Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling. (But his children will be mine! Bwa ha ha.)
Author's Notes: This is the final sequel to 'Banging', 'Filling', 'Ganging' , 'Watching', 'Hanging' and 'Climaxing. Part 1: The Build Up'. It is a ridiculously long time since I last updated this story. It's time to stop it from dangling and tuck it away for good.
Warnings: Rimming, penetrative sex, oral sex, group sex, voyeurism.
Ron watched with amusement. Draco was having a lovely time, even if the guests weren't. Hugo looked thoroughly disgruntled and his father thought he deserved it. This babying and humiliation was a fitting punishment for going to an orgy and lying to his father about it.
Actually, of course, what made Ron cross was that his son hadn't come home weeping and traumatised, begging his father to protect him. Hugo's real crime was in growing up so fast that he had actually enjoyed being corrupted. If, indeed, any of the experience had actually been new to him at all. He shouldn't have sauntered home smirking, he should have contacted his father, terrified, begging to be rescued from the evil of Scorpius.
And if Ron had gone charging up to that treehouse to rescue his little boy, what then? Entering a room full of sweaty, naked young men, what would Ron have done? The last time he'd been faced with such temptation he hadn't behaved very well. In fact, he'd ended up having sex with his own brother and his stepson. That was all Scorpius' fault, of course. At least that's what he kept telling himself.
Where was Scorpius? Ron looked through the crowd of dancing young men – obediently hokey-cokey-ing. No Scorpius. Louis was sitting under a table. Ron hope that he wasn't drunk; that would ruin poor, sweet Draco's illusions. He looked very sad. Ron wondered what that was about. He went over to see him.
James seemed to glide comfortably along the path, but those long robes of his must have hidden a lot of quick leg movement, because Scorpius couldn't catch up with him. James turned a corner ahead of him and Scorpius hurried forward. He looked round the wall, but he couldn't see him.
There was the shed where Scorpius and Percy had been interrupted and where Ron had joined them. If James had been really quick, then he might have gone in there. Scorpius crept forwards as quietly as he could, and looked round the door. It was very dark in the shed. He stepped inside.
The door crashed shut behind him and a voice Scorpius didn't recognise cast a locking charm. There was silence and dark. Scorpius waited.
"We've been expecting you, you've been a very naughty boy."
The voice was deep and it sent shivers down Scorpius' spine. It was not James' voice. He peered into the shed.
"Lovely party." That was James' voice and it was mocking him. "You like parties, don't you, Scorpius?"
Scorpius didn't know what he ought to say. He felt disorientated. His confidence was frozen.
"Answer. Don't be rude." The deep voice sounded fairly mocking, too. "Little brat."
"Sorry," Scorpius said quietly. "Yes, I like parties."
"You like my brother's parties?"
"They are a bit different from this one, aren't they?"
"Uh. I suppose so."
James laughed. "Oh, I've seen the treehouse after Albus' parties. I know what they're like."
"James," said the other voice, "you climb that tree and watch through the skylight. That's how you know exactly -"
"That's not what we're here to discuss!"
"So what are we here to discuss?" Scorpius asked.
Ron dodged the dancers – who were starting to enjoy things by the looks of them – and made it to the dinosaur jelly. He ducked down under the table. Louis looked startled when he saw him. Then he looked scared.
"You're not shaking it all about," Ron observed. "What's the matter, Louis?"
"I'm not that keen on putting my whole self in," Louis replied.
"Are you frightened of clowns?" Ron asked. He was a bit uncomfortable about them himself. Not like with spiders, but they were not normal, not nice.
Louis looked at him like he was mad. "Clowns?" he asked. "Clowns aren't scary!"
"No, of course not," Ron said. "Just a bloke dressed up. I know that." He paused. "So what is scary, then, Louis?"
"Dunno," Louis muttered.
Ron crawled right under the table and sat on the ground next to his nephew.
"You know Scorpius?" Louis asked.
"I might have known he'd be the problem," said Ron. "What's he done?"
"Why did you fuck him?" Louis asked.
"Why – what?" Ron started choking. "Who said I -?" He knew he'd gone bright red, though. He knew he couldn't lie his way out of this. "What's that got to do with anything? I can't believe he told you about that. What's it to you anyway?"
Louis sniffed. Then he said, melodramatically, "Because you fucked him, I'm going to die!" Then he burst into tears.
Far away, the notes of 'Oranges and Lemons' rang out, and Scorpius knew that Hugo would be being made to line up with his friends who thought themselves so sophisticated, to go through arches of arms. He smiled to himself. It served the clingy brat right.
It was still dark in the shed and he was still waiting. His collection was so close to completion.
"You should be punished," said the deep, sexy voice. "You've damaged my family. You are a naughty little slut."
"Punished?" asked Scorpius.
"You are a naughty little slut," James echoed.
"Yes, yes," Scorpius said dismissively. "I know."
"Say it," said the deep voice.
"I'm a naughty little slut. I'm selfish and cheap. I'm a home wrecker. Now can we cut to the chase?"
The deep voice chuckled. "Do you know who I am?"
Scorpius' mouth watered. "I think I can guess."
"Say it," said James.
"Charlie Weasley?"
"Clever boy. Now, you find yourself in a locked shed with Charlie Weasley and James Potter. What does that mean to you?"
"You're the only ones left," Scorpius said, awed. He wanted to see them.
"The only ones left?" James mocked. "What does that mean?"
"The last two Weasley men."
"The last of us who you haven't fucked," Charlie said.
"Do you have to be so crude, Uncle Charlie?"
"Well, he's hardly 'making love' to each and every one of us, is he?"
"Why are we here?" Scorpius asked. "What are we going to do?"
"We are going to punish you," James said.
"How?" Scorpius asked.
"By denying you what you want the most," James said in menacing tones. "The completion of your list."
"That's not fair!" Scorpius whined. "Oh, come on. I'm really hot. I've had enough of this! Lumos! See, I'm gorgeous! Oh! So are you!"
He found himself in front of the most masculine, muscular, beautiful man he'd ever met. Clear blue eyes looked straight into his.
"James, you sneaky little liar!" Charlie snapped, without taking his eyes off Scorpius. "You said he was an ugly runt."
"Did I?" James tried to ask innocently.
"I should know better than to trust anything you say." Charlie paused. "We should go with my idea."
"We agreed to punish him!"
"Warts, you said. Disfigurement, you said!"
"So you'll fuck me?" Scorpius asked hopefully.
"Is that what you want?" Charlie asked.
"Uncle Charlie you are so shallow! I knew this would happen if the lights were on. You can't just fuck him! That's what he wants!"
"Oh, it is! It really is!" Scorpius said.
"How much?" Charlie asked.
"How much do I want this? Oh, lots and lots. Not just so I can complete the full set of Weasley men, either. I mean, James is pretty enough, and you are underwear-soakingly gorgeous!"
"No," Charlie said. "Not how much do you want us, how much are you prepared to pay to have us?"
"Oh dear, did this one fall over?" Draco looked concerned, but distracted.
"No, and he's not missing his Mummy. Draco, we need to talk," Ron said.
"After the party?"
"No, now!" Ron's tone was firm.
Generally, it was Draco who made the decisions in their marriage, but when Ron put his foot down, his husband knew better than to ignore him.
"What should I do about the boys?" Draco asked.
"They are old enough to make their own amusement. I think it's time for us to let them. Louis has something he needs to tell us."
Louis, blubbing, red-faced and dribbling snot, shook his head. His eyes widened in panic.
"This has gone far enough," Ron said. "We'll go inside and you can tell Draco everything you just told me."
"Everything?" Louis asked. "Are you sure?"
Ron sighed. "Yes. I think it'll all have to come out now." He took his husband's hand and raised it for a kiss. "Draco. You know I love you. Remember that, please." His voice was choked. He lead Draco and Louis towards the house.
When they got into the kitchen, he put the kettle on and dug out a box of tissues for Louis. The three of them sat around the kitchen table. Ron looked into its well-scrubbed grain. It wasn't as fancy as the polished oak heirloom in the dining room which Draco had insisted on. It was where they usually ended up eating, though. It was a plain table, but well loved. Simple, straightforward and honest: for years Ron had thought that those words described him, too. He just hoped he emerged from this conversation still able to say he was well loved.
"It's Scorpius," Louis began. He looked up anxiously to judge Draco's reaction. "He's told me that I have to do something, but I don't want to."
"My Scorpius? Just tell him you'd rather do something else. You are making a bit of a silly fuss about this, um, er -"
"Louis," Ron supplied. "Bill's son."
"You don't understand! He forced me into making an Unbreakable Vow -"
"That's quite enough! Scorpius? You expect me to believe that about my dear son? I don't blame you. It's inevitable that the more average boys would be jealous and try to make up stories. You can't expect me to believe them, though. Surely?"
Ron heaved himself wearily to his feet. "I'll just go and get that bottle from the potions cabinet. You don't mind taking Veritaserum, do you, Louis?"
"But if I ..." Louis looked up at Ron through tear-soaked lashes. "Well, then I'll ..."
"Yes, I know." Ron sighed. "It's all right, Louis. You haven't done anything wrong. It's time for me to come clean."
"I didn't mean that."
Ron narrowed his eyes. "Did you tell me everything, Louis?"
Louis swallowed. "Sort of," he replied. "Well, maybe not the bit about watching everybody when they're, um – Oh, and then me and Scorpius did, well he did it to me but I wanted him to, which is how, erm ..." Louis stood up and wiped his face dry. "You know what, never mind. I'll just go and, er, play musical chairs -"
"You'll die," Ron reminded him.
"Oh, yeah." Louis still took a moment to weigh up his options. Then, cringing, he sat down again, saying, "All right. Veritaserum. Go on, then."
Scorpius wore his best Malfoy sneer. "Pay you?" he asked. "Have you seen me? Have you seen you? You're really old. And I'm gorgeous."
Charlie shrugged. He opened up his admittedly muscular arms, displaying his rather paunchy torso. "You want it? You pay for it."
"Look, Uncle Charlie, I'm not sure about this," James said.
Charlie ignored him. "You're a Malfoy, aren't you? I thought you lot had money coming out of your arses."
Scorpius raised an eyebrow. "Want to have a look up there?" he asked. "And while you're there you might as well -"
"I thought you Malfoys could come money."
"So find out what that tastes like."
"I thought Malfoys pissed cash -"
James covered his ears, "Let's not go there! I am just not THAT kinky!"
Charlie looked disappointed.
"I hope you don't mind waiting for payment," said Scorpius.
"How long?" Charlie asked.
"Well, I will be rich when I inherit," Scorpius said. "If Ron doesn't get it all. They both look pretty healthy, I'm afraid. Well, so does Grampy, and Gran-Gran's physically strong, even though she's lost her marbles."
"Money up front," Charlie said.
"But that could be decades!" Scorpius whined.
"Unless," James said, "we bump them all off. Just a thought," he added defensively at the expressions on the faces of the others.
"I thought you were the one who had some superiority complex about not" Charlie made a prissy face and turned his fingers into quotation marks, "prostituting yourself."
"There's no" James made the same wiggly finger movement, "about it, Uncle Charlie. If he pays us to have sex with him, then we that's prostitution. Simple as that."
"Semantics," Charlie muttered.
"Not really," James replied.
"Look, seriously, boys," Scorpius stretched languidly and started to unbutton his robe, "sex with me is reward enough in itself."
"But you get to complete your list," James argued. "You get an orgasm plus a completion, we only get a fuck. There needs to be some sort of balance. Personally, frustrating your plans would satisfy me as much as a quickie shag."
The three of them stared at each other.
"What about you?" Scorpius asked Charlie. "What would satisfy you?"
"The thing is. Ok, cards on the table. I'm worried. I'm not getting any younger and I forgot to sort out a pension. I'm broke. Totally. Not a bean. Dragon Keeping pays peanuts and it's a young man's game. So's whoring. I'm going to have to retire from dragons soon. And I thought I'd already taken my last opportunity to do the other." He shrugged. "I need cash up front, son."
"Or a long term investment opportunity," Scorpius mused. "But you're no good to me unless James gets on board. What do you want, James?"
James chewed his lip. "To make you unhappy?" he ventured.
"Jealousy? No. I don't know. It's given me a focus, following your quest, making notes. I don't really have a direction in life at the moment. If you finish off your list then what am I going to do with myself?"
"You got a lot of notes?"
"Every detail!" James announced proudly, patting his pocket where the notebooks were.
"You've seen inside Bill's dungeon? You know how big Percy's cock is? And Hugo's? Know what position I got Fred and George in?"
"Well, no."
"Would you like some frank, revealing interviews to flesh out the facts?" Scorpius asked. "And permission to publish?"
James had to suck back the drool. He nodded.
"Great." Scorpius turned to Charlie. "As for you: my mother is single, rich and attractive. What's more, she's on the hunt for the next husband, does whatever I suggest – practically – and has a fetish for macho types. Should I introduce you? I can promise, she'll be more use to you than a pension."
Draco looked a little dazed. Louis had stopped talking at last. Ron was watching his husband anxiously.
"My Scorpius?" Draco asked.
Louis nodded.
"And you?" Draco looked at Ron.
Ron nodded. "I have regretted it for every moment of every day since."
"But where? When?"
"Does it matter?"
"Not really." Draco shrugged.
"Anyway," Louis said. "I'm going to die unless I seduce you."
"Oh, yes." Draco looked at Louis. "How old are you, dear?"
"He's the same age as you were when you got engaged," Ron said softly.
Draco shook himself. "The same age as Scorpius?"
"I need to talk to Scorpius," Draco said. "I think I ought to put that young man straight on a few things."
"Soon," Ron agreed. "But we should get this sorted out first."
"You want me to have sex with this boy?" Draco looked at Ron with hurt and confusion. "It won't make anything right, you know. It won't restore any balance. Scorpius is wrong about that."
Ron swallowed. "I know. Just lie back and think of England. It's to save this boy's life. You can have a sleeping draught if you like."
Morosely, Draco nodded.
"It has to be a seduction," Louis said. "Whatever that means. You can't just lie there and let me do it!"
"Ok, Louis. How much experienced do you have at seduction?" Ron asked.
Louis shook his head. "None."
"Right, just do what I say then. Ready Draco?"
"As I'll ever be."
"Shall we retire to the bedroom?" Ron asked.
He lead the way up the stairs.
"That wallpaper's horrible," Louis observed. "Sorry, that was really rude. Now I'm scared that you hate me. That's a big bed. Wow! That's the bed where you two fuck. That's giving me a boner. I'm thinking about you two naked in that bed, all sweaty, and Ron sucking Draco's cock. I watched you doing that last year after the party to celebrate -"
"How long until the Veritaserum wears off?" Draco asked Ron despairingly.
"Louis!" Ron commanded. "Stop talking and kiss him."
Louis spun round and stared at Draco. He raised one shaking hand to stroke the older man's cheek. Then he leaned forward. Ron closed his eyes. Louis pecked a hesitant dry kiss on Draco's lips.
"That's pathetic!" Draco said. "Seduction is all about drama, presentation, expectation. Tempt me."
"Draco likes strip teases," Ron offered reluctantly.
Self-consciously, Louis kicked off his shoes. "I've never done a strip tease, well not for anyone else. I turn myself on in front of the mirror sometimes and then wank with a sock over my -"
"More show, less tell," Ron snapped.
"When will the Veritaserum wear off?" Louis asked desperately. He was blushing deep red.
Nevertheless, he managed to climb onto the bed. Music drifted into the bedroom from the party still going on in the garden:
"Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Knees and toes.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes ..."
Louis closed his eyes and began to move his hips to the rhythm. He ran his fingers through his hair and then across his throat. He undid his top button.
"Look at Draco," Ron advised. "Look him in the eye while you do it."
"Sweetheart, I don't want this," Draco whined.
Then Louis made eye contact.
" ... and mouth and nose.
Head shoulders knees and toes ..."
His hands moved and he licked his lips. He slid the fabric over one shoulder and peered over it, twisting gently, looking up coyly from under his lashes.
"Freckles," Draco says. "Freckles on his shoulder. See, Ron?"
"I see, keep looking."
Louis turned his back and peeked back provocatively as he bared the rest of his back. "I feel stupid," he said. "Sorry. Veritaserum. Now I've broken the mood."
"Stop talking," Ron said firmly. "Is it working?" he asked Draco.
Louis did his best impression of an enticing thrust as he pushed down his underwear.
"Not at all," Draco admitted. "Maybe you could help?"
"Am I allowed to touch you?" Ron asked. "Have you forgiven me?"
"Yes and I don't know yet. I love you, Ron."
Ron stood behind Draco. He embraced his husband. "I love you so much, Draco," he said. He stroked down Draco's sides. "Louis, lie down on the bed now. Legs together. Relax." He reached down to get the hem of Draco's robes. "Now roll over onto your front. Look, Draco, freckles. And such a pretty little bottom."
"A bit like you."
"When I was younger. When we were first in love."
"A bit," Draco admitted.
"Louis, act nervous."
"I am nervous."
"That'll be easy, then."
"You were always nervous," Draco reminisced. "Back then, when we were both married to women."
"I was."
"You never let me lick you. I wanted to."
Ron lifted Draco's robes up over his head. "I thought it was dirty," Ron said. "Louis doesn't mind, though, do you Louis?"
"Mind what?" Louis asked.
"If Draco licks your crack." Ron rubbed at Draco's stiffening cock through his underwear.
"Erm, I don't know. Well, I suppose that would be ok. Nobody ever did that to me before."
"I'll be gentle," Draco promised. He was finally achieving some arousal.
Ron pulled off Draco's silk boxer shorts. "Go on, then," he said.
"Are you going to watch?" Draco asked.
"I don't want to," Ron replied.
"I want you to."
Ron sighed. "All right."
He watched as Draco climbed naked onto their bed and knelt between Louis' legs. Draco hesitantly placed his palms on Louis' firm, young buttocks and eased them apart. His cock was proud and delicious-looking, as he dipped his head. Ron ached to be able to close his eyes. He bit his tongue to stop himself from groaning loudly in pain. The punishment fits the crime, he thought ruefully. Then Louis moaned loudly with pleasure and Ron wanted to hex his own ears off.
Draco's head moved increasingly fast. Occasionally there was a glimpse of his long, wet tongue, but most of the time it was buried in the young man's arse. Louis was wriggling and thrusting backwards. At least he'd stopped talking. Then Ron saw Draco's hand move, his fingers slid over flushed skin and towards Louis' hole.
Ron thought suddenly that actually he would rather watch his nephew dying than watch him being screwed by Draco. It was all Ron's fault, though. He had had sex with Scorpius. And Percy. And Draco still didn't know about Percy. Feeling terrible, he sat on his hands and bit his lips, keeping his eyes open as Draco concentrated on stroking and poking at young Louis.
"Oh, Merlin! Fuck me now! Please fuck me, Draco!" Louis begged.
Draco looked at Ron; he didn't look happy. That gave Ron strength and he nodded permission. Draco stroked his own cock, and then lifted Louis' slim hips to stroke his.
"Ron, can you pass me the lube, please?"
Ron got up and took it out of the drawer, realising too late that if he'd used Accio then he wouldn't have had to get so close, to see so much.
"I'm so sorry," he muttered to Draco as he passed him the tube.
Draco stroked his fingers briefly as he took it. He slicked up his cock and pushed greasy fingers into Louis' slack hole. Then he closed his eyes and pushed gently in. He waited. "Ready?" he asked.
Ron looked at Louis' lust-blushed face.
"Ready," said Ron. Then he stepped over to the window and watched the party guests bouncing across the lawn with balloons between their knees.
Behind him, Draco gripped Louis' buttocks and thrust hard into him. Louis started babbling incoherently about exactly how fantastic he felt, and how beautiful Draco was. Draco grunted rhythmically. Louis screamed something ecstatic in french and then Draco made that choking, weeping noise that he always made when he came.
Charlie rubbed his hands together. "Ok, boys. How shall we get started? Who wants to go where?"
James looked dubiously around the shed. "Can't we go somewhere comfortable?"
"What do you suggest?" asked Scorpius sarcastically. "The bouncy castle? You want an audience?"
James pulled a face. "Can't we Apparate to somewhere nice? What about the tree house?"
"Stop whining," Charlie said. "I've lost enough time today as it is. You're a wizard – conjure us a mattress!"
"Me? Why me? What are you two going to be doing."
"Hmm, I don't know." Scorpius regarded Charlie appraisingly. "We could start with a snog."
"I haven't got time," Charlie replied. "Big Cannons match this afternoon and I want to make the kick-off. You'd better get your kit off, then."
Scorpius pouted and began carelessly tugging off his party robes. James softened the floor and summoned a sheet, muttering that he couldn't be bothered to get anything else.
"And you, James!" Charlie ordered cheerfully. "Get naked!"
James rolled his eyes. "All the way?"
"Yes. And you can suck each other off. Get me in the mood. Takes a bit longer to get it up these days, you know."
Scorpius muttered that Percy never had a problems with that. He lay down on the floor, however, and waited. With a sigh, James stripped and joined him. He got onto all-fours as Charlie directed him and positioned himself over Scorpius. He looked at Scorpius' cock and frowned. "Now what -? Aaah!" he broke off to exclaim as Scorpius reached up and shoved his cock in his mouth. "Gently!" he admonished. "Now what do I do with this thing?"
Charlie tutted with exasperation. "Stick it in your gob. Come on, this isn't conducive so far."
With an expression of distaste, which fortunately Scorpius was in no position to witness, James gingerly held Scorpius' cock between two fingers. He opened his mouth, closed his eyes and lowered his head.
After a couple of licks he pulled off and made a face. "Will that do?" he asked.
Scorpius emptied his own mouth. "We all have to climax," he stated. "Why don't we swap positions then I can just fuck your mouth?"
James' "Eew!" was drowned by Charlie's enthusiasm.
Scorpius scrambled up to his knees, knocking James out of his way. "I thought it was supposed to be Albus who took after the Potter side of the family," he said.
James looked down at his pubic hair. "Not ginger enough for you?"
"It's not that. It's just that, well, most Weasleys are a bit better endowed than you are."
James' face fell. "Why don't you stoke my ego a bit, eh? Get me in the mood."
"However," Scorpius purred, ignoring James to make eyes at Charlie. "I have heard some interesting reports about yours. I'm curious to get better acquainted with it."
Charlie smirked. "I've never had any complaints!"
"Well, let's have a look, then," Scorpius said.
Charlie sighed. "It's not quite at full mast yet, if you follow me."
"Stop stalling," James griped.
The two younger men sat back on the bedsheet and watched Charlie as he self-consciously peeled off his clothes to reveal a broad chest, a beautiful collection of tattoos, a pot belly, greying body hair and ...
"Never mind," Scorpius said, but his voice was sunk in disappointment. "I must have misunderstood. All Ron said was that Percy's was bigger. It is. A lot bigger. If you're interested."
"Uncle Ron?" James asked.
Scorpius ignored him. He looked from one naked Weasley to the other. "I'm kind of going off the idea of this, actually. I'd rather fuck my boyfriend. How sad is that? Let's just get this over with so I can find Percy and actually enjoy myself." He looked at the two wilting cocks before him. "A circle jerk will do it. No need to get too intimate."
"Can I come on you?" Charlie asked.
"If you must."
They shuffled into position on their knees and Scorpius took hold of James' cock and gave it a quick squeeze.
"We could just do our own," James suggested.
The other two men agreed. Charlie spat in his hand and the others copied him. They all closed their eyes and began to stroke. Scorpius thought about Percy, imagined that it was his boyfriend pleasuring him. Every so often he squinted his eyes open just enough and at the right angle so that he could glimpse some ginger hair. His fingers played around his sac and his taint behind, his other hand moving easily up and down his shaft in a practiced motion.
Charlie was thinking about Ron. James looked a lot like Ron had that weekend when he's visited when he was still married to Hermione but eying up Draco, and was as curious as hell. Charlie had often regretted that they hadn't taken things further. He thrust into his hand and fantasised about his youngest brother's arse.
James was thinking about Rita Skeeter. Everyone has their kink. He came first, grunting and squirting and when he opened his eyes he saw that Charlie and Scorpius were watching him. Scorpius was appraising the thick cream that covered his cock and hand, Charlie was looking straight into his face.
With a bite of his bottom lip and a quiet exhalation, Scorpius followed suit. James felt embarrassed and looked away. Then he felt a wet heat on his thigh. Looking up, he found that his Uncle Charlie was hitting him with ropes of ejaculate.
"Eww!" he said, and crawled to a corner of the sheet to wipe himself off.
"Thank you for coming. I hope you had a lovely time," Scorpius said as he handed out the party bags and bade his guests farewell.
"Thank you for having me," Charlie replied with a wink, accepting his balloon.
"It was a pleasure," Scorpius replied without enthusiasm.
One of the clowns drifted over to ask whether Scorpius knew where his father was and Scorpius realised that he hadn't seen him for a while. The guests had gone and Scorpius was left with one last bag of goodies. Louis? Scorpius wondered briefly whether that seduction had actually happened and whether he still cared.
He looked around the garden – at the long trestle tables full of empty bowls and scrunched paper napkins, at the burst balloons and the fallen decorations. He should have been feeling satisfied. He didn't know what to do next.
He heard an indulgent chuckle behind him and all of a sudden he felt warm again.
"Percy! You're here." He turned and fell into his boyfriend's arms. It was nice there – safe. The world smelled of Percy and that was good.
"Looks like a good time was had by all," Percy commented. Scorpius could just imagine the wry look on his face as he surveyed the mess.
"I think it was," Scorpius replied.
"And what about you, Scorpius? How did you enjoy your little party?"
Scorpius sighed. "To be honest," he said, "it was a bit of an anti-climax."