aside the apartment read "Puckett", and he pressed the bell exactly at two o'clock. He always did like to have things happen on time, all the time. His thoughts were interrupted by a voice through the intercom that said, "Who is it?"

"It's Freddie, what are you expecting someone else?" Freddie said.

"Haha, very funny. Come in, the doors open," Sam said, pressing the button for the door to unlock. He walked up the stairs to the second floor and glanced over at apartment 2A. It had a gaudy bunch of flowers arranged in the shape of a heart, and it was plenty off putting.

"Ugly, isn't it?" Sam said, surprising Freddie, who didn't think her hospitality would extend more than just buzzing him in. He looked over at her and was taken aback. She hadn't changed much from high school, but for some reason, she looked all the more beautiful.

"Do you want to come inside, or do you want to stare at me for a while longer?" Sam said, sarcastically, walking into her home. Freddie followed close behind.

"Sorry the place isn't clean, I didn't care enough to pick anything up," Sam said. The place wasn't too messy, or at least not for Sam. There were clothes spewed everywhere and empty baby formula containers on the countertops, but aside from that it was pretty well put together.

"No problem," Freddie said, still looking around.

"She's in the other room, if you wanna go she her now," Sam said, walking down the short hallway and pointing towards a closed door with a pink 'J' on the front, "She's a light sleeper. This is the only way she'll actually stay asleep. The second she opened the door, a small squeak came from the white barred crib on the opposite side of the room, near the window.

"Told you," Sam said. Freddie never thought of Sam as the type to buy this kind of frilly, girly stuff. But clearly she made an exception when it came to her daughter; their daughter. Freddie walked over to the crib, nervous to look inside. Suddenly, a little hand came popping out of the side of the crib, begging to be held. He looked inside and saw her for the first time, smiling despite his attempts not to and to stay cool. He short, wispy brown hair was messy from being slept on, but her big blue eyes, pudgy little checks and big, toothless (but adorable), smile made up for it.

"You can pick her up if you want," Sam said, pushing him playfully more towards the crib, "She's not that fragile anymore."

Freddie reached into the crib and picked her up, his heart feeling weighed down once he felt her warmth. She was so adorable, and she was his.

A/N: This one's even shorter, because the next chapter is going to include the next scene, which is connected to the next chapter, if that made any sense at all. xD Review for the next chapter!