Authors' Note:

Con: Heh, and here I told myself I wasn't going to add anymore to my plate ... and then I went and started RPing with Darth Hawk 32. XP He went slow and was gentle for our first time though ... .///. *Blushes* I think it all came out good in the end though~! ;-)

Dart: *Pulls out a cigarette* So it was good for you too? But, yes I was quite satisfied with the end result. I had a lot of fun playing with the interaction between Luffy and Nami, mostly to the detriment of the other characters I was supposed to be playing. The story flowed well, and turned out halfway decent I thought.

Con: Half way decent indeed~! ^.~* And it was indeed good for me~! I quite enjoyed it, though I remembered ... that was our second time ... But our first time was really good too~! ;-) Anyways, I guess we should also mention all the characters we played, huh?

Dart: True, though I first time was less innuendo and much more lemon. Characters huh? Let's see, I was Luffy and...who else was I supposed to be playing?

Con: *Shrugs* Hell if I know ... I couldn't even remember who I was playing half the time ... *Picks nose* I remember I was Nami ...

Dart: Then...I remember typing an entry or two for Robin. Mmmmhhhh...Robin... *drifts off to Self-Insert/Robin Lemon fantasy*

Con: *Smacks Dart* Concentrate! XO Lesse ... I was also ... Mm, Zoro ... and Gen ... And ... *Thinks real hard* Vivi ... uh ... damn ... The palamino ... Alvida ... Wait ... I was all the frickin' bad guys ... -_- That's the downside of playing opposite of Luffy ... V.V

Dart: Indeed. Well, I also had Merry, Sanji, Pell, Igaram, Garp (till you hijacked him)...what else...? No or two I think

Con: It would have taken too long to explain what I wanted Garp to do ... -_- *Picks nose* Oyah ... and I was Ace and Dragon ... I almost played most of the men drooling over Nami ... We played and split up the random unimportant people too ... No ... I played all the damned bad guys! DX Oh, and I played Kirby-Uh ... I mean Coby ... ~.~

Dart: Hah, nobody's going to get the Kirby joke. But soon! soon as we find someone who edits video. And what can I say? You make a good bad guy.

Con: What's that supposed to mean!? T_T *Sniff* You wounds me ... Anyways, I guess there is also the rest of the crew. I also played as Franky and Brook ... XP

Dart: Oh yeah, I had Usopp...for all the roles he had. Come to think of it, you also had Chopper.

Con: Oh, right ... I sure did. 8O I think that's everyone ... Except, you also had Nojiko ... Anyways, now that that is all out of the way ... I think we can finally let these poor folks read the first chapter! 8D

Dart: Do we have to?

Con: *Sigh* Yeah ... we have to ... I don't think they want to read too much of an A/N ... However sad that is ... T_T

Dart: T_T

Con: Heh, anyways, we both hope you enjoy the fic just as much we enjoyed making it together~! ^.~* Bow chika wow wow~!

Dart: Giggitty.


Chapter 1: He Was Reckless

Storming over to him with her long skirt swirling about her legs and her bust bouncing within her tight bodice and almost overflowing the top, Nami whirled to face his front, hands on her hips and her long orange braid swinging to the front, "What the hell was that?"

Picking his nose, Luffy inspected his findings before flicking it away. He then used his other finger to dig in his ear for wax, "What was what? I did what you paid me to do."

"You destroyed our entire village in the process!" Nami yelled at him, completely enraged, "We didn't hire you to destroy our village - only to get rid of that infamous sorcerer!"

"Infamous?" Luffy inspected his finger for ear wax, "Who the hell actually uses that word?"

"Are you not listening to me?" Nami screeched, slapping his hand away from his face, "You know what? Forget it! There's no way we're paying you for this! We'll take it out for damages!" She said, whirling on her heel to storm off again.

Luffy's brow twitched. "Not paying me?" He grabbed her arm, "The hell do you think you're saying?"

"Exactly what I just told you!" She said, ripping her arm away from him, "Look at this mess! You cost us more in damages than what we were going to pay you! You can forget it!" She said, turning back around again.

"You can't do that to me!" He grabbed Nami's arm again, "Do you have any idea what my grandfather is going to do to me?"

"Probably nothing as bad as what I'm going to do to you if you don't stop grabbing my arm! I really don't care about what happens to you! You should have thought about that before being so reckless with our village, you idiot!" She yelled, snatching her arm back again.

Luffy's eyebrow twitched again, "Well, guess I need some kind of compensation for my work." Without warning, he grabbed Nami again, only this time he threw her over his shoulder, and made a break for his horse and bag.

"Wha-Wha-Wait a minute! What the hell do you think you're doing?" Nami exclaimed, beginning to pound on his back and kick her feet, her bust almost falling out of her bodice, "Put me down!"

"Forget that," Luffy smacked her bottom to get her to stop struggling. "You won't pay me? Then I'll just take you instead."

Nojiko looked up from the ruins of her and Nami's home, when she heard her sister yelling. She saw the mercenary carrying her off, "Hey!" She yelled, running after Nami and her kidnapper, "What are you doing?"

"Aah, Na-chan!" Gen yelled, running after them as well as he drew his sword, "You let go of our, Na-chan!"

"Stop it, you reckless, idiotic jerk! Put me down!" Nami yelled, trying her hardest to get him to put her down again.

"Down? Okay," Luffy threw her onto the back of his horse, smacked her behind again, "Behave," he said as he jumped onto his horse, and wheeled around, taking off out of the village ruins.

"Hey!" Nojiko ran faster, pulling her skirt up to her knees, "Leave my sister!"

Feeling a bit fearful, Nami looked up in concern to her sister chasing after them, though she was becoming smaller and smaller. Scowling, she then looked up at him, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Kidnapping you," Luffy said, looking down at the girl on the horse in front of him. "What does it look like?"

"Nami!" Nojiko tripped, and pushed herself up. Her sister and the mage had already disappeared from view around the hills. She picked herself up and took off after them again. "Nami!"

Even though she could no longer see her sister, she could still hear her. Tears came to her eyes before scowling again to look back up at him, "You're out of your mind! You take me back right now!"

"Mmm ... nope," he grinned down at her. "I'm keeping you." He glanced behind him; there was no sign of any pursuit.

"Wha-Wha-What the hell for?" She screamed up at him, her tears beginning to gather more.

He shrugged. "Dunno. I'm sure I'll think of something."

"Wha-What do you mean, you'll think of something?" Nami exclaimed, scowling up at him deeper, "You just took me just to take me?"

He thought about it for a moment. "Yeah, pretty much."

Nojiko finally managed to get to the bend in the road leading around the hill. But her sister was already gone. Collapsing to her knees she screamed, the anguish of her heart clear in her voice. She cried, her tears streaming down her face, and into her bodice.

Stopping beside Nojiko, Gen gently kneeled own beside her, "We'll get her back ... You'll see..."

Nojiko looked up at Gen, her eyes full of tears. "Gen-san..." she hiccupped, wiping her tears off with her sleeve. "Yeah ..." She stood up, and looked down the road her sister had disappeared down.

"You-You-You ... idiot! You take me back right now!" Nami screeched, beginning to struggle anew, startling the horse.

"Nope," He regained control over his horse, and guided him between the trees. "How many more times do I have to say that?"

"You have no right to do this!" She screamed, trying to hit him somehow.

He held her down with his left hand. "Stop that," he glanced around to make sure he was following the right trail. "Do you want me to spank you again?"

"I don't want you doing anything! I want you to take me back right now! Why are you doing this?" She exclaimed, still trying to get off the horse, but his grip was strong, holding her down against it.

"Stop asking difficult questions," she wasn't strong enough to break free from him, not even close, but her struggling was getting annoying. Lifting his hand he brought it down against her behind again. "And stop moving!"

"Aah!" She cried to the spank, feeling her cheeks flush a bit as her fear rose, "How is that question difficult?"

"I dunno," he shrugged. "I just felt like taking you, so I did."

"Because you felt like it!" She screeched before swinging her arm back, which hurt a bit, but it was worth it as it smacked him across the face, causing the horse to rear, knocking both off. Getting up quickly, she then kicked him for good measure before running back in the direction of her village, using the trees for cover.

Once he'd gotten his breath back, Luffy jumped up and took off after the girl. Muttering a quick incantation, he stretched his arm out after her. It missed, but he caught a tree in front of her, and shot off after her, his arm pulling him in. Gasping at the arm, her eyes widened as she looked at it, but didn't stop running. He barreled right into her back, tackling her to the ground. He groaned and swore; turning her onto her back to make sure that she wasn't badly hurt.

Groaning as a hand went to her head, she blinked her eyes open before swallowing her tears down, though they began to bunch at the corners of her eyes, "You're not going to get away with this ..." She managed to whisper as her throat closed, "One day ... it's going to come back around on you ... You just watch ..."

"We'll see when that happens. You're not hurt are you?" He checked over her body for any serious injuries. He felt her arms, and then checked for broken ribs. They all seemed fine. Her sternum didn't feel broken either. Well, she did have pretty good padding for that. Gasping loudly, Nami stiffened when he began to feel her up before closing her eyes with a groan and expecting the worst. "Are you hurt?" He repeated, moving down to check her legs.

"No, I'm fine! Stop touching me!" She said, shoving his hands away from her and sitting up, though she winced a bit from her bruised bosoms.

Luffy noticed a slight bruising on her chest. "Are you sure? It looks like your chest is hurt." He reached out to feel if she was hurt there.

Gasping, she slapped his hand away before hugging her chest tightly, though wincing a bit from the pressure to the bruise, "Don't you dare touch me!"

"Geez, what's wrong with you?" He frowned. "I only wanted to make sure you weren't hurt."

"First you kidnap me, hurt me, touch me to check to see if I'm hurt, and then ask me what's wrong with me? You idiot!" She yelled, grabbing a handful of dirt and throwing it into his face, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Aah," he swore, rubbing the dirt from his eyes. "You're the one that didn't pay me!"

"You destroyed our village! You destroyed my home! Those costs far outweighed your pay, you stupid idiot!" She cried, tears streaming down her face as she shoved him hard.

"Yeah," he pouted, "well I got rid of the guy who was terrorizing you. And you're worried more about the damage to your village, part of which was his fault?"

"Most of it was caused by your recklessness!" She screamed, "And you can't just take people because they didn't pay you!"

"Really? My family does it all the time."

"Well, your family is stupid too! How the hell are you getting away with taking people?" And most importantly, what do they do with them after they take them?

"Cuz we're strong," What a strange girl. Wasn't it obvious? No one bothered them, because everyone was afraid of their strength.

"That doesn't," she hit his chest, "matter! You're supposed to use that strength to," she hit him again, "protect people!" Tears began to stream down her face as she hit him again, "Not take them as prisoners!"

He blinked. "Wasn't that what I was doing earlier?"

"You destroyed out lively-hoods, and then kidnapped me, you jerk!" She said, whipping her hand out to slap him across the face.

"Ow," he muttered, rubbing his cheek. "But I took out the bad guy."

"Aaah!" She screamed out in frustration, "You stupid jerk!"

He stuck his tongue out at her. "Frustrating bitch."

Screaming again, she attempted to hit him a second time as more tears came to her eyes in her anger and frustration. He sighed and wrapped his arms around her, using the spell while it still lasted. He picked her up and started trekking back to his horse. Hopefully, it hadn't gotten too far away. Gasping, she then cried out, beginning to struggle in his arms, "Let me go!"

"I already said no, so stop asking." He saw his horse ahead of them, brought his fingers to his mouth and whistled. His horse looked up and started walking further away from him. "Dammit," Luffy picked up the pace, taking off after the horse.

Screaming, she began to pound harder against his back, "Let me go, damn it! You jerk! You're going to pay for this!"

"Stop that! I'm trying to catch my horse!" He sped up, but the horse was getting away.

"Good! I hope he gets away!"

"Yeah?" He shifted her so her weight wasn't as awkward. "Well he's got my supplies on him, so if I don't catch him, we don't eat."

"I don't care!" She said, still struggling and giving him as much trouble as she could manage.

"Aaaa-nd, shit!" He slowed down. The horse had sped up and was long gone.

Nami burst into laughter, though her tears muffled it, "You jerk!"

"Well ... guess that's no dinner for us." His stomach growled as he looked behind them. "Think we could find something in your village?"

She smirked, "Sure."

He thought about it. "No ... no that wouldn't work ... 'cuz then they'd try to take you from me ..." He scratched his head. "I wonder if I can find something in the forest." He looked down at Nami. "Do you know how to cook?"

"I'm not cooking anything for you!"

"How about for yourself?"

"I'll cook for myself!"

"How about getting food for yourself?"

"Fine, then I don't need to eat!"

"Fine, you'll be easier to carry then." He lifted her over his shoulder again and started walking in the direction his horse took off to.

"Well, at least I don't have to walk this way!" She yelled back at him, giving his back a hit.

"Stop that," he shifted her weight.

"Why should I?" She yelled, still struggling in his grasp.

He sighed. What could he do to make her cooperate? Let's see ... what did he know about girls ...? Not much admittedly, but still ... He remembered that a lot of them didn't like people seeing them naked. He had the scars to show for it. "If you don't stop, then I'm taking your clothes away, and forcing you to march the rest of the way naked." There, that should work.

Gasping and stiffening, her eyes widened as her body went still, but then she clamped her teeth down, "You ... You ... disgusting ..." However, she didn't finish her sentence, though she had a lot to say.

"There, that's better," he kept walking. "And if you cooperate now, not only won't I take your dress away, but I'll also keep carrying you, since you don't want to walk."

"Even if you put me down ... I wouldn't walk ..." She seethed, clamping her teeth down hard.

"Bet I could make you." He muttered another spell. His free index finger stretched out, and he whipped it at the air in front of them. It made a sharp cracking sound as it snapped back.

She really, really hated this man, "You're disgusting!"

"Shishishi, glad to please."

"Aagh!" She exclaimed in disgust.

They walked for the rest of the day, and as the sun was about to go down, Luffy found them a good place to camp. He set Nami down and started gathering firewood. "Don't run away."

Huffing, she crossed her arms under her chest, causing them to push up over the top of the bodice a bit more, "No promises!"

He rolled his eyes, but kept her in his sight as he gathered up wood. He piled the sticks so that the smaller kindling was underneath the bigger sticks, and muttered a small incantation. A tiny spark caught the kindling, and within moments he had a good fire going. "I'm not very good at fire spells," he commented. "That little spark is about all I can do. My brother is much better though. He could burn down an entire town by himself if he wanted to."

"Yes, but you do just as well at destroying towns without the fire ..." She retorted, scowling at him deeply.

"Not really," he prodded at the fire with a stick. "I left ruins."

Scoffing, she quickly turned her head away from him in disgust, "You sicken me ..."

"How about now?" He said, stretching his lips as wide as possible. Out of all his spells, turning his body into rubber was the one that came to him the most naturally, and he could use them at a moment's notice, sometimes without the whole incantations. With a few of his attacks, all he needed was to name them.

"It doesn't matter what you do - you'd still sicken me ..." She said, not bothering to look at him.

"Awww," he let go of his lips, and they snapped back into place. "Well, time for dinner." He muttered another spell, one that he used a lot. Soon a deer wandered into their campsite, stepping through the trees as if guided by another will. As soon as he saw it, and before the spell wore off, Luffy shot his hand out and grabbed the deer, snapping its neck and pulling it towards him. Glancing over towards the deer, her eyes narrowed a bit, but then she looked away again.

Once Luffy was certain the animal was dead, he pulled his knife from his belt, and started to skin the animal. He cut around the skin just above the hooves, and then dragged his blade up the inside of the legs. He took the knife and an edge of the fur and started scrapping it with his blade, separating it from the flesh.

Then once he'd got that done, he paused. "Oh yeah, forgot that," he muttered, and slit the animal's throat, allowing the blood to drain.

He carefully cut the animal's belly, careful not to cut past the fur. He continued scraping until the skin had been removed from the carcass. After he'd set the fur aside, he'd scrape it dry later and hopefully still be able to use the fur for a while, he cut open the stomach and removed the organs. There was surprisingly little blood, as most of it had already drained through the slit in the neck. He deposited the organs a ways away from their campsite, to make sure that no animals would be attracted to where they were sleeping.

Well ... she'd be sleeping. After all of this was done, he cut the legs off, and separated the ribs from the body, arranging all the meat on sticks to be cooked separately around the fire, the sticks arranged around it at an angle. Wincing, Nami turned completely away as he did all of this, not at all wanting to know how it's done, though she could still hear it, which made her feel a little nauseous.

Now done preparing the meal and having set it up to cook, Luffy leaned back to wait for it to finish cooking. Every once in a while, he would adjust the meat, to make sure it was fully cooked. She could smell the simmering venison, and her stomach growled a bit. Flushing and pursing her lips, she wrapped her arms around herself to muffle out any further sound. Luffy glanced over at the orange haired girl, "Not going to eat, huh," and then he snickered.

"Leave me alone ..." She muttered quietly under her breath as she turned away from him. Once the meat was ready, Luffy pulled out two of the sticks, sticking one in his mouth, gasping and pulling it out to blow on it, and handing the other one to her. Sighing a bit, she took the stick from him and blew on it softly before taking a bite.

Luffy popped another one in his mouth, followed by another one, the sticks still sticking in his mouth. "Oh yeah, what's your name?" He asked her around the sticks.

"Why should I tell you ...?" She muttered, grabbing two sticks before he ate them all and began gnawing on the chewy meat.

"Well ... I can't just call you, 'hey you' all the time, now can I?" He grabbed another stick. There were only two left. He grabbed the second to the last one.

Grabbing the last one, she said, "Sure you can ..."

"Hmph," he snorted. "I bet it's a really ugly name anyway." He sighed into the fire. They were out of food.

"You can think that all you want." She exclaimed in annoyance as she finished the last one.

"Fine, then I won't tell you my name either," he pouted.

"I don't care if you won't tell me, Luffy ... You idiot ... I'm the one that hired you ..." She scoffed, finding that a little amusing.

Luffy blinked, then crossed his arms and leaned back against the tree stump he was sitting against. "Dammit," he muttered, pouting even further.

Stretching her arms out and stressing her bodice, she then curled up a bit on the ground, "Now, if you don't mind ... I'm a little tired ..." She said, closing her eyes for sleep.

"Yeah, yeah," he sighed, and closed his eyes. Quite a while later and he still hadn't fallen asleep. He wondered why he'd bothered taking the girl. It wasn't like she could be replaced for the payment he'd lost. His grandfather would ... He shuddered, not wanting to think about it. Even if he'd taken the girl to replace what they hadn't paid him, he still couldn't go back empty handed. Where was he going to get the money?


Nami blinked her eyes open the next morning and realized she was a bit damp from the dewy morning. Shivering from the cold, she sat up with a frown on her face. Her clothes were completely sticking to her skin.

Luffy opened his eyes when he heard the girl moving. "Good morning," he muttered grumpily.

"Yeah? What's so good about it?" She grouched before standing up to try pulling at her clothes a bit. Her bodice was completely sticking to her.

"Hmph," he muttered. His eyes wandered to her bodice. "Impractical," he muttered.

"Who're you calling impractical? And what the hell are you wearing? I've never seen a guy wear a dress before!" She exclaimed at him before turning around.

"It's a mage's robe," he snapped at her back. "Bitch," he muttered, turning over onto his side with his back to her.

"Asshole!" She retorted before looking around them before shivering again and sneezing. She was rather cold.

"Yeah," he smirked, rolling over to look at her. "At least this asshole is dry."

"Like I had a choice, because you, as in the asshole, took me away from my home yesterday with whatever clothes I had on my back!" She yelled, kicking dirt all over him.

He glared down at the dirt, then up at her, and snapped his fingers. The dirt on him, and then some, flew towards her, pelting her and sticking to her moist clothes and skin.

"Aah!" She cried out before growling, feeling her frustration rising with some tears, "You ... stupid asshole!" She screamed, turning her teary eyed scowl at him.

"What?" He glared back at her. "You want to fight?"

Grinding her teeth as more tears began to develop, she then just turned her back on him and walked off a bit, wiping quickly at her eyes. She wanted to go home. He frowned as she started walking away. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Nowhere!" She yelled over her shoulder before plopping down on a log away from him.

He snorted. He was hungry, and tired. He, food, and ... but first things first. He reached into his pack and pulled out a small flask. He swallowed a mouthful and packed the flask away. There, that should give him the energy he needed. He stood up and faltered. He didn't know how much longer he could keep this up. His body was slowly falling apart. His strength wasn't what it should be. That strange sorcerer Arlong had given him much more trouble than he should have. To think that he, Luffy, who had defeated the greatest thunder mage in the world, the self proclaimed God Enel, would have trouble with a second rate excuse for a mage like Arlong.

Well, he thought, food first ... Actually ... He glanced over at the girl. He felt bad for her. Of course she'd refused to pay him. Hence the kidnapping, but she didn't deserve his morning attitude. He repeated a quick incantation, and snapped his fingers. Her clothes instantly dried, the once moist dirt falling off. Gasping and jumping slightly, she looked down at herself before frowning and looking over her shoulder at him. After awhile, she closed her eyes and turned away, but not before muttering, "Thanks ..."

"No problem," he chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "Sorry about earlier. I'm ... not a morning person."

"I couldn't tell ..." She muttered, crossing her arms under her bodice as she frowned deeper, but kept her back to him.

He sighed and closed his eyes. Moments later a fairly large bird, he wasn't sure which kind, fell from the sky. He opened his eyes. "Ah, breakfast."

Turning around, Nami just blinked at the bird, "Where did ... that come from?"

"Huh? The sky," he pointed up. He then leaned down and picked up the dead bird, starting to pluck out its feathers. She continued to blink before huffing and turning back around. Once he'd finished plucking the bird, he set up a spit to cook it on the fire. As the bird was roasting, he pulled out his water flask and drank from it. He then held it out to the girl, "Here."

Turning around, she looked down at the flask and made a face about having to share his germs, but stood up to get it anyways, seeing as she was rather thirsty. Taking a gulp, she then handed it back to him before going back to sit at her log. Nami sighed and leaned forward over the log. How was she going to get out of this?

Luffy sighed and leaned back, closing his eyes. But he soon opened them, he didn't want to get moody again, something that always happened whenever he tried to get to sleep for too long. Money, money, he needed money or coming back home was out of the question. So, he needed to find a job, which meant they needed to find a village. And while they were at that, he could rent another horse for now until he got his horse back, though he'd much prefer to just find his old one.

Luffy sniffed the bird, and stuck his knife in it to check if it was done. Hot juices boiled out of the hole his knife made. Not ready just yet. The bird was beginning to smell really good, and her stomach once again growled, though she was further away this time. Looking around, she blinked when she spotted an animal in the distance. Though, she realized it was grazing, "Mm ... ain't that your horse ...?"

"Eh?" He jumped up and looked. "No way!" Running after the horse and grabbing a tree stump, he shouted, "Rocket!" and flew off after the animal. He managed to grab it and calm it down. Once he'd calmed the animal, he rode it back to the campsite. However, Nami was nowhere in sight.

Luffy blinked at the empty campsite. "Oh, just great," he swore, smacking his face with his open palm. Well, there was only one way she could have gone. He started heading back towards her village after picking up the cooked bird and eating it from horseback.

Looking behind her, Nami smiled as she headed in the opposite direction of her village. All she had to do was make it to another village and get help. Then she would be able to go home. She knew the idiot would be stupid enough to think she would head back home.

With his horse, he made better time and had soon made it all the way back to the village, but frowned. He should have caught up to her by now. Well, he'd just wait here. If she'd hidden on the roadside, she'd be back this way. He'd just catch her when she made her way back there.


Making it to the neighboring village, Nami broke into a run with a smile on her face and a bit of tears. She'd half expected him to find her. She looked around for anyone she thought might help her.

Sanji threw the belligerent customer out of the bar he was working in. "Sanji!" The owner yelled at him. "That's enough! You cause more trouble here than you're worth! Get out!"

"Che," Sanji spat as he left his latest place of employment. He kept trying to find new places to work, but he always got laid off because of his attitude, never mind his skill.

Turning slightly, Nami frowned before crying out as she bumped into someone, "Ah, I'm sorry!"

"Watch where you're...!" Sanji caught a better view of who he'd run into, and let the sound of her voice drift to his ears, "Oh, I'm terribly sorry mademoiselle~! Please forgive this horrid wretch for causing harm to a radiant being such as yourself~!"

"Ah!" She said with a crooked and nervous smile as she held up her hands, "I-It's okay ... I-I wasn't ... watching where I was going ..."

"Mellorine~!" Sanji squiggled at her smile. "Your smile is truly magnificent~!"

Beginning to laugh nervously, she then scratched the back of her head before perking. Perhaps she could use this to her advantage. Smiling a little more seductively, she said, "Mm, you wouldn't mind helping me with a teensy weensy problem, would you?"

"Anything, my Goddess," he said in full love - love mode.

"You see ... there's this ... sorcerer guy ... and he seems to think it's okay to kidnap poor, helpless girls ... like myself." She pressed a hand to her bosom, which he didn't fail to see, nor react to, "Do you think you could protect little ol' me?" She asked, tapping her finger up his chest to his chin with her other hand.

Sanji's aura suddenly flared to life. "Unforgivable! This wretch will surely be sent straight to hell by me!"

Nami beamed, "Wonderful~~! I need to get home, but I'm afraid he might find me."

"Of course, dearest," Sanji bowed deeply. "I would gladly follow you to the ends of the earth."

"Good!" She said, clapping her hands together and then said, "You got a horse?"

"Of course~!" He led her to the stable where he kept his animal. "Perhaps I could learn your name, fairest maiden?"

"Ah, my name is ... Isabella ..." She said, laughing nervously. She really didn't want to give her real name to this guy.

"Ah Isabella-swan~!" He swooned, and bowed to her, holding his hands out to help her onto his horse. Chuckling nervously, she allowed him to lift her onto the horse, and she stilled herself as he mounted behind her. "Yeah," he directed his horse out of the village. "Which way Isabella-swan?"

"That way." She said, pointing in the direction of her village.

"Right," He spurred his horse, and they set off at a strong pace down the road towards her village.


Luffy sighed. What was taking her so long? He happened to glance up after a while, and saw a familiar orange head of hair riding towards the village, along with another man, "Huh …"

Gasping, Nami instinctively clutched onto Sanji's shirt and even leaned into him a bit, "That's him ...!"

Sanji's eyes narrowed. This skinny looking mage was giving Isabella-san so much trouble? He slowed his horse, reigning in before Luffy. "Hey, you shitty bastard, the hell are you going around kidnapping women for?"

Luffy frowned. "I only kidnapped her, because she didn't pay me when she was supposed to."

"And you think that gives you the right to just take her?" Sanji fumed, scowling at the smaller mage.

Nami clutched at Sanji a little tighter, but then slipped off the horse, "I'll leave you to it!" She said before running back towards her village.

"Oye," Luffy reached out to stop Nami, only to have to dodge out of the way when the blonde man jumped at him with a flying kick. "Oye! You're in my way!"

"I will always be in the way of shitty bastards who kidnap women and do whatever the hell they want to them!" Sanji landed on the ground, between Luffy and the village.

Nojiko heard a commotion near the entrance to the village. She ran out with what she had been able to pack in her hands. "Nojiko!" Nami cried, tears coming to her eyes as she ran towards her sister.

Hearing Nami's voice, Gen dropped his things before running to her as well, "Na-chan!"

Nojiko gasped, running towards her sister, throwing her arms around her. "Oh, Nami! I thought we'd lost you forever!" She cried into her sister's hair.

Nami began to laugh and cry at the same time, "I didn't think I would ever get home either!"

Luffy groaned. This blonde man was strong, but not as strong as he once was. He'd be toast if he could use his giant's magic, but as it was now, he was having some trouble.

Sanji never knew a mage to be this resilient to physical beatings. If he didn't hurry this could turn out badly for him. What kind of magic was this? Sanji had never seen a mage with magic so focused on using the body.

"Pistol!" Luffy yelled, and a moment later, "Whip!" Sanji dodged the fist, but was caught by the leg, which sent him flying into a collapsed building.

"Gattling!" Luffy yelled. This spell multiplied both the speed and number of his fists, pounding the downed fighter further into the building. Once he'd finished, the man was down for the count. "Idiot," he yelled at the unconscious man. "I'm Luffy, the greatest rubber mage to ever exist! You're a fool to think that your simple fighter kicks would be enough to defeat me. I didn't even feel them!"

Gasping, Nami just gaped at the building before turning to Luffy in horror. Then she turned to her sister, "Run!" She said before turning her and running with her. Gen stood in their path, holding up his sword to Luffy. However, Luffy just sighed and stomped the ground, sending tremors through it. "Guwah!" Gen exclaimed, losing his balance and falling to the ground.

Crying out, Nami fell forward from the trimmer, clutching onto Nojiko and burying her face into her neck. Nojiko gasped, holding onto her sister tightly. Luffy walked past the man, sighing. "I'm starting to think you're more trouble than you're worth. Or something like that. But you know … if you'd only paid me when you were supposed to, I wouldn't have to do this." He reached out and grabbed the orange haired woman by her arm. "Let's go, Isabella."

"Let go of me! It's your own fault for destroying our village! You have no right!" Nami screamed, fighting him hard. Gen quickly stood, grabbing his sword as he ran at Luffy.

"Let go of our Na-chan!"

Luffy back roundhouse kicked the scarred man out of the way. "You did see how easily I beat that guy, right? I've got all the right I want." He blinked. "Wait, that Ossan called you Na-chan ... How did he get that from Isabella?"

"That's none of your business! You let go of me, right now!" Nami yelled, whipping her hand out to slap him.

Luffy took the slap and sighed. His power really was diminishing; the fact that the slap hurt was proof of that. Was this girl really worth the trouble? He could just find the money elsewhere... No, he had to set an example--no one could be allowed to cheat them. Otherwise, they'd never get paid and people would start losing respect for their guild. "It's really easy, just pay me what you owe me, and I'll leave you. Until then, you're staying with me."

"Pay for what you destroyed, and I may consider it!" She said, throwing a punch this time.

"Sorry, no can do, haven't been paid," Luffy whistled to himself after dodging the punch and knocking people that tried to rescue the woman out of the way.

"Let go!" She screamed, pulling at her arm as tears began to build. Just when she'd made it home, "Let me go, you crazy asshole!"

Sighing again, Luffy pulled her towards his horse. "Now we have to make up for lost time. Oh well, at least we have the horse this time."

"I said let go!" Nami screamed, pulling harder, her bosom almost coming out from her bodice. However, this time, her voice quivered with tears wanting to be shed.

"Listen," Luffy yanked at her arm. "You don't know what will happen if I go back empty handed. And even worse, what will happen if people start thinking they can just cheat us out of our pay. This is your own fault, so just deal with it!"

Nojiko threw herself against her sister's abductor. But he recovered quickly and tossed her aside. "Aah," she cried out as she hit the ground.

"Nojiko!" Nami cried before hitting him, "You despicable, horrible, disgusting man! You're the one who can't do his job right!"

Luffy staggered from the blow. He was getting too weak. His eyes started to close ... Wait, was he ... nah ... couldn't be. He shook the weakness off and threw the woman over the horse, climbing on behind her. "Don't care. You're still coming with me."

"No, I will not!" She screamed, trying to get off the horse, more tears beginning to spill, "You are not doing this to me!"

He sighed. "You're really tiresome, you know that?" He muttered a sleeping spell incantation, and placed his hand over her eyes, as he wheeled the horse around and left the village. "Wish I could do that to myself." He muttered to himself.

Breathing deeply, Nami fought the suddenly sleepiness that began to wash over her, "No..." She whispered, her face scrunching up as more tears fell, "Please ..." She whispered, her voice quivering before her eyes closed, and she fell asleep.

"Nami!" Nojiko ran after the departing horse, in a situation so similar to yesterday. But again it outdistanced her.

'Nami, huh? So her name isn't Isabella?' Luffy looked down at the girl. 'Strange girl.' He made sure to increase the pace, this time covering more distance than the other day.

"Na-chan!" Gen cried, running after them as well before catching up to Nojiko, "Damn it, not again!"

"We have to keep going after them," Nojiko insisted. "We can't lose her. I've got everything ready."

"Right!" Gen said with a nod before running back towards the destroyed village, but then looked over towards where the young man had been. Climbing inside the rubble, he tried to dig him out, "Oye! You okay in there?"

"Ugh," Sanji groaned. "Where's the monster that hit me?"

"He ... He left with our Na-chan ..." Gen said, lowering his head with a sad frown.

Sanji blinked. "Who's Na-chan?"

"Our Na-chan! The girl you brought back here ..." Gen said, frowning at him softly.

"Huh? That was Isabella-swan ..." He blinked again. His head was hurting like hell and he felt like he had a concussion.

"Isabella?" Gen blinked down at him before throwing his head back with laughter, though it slowly died down, "Ah, our Na-chan ... She lied to ya, boy ... Her name's not Isabella ... It's Nami ..."

"Eh?" Sanji tried to stand up. "I see ... but why ...?"

"Our Na-chan has always been a smart and wary girl. She might not have trusted ya enough ..." Gen explained to the boy, holding out a hand to him to help him out of the rubble.

Sanji took the man's hand, and stood up. "I don't understand, what's going on here? Why did that shitty mage take Isa- ... I mean Nami-san?"

Sighing deeply, Gen then looked down at the rubble they were standing on, and then at the rubble of the rest of the town, "Na-chan hired that shitty mage to get rid of another mage that was causing havoc for our village ... But that shitty mage destroyed our town in the process, and our Na-chan refused to pay him ... so ... he just took her instead ..."

Sanji's aura ignited again, his injures instantly forgotten. "That bastard! To kidnap a maiden is despicable in any circumstance, but for such low reasons! I must chase after them and free her from his clutches!" He took off towards his horse.

"Ah, wait!" Gen called, jumping down and running after him, "We're going after her too! We can all go together!"

"Do you have horses?" Sanji asked, turning to look at the man.

"Ah ... we got one ..." Gen replied, rubbing the back of his head, "Nojiko can ride with me ..."

"Eh? Nojiko?" Sanji climbed onto his horse once they reached it.

"Nojiko is there." Gen said, pointing to the periwinkle headed woman waiting for them, "She is Na-chan's sister."

Sanji's eyes turned to hearts when he caught sight of the beautiful woman. "Mellorine~!"

"Gen-san, hurry!" Nojiko yelled towards them.

"Ah, what an angelic beauty, so concerned for her sister's well being." Sanji wiggled on top of the horse, entering love - love mode again.

"Right ..." Gen said, mounting his horse and heading to Nojiko while holding his hand out to her.

Nojiko climbed up behind Gen on the horse. "Ah, sweet angel, perhaps this humble mortal could share his transportation with you?" Sanji's eyes beat to the same rhythm as his heart.

"Eh ... what?" Nojiko blinked. "Gen-san," she whispered. "Who is this strange man?"

"Aah, he's going to help us get Na-chan back." Gen replied before ignoring Sanji and taking off after Nami, "What's your name anyways, boy?"

"Ah," Sanji sped up after them. "It's Sanji, sir, renowned chef and fighter for the weak ... and beautiful."

"Sanji, is it?" Gen said with a nod, "Name's Gen. It's nice to meet you, boy ..."

"A pleasure to meet you sir," Sanji said, switching back to serious mood, only to switch back to ero mode when he glanced back at Nojiko.

"Right ..." Gen said, holding Nojiko to him protectively. He was a weird one.

To Be Continued …

Authors' Note: Con: So? What did you guys think of our first chapter!? XD

Darth: Be honest.

Random Voice: It sucked!

Darth: Not that honest...

Con: *Sacks the honest person and throws them into a river* So, really? XD What did you think? XD *Crickets* Uh ...

Darth: Humm...

Con: Ah well ... hopefully ... they will eventually let us know ... THROUGH REVIEWS! XD Anyways, thanks for reading you guys~! ;-)

Darth: See you next chapter. :-D

P.S. We completely forgot to show you what they were wearing! XD Luffy is actually wearing something similar to what the main character of Assassin's Creed wears, only in red! XD It's also got it's differences though, haha. Just do a search on it. As for Nami, well, her's was described. Just do a search on bodice! XD