Jareth considered himself a patient ruler.

When the goblins decided to breed chickens he glowered but let them continue on—what harm could chickens really get up to anyway?

When they tried to keep the roosters in his bedroom (because it had soon become apparent to the goblins that if the roosters were allowed to stay with the chickens all the time the eggs didn't taste very good) he merely kicked them out and sent them to clean the dungeons.

When they tried to use his favorite pair of boots to keep the chicks nested in, he dumped them all into the Bog of Eternal Stench—most monarchs would have killed them for their insolence.

When they started to dye the chickens funny colours—Jareth found the lime green to be particularly offensive—using the dye that was meant for his clothing no less, he had the goblins expand the city.

When they started to paint numbers onto the chickens and race them Jareth commanded that they fix the bridge over the Bog of Eternal Stench—it took them two months, and another five before Jareth would let them back into the castle.

But then, when they started dressing the chickens up and hosting fashion shows, well Jareth had decided that enough was enough. There was only so much patience in the world and the goblins and their multi-coloured chickens had used it all up.

So, when it came time for the next chicken fashion-feather show Jareth disguised himself as a goblin (a very well groomed, handsome one) and snuck in, intent on revealing himself at a crucial moment and banishing every chicken in his kingdom. The dwarves of the Blackpine Mountains could surely use a few hundred chickens. Imagine Jareth's shock when he discovered that, not only were his goblins trying to overpopulate his kingdom with chickens but they were consorting with the enemy!

There she stood, microphone in one hand, cue cards in the other, as she introduced each chicken that the backstage goblins pushed onto the runway. So. Sarah had been in on this. No; better to say that she had been behind this whole thing—each new chicken fiasco. It was obviously a plan to drive him mad. Insane. Well, it wouldn't work. He would beat her at her own game. He'd been in the dark until now; an unwilling participant, but all that was about to change.

Jareth quietly left the show. He would allow Sarah to continue thinking that she was in control, and then he would crush her. He would beat her. It was fate.

After all, he was a very patient hunter.