As most of you know I've been working on a 4WS story for a while now, but due to various exams and other interruptions it hasn't been going well. In truth the story has become a bit of a spinning top for me and I've had to take a step back from that idea to get a better look at it. This story is therefore not the one I was originally working on but sort of became a way of starting fresh with an old idea in the hopes of clearing my mind and refocusing it on these boys and the world they live in.

I will of course keep working on the other story, because I don't want to give up on it, and hopefully this instalment will make up for the time I'm taking to get it done.

As always I don't own the characters or the world they live in, but the ideas are mine so I hope you enjoy them :o) And please remember to review and let me know what you think.

WARNING!!! - There will be Yaoi in a later chapter so if you don't like it then please don't read it.

Sniffles – Part 1

It was a cold wet morning in Midgar and the base was darkened by heavy rain clouds which hovered overhead. To make the day even more uncomfortable there was also a cold wind making its way through the compound, stealing the warmth of any man who happened to get caught in it. Zack loved the elements, loved the feel of the wind on his face, and loved the smell of the air after the rain. Of course he much preferred the warmer weather in places such as Costa Del Sol, but even when he didn't like the cold he still enjoyed the way the atmosphere felt when there was or had been a storm. He smiled as he left the ShinRa building, where his office was, and stepped out into the damp bitter world and inhaled deeply. For a change the cloudy sky appeared slightly fresher and clean, the recent rain having cleared it temporarily, and the wind rushed past him carrying new untainted air with it. The soldier smiled pulling his jacket on and doing up the zip. He knew that his mako enhanced body could withstand the environment, and that he probably didn't need the coat, but for some reason today he was feeling the chill a little more than usual.

Checking one last time that he had the correct information Zack turned and set off for his intended destination, a joyful spring in his step as he moved. The soldier smiled as he made his way towards the south gate, the idea of seeing his little Spiky filling him with excitement. It had been a busy week and the soldier had barley seen the cadet due to their schedules overlapping for most of the time. The first day had been fine and even the second hadn't bothered him too much, but now on the fifth day he was starting to miss the blonde in a way that made his heart ache. As a result of his need to see Cloud and the convenient boredom, which had arisen during the latest pile of paper work, the soldier now found himself in search of his blonde. He knew that the cadet had been assigned guard duty for the week, the early shift no less, so it had only been a matter of finding out which gate Cloud was stationed at. Zack's smile became a grin as the guard post came into sight and the figures of two cadets standing beside it could be seen clearly.

"Morning guys." The soldier cheered by way of greeting.

"Sir." The boys chorused standing to attention instantly.

It was only as they took in the appearance of the raven haired soldier in front of them that one of the cadets relaxed and his formal stance became a little less rigid.

"Morning Zack." Cloud said, his voice a little dry.

"Hey." The soldier replied smiling brightly at the blonde, before turning his attention towards the cadet who was a still as stiff as a board. "You're gonna hurt yourself standing like that kid, why don't you relax a little."

"Sir?" The cadet mumbled hesitantly.

"It's ok Jacob." Cloud croaked, before coughing to clear his throat. "Zack's not one for formality, unless it's really necessary." He informed the other cadet beside him.

Zack watched in amusement as Jacob's face took on a shocked look, well at least the bits he could see which weren't hidden by the boy's helmet. He could only imagine that the cadet's eyes were probably the size of dinner plates right now and the idea made him laugh a little.

"So what have you guys been up to?" He asked cheerfully, while managing to keep his amusement under control.

"Guard duty, Sir." Jacob replied instantly, his body automatically snapping back into an official stance as he addressed the more senior officer.

"Now I know we've met before and I'm pretty sure I told you not to call me Sir then as well." The soldier sighed, as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked at the cadet with mock annoyance.

"But ... but that was your ... day off ... Sir." Jacob stammered nervously, his hidden gaze flicking uncertainly between Cloud's concealed face and Zack's now clearly amused one.

"Fine, I'll give you that one." The soldier chuckled happily, his posture relaxing again and his friendly smile brightening even more. "But Spiky's right about me and formality so drop the Sir thing, unless it's really necessary, and call me Zack. Ok?"

"Uuummm ok." The cadet replied tentatively, as he slowly eased into a more casual stance and began to smile. "I mean, if you're sure ... Zack." He added nervously, the upward curve of his lips increasing even more as he spoke the higher ranking officer's name.

"I'm sure." The soldier responded while grinning cheerfully himself, his eyes slowly taking in the damp and disbelieved pair in front of him now that the name issue had been sorted out. "So how's it been going?" Zack asked casually, knowing from his own experience that guard duty in the rain was never pleasant or fun.

"A little boring actually." Jacob spoke up before Cloud could, his increased confidence in chatting with the soldier so casually making Zack smile proudly at the young man as he continued to speak. "It rained earlier so we got a little wet, but not much else." The cadet continued happily, the smile which had formed on his face now reaching from ear to ear and covering most of his lower face.

"Rain again? Doesn't that make it what, like the third time this week for you Spiky?" Zack asked, after doing a quick mental check of which mornings it had rained so far that week.

"Fourth." Cloud replied bluntly, while pulling his coat in more tightly around himself.

"Wow, four out of five. That really sucks." Jacob stated instantly, his tone clearly sympathetic to the situation. "I guess I was lucky that I only had to suffer the rain twice."

"Care to explain that one to me." The soldier began, his expression now a little more serious than before. "Because I'm curious how two cadets who get assigned the same guard duty for a week, end up being soaked a different number of times."

"Brice did some of my shift this week, because he owed me, after I covered a few days for him last month." Jacob quickly explained, his reason being an acceptable one and letting Zack know that Cloud had not been made to suffer in some way. "That's ok, isn't it? I mean, as long as the duty is covered it's ok. Right?"

"Technically yea." The soldier agreed with a sigh, his friendly smile returning to his handsome features once more and in turn helping Jacob to relax again. "It's not uncommon for soldiers to swap shifts if needed, just don't make a habit of it." He advised the young cadet evenly, the fact being that while such things were tolerated from time to time it was not something which was to be made a habit of.

"Yes Sir." Jacob replied, his breath hitching slightly as he hurried to correct himself. "I mean, yes Zack."

"Good, now relax." The soldier ordered playfully, his hands digging into his jacket pockets after finding they had nowhere else better to go. "So Spiky, four day's huh. I guess that really does suck." He aired thoughtfully, his warm violet spheres now looking towards the cadet in question as he spoke.

But when no response came from the blonde, who was clearly not happy about something, he found his gaze instantly returning to the other young man beside him and realised that they were both now looking at each other with equally questioning expression. So for a moment Zack's confused lavender orbs focused on the place where Jacobs eyes would be beneath his helmet and silently asked what was up, to which he received a small shrug and an equally bemused look on the visible part of the cadet's face.

Deciding that the direct approach was probably the best one for this Zack turned his attention towards Cloud again and tried to smile cheerfully as he began to speak. "What's up Spiky? You seen a little off today."

"I'm fine." Cloud croaked, his lips drawn into a tight line while the rest of his face remained hidden by both the helmet he wore and the upturned collar of his coat.

Zack scowled with obvious disapproval at the comment, the words not being a lie exactly but as close to one as they could be when his Spiky was clearly not being completely truthfully. He therefore took it upon himself as not only as the cadet's boyfriend but also as his superior officer to find out what was wrong with the blonde.

But just as he was about to make a point of finding out what was wrong Cloud sneezed quite violently, a small gloved hand instantly reaching up to grasp at the head hidden beneath a military helmet as the blonde groaned in obvious pain. A second later and the soldier felt his stomach drop out from beneath him as Cloud swayed on the spot and then staggered forward, the cadet's stumbling steps desperately trying to find balance again but clearly unable to do so.

Cloud wasn't sure who caught him exactly, as the wave of dizziness which swept through him made it almost impossible to think straight, but the strong muscular arms which now held him close gave him a pretty good idea. The only problem was that the chest he was currently pressed tightly against contained a heart which was pounding out a loud and frantic rhythm, the strong thunderous beat suddenly making his throbbing headache even more unbearable. In an effort to reduce the pain inside his skull the blonde quickly pulled away from the warm embrace, his limbs shaking with both the embarrassment of being rescued like that and from the effort needed to stand by himself unaided again.

Unfortunately he had not been quick enough to avoid Zack from also noticing the tremble which was now working its way through his small frame, the soldier's soft violet eyes quickly becoming concerned as they began to look at him more intensely. And suddenly the cadet knew that he was no longer simply being watched by his boyfriend, the lavender eyes which seemed to be assessing him darkening slightly as the expression on the soldier's handsome face became more serious

"Cloud?" Zack began gently, his voice clearly worried but trying to remain calm and neutral as he spoke. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." The cadet repeated hopefully, the words barely leaving his lips before his dry throat caused him to succumb to a small coughing fit which instantly contradicted the statement.

"No you're not, you're sick." The soldier stated firmly, the obvious symptoms he'd noted all fitting together like pieces of a puzzle to show a clear and very displeasing picture.

"I'm ok." Cloud protested weakly, the embarrassment he now felt making his already tight chest hurt a little more.

"No you're not, I can see it. Damn it Spiky why didn't you say something earlier?" Zack scolded the cadet, his protective instincts for the blonde only half his reason for being angry now.

"I'm ok, it's just a cold." Cloud defended himself feebly, the excuse sounding a little weak to himself even if it was the truth.

"You're not supposed to do guard duty if you're sick. You should have told someone so they could replace you." The soldier informed the cadet sternly, his large powerful arms crossing over his broad chest and making the muscles there stand out so that his posture became even more authoritative.

It wasn't just because he was worried about Cloud's health that he had now become so serious. The fact was that a sick guard was an inefficient one and that put the whole base at risk. It also put the other guard on duty under more pressure if things went wrong.

"I'm sorry." Cloud replied sadly, his voice barely a whisper as he tried to speak. "I really didn't feel this bad when I got up." He managed, before the cracked words gave up completely and he was forced to cough again.

"It happens sometimes, but next time you report it as soon as you start to feel unable to do your duty." Zack lectured gently, his formal pose relaxing instantly as he saw how it had affected the blonde.

"I will." Was the faint and clearly dejected response, the hurt tone in Cloud's reply making the soldier instantly feel bad for going into official mode when he should have been a bit easier on his sick lover.

"How long have you guys got left at this post?" Zack asked with a sigh, choosing to direct his question at Jacob who had been watching silently and would be able to answer without straining any vocal cords.

"Uuummm, about twenty minutes. I think." The other cadet stammered, his mind quickly kicking into gear again and pushing the whirlwind of thoughts and questions he wanted to ask to the back of his head.

"Ok, I'll stay with you guys till then." The soldier informed them both evenly. "And then you're going to be dismissed for the day." He stated in a way which said there was no other choice but to agree, his gaze once again being directed back to the blonde standing beside him.

Cloud nodded silently knowing that at this point it was useless to argue even if he'd wanted to, the amethyst spheres which somehow managed to bore into his hidden sapphire orbs making it very clear it would be a waste of time to try. And truthfully the blonde was actually a little grateful that the choice had been taken away from him, the sudden relief he felt from not having to face the rest of the day making every ache and pain he'd been trying to ignore take notice and re-announce itself to his already drained and weary body.

"I'm just gonna make a phone call, get you excused from classes for the rest of the day." Zack said looking at Cloud questioningly, his expression quickly becoming soft and filled with concern as he realised that the cadet was not protesting the decision as he'd expected.

Once again the blonde only nodded in agreement and the soldier was left feeling momentarily stunned, the fight he'd been preparing himself for over the matter now completely unnecessary and leaving him even more worried than before. It was no secret that Cloud hated it when they made a fuss about him, that he normally refused any form of help which they offered saying he didn't need or want the special treatment. But there was none of that now, no angry words from the cadet to show his dislike for what Zack was indirectly enforcing, and it made something within the soldier's chest tighten slightly.

He quickly glanced at Cloud once more to check he wasn't about to change his mind and then took a few steps away, his hand already digging through his trouser pocket and retrieving the phone he would need. A second later and he was pressing the speed dial button and listening to the device ring against his ear, his feet casually carrying him a short distance away so that he could make the phone call without the cadet's overhearing but still be close enough to keep an eye on the blonde throughout.

"Hey Seph." Zack replied softly, as soon as the phone was answered and the smooth voice he knew so well greeted him warmly.

"What's wrong?" Was the instant question that came to him over the phone, the great General having quickly noted the concern in the soldier's voice.

"Spiky's sick." Zack explained solemnly, even though a faint smile had formed on his lips at how easily his silver haired lover had been able to read him.

"Is he really sick or are you trying to get him out of classes for the day?" Sephiroth asked calmly, the question not really being a surprise to the soldier considering his past antics.

The general was silently glad that his voice at least sounded neutral because he knew that Zack had been restless about not seeing their blonde for a few days. He also knew that the soldier had a habit of trying to get Cloud out of things when his desire to see the cadet became too much and would do anything to spend a day with him. But the worried tone of Zack's voice was too genuine to be fake and made him uncertain about the soldier's intentions, the obvious concern which laced his words making it hard for Sephiroth to believe he was being anything but truthful on this occasion.

"Yea he's really sick. Poor little guy's caught a cold and I need you to get him excused for the day." Zack replied with a chuckle and not taking offense to the suspicion which was clear in their silver haired lover's voice. "Actually ..." The soldier began, as an idea struck him when he looked back over at the blonde in question. "You better make it two, he's looking pretty rough."

"Cloud will not like us doing this." The general pointed out evenly, his heart clenching briefly as this time he heard a soft sigh being released before the caller spoke again.

"Seph, he agreed to it." Zack informed the general seriously, the reason for the soldier's apparent anxiety now very obvious to Sephiroth as he considered the implications of the words.

"It's done." The general replied instantly, his own unease very evident now. "Will you be taking him back to your apartment or the infirmary?"

"I'll take him back to mine. It's a miracle that he agreed to take the day off. I don't want to push it by making him go to the infirmary."

"That is probably a wise decision. I will finish here and come by later to check on you both." Sephiroth stated calmly, or as calmly as he could manage with his insides now screwing up into little knots as he thought about his blonde haired lover being ill.


"Take care of him Zack. I'll be there as soon as I can." The general stated firmly before hanging up, the words having sounded almost like an order than anything else, but one the soldier was more than happy to obey on this occasion.

A second later and Zack flipped his phone shut before tucking it back into his trouser pocket and making his way back towards the cadets, his violet eyes only now taking in the slight sheen of perspiration which seemed to have formed on Cloud's cheeks.

"Ok, you're cleared for the day." He announced warmly, the strained smile on his face not quite matching the forced cheerful tone of his voice.

"Thanks." Cloud mumbled, his attempt to ask the solder what was wrong ending as another forceful sneeze shook his body.

Once again Zack acted with mako enhanced reflexes and caught the blonde as he stumbled forward, the cadet swaying on his feet for a moment before falling back into the arms which held him carefully. A second later and the soldier couldn't help but smile brightly with genuine amusement when the cadet swore softly against his chest, that was until he felt how hot Cloud's body had suddenly become compared to the last time he'd caught the cadet in his arms.

"Spiky, you're on fire." Zack gasped in surprise, as he noted the warm pink flush across the blonde's normally pale cheeks.

"No I'm not." Cloud replied faintly, not even trying to pull himself away from the soldier's hold on him this time.

"Yea, you are." Zack responded bluntly, his concern for the cadet going into overdrive as the blonde continued to lean into the embrace.

Another thing about Cloud was that he was always careful to limit their contact outside of the apartment, not wanting to add to the rumours which already ran rampant through the compound. He tolerated the hair ruffles and head locks which were now publicly acceptable and somewhat expected of the pair, the friendly hugs which the soldier was known for as well as an arm throw across his shoulder being the closest they ever came to intimate contact when in a social setting. The fact that Cloud was now unconcerned about someone seeing this very obvious sign of affection between them, and was in fact seeking it, made the soldier's chest quickly tighten with unease.

"I can finish the duty on my own if that helps." Jacob suggested nervously, the words instantly drawing Zack's attention back towards him.

"Thanks for the offer, but I can't leave you alone." The soldier replied appreciatively, the smile he gave the young cadet being gratefully even though he was declining the offer.

"It's only fifteen minutes, I don't mind." Jacob said hesitantly, the tone of his voice clearly revealing the anxiety he was feeling.

"It's kind of you to offer, but really, you can't be here on your own." The soldier informed him gently. "I'll ... we'll stay till you're both relieved."


The next shift arrived on time and the approaching cadets were shocked and a little confused to see a soldier and cadet guarding the south gate. It was only as they drew closer that both saw the other cadet sitting on the floor leaning against the fence, his body slumped back against the hard surface as if it were the only thing holding him up and the other two looking at him with concern.

"What happened?" One of the cadets asked, as soon as they were close enough.

"Cloud's not doing so well." Jacob responded instantly.

"Did he get hurt again?" The other new arrival enquired, clearly a little alarmed by the blonde's appearance.

"No, he's just sick." Zack said reassuringly, noting the worry in the cadet's voice.

"I'm fine, it's just a stupid cold." Cloud groaned weakly from the floor.

The soldier and small group of cadets all shared a knowing look and Zack rolled his eyes to show his amused exasperation of the blonde's stubbornness.

"You're sick." He pointed out bluntly, before bending down to hoist the blonde up off the floor and into a standing position again.

The sudden movement was a little more than Cloud's body could handle and the cadets watched as their comrade swayed on his feet for a second before falling to his knees in the mud.

"Damn it." Cloud swore, as once again the soldier came to his rescue before he ended up with his face in the dirt.

"You know what this means don't you Spiky." Zack said, his eyes shining brightly and a mischievous grin on his face.

"Zack, no!" Cloud choked in panic, as he was suddenly lifted up and slung over the soldier's shoulder. "Zack, put me down." He croaked frantically.

Unfortunately the sudden use of his dry, irritated throat resulted in the blonde's words dying as he suffered another rather painful coughing fit. The position of his body didn't help and it took the last of Cloud's strength to bring his breathing back under control.

"You ok?" Zack asked, adjusting his hold on the cadet's body to steady it.

"Peachy." The blonde replied dryly, his sarcastic comment quickly being followed by another small coughing fit.

"Ok. Right guys were off, have a good one." The soldier said, while smiling brightly at the other cadets.

"You too Sir, I mean Zack." Jacob responded hesitantly, his choice to use the soldier's name earning him a big grin from the raven haired teen and looks of utter shock from his fellow cadet's.

"See ya later kid." Zack replied laughing, as he turned and began to walk away.

"Bye Cloud, I hope you feel better soon." The young boy added, his voice a little quieter now in case it might hurt the blonde in some way.

Zack didn't hear Cloud respond with any verbal reply, but he did feel the cadet's weight shift as if he were raising himself up and a hand briefly moved away from his back for a moment before returning again. The soldier could only imagine that the blonde had waved a farewell to his peers, rather than attempting to speak again, and smiled to himself as he continued towards the apartment.

Although they both got a few funny looks, as well as a few amused ones from the people they passed, he didn't stop until they were safely home and the door was closed behind them. It was only when Zack realised that he needed to get Cloud's winter coat and boots off that he put the cadet down again, gently depositing the blonde's body on to the sofa so he could remove the items more easily. This plan however was instantly squashed flat as the cadet's limp frame slumped into the soft material and released a weak groan as it slid down to lie on the cushions pilled at one end. Zack couldn't help but laugh as the action pushed Cloud's helmet up at a funny angle on his head, the sound dying to soft chuckles and mumbled apologies when the blonde then glared up at him.

"Sorry, but your face looks kind of funny that way." The soldier admitted, unable to hide his amusement completely from the scowling cadet. "Come on let's get it off so I can see you better." He said gently, as he began to carefully remove the item so he could get a better look at is sick boyfriend.

As soon as the helmet was off and out of the way Zack was able to see Cloud's exhausted features and his heart did that flip-flop thing again which made his next breath catch slightly as it was drawn in. There was no denying that the blonde was ill, his complexion being both drained of colour and yet strangle flushed at the same time, his usually pale cheeks now decorated with a warm pink hue while his eyes appeared sunken by the worn out look around the normally glowing blue spheres. A quick check by putting his hand to the cadet's forehead confirmed the presence of a high temperature, the fine layer of sweat that the soldier had seen before even more obvious due to the damp golden hair which was now plastered to the top and sides of Cloud's face.

"You're boiling up." Zack announced with concern, his anxious lavender eyes meeting the blonde's sapphire orbs and instantly noting the glazed look already in them.

"I feel cold." The cadet rasped softly, once again leaning into the soldier's touch on his body.

"You're still wet from the rain, so we need to get you out of these things and get you into a warm shower." Zack said, his voice becoming firm in case Cloud decided to argue.

"I'm too tired, maybe later." The cadet croaked gently, as sleep began to overtake his tired body.

"Not later, now." Zack stated sternly, watching with a slight stab of guilt as Cloud's eyes fluttered closed.

It was clear to see that the blonde was exhausted and in desperate need of sleep, that whatever cold or flu-like virus was currently working its way through the cadet's body had been allowed to take a stronger hold on it due to the heavy workload and the added morning guard duty all week. The soldier couldn't help but sigh heavily as he realised that Cloud had probably been feeling the drain on his normal energy reserves for a couple of days now, knowing full well that the cadet would almost certainly have been putting the developing lack of energy down to his own weaknesses rather than an attack on his immune system. In turn Zack chastised himself for not checking up on the blonde sooner, knowing that while it would have been impossible to stop Cloud from overdoing things he could have at least made sure the cadet had eaten properly and gotten enough rest when time allowed.

With his eyes still closed the blonde couldn't see the look on the soldier's face or know that he'd caused someone he loved to be upset, his senses already slipping away from reality and towards a wonderful quiet nothingness where he could sleep forever if need be. A second later however and that feeling was gone as Cloud became strangely aware of his feet being lifted, the unexpected pull on his leg as the soldier undid the straps on his boots and removed them tugging the cadet back slightly from his drifting mind. The next instant and that faint dragging sensation became a firm wrenching jerk on his consciousness as he heard the first shoe being dropped onto the floor beside him, the sound vibrating loudly in the room and painfully in his head.

"Sorry" The soldier whispered, wincing himself in response to the cadet's flinching at the loud noise. "I'll be careful with the next one." He promised, as he noticed how the blonde's forehead was now creased in discomfort and made sure that he placed the remaining boot down carefully.

Cloud barely managed to mumble an acknowledgement of the words as he let himself start to go again, the promise of sleep so close now that the blonde hardly noticed when felt himself being gently lifted up and carried through the apartment. He did however begin to notice something wasn't right when he was lowered onto the hard floor and not upon a soft mattress as expected, the vague realisation drawing him back to the real world once more.

Delicate eyelashes fluttered open so that glazed blue orbs could look up at Zack and ask without words what was going on, the desperate need to crawl under the warm sheets of their bed and sleep for a hundred years shining painfully clear in the cadet's dazed expression. In response however the soldier only gave him a soft reassuring smile before rising to his feet and moving away, the lack of answer bothering Cloud so much that he forced his heavy eyelids to remain open and tried to push himself into a more upright position before demanding a reason for his current situation. The explanation came in a way the blonde had not been expecting, the revelation about Zack's intentions not coming to him through words but by the familiar sound of water running as the soldier turned the shower on.

The sudden noise was more than unpleasant and the cadet's face instantly screwed up against the pounding in his head, as the initial vibrations of each tiny drop hitting the tiled surface beat into his brain like nails under the force of a hammer. But thankfully Zack had been expecting this reaction and quickly placed his hands back on the blonde's body with tender comforting touches, his rough finger tips gently stroking a furrowed brow while trying to ease away the tension. Soon the sounds began to ease into a distant announce, the constant pattering fading into a steady gentle rhythm in Cloud's ears as he began to relax again under the caring reassuring caresses. The soldier continued this soothing process for a few more minutes until he was sure the blonde was calm once more, his hands waiting until glassy sapphire spheres became hidden for a second time before he started to remove the cadet's clothing.

At first he was worried that Cloud would be embarrassed about being undressed like a doll, the cadet usually more shy and timid about his nakedness when not lost in the throes of passion. But at no point did the blonde respond as he was stripped of his wet uniform other than to moan softly if he was jostled too much, Cloud's semi-conscious state now only vaguely aware of Zack moving his heavy aching limbs to peel off the various items as carefully as possible. It was only when the soldier removed his sodden trousers leaving him dressed only in his boxers and exposed to the cold air that the cadet started to react, as his semi-naked form began to shiver uncontrollably and faint pained moans were heard.

"Zack." Cloud protested feebly from his place on the floor, as his body started to hurt in a way he couldn't describe with words.

"It's ok, I'm gonna get you warm, I promise." The soldier soothed gently, as he lifted the cadet's trembling form in his arms.

Cloud sighed happily as the cold air was suddenly replaced by the feel of warm water washing over his chilled, clammy skin. He knew they were in the shower now, could feel the wonderfully hot liquid pouring down over his body as it calmed the aching muscles and eased the tightness which had begun to form in his limbs. He moaned softly in appreciation as Zack carefully adjusted their positions and more of his drained body was caressed by the warm spray falling down upon them, the throbbing in his head now fading to that of a dull ache as he let himself begin to truly relax.

"Better?" The soldier asked softly.

"Yes." The blonde sighed happily, as his stiff joints finally began to loosen up enough for him to move them without feeling like they were being pulled apart.

It was only now as he felt the discomfort easing that the cadet became aware of the naked body pressed against his own, the sensation of strong arms holding him close causing the blonde to open his eyes and take in his surroundings a little better. What Cloud saw though was enough to make his already dry throat that little bit dryer, the familiar sun-kissed skin glistening like polished bronze in the faint light as the warm water of the shower played across the well defined muscles of Zack's body. Unable to look away the cadet watched in a dream like state as the warm clear liquid flowed down over that perfectly formed torso in front of him, the sight making things low down in his body tighten with pleasure even as his head began to swim dizzily again.

The soldier hadn't missed the slight hitching breath he heard escaping Cloud's slightly parted lips, the sound drawing his attention towards the faintly trembling form in his arms in an instant. What he saw however were unfocused pools of blue lazily following the progress of a single drop of water as it made its way slowly down over the expanse of his well defined chest, the blonde's heavy lidded eyes apparently unable to look away as the crystal like bead of moisture trailed gracefully past a hardened nipple and then down following the smooth curve of his pectoral muscle before disappearing from sight where their bodies met.

The cadet himself however was to mesmerised by the sight of the jewel like droplet to notice he was being watched, his tired mind becoming confused as he lost sight of the liquid gem as it once more became part of the rivers which flowed over the flawless body in front of him. It was also at this point that he saw they were both standing in the shower dressed in their underwear, a discovery which would have been weird if not for the fact that it was currently the only thing covering their more intimate areas. The thin cotton material now soaked though and plastered to their groins as it attempted to hide their partially aroused body parts.

Cloud wasn't the only one to suddenly notice their current situation and Zack gave a polite, but clearly deliberate, cough to draw the blonde's attention back up towards his face. The soldier couldn't help but smile when the cadet suddenly looked up and blushed with embarrassment of being caught staring, his sky blue eyes still clouded with fatigue but at least now looking a little more alive than they had been only a few minutes ago.

"It's ok." Zack soothed gently, as he began to run one of his hand over Cloud's back reassuringly. "Just relax and try to unwind for a few minutes, your shoulders feel pretty tight so I'm guessing the rest of you isn't any better."

"I ache ... everywhere." The cadet agreed softly, a small moan of discomfort escaping his lips as the soldier tried to work out one of the knots with his free hand.

"Sorry." Zack apologised and instantly stopped, the arm which was still wrapped around the blonde's waist tightening slightly at the same time.

"It's ok." The cadet whispered, as he snuggled himself in against the soldier's body. "Just let me sleep for a bit and I'll be ok." He managed faintly, before a long yawn interrupted anything else he may have been about to say.

"I think you'll need more than just a bit of sleep Spiky." Zack tried to joke lightly, his words falling on deaf ears as he realised that the blonde was already unconscious in his arms.

For a moment the soldier actually considering waking Cloud up again, his instant reaction being too quickly adjust the cadet's position in his arms as he prepared to give the small frame a gentle shake and rouse the blonde back to the real world once more. But something about the way Cloud was now held in his arms stopped him, the soft angelic features looking even more vulnerable than normal as the cadet's face looked up towards him with closed tired eyes. And suddenly Zack knew that he couldn't do it, that he would never be able to forgive himself for denying the blonde the rest he clearly needed even if it was only for twenty minutes while they got dried off.

"Damn it chocobo head." Zack sighed affectionately, his small curse not being cruel but more like amused as he took in the innocent expression being presented to him. "You know you're not making this easy for me." He pointed out to the slumbering body in his arms, the realisation that he'd have to sort them both out singlehandedly making the soldier smile even as he pretended to be bothered by it. "Guess I'll let you off this time seeing as you're not well." Zack reassured tenderly, his free hand quickly turning the shower off before moving down to scoop the blonde up in his arms bridal style.

Ten minutes later and Cloud was dry and dressed in a pair of cotton pyjamas, his exhausted and germ infested body once again trembling slightly as it lay tucked up in their bed safely wrapped within a protective cocoon of fresh clean sheets. Already his face was flushed again from the high temperature and the soldier had opened a window to allow some cool fresh air to circulate within the room, the slight sheen of sweat on the blonde's brow leaving no doubt that whatever he was fighting was not about to give up anytime soon.

"You're doing ok." Zack whispered softly, as he brushed a few damp spikes of golden hair away from the cadet's closed eyes. "I'm gonna call Reno and get him to pick up some bits on the way home. Things like orange juice, chicken soup, stuff like that." He informed the sleeping blonde, the smile on his face slipping a little when Cloud began coughing roughly again and rolled weakly onto his side. "Just rest kiddo." The soldier advised, as he placed a light kiss on the blonde's temple and then made his way out of the bedroom as quietly as possible.