Thank you ... thank you ... thank you ... to everyone for your wonderful reviews and PM's, they have made me a very, very happy bunny :o)

Apologies to those who were expecting this yesterday and for anyone I haven't replied to yet, I'm off to a family wedding next week and there were some last minute things which came up and I had to help organise on both Sunday and Monday.

Anyway, enough talking from me and off you go to read and hopefully enjoy the third and final chapter of 'Sniffles'.

Oh yea, YAOI WARNING !!! - Just in case anyone doesn't want to read it :o)

Sniffles – part 3

After Reno and Sephiroth had both showered and changed, they ate a light dinner together before settling themselves in front of the TV for the evening. All three men gradually relaxing back to enjoy a film, while also continuing to keep an ear open for any signs of disturbance from the bedroom. Each had to admit that they had probably been a bit overcautious at first as they had eaten, the smallest of sounds drawing them, one at a time, away from their meal to check on the slumbering cadet. After a short time though it had become obvious that while the odd coughing fit was disturbing Cloud's sleep they were not causing him to wake, the medication playing its part well in helping the sick blonde to rest a little more comfortably.

It was for this reason and this reason alone that they eventually stopped hurrying to check on the cadet every time a croaking or rasping noise was heard, the soldier, Turk and general slowly accepting the fact that there was nothing more they could do for Cloud in his current state. So instead of fussing over his unconscious form they began to leave the blonde alone to rest undisturbed, their own fatigue now slowly showing through as the stresses and strains of the day finally caught up with them as well.

It was a few hours later that Reno found himself being woken by the vibration of a low heated groan and a slight shifting of his body, the easily recognizable sound instantly stirring something deep within him as he gradually drifted back to reality. Smiling happily to himself the red head savoured the warm feelings which had begun to grow inside of him, as a result of the soft moan he'd heard, his groggy senses slowly taking in his surroundings as he yawned and attempted to stretch out in his prone position. It was at this point that Reno became fully aware of where he was, the warm comfortable position being one he was familiar with but couldn't remember taking up before drifting off to sleep. The Turk's smile became a grin as he realised that he was now lying with his head on Zack's lap, the side of his face indirectly pressing down over the soldier's groin area, and as a result was now able to feel something rather firm pushing up against his cheek.

"Everything ok?" The red head asked with a lazy amused tone, already knowing that his human pillow was not as 'soft' as he could be.

What the Turk had not been expecting however, when he looked up to see Zack's face, was an extremely heated gaze now focused solely on him The soft violet orbs which had watched over him as he drifted off to sleep now filled with a darker and more heated look. There was no denying the hunger which was currently flowing within those bright lavender spheres, the very obvious desire and want filling the wondrous depths and drowning Reno in their need.

"Zack?" The red head questioned slowly, his own pulse now racing in response to the unspoken promises he could see building within those glowing amethyst gems.

"I would be careful not to move around too much at the moment." Sephiroth's voice spoke up calmly, the hint of amusement in his words causing the Turk to blink in surprise as he looked towards the general in shock. "You may not be prepared for the outcome of your actions."

"What actions?" Reno asked uncertainly, as he suddenly took in the equally intense look which accompanied the faint upward curve of his silver haired lover's lips.

"You've been ... stimulating ... some very intimate body parts while sleeping there Red." Zack growled softly, the tone of his voice not being aggressive in the angry sense but more the carnal need kind that made the Turk shiver with pleasure.

"So I'm guessing I was a restless sleeper." The red head purred playfully, this time deliberately nuzzling his head against the hard bulge he could feel touching his cheek and enjoying the way it made the soldier's breath hitch.

"You did that on purpose." Zack breathed heavily, his face dipping down so that burning violet could meet calm and teasing sea-green.

"That time, yea." Reno agreed with a faint chuckle, his hand slowly working its way up the soldier's leg and slipping easily up the inside of his left thigh. "But before that I was just sleeping."

"Which is the only thing that has stopped him from pouncing on you." Sephiroth informed the Turk with a cautionary tone, his silver eyes betraying him and showing that he was all too happy for the red head to continue what he'd started.

"And now?" Reno asked casually, his innocent voice not fooling the other two for a moment.

"Now that you are awake I believe the rules have changed." The general replied calmly, the heated undertone very clear in what that really meant for the red head.

"I see." The Turk replied smoothly, his voice like silk as he contemplated the situation and a spark of inspiration suddenly came to him. "You know ... we never did get round to playing doctors and nurses that time." Reno mused thoughtfully, his hand now pressed firmly along the hard length trapped in Zack's trousers and massaging the swollen flesh while he held the general's fiery gaze.

"Can't do that Red." The soldier panted, a small groan escaping his slightly parted lips as he let out a slow breath. "Spiky's too sick to play right now." He managed, just before another playful pull on his confined erection caused him to moan and his head to fall back against the back of the sofa.

"Chocobo head may be too sick to play, but we're not." The Turk chastised playfully, his aqua eyes warming notably as he watched Sephiroth shift to relieve the obvious pressure forming between his legs. "Besides, he's the patient and I said we could play doctors and nurses."

"And who will be which in this game." The general asked coolly, the question being a pleasant surprise to both Zack and Reno who now looked at him with joyful delight.

"You up for a little role playing there Seph?" The soldier teased lightly, the idea of their silver haired lover having some fun with a bit of make-believe causing his throat to go dry and his body to pulse with excitement.

"Only if I get to be the doctor." Sephiroth warned, his deep lustful tone making both soldier and Turk shiver with pleasure before him.

"Guess that's fair." The soldier managed, his tongue quickly swiping across his dry lips and drawing the general's attention to them immediately. "I mean, you did bring the medicine." He added, the slightly excited tremble in his husky voice not going unnoticed by the others.

"Indeed I did." Sephiroth purred, the desire which now laced his voice somehow causing the temperature in the room to start climbing. "And seeing as how you diagnosed Cloud's condition it only seems right that you should be a doctor as well."

"Sounds good to me." Zack moaned, his breath catching in his throat as Reno took firm hold of his hardening package and squeezed.

"And what about me, yo. I got him the orange juice and soup, didn't I?" The red head grumbled, his own growing need making it hard to be angry at the pair even as they indirectly assigned him the nurses role without consent. "Or are you two trying to make me the chick in this game?"

"It was your idea Reno." The soldier managed to try and argue, before his next words were cut off with a stuttered breath as the grip on his sex tightened. "Beside, you can get male nurses too." Zack quickly pointed out, his inside instantly fluttering with relief as the threatening hold loosened a little.

"From my experience it is normally the nursing staff which bring the patients their refreshments." Sephiroth spoke up, his comment being innocent enough but still causing Zack's heart to leap up into his throat when the red head tensed beside him. "So would that not make you the nurse by default?"

Slightly panicked violet orbs met with questioning silver spheres, the expression on the soldier's handsome face now one of mild panic and a look which clearly shouted 'what the hell did you say that for when I'm still sitting here like this?' But to both Zack and Sephiroth's surprise the red head actually chuckled this time, his amusement at the comment not quiet seeming right and making both silver and raven haired men frown at each other before looking back down at him again.

"I can't believe I'm risking my nuts asking you this." The soldier began, his words pausing only briefly so that he could take in a deep steadying breath. "But what part of Seph's comment was so amusing?"

"Wasn't what he said that I found funny." The Turk replied with a shrug, his sea-green eyes lighting up with heated desire and letting the other two know his thoughts were suddenly anything but innocent.

"Dare I ask what is going through your mind then?" Sephiroth enquired, the smouldering look he gave the red head saying he was more than just curious.

"What you said made me think of something, sort of jogged a memory if you like." Reno smirked, his own fiery look meeting the one which tried to silently challenge him and set the air around them on fire.

"Now I'm more than a little intrigued." The general all but purred, the vibrations of his voice causing a shiver to run up both his red and raven haired lovers bodies.

"Sorry, but I can't tell you the exact details. Secret Turk mission and all that stuff." Was the teasing reply, the playful tone letting them know that while Reno was unable to talk about it he was certainly willing to show them a few interesting things .

"Either you guys get up to more than I imagined or you had one hell of stack out once." Zack managed to joke lightly, his amused tone doing nothing to conceal the obvious arousal he was now feeling.

"Stake out of a doc and his partner." The Turk confirmed, his next words making not only the soldier's pulse quicken but also Sephiroth's as well. "Except it turned out he wasn't screwing the company, just his partner and the male practice nurse ... at the same time."

"Sweet Gaia." Zack groaned, as the excited frantic pulse in his veins began to work its way towards his groin. "That mental imagine just made it a little painfully for me in this position." He growled warningly, his hips quickly shifting to dislodge both Reno's head and hand as he spoke.

"Sorry soldier boy." The red head soothed, carefully sliding off Zack's body and onto the floor so that he knelt at the raven haired man's feet. "I don't mean to tease ... well maybe not too much." He added with a sultry tone, the scorching heat of his own need now aimed solely on the soldier.

Zack couldn't help but gasp as he found himself being drawn in by that blistering heat, his lavender orbs darkening to mirror the passionate emotions being shared as he found himself unable to look away. Slowly Reno's hands began to move up the soldier's legs once more, the long slim fingers working their way along the well defined limbs and over his knees causing Zack's breath to hitch again. In response the Turk only smiled teasingly before pressing his palms down flat against the soldier's thighs, his hands gradually working their way along the strong muscles hidden from sight and making the next breath Zack drew a stuttering one as his eyelids fluttered closed in pleasure.

"Shit Reno." Zack breathed, as he liked his dry lips to moisten them again. "Whatever's going on inside your mind has got to be seriously inappropriate to make you act this way."

"Not inappropriate." The red head reassured, as he began to massage the bugling mass between the soldier's legs once more. "Just really naughty." He whispered with a lustful tone, a small gasp of surprise escaping his lips when a strong well toned body was suddenly pressed up against him from behind.

"You tease just as well with words as you do with actions Reno." Sephiroth growled softly against the shell of the Turk's ear, a playful nip to the lobe causing the red head to gasp again. "It makes it very hard to resist you." He purred, the vibrations travelling down along Reno's neck and making his hands falter in their playful caresses.

"Reno." Zack moaned almost pleadingly, his soft panting breaths clearly revealing just how much of an effect the Turk's touch was having on him.

"Relax Fair, I'm gonna play." The red head reassured soothingly, his voice as smooth as silk as he quickly began to massage the highly aroused area again. "Just need Seph here to help rather than keep distracting me, that's all."

"My pleasure." The general replied, the overly pleased tone he used making both soldier and Turk smile at each other knowingly.

For a few minutes none of them spoke as they slowly began to focus on freeing Zack's trapped bulge and giving the poor soldier some relief, his hard length instantly standing proud as both Sephiroth and Reno worked the button and zipper of his jeans to give the swollen flesh some freedom to move unrestrained.

"Why doctor Fair, you seem to have some swelling in a rather intimate area." The red head couldn't help but tease, the comment earning him a mildly despairing but still heated groan from the soldier and a soft amused chuckle from the general.

"You're unbelievable, you ..." Zack managed, before the rest of his sentence was cut off by a gasping breath as Reno began to massage the swollen flesh once more.

"Now, now, don't get yourself worked up over it." The Turk began, the snort which escaped him momentarily interrupting his words as he tried to pull himself together again. "You should really let Doctor Sephiroth take a look at it, see what he can suggest for this ... impressive ... problem."

This time all three men couldn't help but react to the humour of the situation, Zack's snort turning into a breathy moan as he was stimulated again while Reno bit back on his full out laughter and the general chuckled deeply at how tacky but equally arousing the whole thing was turning out to be.

"Shit. Can't believe ... we're doing ... this." The soldier groaned after another minute of being played with, his violet eyes now glazed with desire as he looked at the two men kneeling in front of him. "Spiky's gonna ... be pissed ... if we do this ... without him." He tried to warn breathlessly, the words falling into a deep pleasure filled moan as the red head's lips suddenly brushed teasingly over the swollen head of his erection.

"It is unlikely that Cloud even knows we are here, let alone what we are doing." Sephiroth quickly pointed out, his large powerful hands now working up and under the Turk's shirt to feel the soft skin underneath.

"Seph's right man." Reno added gently, as he shivered in delight at the caressing touch which now teased its way along his spin. "Our little chocobo head is well and truly out of it right now so just relax ... and let nurse Reno take care of you." He coaxed playfully with a sultry voice, the combination of words and lust filled tone making Zack's cock twitch with excitement.

"Fuck..." The soldier gasped breathlessly, his head falling back against the sofa again as his eyelids fluttered closed to cover heated violet orbs. "So what ... did you have in mind?" He asked, a quick lick of his lips hoping to moisten the suddenly dry flesh as he spoke again. "I mean ... how are we going to do this?"

"Zack has a point." The general spoke up, his hands now working on the front to Reno's body and teasing the hardening nipples with an expert touch. "The bedroom is otherwise occupied, although we could use the smaller bed in the spare bedroom room."

"No need." The red head moaned happily, the feather-light caress of skilled finger tips over his perked nipples sending small jolts of electricity straight to his already painfully confined erection. "We can do it right here. If you're willing?"

Almost instantly the other two stilled and there was a moment of silence around them, the sound of heavy breathing echoing softly within the room as both Zack and Sephiroth looked at Reno with something close to carnal lust.

"Say that again." The soldier instructed huskily, his amethyst eyes now open and starting at the red head with heated desire.

"We can do it right here, no need to go anywhere." Reno repeated before moaning softly, the tight feeling in his trousers more than just a bit unpleasant now. "We just need to lose our clothing and get a little bit more comfortable, that's all."

"And who is to be in what position, may I ask?" The general asked, his question being one that Zack had been only moments from asking himself.

"Weeeeeellllll." The red head replied mischievously, his sea-green spheres sparkling with pleasure. "That idea of mine kind of has the nurse in the middle. If you get what I mean?"

"I think I have an idea." Sephiroth managed, the heated look he shared with the soldier not being missed by Reno who had to close his eyes and draw in a steadying breath at what he saw. "But maybe you should ... describe it to us anyway."

This time the Turk didn't bother to hide his humour at how easily his words and suggestion were exciting his partners, the small snort of amusement which escaped his body only making their interest in his idea even greater.

"You guys remember that time we got back from a mission and found Cloud in Zack's apartment?"

"Which one?" The soldier replied with a faint chuckle, his lips curling up into a pleased smile as he remembered all the times such a thing had happened.

"They one where you couldn't wait five minutes to jump him." The red head sniggered in response, a light-hearted laughter from behind his kneeling position letting him known that the general also remembered the time well.

"Yea, I remember." Zack hummed in approval, the pleasant memories stirring things low down in his body which had begun to calm while they spoke.

"Well this would sort of involve some of that, with you two being in me at the same time like Seph and I were inside of him."

"Can't do that in this position Reno." The soldier began to correct the Turk, his words stuttering on a hitched breath as the red head suddenly began to massage his erection again. "Not with me sitting here."

"No, but we can do something different." The general growled heatedly, the vibrations once more affecting both men in front of him. "But that was where you were going with this, wasn't it?

"Yes." Reno purred, as strong hands slowly began to work their way down his abdomen until they came to rest on the waistband of his jeans. "But I'm gonna need some prep first sooooo ..." He trailed off, Sephiroth's hands already undoing the fastening on his trousers and freeing the swollen flesh from its confines.

After that none of them spoke for a while, their attention focused mainly on keeping the sounds of pleasure to a minimum while they rid each other of their clothing. Almost at once their skin began to glimmer with a fine sheen of perspiration as the tender stimulating touches caused their body heart to rise. Soon each found that they were having to bite back on the louder cries of pleasure as they were teased and played with, the panting breaths and muffled gasps having mixed with restrained groans and soft moans of pleasure long ago.

For Reno it was hardest to control the sounds he made as he was played with, as Sephiroth's long fingers worked inside his body preparing the tight heat for something much larger. He grunted back an exclamation of joy as the strong digits found his pleasure spot again and massaged the gland repeatedly, the sensations causing him to buck back into the touch while releasing a grunt of satisfaction. There was no pointing in pretending he wasn't being driven mad by what they were doing, his pounding heart and straining erection being evidence enough that each glorious touch and caress was exciting him beyond words. But it was the thought of what was to come that really had him burning up inside, the image of the general being buried deep within him from below while the soldier took him from above making the Turk's already trembling knees go weak.

Zack groaned with need as another one of the red head's breathy moans ghosted over his exposed flesh, the warm stream of air causing a rush of excitement to course through his veins. There was no denying that they were all growing more aroused by the anticipation of what was to come, the fact that Cloud was lying ill and asleep in the next room no longer a good enough reason to hold back when their need had become so strong. He knew that in a small way it was wrong that they were enjoying themselves like this when the cadet was suffering, but the idea of playing doctors and nurses had gone past being just a teasing suggestion long ago and now there was a need which burned strongly within them all. He panted heavily as once again the red head set to work on his highly aroused body, as skilled fingers coaxed the swollen flesh to its full glory and began to take him back to that place of coiling pressure once more.

Sephiroth growled softly and drank in the sight of the hot sweaty and flushed pair before him, his silver eyes taking in every detail of their highly aroused states. Zack's sun-kissed skin seemed to glow like newly polished bronze, as the passion between them caused his flesh to become beaded with moisture and glisten in the faint light. He could easily see that the soldier was drowning in the sensations of what they were doing, his half lidded eyes revealing violet orbs which were swimming with lust and need. But it was the feel of Reno's body responding to his touches which held the general's attention a little more in that moment, the tight heat which massaged his invading fingers giving a wonderful demonstration of what was to come.

"Not that I'm complaining." Reno grunted, as a spasm of pleasure shot though his core and caused his aching sex to throb. "But I think I'm ready for something else now." He informed them both breathlessly, the words and tone drawing equally heated moans from the soldier and general.

"You sure?" Zack managed, his passionate desires burning strongly as he felt a few more drops of precum spill down his erection. "Seems too soon." The soldier tried to explain, his words falling to a gasping breath as the red head's tongue darted out and once again licked the leaking fluid away.

"I know it was quick, but I'm ready soldier boy." The Turk reassured huskily, before lapping at the moister which now coated the swollen head of flesh. "And I think you're more than ready." He teased, the hot breath which accompanied his words dancing over the extremely sensitive length and making it twitch with unspoken excitement.

Zack however had no voice to give an answer with and could only groan in repose to the playful comment, his highly aroused body making it hard to think straight when it was still being tortured in such a pleasing way. It was fair to say that he was beyond most rational though right now, the Turk's skilled hands, lips and teeth having driven him to the point of orgasm many times already. Yet at no stage had Reno actually let him go over the edge and fall into the pleasure filled abyss below, the red head's tight hold around the base of his cock making release impossible every time the need came.

Sephiroth couldn't help but smile as he watched the pair interact, his own wanton desires having eaten away at his revered self-control and making it almost impossible to hold back now. He had enjoyed making the Turk moan and writhe in front of him while preparing his body, the sight and sound of his fiery haired lover becoming dangerously aroused making his blood boil. The added sensation of Zack being brought to the brink of climax had only made his need greater, the soldier's hitched breathing and rippling muscles as he was denied release drawing out something dominating and satisfied within him.

"I believe Reno is telling the truth." Sephiroth spoke up quickly, his attention not too focused on the naked bodies in front of him to miss that Zack was about to ask again. "He is more like you then Cloud when it comes to ... intimate moments like these."

"How?" The soldier questioned a little breathlessly, the statement having drawn both his and Reno's attention toward the general with a combined and equally curious expression on each of their faces. "I mean, how is Red more like me than Spiky?"

"Cloud always has been and I believe always will be tight when we do this, his body allowing for nothing less." Sephiroth replied calmly, his voice as smooth as silk along their skin while he tried to explain the comparison he was now making of all of his lovers. "It is most likely that he will become taller and more muscular once he is in soldier, that the mako will enhance his strength, stamina and healing factors. But in truth I believe that his supple form will remain mostly unchanged as he gets older." The general rationalised, his ever observant eyes instantly taking in how their discussion of the cadet's delicate frame was now adding to the excitement which the other two were feeling. "It is possible that he will always poses that lithe body that we have all come to love so much, whether he likes it or not."

"I'm guessing you're pleased about that." Zack chuckled with soft amusement, his violet eyes shining brightly as his own feelings of desire for the blonde were shown.

"Indeed." Sephiroth purred, as he reached one hand round to stroke the soldier's naked thigh. "I adore it just as I adore you're well defined structure and Reno's wonderfully flexible frame."

"Flexible frame huh?" The red head echoed a second later, a small snort of amusement having escaped both himself and the soldier at the same time.

"Of course." Sephiroth continued quite happily, his big strong hands now caressing both Zack and Reno's bodies in some way. "There are things you can do which seem almost impossible to most and positions you get yourself into which I find extremely pleasurable."

"Sweet Gaia." Zack grunted as his body shuddered at the array of mental images which suddenly struck him, the vivid recollections of things they had done to support that statement instantly filling his veins with liquid fire which went straight to his groin.

"Zack?" The Turk enquired soothingly, his finger tips gently ghosting over sun-kissed skin and feeling the muscles tremble underneath.

"I'm good." The soldier panted lightly, a deeper slower breath helping him to pull himself together again. "Just took a quick trip down memory lane and nearly lost it." He admitted with a slightly embarrassed smile, his flushed cheeks darkening a little more as he spoke. "All this talk about Spiky's cute little behind and Red's athletic skills in the bedroom is really not helping my self-control."

"Then perhaps it is time we stopped talking and started making another new memory." Sephiroth suggested heatedly, the lust-filled undertone of his voice making both Zack and Reno shiver in delightful anticipation of what was to come.

The next second and a deep pleasure filled moan filled the air, the soldier's eyes being instantly drawn down to the red head at his feet by the sound which had escaped the Turk's parted lips. Violet orbs widened at the sight of Reno's normally pearl toned skin now peachy pink, due to the passion induced blush which covered it, and the finely sculpted cheeks of his face almost the colour of rose petals as they showed an expression of pure bliss. Slowly Zack's amethyst spheres dragged themselves away from that look of rapture and down along the red head's spine, the soldier's burning lavender eyes unable to tear themselves away from the bent over form of his naked lover until they reached the delightful curving slope of a smooth round backside. That was when Zack's heart leapt into this throat and his breath hitched again, the sight of that wonderfully shaped posterior now pressed firmly against the general's pelvis meaning only one thing.

"Gaia, that feels good." Reno panted breathlessly, his voice filled with both gratification of the contact but also a remaining need.

"I should hope so." Sephiroth replied playfully, his hips now rocking just a little to teasingly massage deep within the Turk while still giving him some time to adjust.

"Sweet Shiva." The soldier managed as he watched the scene before him, a small part of his mind giving thanks that the red head was no longer touching the more private parts of his anatomy or else he knew he wouldn't have stood a chance at not blowing his load right then and there.

"As Reno said, he was quite ready." The general unnecessarily pointed out, the hungry expression on his face only making Zack's over aroused state even harder to control.

"You guys need to give me a minute here." The soldier managed to say, his quicker breaths and frantically beating heart showing how close he was getting by just watching the pair.

"Still gonna need to lean on you soldier boy." Reno panted heavily, his upper body now lying on Zack's lap with one soft check pressed firmly against a hot well defined thigh. "Need some place to balance while Seph rides me good and hard." He added overly suggestively, the last words he uttered leaving no doubt as to what he wanted from this interaction.

"Then I suggest you hold on." Sephiroth purred with a playful warning, his deep and almost primal tone instantly letting them know he was more than happy to oblige the red head's request.

A second later and the soldier felt two hands quickly work their way up along the outside of his legs, the long narrow fingers gliding almost seductively over the heated flesh until open palms came to rest cupping the firm toned cheeks of his backside.

"Shit ... Reno." Zack moaned, as the sensation of each passing finger tip left a trail of tingling electricity in their wake.

"Calm down." The red head chuckled softly, his soothing tone not sounding completely apologetic due to the amusement he seemed to have gained from his actions. "Just getting myself comfortable." He added with a slightly gloating air to his words, the obvious pleasure he now felt from causing such a reaction plain for all to see.

"Well your idea of comfort has me more shaken up than a bottle of soda and ready to pop." The soldier growled meaningfully, his own hands having found their way to the Turk's shoulders as they sought something solid to hold onto.

This comment however only managed to add more humour to the situation, the almost comical metaphor of Zack's perilous state somehow entertaining the other two even as their bodies began to instinctively move against each other.

"You know Zack." Reno began to say, his words momentarily slipping away to be replaced by a low gratified moan as he was internally stroked in just the right way. "Sometimes you ... have no ... patience." He managed to gasp, as those gloriously slow caresses began to making things within him tighten in that delightful way they did.

"I have patience." The soldier almost pouted, the look of course being ruined by the overwhelming expression of carnal need which now glowed like fire in his violet eyes. "It's just a little harder to control myself when I can see Seph fucking you just right and I've got your happy sounds breathing against my cock."

A clearly audible snort from the general cut off anything Reno would have said in reply to Zack's comment, the sound causing a momentary distraction between the pair as they looked at their silver haired lover with equally amused expressions.

"Find something funny Seph?" The soldier had to ask for them both, the red head having lost the ability to speak almost instantly as another well aimed thrust moved into him.

"Sometimes you both talk too much." The general replied calmly, the flash of something darker and more primitive shining within his eyes.

To this both Turk and soldier sniggered in agreement and didn't bother to argue, the joy they both felt at having the general make such a statement outweighing any annoyance they could have experienced from it.

"Looks like you're ... not the only one ... with no patience." Reno all but groaned, as the sensations of being pushed, pulled, filled and stretched began to make his own erection throb with a need to be touched.

Sephiroth merely huffed slightly to show that he had heard the teasing remark but had no intention of honouring it with a verbal response, his body giving another kind of reply for him as he withdrew from the red head's tight warmth until only the domed head of his cock remained inside. He couldn't help but smile to himself as he felt Reno shift restlessly as the seconds began to tick by, the red head clearly becoming frustrated as he unsuccessfully tried to move back in an attempt to bring them together once more. It was therefore with great delight that the general continued to hold the Turk in place denying him that pleasure, even as his own swollen flesh silently demanded to be buried deep within the red head so that it could feel the hot wall of muscle wrapped around it again.

Reno moaned or maybe it was more of a whimper, he wasn't really sure at this point and didn't really care. All the red head knew was that he wanted... No... That he needed to be filled again. His body was on fire and practically demanded the touch which would help to bring release, every nerve ending now alive in a way that promised a wonderful feeling of euphoria if only his lover would just move inside him over and over again.

Zack bit down on his bottom lip to stop himself from laughing out loud as the fiery haired Turk got a taste of his own teasing medicine, the sounds of need that were now escaping his body making it very clear that he was just as desperate for this as they were. Of course pointing that out at this stage would be foolish, so instead the soldier grinned like a fool as he found himself looking into Sephiroth's equally amused and heated gaze and a look of understanding passed between them.

A second later and their silent conversation was interrupted by a needy sound coming from Reno as yet again he tried to push backwards, the general easily able to move with the slight rocking motion so that once more the red head was denied full penetration. A disgruntled and slightly frustrated sound quickly followed the actions and Sephiroth barely contained his own soft laughter, his larger frame gracefully leaning forward so that his whole upper body now rested along the Turks' back and his mouth brushed gently against Reno's left ear.

"Now who has no patience?" The general purred triumphantly, his hips suddenly pushing forward and deep into the red head's tight passage as soon as the words had been spoken.

Reno groaned out loud and silently cursed Sephiroth for being able to play with him like that, the smart-arse remark he would liked to have given in response being lost to him as the feelings of pleasure shoot through his body. There was no denying that the man's touch could easily render him speechless at times like this, that right now the way his insides were being plundered was making even simple thoughts difficult to process. Desire, need and the satisfaction of deep forceful thrusts brushed away any lingering feelings of irritation he may have had, the strong hands which carefully held him in place adding to the already wonderful rush of sensations. It was only when his own heated moans of pleasure were joined by another that the Turk opened his eyes again, the sea-green orbs having closed instinctively when he had been filled so quickly by Sephiroth's delightfully hard length.

"You ok." Reno panted, as he turned his head enough to look up at the soldier above him and see the lust radiating from normally soft violet spheres.

"I'm good." Zack replied a little breathlessly, his expression becoming strained for a brief moment as he seemed to try and regain control of his sense again. "But you have no idea how good it feels being in this position right now." He added with a light but deep heated chuckle.

It only took the red head a second to realise what the soldier was talking about, the way his head had been angled only moments ago meaning that every gasp of warm breath or pleasure filled moan that passed his lips had stimulated Zack's own rising needs. There was no way that the soldier could have escaped the feeling of hot air ghosting over his highly aroused flesh, the mako enhanced nerves in his body easily registering the added vibrations of each heated groan so close to his groin and making the teasing sensation even more delightful.

"Sorry man." Reno apologised sincerely, his hands now moving to caress Zack's hips and outer thighs in a soothing way even as he was rocked firmly from behind.

"It's ok." The soldier murmured, a soft moan or approval following his words as he felt the massaging touches move over him.

"Actions speak louder than words." Sephiroth advised meaningfully, his voice hinting at more than his suggestion let on as he continued to drive his swollen flesh deep into the Turk's willing body.

Zack didn't understand what the general was talking about until he felt Reno shift, the unexpected sensation of warm wet lips encasing the rounded tip of his erection causing his breath to hitch and his head to fall back against the back of the sofa.

"Oh Gaia ... Reno." He gasped to the ceiling, as the Turk's mouth began to take him in and his hard length was instantly surrounded by moist heat.

Sephiroth watched with a sense of pride as his fiery haired lover began to pleasure his raven haired partner, the sight of Reno's hands now flexing and grasping at well defined hips as his head slowly bobbed up and down making the general's need for release suddenly become more demanding. He drew a steadying breath to calm himself a little as he continued to work his way in and out of the Turk's supple body, the wall of muscle rippling along his aching sex and making the organ throb with a wonderfully familiar need. It was a heavy breathy moan which drew the general's attention back towards his soldier, the lust-filled violet orbs he'd seen only moments ago now hidden behind closed eyelids and the smooth expanse of Zack's exposed throat giving off a very arousing show of vulnerability in the powerful young man.

There were no words which could describe what the soldier was currently feeling, his breath catching repeatedly as he tried to hold his slightly bucking hips in place. The feel of that hot wet cavern surrounding him was making it almost impossible to think straight, the almost torturous caresses of Reno's tongue playing firmly along his rigid cock already causing his sex to ache with the need for release. But instead of allowing the orgasm to come as it wanted to Zack fought it with every fibre of his being, the stimulating assault of the warm wet muscle as if moved up, down, over and around his shaft only making the battle that much harder. He groaned loudly as a glorious suction was applied to the hard length and shuddered with the restraint needed to starve off the climax, the Turk's skilled technique literally drawing the seed from his body like a mythological siren's song to a sailor at sea. There was nothing stronger than the unspoken promise being made by each lick, nip or suck, the knowledge of the joy to come from answering that call making it almost unbearable to deny much longer.

Reno couldn't help but grin in triumph at what he was achieving, or at least he would have smiled had it not been for the smooth column of flesh currently occupying his mouth. Instead he hummed in approval of the sounds Zack was now making and continued to lick, suck and tease the stiffened organ while quietly taking pleasure in the slightly salty taste which had begun to coat his tongue at certain points. There was no denying that the red head was enjoying himself as both his lovers drove into him with all that nature had blessed them with, one buried deep within the Turk and satisfying his needs from behind while the other consumed him from in front. Both were well endowed men and their bodies now showed this as they filled him completely, each thankfully keeping a reasonably tight rein on their mako enhanced strength as they moved inside of him and for that Reno was more than grateful. It wasn't that he didn't like a nice rough fuck now and then, especially with these two, but normally Cloud's physical presence would remind them to be more careful with their not so drastically altered lovers. It hadn't occurred to the red head at the start that he might be stirring up a hornets' nest by working the general and soldier into a frenzy, that without the cadet taking part he might get more than he'd bargained for. But now as he felt his body being firmly rocked between them he threw those worries aside and allowed himself to slip into the blissfully state it created, the delightful strength yet tender care he was being exposed to reminding him that they would never do anything to hurt him.

By this point there was no turning back for any of them as the temperature in the room skyrocketed, the sounds of their pleasure filling the air as heated moans and soft groans echoed around them. Words of praise and encouragement were whispered by those that could speak, their endearing comments being released along with hot heavy breaths that began to hitch as they all drew closer to release.

For Sephiroth it was like eating from a buffet of all the things he desired, the sights sounds and smells of his lovers excitement washing over him in waves as they remained spread out before him. By now his body was thrusting into Reno's with purpose, his hard length pulsating with an all too familiar pleasure as he pounded into the red head's passage with determination and need. Each driving motion into the tight heat pushed the Turk's body forward just a little, his strong yet carefully hold on a narrow waist keeping that wonderful form in place as he picked up the pace. Already he was at his limit with the feel of Reno's clenching arse muscles squeezing along his hard length, the sounds of both his raven and red haired lover's pleasure quickly adding to the rising tide within him. A change in pitch of the muffled moans and gasping breaths poured over him revealing how close the other two now were and the damn which held his orgasm back began to crack, the soldier's hitching breath mixing with the rippling tightness which surrounded his throbbing flesh fracturing the small amount of control he had left.

The red head shuddered as another thrust brushed over that place within him which had him seeing stars, the muscles deep inside spasming with delight as they were caressed by Sephiroth's thrusting cock. He would have shouted his joy to the world if not for the swollen mass which now pulsed warningly between his lips and turned the cries of joy to stifled noises of pleasure. But really Reno didn't care that he couldn't voice his delight in what they were doing to him, the fact he had instigated the whole situation making the coiling tension low down in his abdomen become tighter as he felt the end approaching. Determined not to be the only one to break he began to work his mouth over Zack's stiffened flesh with increased suction and pressure, taking it down his throat as far as possible without gagging and swallowing to give the whole length a powerful massage. He couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph as the soldier's restrained bucking slipped and he began humping the Turk's mouth helplessly, his powerful hands no longer stroking along Reno's back but now tightly fisted into the soft material of the sofa cushions beside him.

Zack gasped, groaned and cursed the red head with heated pleasure filled breaths as the blood in his veins turned to lava, his body no longer his to control only to feel as it moved without his consent and began to search for release. He growled feverishly as his pelvis rocked back and forth so that he was now practically fucking Reno's mouth, the Turk's hands on his hips being the only thing to keeping him focused and stop him from pounding away with as much vigour as Sephiroth was doing from the other end. The pressure was building too quickly to bring it back under control now and it was swiftly becoming more than Zack could bear, the feel of Reno's hands thankfully helping to guide him as they moved together with an ever increasing speed and rhythm.

Sephiroth heard the desperate gasping breath being released and his silvery eyes instantly flicked up from the writhing form in front of him to the soldier on the other side, the panted warnings which spilled from the parted lips making things low down in his body pull taught. Growling with animalistic need the general began to fill the red head with more urgency himself, the overwhelming sensations driving him to push harder, faster and deeper into the wanton body as it bucked and drove itself back to meet every one of his impaling thrusts. A second later and he was drowning in the scent of Zack reaching his climax, the unmistakable aroma filling the air as the soldier's breath ceased to come and his whole body tensed before twitching uncontrollably as the orgasm was ripped from him. It was one of the most glorious and erotic visions to behold and did very little to help Sephiroth's quickly deteriorating control, the sounds of Zack's rapture filling the room as once again the soldier remembered to draw precious air into his lungs and moaned the red head's name as if he were praying words of thanks to some divine god.

Reno held on tightly to the soldier's hips as they convulsed beneath his touch, using every ounce of strength he had to try and keep the bucking pelvis in place as he drew every last drop of seed he could from Zack's body. He drank it all, savouring the liquid that his raven haired lover had to offer as if it were fine wine and wanting more, the taste only making his own approaching orgasm feel that much closer. The Turk could already feel a painfully desperate need to breath burning in his lungs, the sensation having intensified since it became necessary to swallow rather than draw air through his nose while lavishing attention on the now pulsating flesh in his mouth. Of course that wasn't the only reason why he couldn't get enough oxygen into his body, the delicious friction which was suddenly being applied to his own aching rigid cock causing his racing heart to beat that much faster and the wonderful rush which came just before release to pour though him. Reno groaned as best he could with the slowly softening flesh still between his lips, the sated organ slipping from its place within him and his head flicked back to cry out in pleasure, as the general's hand moved with practiced perfection up, down and along his twitching shaft drawing his own release from his body.

The soldier felt the world around him as if he were in the clouds, the sights and sensations all a little fuzzy on his senses but still oh so wonderfully delicious to experience. He mind barley registered anything expect the amazing afterglow which now coursed through his body, his limbs having finally stopped twitching and become heavy with sated pleasure. He was not too far gone however to miss the red head's cry of pleasure and know what it meant, a content and grateful smile spreading across his handsome features as he said a silent word of thanks to Sephiroth for doing what he was currently unable to do. Hot panting gasps of air drifted over the sweat soaked flesh of his thighs and lower abdomen, the red heads heaving breaths becoming hitched and more drawn out as his approaching climax grew stronger. And suddenly Reno was convulsing against him in a way which was unmistakable, the jerking thrusting motions being disjointed and erratic as the orgasm was ripped from him and leaving Zack with no doubt that Sephiroth would soon be following them both into bliss.

The Turk's heated insides clenched down hard and fast around the general's invading member as he came, the pulsating wall of muscle almost crushing the hard length as it attempted to draw release from the hard thick length which continued to impale it ruthlessly. And Sephiroth couldn't have been happier as he felt Reno's orgasm play throughout the lithe body, the wondrous sensation of having his own aching cock being massaged so passionately along with the slick feel of hot seed as it exploded from the red head's throbbing flesh and poured down over his hand. He growled possessively as the white hot liquid forced its way between his fingers as they continued to milk the length for all it was worth, the additional precious fluid instantly making the gliding motions he was working along the swollen flesh smoother than they had been before and drawing out the Turk's climax even longer. Suddenly, as if struck by lightning, it all became too much for the general and his hips snapped forward one last time as he came. The feel of Reno's arse squeezing spasmodically around his pumping cock becoming too much for Sephiroth and he grunted out his pleasure as the sensation drew the release from his own body to fill the dark warm depths of the red head's dark passage.

Zack grinned lazily with a sense of contentment as he watched his lovers orgasms play out to their full, his own needs now more than fulfilled and leaving him in both a satisfied and exhausted state. He sighed happily as he felt Reno's body finally begin to calm against him and ran his fingers through the Turk's fiery red hair, the action soothing the lithe body which still twitched slightly against him and easing the faint tremble which ran through muscles still rippling from the climax they had experienced. Slowly he allowed his eyes to trail along the sweat covered back in front of him until it reached Sephiroth's unmistakable pale flesh, the obvious shine on the currently flushed skin showing that he and Reno were not the only ones to have worked themselves into a feverish state with this merging. As a result he couldn't stop an overly pleased expression from forming on his face, the deep heated groan which escaped the general as he shoved himself more firmly into the Turk's body only causing the soldier's smile to grow brighter.

"Fuck ..." Reno gasped, once he finally managed to catch his breath again. "That was a - fucking - mazing." He panted happily, the look on his face being one of a cat who had well and truly got his cream.

"No argument's here." Zack sighed, happily aware that they were all glowing now as their heart rates finally began to calm again.

"Nor here." Sephiroth added, as he slowly and carefully withdrew himself from the red head's body.

A small groan of discomfort made the soldier and general pause, the unwelcome sound having escaped Reno's lips before he could stop it. The Turk however didn't waste time denying that he'd made such a noise and instead focused on lowering his slightly tender backside down on to the carpeted floor. It was only once he was sitting comfortably with his back to the sofa and Zack's legs supporting the weight of his upper body that he confirmed their suspicions, his content smile easing the worries each felt for perhaps getting a little carried away whilst caught up in the throes of pleasure.

"Chill out, both of you." Reno chuckled happily, as he nuzzled the soldier's outer thigh affectionately with his cheek. "You know I like a good pounding now and then."

"I should have been more carefully." Sephiroth sighed with a hint of disappoint, the emotion clearly aimed at himself now as he sat back on his heels and regarded the Turk carefully.

"There should be a spare potion in the bathroom if you want it." Zack spoke up before either of them could speak again, his strong fingers now running tenderly through Reno's fiery mane in a loving way.

"Na, I'm good." The red head replied with a soft satisfied sigh, his sea-green eyes closing in pleasure at the soothing caresses. "If it still hurts in the morning I'll take something then." He added quickly, already knowing that for the general more reassurances would be needed. "I kind of like the ache afterwards, it reminds me of how good it was."

"Very well." Sephiroth agreed understandingly, his soft lips curving up a little more so that his smile was now one of pride. "If it pleases you then who am I to deny that."

To this Reno only smiled in response and relaxed even more against the soldier's naked thigh, a slight shifting beside him and then an additional weight against the other side of Zack's leg silently letting him know that Sephiroth was now mirroring his position against Zack's lower body.

"Not that I want to ruin this wonderful moment." The soldier began, his attention now focused on running a hand over both his lovers heads. "But we should probably get ourselves cleaned up and sorted out in case Spiky wakes up." He added, a burst of warmth flowing out from the centre of his chest as he felt both general and Turk responding positively to the gentle motions his fingers were making as they ran through both red and silver locks.

"In a minute." Reno replied sleepily, his sated body now starting to feel like a mixture of cotton wool and lead as he began to drift off under the relaxing touches.

"I agree." Sephiroth murmured, the deeper tone he used also sounding a little further away as if he too were not far from dozing off.

Zack only smiled silently as he felt the pair slip away to the land of dreams, his hands soon slowing in their motions as he too succumbed to the sandman's pull and fell into a deep and peaceful sleep.


Thankfully Cloud's cold had turned out to be just that, a nasty and unforgiving cold which kept the young cadet in bed for the best part of a week while he recovered. The medicine which Sephiroth had purchased worked like magic in easing his symptoms, though his lovers would never admit that a non-drowsy option had been possible in aiding his recovery. It probably helped that the blonde had also lost his voice for a couple of days and was therefore unable to ask about an alternative option, the three men knowing full well that they would never be able to lie to Cloud should he ask about it. Of course there were other things which the general, soldier and Turk would not admit to if asked, the number of times they played doctors and nurses while the cadet slept being one of them. Although each admitted that the blonde might look quite good in a nurse's uniform if they could just talk him into it one day.