A/N: Sorry I took so long with this. Been busy with somethings.
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em. even the asshole Principal. Can u guess who he was on the show?
Chapter 3
2:48 pm…
Lily lies back sleeping, with her feet propped up on another desk, creating her classroom recliner. Heavy snoring from a few desks over as Nick face pressed down against his won desk, slightly drooling. Scotty's fist kept his face from smacking into his own desk, as he kept it popped up against the side of his cheek. Little Kat had other things wanted to do, she had a paper to finish, but unfortunately the silence overcame her as well. About ten minutes ago, she dosed off with the pen still in her hand in the middle of a sentence and now producing a light snore.
Jeffries enjoyed it. It wasn't everyday that his detention duty was off in silence, well sort of silence if Nick Vera wasn't snoring do damn loud. But still, it was nice. That's why he took the time to work on his origami. A crane, he thinks. Couldn't really tell, it wasn't all that great. He was bored out of his mind, wanting to get out the room, out the building, and go home and see his wife. He loves his job, but hates detention.
He was so concentrated on his so called paper crane that he didn't notice the footsteps that came into the doorway.
"What's this?" A stern, authoritive voice broken through the somewhat silence, startling Jeffries slightly. He hated that voice, even thought about punching the source right in the face, but he is the principal. "Sleeping through detention, Jeffries?"
Jeffries sighs. The dislike between the two known and many people as well wanted Mr. Jeffries to beat down Principal William Danner, but they knew Jeffries was too cool, calm and collected to do such.
"I didn't notice." Mr. Jeffries responded.
Principal Danner walks further into the room, standing right in front of the sleeping Kat, facing the so called delinquents. "Wake up! Come on, get on your feet!"
Scotty and Kat jump awake at the loud invasive voice. Lily groans slightly at the unfortunate intrusion, knowing exactly who was the dickhead responsible.
"Nice to hear you lovely voice, Danner." Her voice mumbles, but full of sarcasm. She would have been even more eager to call him by his first name, to piss him off, but only Jeffries had the honor to be called Will. "Now, what would you like from us sir."
Principal Danner's face reddens, not at all thrilled to see Lily Rush there, even though he put her there himself. "You heard me. Get up! On your feet!"
Lily slouches down deeper in her position. "Sir, this alien invasion has gone far enough. I get that your trying to use your bullshit Jedi mind tricks on us, but trying to pop our brains out for you to control, that's just plain ol rude."
Principal Danner didn't move forward like he wanted to. He hated Lily Rush, and with her boyfriend and partner-in-crime Ray William kicked out of school, she more than willingly took the position as Principal Danner's new primary target.
"No more shit out of you Rush! Now get up, all of you!" He looked down at Kat, not having a clue as to who she was. Never seen her before a day in his life which means she wasn't a troublemaker, and she'd do what he'd says. "You, get up now."
Kat eyes sharpen, taking the principal by surprise. She didn't like to be told what to do. She could see Jeffries sympathetically gesturing for her to follow orders, but she tried to ignore him.
Lily chuckles, taking the opportunity to speak again. "She's deaf, Darth Vader."
Principal Danner eyebrows pull a little closer together in slight confusion. "She understands me."
Lily grins. "She reads lips sir, but she can't exactly make out to what you're sayin'. Would you mind slowing down your speech sir?"
Scotty laughs but quickly disguises it as a very rough cough. Lily was already baiting the jerk of a principal, and by all means, he didn't want to give anything away.
Principal Danner didn't realizing he was falling for a trap for humor as he slowed down his words. "Caaan yoooou uundeerstaaaand mmeeee?"
Kat just stares at her principal as if he just lost his mind. The heavy snoring turns into some mucus sounding grunt, indication that the bear waking up. Kat decides to play along with Lily's game. The principal tried to make me look like a fool, let turn the tables. She simply points at her ear and shrugs as if she couldn't comprehend. She knew Lily was stifling a laugh behind her, but Kat knew how to put on a poker face.
"What's goin' on?" Nick wipes the drool of the side of his face, looking around the room. When did Princi Pal show get here?
Principal Danner, obviously irritated, turns around the face Jeffries, who was stifling a laugh of his own, but kept his composure. "Mr. Jeffries, can I see you in my office for a moment." Jeffries simply nods and heads out the room as the principal turn his attention back to Lily. "And Rush?"
Lily looks up, as she was trying to be attentive. "Yes, Vader?"
He clenches is jaw. "One peep out of you and you're done. You hear me? Done like a turkey on thanksgiving."
Lily smirks at the phrase. "My mother's not that great of a cook. Had some bloody turkey once. We just, left it alone."
He glares at her but walks out without a word. Lily burst into laughter, turning red, with Scotty laughing along. Kat on the other hand, didn't find the situation quite as amusing.
"What an asshole." Kat mumbles but Lily was able to hear.
"Oh come on." Lily speaks trying to speak trough her laughter. "The guy's a joke, so I made a joke out of him."
"What the hell's goin' on?" Nick asks with the arch of his eyebrow. He didn't like to left out of a good joke. "What'd I miss?"
Lily slows her laughter to a chuckle to explain. "Oh Dumbass Danner, think the dweeb is deaf."
Kat sighs, trying to ignore the Lily's immatureness. She tries to fix her mind to a somewhat of a happy place as she sings a familiar tune returning back to her essay. "And as for me, I made up my mind back to Chelsea. When I go, I'm goin' like Elsie." Lily's chuckles abruptly stop as she listen to the gentle voice, but Kat takes not notice as she continues. "Start by admitting from cradle to tomb, isn't that long a stay. Life is a Cabar-" Her low singing gets cut off as she receives a hit in the back of the head with something, finally stopping Scotty's laughter as well. What the hell? She looks down at and the floor seeing a ball of paper. She turns around, glaring at Lily, who's surprisingly has no hint of humor on her face.
"I hate musicals." Lily simply states. Irritation fills her body. She never liked musicals, they always made her feel uneasy, and the little runt was definitely killing her buzz with the damn singing.
Nick on the other hand received some inspiration from the confession. Slowly, an unhelpful grin spreads across his face. Lilly looks over to him, looking at that menacing look on his face. She knew something was up, but she didn't know exactly what.
"I got chills," Nick start off singing, a little off key in fact, making Lily immediately cringe. "They're multiplyin'. And I'm losing control."
Lily scowls at him. "I'm 'bout to lose control if you don't shut the hell up."
Nick continues, enjoying every minute of torture for her. He can handle of few verbal threats, in fact, it only egged him on. "Cause the power, you're supplyin'." His grin widens. "It's electrifyin'!" He was getting ready to continue on with Sandy's part until he's gets cut off by a much smoother, but powerful beautiful voice.
"You better shape up."
"Oh no!" Lily groans.
Kat smiles at Nick but continues. "Cause I need a man. And my heart is set on you."
Scotty joins in by snapping his fingers rhythmically to the song as Kat sings. "You better shape up." Her eyes widen as she sees Nick stand up, shrugging off his letterman jacket, slowly walking towards her. "You better understand. To my heart I must be true."
Nick extends his arm, holding out his hand towards her with his menacing grin that was now replace with a much gentle one. "Nothin' left, nothin' left for me to do."
Kat looks at his hand, wondering if making a fool of herself is worth getting under Lily Rush's skin. She glances at Lily, feeling the heat of the intense glare from her. Oh, it's on. She looks at Nick, whose expression is quite impatient, and plasters a grin on her own face, before taking his hand.
"You're the one that I want." They sing in unison through the chorus. Nick spins the little adorable nerd, putting his own John Travolta move to it.
Lily covered her ears as if she was in physical agony, staring at her desk, trying to tune out the horror. She was just going say what she had to say after they finished their impossible number, but she couldn't take it anymore. Nick's awfully off pitched notes contrasting with Miller's perfection. And on top of that shit, you got Scotty boy over there snapping away with that goofy ass grin on his face. No human being should ever have to go through this. Ever.
"Shut, The Fuck, Up!" The laughter, the singing, even that damn snapping of the fingers abruptly stops. She slowly uncovers her ears as if any moment, the Sound of Music was going to make an appearance. She looks up from her desk, seeing the humor behind the eyes, but also the look of buzz that was killed. "'Bout fuckin' time."
Nick rolls his eyes, getting bored by Lily's actions. "What's your problem? Can you stop bein' a bitch for two seconds?"
"Yeah." Scotty chimes in. "Just because you waste your life in here, doesn't mean you can bag on us 'cause we're tryna get through the day."
Whatever Lily was going to say in return was cut off when Mr. Jeffries walked back clearly pissed off, but his face remained calm.
"Hey Willie," Lily changes the previous topic. "What wrong with you? Principal Danner throwin' a bitch fit again?"
Oh yeah, he threw a bitch fit. When it came to Will Jeffries, it was always a bitch fit. Trying to tell him how to do his job, always threatening to take it away, when it's Mr. Jeffries that the kids respect. When it's Jeffries that actually give a damn. But no one cares about that do they.
"I'm sending you guys home early." What the boss didn't know wouldn't kill him. "Just be back here tomorrow on time."
Lily grins, the conversation ended in her favor. "Yes, sir."
A/N: I don't know what is. Something about imagining teenage Scotty snapping away with some goofy ass grin that makes me laugh. lol