Not updating must have been torture for all of you nay? Well since all of u have been reading and leaving me awesome comments I've decided that it's about time that I update kay? Hope you like the chapter and don't forget to review!!

Disclaimer: Hate to be one to harsh the mellow *hehe Mellow = Death Note* but I don't own Inuyasha or the OHSHC.

Chapter Two: Petty Welcomes and Hefty Goodbyes

Dressed in a light pink mini-dress with white belt wrapped around the middle and a rose pinned in the upper right hand corner of her breast, Kagome emerges from her shared dorm room. Inuyasha appears seconds later dressed in a pair of faded denim blue jeans and a light blue button down shirt. Wrapping an arm around his girlfriend's waist the two leisurely to the dorm of Kouga and Sesshomaru. Letting out a heavy sigh the two knock loudly on the hardwood door, an emerald eyed Shippo wearing a kaki pair of knee length shorts and a pink button down shirt appearing before them. Ushering the couple into the dorm room, the first thing Kagome catches a glimpse of is the bright red and orange We'll Miss You banner hanging off from the ceiling.

"You like the banner?" Ayame asks walking over to the gloomy couple; her orange cocktail dress with white trim swaying behind her.

"Yeah. Thanks Ayame." Kagome swallows hard trying to hold back a bout of oncoming tears.

"And this party isn't just to say goodbye." Sango reinsures her best friend touching her shoulder; she is wearing a violet blouse with crystal buttons and a jean mini skirt.

"It's to celebrate the time you've spent with us." Kirara smiles softly appearing beside her sister; she is wearing a hot pink lace tank with a white wife-beater, a jean mini skirt, and a neon pink pair of leggings.

"We love having you here at the academy." Shippo grins holding his girlfriend's hand.

"Even if you lied to us about being a dude." Kouga adds before getting a punch to the shoulder; he's wearing a pair of dark denim blue jeans and a green button down shirt.

"What the idiot means to say…" Hojo starts rolling his auburn colored eyes; he is wearing a pair of green and white plaid shorts with a white polo shirt.

"Is we're happy you took that dare." Akitoki finishes smirking at the glistening orbed teen; he's wearing a pair of blue and yellow plaid shorts with a yellow polo shirt.

"Without you Kagome, I would have never known that I needed to improve myself for the woman I love." Kohaku nods pushing back his ebony colored locks; he is wearing a pair of knee length jean shorts with a black button down shirt.

"And I wouldn't have become closer to Sesshomaru." Rin blushes holding her cheeks; she is wearing a dark blue and white Hawaiian flower printed dress.

"You make our academy bright and cheerful." Eri swoons latching onto Hojo's arm; she is wearing a jean mini skirt, a white lace tank, and a purple polo.

"You keep Inuyasha busy so that's a plus." Sesshomaru chuckles as Rin flicks his ear; he's wearing a sliver button down shirt and a black pair of skinny jeans.

"You've become a great asset to us all." Kagura states looking over at Akitoki who is nodding vigorously; she is wearing a turquoise low cut blouse with a yellow float skirt.

"And what we're all trying to say is…" Kana begins wiping at her leaking eyes; she is wearing little black cocktail dress with a red rose pinned to the breast.

"We want you to cherish us in your heart as we will with you in ours." Miroku whispers as Sango wraps her arms around his broad shoulders; He's wearing an indigo button down shirt with a black pair of skinny jeans.

"We love you, Kagome." Inuyasha murmurs as the ebony haired girl breaks down in tears.

"Thank-you all!" Kagome exclaims as she sobs into her boyfriend's chest. "Thank-you all so much."


As the party begins keyboards start chattering out west. Deep in conversation the Host Club prepares for their flight to the newly formed Takahashi Academy.

Tamaki: CrownedKingOfOuran

Haruhi: CommonerAmongTheKings

Kyoya: DarkHorseOfFinances

Renge: QueenOfTheDramaticArts

Mori: MyLipsRSealed

Honey: UrASweetie

Kaoru: PokerFacedPrinceKao

Hikaru: MaskedDevilHika

CrownedKingOfOuran signing in

CommonerAmongTheKings signing in

DarkHorseOfFinances signing in

CrownedKingOfOuran: So when have we all agreed to meet at the airport?

DarkHorseOfFinances: Do you ever pay attention?

CommonerAmongTheKings: It's Tamaki we're talking about so what do you think?

CrownedKingOfOuran: HARUHI! That's not nice to say about your father.

PokerFacedPrinceKao signing in

MaskedDevilHika signing in

MaskedDevilHika: For the last time, Tono

PokerFacedPrinceKao: With all due respect

MaskedDevilHika and PokerFacedPrinceKao: HARUHI IS NOT YOUR LITTLE GIRL!!

DarkHorseOfFinances: They have a point you know

CommonerAmongTheKings: See I told you so…

CrownedKingOfOuran: This is so depressing T.T

MyLipsRSealed signing in

UrASweetie signing in

UrASweetie: Kyoya, why's Tama-chan crying?

MaskedDevilHika: We told him Haruhi wasn't his daughter

PokerFacedPrinceKao: Which if you think about it…

DarkHorseOfFinances: Technically it's true

MyLipsRSealed: …

QueenOfTheDramaticArts signing in

QueenOfTheDramaticArts: I got them! I got the tickets!

DarkHorseOfFinances: Shouldn't you have gotten them a little sooner?

CrownedKingOfOuran: Yeah, this is a bit last notice

QueenOfTheDramaticArts: SHUT UP! You didn't just ram your way through a crowd to get First Class seating for three private jets now did you?


QueenOfTheDramaticArts: I know ^_^

CommonerAmongTheKings: So who's sitting with who and where?

QueenOfTheDramaticArts: Well…seating was a bit of an issue.

MaskedDevilHika: Just what exactly do you mean?

PokerFacedPrinceKao: You did get me seats with Hikaru didn't you.

QueenOfTheDramaticArts: Not exactly…

MaskedDevilHika: WHAT?!

QueenOfTheDramaticArts: Plane one is going to hold Kyoya and myself

DarkHorseOfFinances: Of course =_='

QueenOfTheDramaticArts: Plane two will hold Kaoru, Hunny, and Tamaki


MaskedDevilHika: HEY! WATCH IT SPAZ!

CrownedKingOfOuran: Mother!

DarkHorseOfFinances: SHUT IT BOTH OF YOU!

QueenOfTheDramaticArts: And Plane three will hold Mori, Haruhi, and Hikaru

UrASweetie: But I need Takashi with me!!

MyLipsRSealed: Yeah

QueenOfTheDramaticArts: Take it or leave it our plane leaves tonight.

Hikaru, Kaoru, and Tamaki: THIS SUCKS!

CrownedKingOfOuran signing off

CommonerAmongTheKings signing off

DarkHorseOfFinances signing off

QueenOfTheDramaticArts signing off

MyLipsRSealed signing off

UrASweetie signing off

PokerFacedPrinceKao signing off

MaskedDevilHika signing off

Oh gosh what's going to happen next? I can't write the next chapter until I have at least let's make it five reviews ^^ If you can do that I'll update!! Thanks a ton and support the fiction XD