hi guys! thanks for being so patient, i finally updated!!! yeahhs!!!
Nothing much to say about this chapter. I suppose it was better than the last one, but I'm not that satisfied with it either! Well, whatever, at least I updated...and thanks again to the people who reviewed last time, and the people who have this on fave/alert. But thanks more to the reviewers. And i wrote a new story. So check it out! It's LaviOC and AU.
start reading already!!! :P
Chapter 14
"Hi, you must be from the Black Order!" a cheerful waitress greeted, flashing a smile as we entered the shack. I didn't know who she was saying it to, but I gave her a glare anyway as a response. The girl blinked in surprise as I rolled my eyes. Clearly I was being a bitch, but after you just have an argument with some anime person who is obviously missing something in their head (ahem-brain), you just can't be a jolly good chap forever.
Not that I was one from the start.
"Shhh, don't say that name so LOUD!" Lavi, who was standing far away from me, whispered and gave her a look, receiving another blink from the girl.
"Eh? What name? You mean The Black Order?"
"You just did it again."
The girl flushed a bit embarrassedly. "Oh…I am hugely sorry." She said as she dipped her head apologetically. "I mean…" she looked up at the redhead. "The boss told me not to make your arrival too big, but…" she smiled shyly. "I guess I forgot about that."
Lavi nodded understandingly and gave her a reassuring smile. "Say," he lowered his voice suddenly, "Do you remember the time I rescued you from the fire and bandaged up your wounds? Remember how you said you were going to repay me for that?"
The waitress blinked back with a slightly red face. "I-I did?" she asked in confusion but before Lavi could say anymore he had already learned a smack on the face.
"You!" Lenalee cried as the redhead rubbed his face in pain. The Chinese girl turned to the girl and lowered her head apologetically. "I'm so sorry." She told her. "My friend here is a bit of a…"
Fag-like Redheaded Ego-huge Annoying thing that I want to Kill. Or in other words, F.R.E.A.K.
But Lenalee didn't say that of course. "He's a bit hyper." Was her choice of words that didn't make any sense. I mean, wasn't that kind of obvious?
"Oh." Was the girl's response. "Well…please find yourselves a table. I mean, this place doesn't have many customers and isn't very popular, but I'm sure the food is still suitable to your liking."
Lenalee nodded. "Thankyou." She replied and soon we had placed ourselves at a wobbly table with one leg replaced by a stick.
I glanced around the place-but not before checking to see if there was gum underneath the table first-and took the sight in. There were barely any customers-the only other people in the shack besides us were a few men who looked like the worked around the place, and they were staring at us strangely. I rolled my eyes. Well of course they were. After all, a bunch of people wearing black coats with very colorful hair and hairstyles couldn't exactly fade into the back round so easily.
"I'm starving." Allen announced as he rubbed his tummy. I stared at him. Of course he was.
"I'll get you all the food we have!" the waitress girl called as she went into the back. I stared after her with a tinge of jealously, since she looked like she had a simple life, in contrast to me. Really, why couldn't I just have stayed where I belonged and just gone to school everyday like the normal teens?
I tucked a strand of hair behind my ears. It was funny how a few years ago, I had actually wanted a more exciting life. A life where I got to go on adventures sexy guys. A life where my mother would tag along. But now that I had half of my wish come true…I blinked at Lavi, Kanda, Allen, Bookman, and finally to Lenalee.
It wasn't that great. There. That was a message to all the D Grayman fans. Sorry guys.
"Dior, you seem kind of depressed." Lenalee commented as she blinked at me with her anxious violet eyes.
I stared up at her and met her eyes with my own emerald ones. "Am I?" I echoed. Well…it really wasn't that surprising. Because you know what, Lenalee? I've been depressed since the day I got here!
"She's probably just worried about some stain on her dress." Lavi snorted without bothering to glance at us.
I shot him a heated glare. "Did I say that you were a part of this conversation?" I hissed, startling everybody at the table. "No, I didn't. So you better shut up unless we're very close to a hospital."
Allen let out a long sigh. If I didn't know better, I would have thought that he was the depressed one. "Dior, please don't do erm, that again." He told me slowly, probably talking about how a few minutes ago I had lunged at Lavi and tried to pull his hair off…literally.
I rolled my eyes and shot a dirty look at the man sitting at the other table. Alright fine- so maybe back there I had acted a bit violent, but Lavi really hadn't been helping either and he had basically asked for it. Puh-lease, as if I had actually took his insults in seriously. I mean, why the hell would I even care about what some stupid anime boy says to me? Ugh!
"I won't, as long as you keep that thing away from me." I told Allen, who shrugged his shoulders uncomfortably.
"You only want me away because you feel like a dwarf next to me!" Lavi chirped cheerfully. The only problem? I knew that he wasn't actually being cheerful. That was just his way of insulting somebody, and it was pissing me off real badly.
I stood up suddenly and gave him a dangerous glare that could probably kill a puppy. "No, you're wrong." Then I changed my expression into a sweet smile. "I only want you to get the hell away from me because you smell like horse crap."
Lavi laughed and his green eye twinkled. "And you, Dior Snow?" he tilted his head to the side with a smile. "Are you saying you smell much better than me?"
"Um, yes. Because I do not smell like horse shit."
Lavi pouted. "Oh, I see." He made a face. "But since when does soggy wheat fart smell better than horse shit?"
I laughed. "Is that you're description of my scent?" I snorted. "Soggy wheat fart? Is that the most immature insult you can think of, or the most childish insult that you can come up with?"
"Um…guys?" Lenalee tried to squeeze in, but we were too busy trying to offend each other to even hear what she was saying. And too busy to realize that everybody in the shack-including the people at the other table-were now staring at us.
"It certainly is the most truthful insult I can come with." Lavi told me, not seeming to notice that it had fallen silent in the room.
I didn't even care anymore. "Fine." I announced, trying to keep my temper in even though it was extremely hard not to spazz at the moment. "Just go on with your stupid little anime insults. What are you going to say next? That I smell like a Shikon shard?"
"What's a Shikon shard?" Lavi blinked, then his expression changed. "Wait let me guess-it's a type of shoe, right? A stylish one that is so popular right now and you just must have one, huh?"
I smiled at him one last time.
Then I burst.
"Yeah, you're right, it's a type of shoe!" I practically jumped up on the table. "IN FACT, IT'S THIS!"
Before I knew what was going on, I had pulled off my Marc Jacobs Mouse flat and chucked it towards his face as hard as I could.
"Whoa!" The redhead yelled as he ducked under the table, but not fast enough to avoid the shoe that struck his forehead.
""O-OW!!!" He rubbed his head and gave me the ultimate chilly glare as he got up in fury. "What the fuck?!"
"THAT'S A SHIKON SHARD!" I yelled at the redhead furiously, even though inside I was wondering how I had managed to memorize the names of the item of Inuyasha, some show that I really liked when I was nine. Clearly not anymore though. "AND IF YOU'RE SEARCHING FOR THE OTHER PIECE, IT'S ON MY LEFT FOOT AND I CAN GIVE IT TO YOU ANYTIME!"
Lavi stood up from the floor and looked like he wanted to murder me any moment. "Dior Snow, that has to be the most lady-like thing that you have ever done." He commented, but the anger in his voice was unavoidable. Even Kanda, who was sitting beside him, was staring at his friend in shock, probably amazed that there was somebody else who could be just as mad as him.
"Hey, what did I do?" an offended voice protested from the far away table.
I spun around and shot the man in the corner a look of yellow snow. "You freaking breathed." I warned in a dangerously low voice. "And if you keep doing that then I'm afraid I'll have to make you stop."
"O-Oh." The man realized with a pale face as he got up from the table and placed some coins on there. "Th-that's for the food." He whispered and quickly ran out of the shack like there was an earthquake.
"Dior, please calm down!" Lenalee cried as she tried to soothe me, but it just made me angrier. I almost wanted to screech at her, and it wasn't for no reason either, because there was a reason. And the reason was that I was SICK of this place-sick of all the annoying people and those gay monster and those kids with the blue hair-sick. In fact, I almost wanted to puke.
"Calm down?" I echoed in disbelief. "How the hell do you expect me to calm down when-"
"The food is ready!" a cheerful voice suddenly interrupted my own shaking tone, and I glared up to see who had dared spoken. It was only the girl who worked at the shack though, and she was balancing giant plates full of food in her hands.
The girl blinked when she saw my face. "My, you look a bit red." She commented as she set the plates on the table. "What happened?"
"Um, do I know you?" I asked her. "I don't think so. So why don't you stop minding other people's business and go worry about your own problems?" I hissed, wondering if she even had any. After all, she seemed so cheerful it was almost as if she lived every day happily with no walls in between.
And I lived everyday as a bitch to these people.
"S-sorry." The girl stammered as she quickly placed the food down on the table. "Um, need anything else?"
Lavi gave her a toothy smile. "No, everything's good." He told her and glanced at me from the corner of his eye. "Except Dior Snow. She'd kind of acting like a drama queen as usual. But don't let her get to you."
"Um, okay."
And then she wobbled her way out of there.
I glanced around the table and tried to ignore Lavi.
It was silent for a moment, until the exorcists finally started to eat, with Allen taking a giant bite first and the rest of the people slowly enjoying their meal. Not that I did. All I did was stare at them munch on their food-I didn't even take one bite-it was way too awkward to be eating right now. In fact, I didn't even bother glancing at what was on the table.
Whatever-it was probably something that would have gone in the garbage can anyway.
"Dior, are you not going to eat?" Lenalee asked quietly, interrupting the silence.
I shook my head. "I'm not really hungry." I answered. The Chinese girl stared at me for a moment before returning to whatever was going down her digestive system…probably something mushy and green. I didn't even glance at her, since I felt like I was going to vomit any second now.
Then I stared up at the ceiling and wondered what dad was doing right now. Was he looking for me? Was he at a police station? Then a horrible thought struck me; maybe he didn't even care. Maybe he felt the same feeling he felt for mom. Maybe he was just wondering what step to take next to increase his company, being the coldhearted person that he was, and not searching for me or wondering if I had left the house because of how mad I was at him.
I forced out a tiny smile. Maybe back then…I hadn't been that mad at him. After all, he was the only person left that I had actually cared about. Oh sure, I had billions of friends and I cared for them just as much, but that was way different. It was not the feeling that I felt towards family…or my mom, in that case. Or even dad, because even though he was a jerk and I only got to see him once every few billions of years, he was still my dad and I knew that deep down, he did care.
But obviously not about mom.
I looked up at Lenalee as she made munching noises with her mouth, chewing slowly on a piece of bread. Then a sad smile drifted across my face. Maybe I was just jealous of the exorcists as well. After all, even if they didn't have parents, they still had each other. They could always rely on each other to be there for them forever and always. But I was not a part of that, obviously. And even though I had tons of friends, I knew that they wouldn't be there forever. They were just classmates from school who wore a mask of being a friend, but not friends for a lifetime. In fact, not even Jess was going to be there for me forever. I knew that.
But on the other hand, the exorcists would be there for each other for infinity. They had clearly been through too much together, and nothing could stop them.
"Are you sure you're not hungry?" Lenalee asked again suddenly.
I turned around-if it hadn't been her I would definitely have glared. "No I am not hungry." I answered.
"Oh…okay then."
I almost sighed.
Well this was certainly a gloomy day.
We made it to Charlottenburg just around noon.
And it was obvious that it was around 12 o' clock, because the sunlight was shining from every direction and it was as hot as hell.
Or maybe even hotter. Yeah, standing in the middle of a crowded town at the most humid time of the day trying to search for a secret library isn't the greatest way to waste your time.
Flying a kite would probably be better.
"Have we found it yet?" Lavi complained (of course) as he watched his Grandpa in the phone booth talking to somebody. An hour ago we had left the disgusting shack and we had finally made it to Charlottenburg, quite a big town in France. And big or not-it was definitely as crowded as a store that said Prada-50% OFF.
I glanced around as I waited along with the exorcists for Bookman to come out of the phone booth. The people passing town gave us strange looks as we all just stood there-hot and annoyed. And by hot I meant…you know. Hot hot. Not that kind of hot. But of course I was definitely an exception-I was hot and hot! Even though my mood was rainy and cold…the exact opposite of the weather.
Okay, so that didn't make any sense. But whatever-this whole show doesn't make any sense!
"Has he been able to contact them yet?" Lenalee asked Lavi as the redhead peered at Bookman through the glass window, looking very bored.
"I don't know! He's been on the phone for twenty fucking minutes and still he can't get a single drop of information out of them!"
"Well… maybe they do not speak the same language as us?"
Lavi gave her a you're-so-stupid-but-cute stare. "Of course they speak English, Lenalee!" he laughed. "English it the basic language of Bookmen all around the world, so if you don't speak English then can sure as hell give up the dream of being a history recorder."
Lenalee peered into the glass anxiously. "Then what is taking him so long?" her worried words poured out as she glanced behind the phone booth. "Now there is a huge lineup for the phone booth…" she trailed off nervously.
I blinked at the number of people waiting to use the neat Victorian style phone and counted the amount quickly in my head. Over the past twenty minutes, a total number of eleven people had lined up to use the phone booth. And they still try to save money on building those things!
"Could you please tell that old man in there to hurry up?!" a fatass woman growled in annoyance. "This is a public phone, and we are all waiting to use it!"
"Yeah!" a bunch of people in the lineup chorused together angrily.
"I don't have any more time to waste!" another voice called.
"So-sorry…" Lenalee apologized. "Just a few more minutes!"
The fat woman shot her a glare. "You guys are all related, aren't you?" she hissed as she stared at the sign on Lenalee's exorcist coat. "Who are you people anyway and why are you dressed so darkly?!"
"U-um, we're just travelers from a faraway place-"
"That I can tell, you stupid girl!" the woman spat as she fumbled with her dress, which made her seem fatter than she actually was.
Lavi tilted his head to the side, and gave the woman a sour look. "Miss," he said, "Could you please not speak so poorly of this young lady? I know that you're tired of waiting, but my…" he then stared down at the ground, pain reflecting in that emerald eye. "My grandmother just recently passed away, and…" his voice choked. "My grandfather is trying to make preparations for her….funeral."
I snorted. That stupid redhead and his immature little plans. The world wasn't that easy to fool!
But the woman widened her eyes.
"I….I see." She said quietly much to my surprise. Wait-what?! "I'm terribly sorry for saying harsh things to you….I-" she looked guilty. "I'm sorry."
"Nah, it's alright actually."
I raised an eyebrow at Lavi. Of course it was alright. He didn't even have a grandmother-Bookman was freaking single and everybody at Headquarters knew that! After all, who the hell would want to date a man sporting a pineapple hairstyle?
Then I shook my head sadly. People living in this time era were way too easy to trick. And they didn't even know what was happening to them.
"Che, I didn't know that Bookman had a dead wife." Kanda grumbled as he stood next to me impatiently, waiting for Bookman to finish the phone call.
I sighed. Yeah, that's what I meant.
"Way to prove it." I told Kanda, receiving a puzzled look from the samurai. I walked up to the phone booth and peered through the glass beside Lenalee-Bookman seemed to be arguing with somebody, and he didn't look to happy about it.
"What's going on?" I inquired the black-haired exorcist.
Lenalee sighed. "I really don't know." She answered tiredly as she leaned against the glass. "But this is really taking quite a while…"
No shit, Sherlock. Rolling my eyes, I crunched my hand into a fist and banged against the phone booth loudly, causing the townspeople and the exorcists to stare. "Hey, Bookman!" I yelled as I kicked it hard. "I know you're planning preparations for a funeral-" I almost glanced at Lavi when I said that but I didn't want to look at him- "but could you please hurry it up? Some of us are turning into statues just waiting for you!"
The old man spun around quickly and gave me a go-away look with his heavily made up eyes. Apparently the conversation was important, because there was an expression of panic scrawled across his face.
"Dior, just let him talk." Lenalee said as she patted my arm. "I'm sure everything is fine. They probably just need to know that he's coming to the library."
I raised an eyebrow. "For twenty minutes? I don't think so-"
"You foolish little girl!" the fat woman from earlier pointed an accusing finger at me. I peered at her finger-for a moment there I thought that it was a drumstick. "Don't you realize that poor man in there is mourning over the death of his beloved wife? Don't you have any sympathy at all?!"
Foolish? Um, who was the foolish one again?
I laughed. "Nope, sorry." I told the woman. "I don't particularly care that some non-existent woman is dead. And I really don't know why you're being so loud. Like, tone it down a bit, would ya?"
The woman's face turned red. "You must not come from a respectable house!" she screeched. "Just look at you and you're unrespectable clothes! And that hair! You must have none!"
I quickly raised a hand and felt my short dark hair, making sure that it was still intact. Then I understood what she meant-most girls in the Victorian Era did not have short hair-unlike my hair that went just past my chin. And my dress….well…. I guess I left my bowties at home!
"And you must not be on a diet." I commented as I glanced at her up and down. "Otherwise I wouldn't have mistaken your fingers for a drumstick."
The fat lady's face turned as red as a volcano, and she looked like she was about to explode until Allen Walker trotted in between us casually. But nervously. "Um, ano-" the British boy said as he rubbed his head. Why did he always do that?
"I'm sorry, but it would be nice if you two could stop acting like this." Allen said with a smile on his face. "It wouldn't be very attractive to start a fight-" he glanced at me-" in the middle of the streets…" his voice trailed off but a smile remained plastered onto his face.
I crossed my arms. "I didn't even start it." I said as I glared at the lady. "But whatever. She should be glad that I'm not making her apologize."
"You little-"
We all spun around at the loud yell. Bookman had walked out of the phone booth.
"Gramps, did they-"
The expression on Bookman's face remained calm. "Everyone, follow me." He ordered silently.
I gulped.
We walked and kept walking at a moderate pace-past all the shops and all the people, past all the horses and carriages that roamed the crowded streets. I had to admit that it was an interesting sight-but right now I didn't really care about how beautiful this time era was. I was one hundred percent stressing over where I was about to go next, which was the Secret Bookmen Library.
It sounded like quite a frightening place.
After a good fifteen minutes of walking, we arrived in front of a large structure in the empty area of town. It wasn't that empty, but it was definitely not as crowded as the central part of town that we were at before this. A few people were walking in and out, some empty-handed and some carrying books, which lead me to wonder how this was the 'secret' library known to Bookmen only if commoners were walking in and out like it was a…
Charlottenburg Public Library.
I read the sign hanging on top of the giant building. Wait…what?! Public Library?!
"Um," I said as I turned to Bookman. "Isn't this supposed be-"
"Let's go." The old man walked forward without bothering to glance at me. I rolled my eyes… I hated people who tried to act all mysterious even though their appearance was far from it. But I do have to admit that a man wearing makeup does seem pretty spooky.
The exorcists and I walked up the giant library stairs-Lavi hopped up of course-and two guards held open the door for us.
"Welcome to the Charlottenburg Public Library." One guard bowed. "You may borrow three books at a time."
Bookman nodded. "Thankyou." He said and all six of us entered the huge building.
The noise level was immediately hushed inside.
I glanced up at the ceiling and all of the sudden forgot to ask what we were doing at a Public Library-the structure was just amazing. My eyes were filled with the sight of millions of books as soon as I stepped in and all my ears heard was quietness and occasional whispering. It was actually not much different from a regular library from the 21st century, but I had to say that it was much more beautiful. The ceiling especially, was painted richly with colorful angels and typical art that you see in the Victorian time-beautiful, golden, and filled with a triumph that could not longer be seen a hundred years letter.
It was breathtaking.
In fact, I had totally forgotten to breathe.
"ACkkk," were the words I managed to choke out. "Th-this is..."
Lenalee smiled at me as we walked. "Pretty, isn't it?" she said, eyes twinkling as she took in the sight around her. "I wish the library back home was like this."
"You mean in the Black Order?" I asked, suddenly realizing how tiny the library there was compared to this one.
Lenalee nodded. "Yes." She said, then giggled at her foolishness. "But that isn't really possible, now is it?"
Of course it wasn't. Hell…this place made libraries look awesome!
After a short period of walking past all the reading people and shelves, we finally stopped in front of a tiny section that said 'Charles Dickens.' Then I remembered-oh yeah! That guy! I've read so many of his books!
But what the hell were we doing here again?
"Um," I said, but was again interrupted when suddenly a man came up to us and dipped his head, mainly towards Bookman though.
"Hi there, mister." The man smiled. "What brings you here today?"
The panda's facial expression remained monotonous, but I could tell that there was a tiny smile tugging at the edge of his mouth. Only he wasn't showing it for some reason. "I'm looking for a certain book, but it doesn't seem that you have it here." The old man replied much to my wonder.
The man kept smiling. "Oh, I see." He said. "Why don't you follow me? Maybe we have it in the storage room."
Bookman nodded. "Alright." He said and we all followed him towards the back of the library, where there was a locked wooden door. The man took out a key from his pockets and opened the door. "After you." He said as he motioned for us to go in the creepy dark place. I raised an eyebrow-where in the freaking world of hell were we headed to?!
Quickly the man shut before the door behind him and lit a candle to the dark room. I glanced around-there were only two bookshelves at the end of the room…storage room my ass.
"Where are we?" I demanded to the librarian man. "You better tell me right now if you don't want to-"
"Shhh." The man whispered. "Follow me."
I blinked in surprise as he went over to the bookshelf on the right and removed a book from it. Slowly, the shelf turned with a creak as it moved aside to reveal a dark passageway. I nearly fainted-I've always seen those in movies, but I never ever expected to actually see one that twirled. This was probably the best part of the journey yet!
"Oh my god, that's like, so cool!" I nearly screamed, and Allen Walker brought a hand up to my mouth.
"Dior, please calm down." The white-haired boy said slowly. "This place is a secret passageway and if anyone else were to find out then things might get a little out of control."
I stared at the dark corridor hidden behind the bookshelf. "Please don't tell me that there are spiders down there." I begged. "Or rats. Or centipedes. Or scorpions. Or beetles. Or millipedes. Or termites. Or moths. Or bats. Or puppies-wait," I raised an eyebrow, "Puppies are great, but if anything else besides puppies are down there, then I am NOT going in."
Lavi whistled. "I'm afraid all of those things are down there." He said thoughtfully. "And I think you forgot to mention cockroaches."
I shot him a glare. "Then I am NOT going down there!" I hissed. "And I know that this Innocence is really important to you guys, but you can't just MAKE me go down that disgusting tunnel filled with-"
They pushed me down.
And by they I meant everyone.
Lavi the hardest though.
I sighed as we walked down a flight of stairs in the dark corridor lit by candles. Yup, the Black Order and the people from it were definitely cruel. And unfortunately, I was the one who had gotten stuck with these psychos.
After turning down stairs and more stairs, I was beginning to wonder how deep this place was, until the man suddenly stopped, spun around, and blew out a candle hanging on the wall. Yes-you guessed it. Another cool thing happened right there as soon as he did that. The wall of the corridor suddenly turned-just like the bookshelf-and it pushed to the side to reveal a large wooden door behind it.
The man smiled. "Come in." he said and we all walked into the erm…wall. Or door. Or whatever.
"What you are about to see is the Secret Library." Bookman commented as the librarian dude took out a key and turned the giant wooden door. "Only known to us Bookmen, this library contains many sources of information that is not known to the public."
I nodded. Then I sucked in my breath as the man opened the door.
It was like the part in Beauty and the Beast, where the Beast gives Belle her own library and she gasps in amazement.
Only if she had seen this one, she would have probably glared at the Beast and called him "You cheap thing!", because this one was crowded with so many books there was barely room to move. Yes Belle, he fooled you. The books in his library really aren't that great.
"Oh my god." I said as I took in the scent of old paper. "It's like Einstein's brain in here!"
Lenalee smiled and turned to the redhead standing beside her. "Neh, Lavi?" she said. "Did you memorize all the books in here too?"
The eyepatch guy shook his head. "I've only been here once." He answered. "And if I did memorize all the books in here, then I could just tell you guys all about that Innocence."
Lenalee laughed. "Oh yeah-I forgot."
We walked along the books and shelves for another few minutes. This library wasn't as big or pretty as the one above it, but it was definitely more crowded with documents and books. In fact, just being here and taking in the scent of paper made me feel smart, and I didn't even read anything yet! Libraries sure have some magical powers.
"Caleb, how are you?" Bookman suddenly asked the librarian dude as we stopped in front of a sign that said 'Unrevealed Mysteries.'
Wait, they knew each other already?
The man named Caleb turned around with a smile. "I'm doing great!" he answered. "You know, making sure nobody knows about this place is quite a hard job!"
I blinked. Oh, so this librarian only faked his identity, but actually he was the Bookman in charge of keeping this library secret!
Bookman nodded in agreement. "Definitely an important one." He said. "But really, it feels like it's been years since we last saw each other."
Caleb laughed. "I think it has!" he flashed another smile and turned to Lavi. "And my, you're apprentice has really grown into a fine young man!"
Lavi shrugged. "Well I am pretty fine with the ladies now, ya know."
Caleb giggled-for some unwanted reason-as I rolled my eyes and tried not to puke on the floor right there. How disgusting and annoying. I honestly didn't know what the girls liked about him-even Lenalee seemed to be dazzled by his non-existent charm.
"Haha, is that so?" Caleb chucked as he pulled out a ladder lying against the shelf. Did I mention that I was now scared of ladders and books since that last accident? "I remember that last time you came here, you were only this tall-" he made a very short height with his hand-"And now you're huge!"
Lavi smiled. "Well, milk really has some wonderful powers." he said.
"And, if I am correct, the last time you came here you cried, yes?"
"Uh, I don't think you're correct-"
"But it must have been you!" Caleb exclaimed, not noticing the sweat on Lavi's forehead. Um, hello? Some guy was about to loose his cool here!
...not that he had any in the first place.
Caleb furrowed his eyebrows together. "Yes, I am positive that it was you who sobbed when you were here." He laughed as he climbed up the ladder. "I think it was because they didn't have the book My Little Pony-Pinkie Pie's Adventure here or something...I cannot remember so well." He looked thoughtful. "But weren't you collecting that series or something?"
Before Lavi could faint right there, I interrupted with a scream. "Wait, WHAT?!" I gasped. "They have My Little Ponies in this era?!"
The man smiled gently. "My, what did this young lady grow up on?" he joked.
"Nothing retarded, really." I answered, glancing at Lavi, who had a murderous look on his face.
Caleb gave me an odd look. "I see." He answered as he turned around and began searching for the book. "Hmmm….let's see…it's supposed to be around here somewhere…"
If I wasn't keeping a promise that I would never talk to Lavi again (since every time I did it always ended violently), I would have SO made fun of that redhead by now. And how come in history class back home we never learned about Victorian Era My Little Ponies? Life was so weird.
"Oh, son of a Buckaroo!" Caleb cursed as he fumbled through rows of books quickly. "I swear, that book was here just before I went to find you guys!"
Bookman looked worried. "Are you sure it's this shelf?" he wanted to make sure.
"I am absolutely positive!" Caleb cried in a panicked tone. "What in the world is going on?! Where could I have put that book-"
"Erm, ano." Allen interrupted with a scratch of his head. "How about we all search for it if you can't find it?"
"No, no!" Caleb cried in protest. "That would take days!"
"Yes, but I'm sure if all of us work in a different section, we will find it in no time."
"Yes, I agree with Allen." Bookman nodded. "Caleb, you must have been working too hard these days. Why don't you take a break and leave it to us?"
The man slapped his forehead against the palm of his head. "I'm so so SO sorry." He sighed apologetically. "I really don't know how this could have happened…"
Allen's mouth twitched into a pure smile. "It's alright." He said gently. "We all make mistakes sometimes."
"It wasn't a mistake! I swear I put it there!"
I put a hand on my hip. "Well it's obviously not there." I muttered in annoyance, trying not to roll my eyes all the way into the back of my head. But seriously, these people were so disorganized! "I'm sure we'll find that book after a few hours or so."
Caleb didn't notice the sarcasm. "Well alright then…" he trailed off embarrassedly at his own stupidity. "So how about we all split into different sections of the library?"
Lenalee nodded. "Sure!" she chirped, as if finding a book in a library was her favorite hobby. It certainly did seem so though, as she bounced over past all the shelves and began searching through all the books quickly. Bookman followed with a nod and soon Allen had also left towards a far section of the deep library.
I glanced around. "Do I have to do this too?" I demanded and crossed my arms angrily. "My feet hurt from walking so much! And did I mention that I have giant blisters on my feet?" I smirked. "Anyone want to see them?"
Kanda gave me a disgusted glare. "I would like to see your head hanging on a rope." He hissed as he stalked off into the forest of books immediately.
"And I love you too!" I replied but all I heard was a 'Che' in response. A coughing one.
Soon after all the exorcists and Caleb had gone in different directions of the library, I sat down onto the floor and placed a hand on my chin. Now…where the hell was I supposed to start? This place was filled with billions of books and it was probably going to take days to find that one book…what was even so important about that stupid Innocence anyway?!
I sighed. Apparently only the person the Innocence belonged to could use it, so even if that dimension traveling Innocence was not a myth, it wouldn't change anything for the exorcists. I would just use it to go back to my world. And they would be left with nothing-no trace of anything, no clue of any sort that I had ever even come to this world. They would be left with no advantage.
And yet those crazy scientists were still using it for research purposes.
I shook my head with a laugh as I picked up a book from the shelf and flipped through the pages.
Humans will use a different variety of methods to gain what they desire.
Then my blood suddenly ran cold.
I widened my eyes I went through what I had just realized.
What if the Black Order wasn't going to let me go back to my world? What if the whole point of this was to find that Innocence and keep me at their Order as an exorcist, just like them?
What if…what if this whole thing had been a trick? A lie to keep me here so they could gain a new member?
I dropped the book in shock. I had been freaking deceived. And this was probably the last part of the plan-to find the book, understand my Innocence, and then try to somehow grant me the power of the Innocence. Alright, so I didn't know much about that thing, but I definitely knew the human nature pretty well-why would they go through such a complicated way just to help me? And okay, so Komui claimed that it had been for 'research purposes', but did they actually go this far just for all that?
No. This whole thing totally was a trick and I had fallen for it. Humans could help other humans, but they would not go that far-for their family maybe, but not for a complete stranger like me. And if they were helping me, then…the whole process definitely had an advantage for them-they could probably gain something, and it was much more than just research.
They wanted a new exorcist.
And it was going to be me somehow.
Suddenly I began shaking uncontrollably. No…no! I was not going to let them have their way! I had to go back to my world and away from this place full of liars and evil people who only cared about themselves and their 'Defeat the Earl' shit!
I had to find the book before they did.
Realizing this, I instantly leapt up from the ground and began looking through each and every shelf, not missing a single spot. Oh no, if the book somehow got into their hands before mine, then they would basically have my life under control. The rest of my average 21st century human life depended on it, but so did their let's-make-Dior-Snow-have-magical-powers plan, and if their plan did succeed, then I would have no other route to take.
Quickly I skimmed through all the books, looking for the one I needed badly. Oh, how could I have been so stupid?! I hadn't even realized the whole trick-her-into-thinking-we're-helping-her-but-actually-make-a-new-exorcist thing until now! ARGH THAT SON OF A-
"Looking for something?"
A deep voice caused me to spin around in surprise.
And oh believe me, it was definitely a surprise, because standing there with a smirk on his face, was the man from earlier.
The dark-skinned one. With the top hat. And curly hair.
"Mi-mickey?" I managed to squeak out. Wait…what the hell was he doing here?!
The man raised an eyebrow. "Mickey?" he echoed. "My, you don't even remember my name!"
I rolled my eyes. "I said Mickey already." I hissed as he blinked. "And listen, I don't have time to be talking to you, whoever you are, so could you please stop stalking me and just get out of-"
"It's Mikk."
I blinked. "What?"
"I said my name is Mikk, not Mickey." he answered, golden eyes reflecting a dose of annoyance with a tinge of amusement.
I shot him a glare. "I don't care if you're name is Mikk, Mickey, or Minnie." I spat harshly. "Hell, for all I care, it could be Jacob Cullen and I wouldn't give a shit." My emerald eyes flashed angrily. "All I'm interested in right now is-"
Mikk smiled. "This book?" he answered as he held up a dark brown book in his hands.
I gaped.
He gave me another sly smile as he flipped through the pages in interest. "Why his certainly looks neat." He said as he widened his golden eyes. "My, let's see what we have here? Hmm…the myth of the Dimensional traveling Innocence has been around for centuries, but there is no physical evidence of this mysterious matter."
He snapped the book shut.
I flinched.
"Well it looks very interesting." He said loudly. "I'm sure I'll enjoy reading this-"he held it up-"at home."
"Why the hell would you want to read that at home?!" I hissed as I lunged for his throat. "Give that to me!"
But when I reached out to give his stomach a hard kick, my leg went through him.
I let out a tiny yelp as I fell face flat-through his body-and onto the floor of the library.
Then my gaze drifted up towards him slowly in shock. But he only gave me a little shrug.
"You…you're a ghost!" I whispered.
I had never believed in ghosts. But seeing is believing, and well…I had basically just touched one, even though my hand went through him. And it totally explained how he got in here too-through the freaking walls.
Mikk raised an eyebrow. "A ghost?" he blinked at me curiously with those flashing eyes. Then he laughed. "Miss, I assure you that I am definitely not a ghost and I am in fact enjoying my life right now-" he seemed thoughtful-"Well, maybe not the part where I'm from the same family as Skin and those loser twins, but the rest of my life is fine and I am certainly living it."
I got up from the floor and rubbed my knee in pain. "Then…what are you?" I asked weakly.
His lips curved up as he stuck out a hand for me to shake. "I think I've told you this before, but I am Tyki Mikk, the Noah of Pleasure." He introduced once again. "And I suggest you not try that kicking thing again" he told me-"because even a sword wouldn't work."
I stared at him. "Are you human?" I asked bluntly.
Tyki looked pained. "Noah's are humans too." He said with a shake of his head.
I laughed. "Then you must be made out of atoms!"
Before he could say 'what the hell', I rubbed my feet as fast I could against the floor and shook his hand quickly.
"Ouch!" Tyki hissed as he jerked his hand back at the sudden jolt of electricity, giving me just the perfect second to snatch the book out of his hands. Yeah, I 'm just Marysue-ish like that. And a smexy one too!
"I guess this will keep me entertained for now." I smiled as I held up the book in my hands with triumph.
Tyki just tilted his head to the side. "Well," he shrugged as he scratched the back of his head. All of his movements were so fake…I didn't like him one bit! "I've read that already anyway." He said. "So I guess I don't need it anymore. You can keep it."
I stared at him. "Wh-what?!" I screeched.
Tyki laughed and ran a hand through his hair. "Though I'm not sure if you're going to have time to read it all…"
I clutched the book closely to my chest. "Wh-what do you mean?!" I demanded.
Tyki smirked as he pulled something out of his pockets. I squinted at the object.
Then I gasped-it was a lighter.
"Now, I really do hate to leave you here to die by yourself." Tyki sighed as he fiddled with the lighter. "In fact, I've never met a woman so…" he peered at me closely. "Odd in a good way." Were the sick words he decided to use. "But unfortunately, I have to follow orders, so I'm afraid you won't be attending a ball with me anytime soon."
"Ew, like I would wanna go to prom with you!" I screeched and pointed a finger at him. "Now you better drop that lighter this second!"
Tyki shrugged. "Fine." He said as he let go of the object. Well, he didn't exactly let go of it-basically he lit it up and dropped it through his ghostly body, so that it fell onto the floor.
Lighting it up with fire.
I widened my eyes. "You!" I screamed. "Do you want to get us all killed?!"
Tyki wrinkled his nose at the smell of spreading smoke. "Not us." He blinked. "Just you and your exorcist friends."
"You little-"
Suddenly he walked over and placed a finger on my lips. "Shhh," he whispered. "Women should just die quietly, remember that."
And with that he vanished into the smoke, leaving me to stand in the middle of the rising fire.
I glanced around nervously-the flames were starting to spread quickly and there was barely any chance of escape. In fact, the nearby shelves were all burning up now and most of the books in the section had already turned to nothing but the smell of smoke.
And soon I would be nothing but ashes as well.
I fell onto my knees weakly as the flames spread around me.
haha, Tyki being quite the asshole there.
ANYWAYS, i thought this chapter was okay, but not so good either. Well, it's an update, so whatever! ...thanks for being so patient though.
And for the ones out there who are actually interested, I wrote a new LAVIxOC story-it's called Picture Perfect and it is AU. It's about the story of Chloe Kato and Lavi Bookman, and I actually really like it, though I'm not sure if I should continue on it or not. Your opinion would definitley be appreciated.
And so would your reviews! :p
PS. It's also annoying how this chapter is 8, 986 words long and not 9000, so I'll just type a few random things to make it 9000. Thats how cool I am.
wafflellelelsss! wafflees! waaaafffllleesss! Pokemon! assdh! donkey times!!! Vodka!!!
so remember to check out my new LAVIOC story, and thanks again! Hopefully this makes 9000 words. :D