Title: Drop Dead Doctor
Author: Emo Barbie
Extra: Look everyone! I've got Internet again! Of course....under different circumstances...and a whole different...well never mind the point is I got the Internet back! Aren't you all so happy?! I can update again...sorta XD my laptops really starting to fail on me. Anyways this was actually just a bunch of ideas put together for the fourth chapter, but I hadn't used them at all, so I put them together as flashbacks for the fifth chapter. T_T Sorry, couldn't really think of much else.
Chapter 5:
My dying memories
Not being able to tell anyone that I was...me, was actually a lot harder then I had thought it to be at first.
"Ms. Daily...Ms. Daily." J.D snapped his head as a pair of fingers snapped in front of his face followed by a sharp whistle. "Hello, Jackie."
"Yes!" J.D turned to look at Dr Cox, it still surprised him that even though he wasn't used to the name, being called girl names so often by Dr Cox that whenever the other called him he was quick to answer.
Dr Cox was giving him the oddest of looks, and he was wondering why until he realized exactly what he had been doing awhile ago. Day dreaming.
"I've been trying to tell you that you can go home." Dr Cox straightened up a look of annoyance on his face.
Oh, no, no, no, I can't leave now...this is my place...I can't just leave the hospital...
"We have nothing to keep you on, your doing fine now, and we can't really keep you in for amnesia."
J.D shook his head. "Are you sure? I mean...there's nothing?" He felt desperate, he didn't want to leave the hospital, it was the only thing that connected him to his old life.
"I'm sorry..." Dr Cox stated a bit confused. "But there's nothing else wrong with you."
"Jackie...darling." Tony stood up from the chair beside her. "I believe what the doctor is saying is true, you can't stay here any longer."
J.D tried to put on a smile as he turned and gave a nod to Dr Cox. "O-okay." He muttered. "I guess...that's that."
It had not even been an entire week yet and still J.D's last moment's at the hospital kept replaying over and over in his head. From the moment he had been told that he was being released to the last second he walked out those doors. It was all he could think of while he sat alone in the small apartment that Jackie Daily owned...now his own apartment.
J.D was well and dressed, it still gave him the chills whenever he went and had to dress up a body of a girl instead of a boy. Sadly, no matter how many times J.D had went over it in his head he had never been able to come up with any reason to stay.
"I can always come back, right?" J.D turned and gave Tony a hopeful look.
"It's better to leave your old life behind, your Jackie Daily now. Not John Dorian."
"I know..." J.D lowered his head as he swung his pursue over his shoulder.
I feel gay
J.D turned a glare onto the other male, but obviously the other didn't seem to catch anything. J.D sighed, and instead focused on the fact that from today forward he would forever be known as Jackie Daily..Jackie Daily...
"Hey." Tony glanced up at the grinning face of J.D. "I can still be called J.D though..."
"What? No, that's-"
"Jackie Daily, J.D, it still works out."
"J.D." The other corrected him.
"Listen, if you prance around declaring yourself as J.D don't you think people would be a little curious?"
"No." J.D shook his head following Tony out of the room a smile of triumph gracing his lips.
J.D found it strange...the quiet small one bedroom apartment was so different then the one he had not long ago, as John Dorian, shared with the only family he had really had. It was obvious that he missed Carla and Turk, there's no way around it, the three of them had brought life into the apartment. The weird thing was that J.D even missed Roudy, the stuffed dog was always moving around the apartment, one night he would be in Turk's and Carla's room, the next it would be the kitchen, then the living room, J.D's room, even the bathroom. Though of course it would always make the bathroom seem ten times smaller then it already was.
"I don't like this." Tony glared at J.D.
"Why not?" He turned to give the other a grin.
"Cause, I told you to leave your other life behind you."
"I am. I am Jackie Daily, and I have no association with him, so I would like to meet him."
J.D sighed as he stopped, he was heading towards the janitor however Tony was obviously reading more into his plan than he had told. "Fine, ruin all the fun." He huffed, swooping his blonde hair behind him, but he never failed to catch the janitor's eye with a quick wink. Ah, and yes the satisfaction of interest that had crossed the other male's face.
It should have been alright...it should have been fine. He should have been able to get over this, besides he was no longer John Dorian, he was now Jackie Daily and there was no possible way that he could ever return to his old life...but...he was still John Dorian, his body might be different, his home his background might be entirely the opposite of what John Dorian's life had been...but-on the inside...his head...was still all Dorian. His memeories were not of how Jackie had lived, weren't filled with childhood memories of Jackie growing up, they were still all his own. Still all his memories of J.D and his father, his birthdays were his father would give him the oddest of presents...like how he would always give him a different part of a bike each year until finally he was able to build it...of course by then, he was already in high school and...he had no more use for such a small bike, but...
J.D lowered his head. He had never really thought about what it would be like, to know what it's like to still be living and yet no one knows you still exist. But then again, what he was going threw wasn't normal either...it's was some kind of science fiction...this was supposed to be in movies, not apart of his life.
"J.D, I bought the chocolate chips." Tony wobbled in, his arms filled with groceries. The other looked up, and Tony stopped as he was lowering the groceries to the counter. "Are you...crying?"
J.D felt his cheeks, and realized that in fact his cheeks were stained with a mix of tears and masscarra. "Shut up..." He muttered wiping at his face. "I'm a woman, I get emotional."
"You still have the same mind you did as J.D." Tony furrowed his brows. "Your body's only female."
"Well who said I wasn't girly then?" It was the only thing he could muster that put a small smile on his red lips.
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