Rifiuto: Non Miriena
Summary: It's been two years since Fae's trip to the past. Her life is soon turned upside down when Elphaba takes sick with a deadly virus that spreads through the castle and the Vinkus. Suddenly, everything and everyone she loves is put in danger. But when she accidently casts a spell, it brings two people to the present that her mother only told her about once, as well as sending someone she loves into the future. With the virus spreading, and the unexpected visitors' arrival, everyone's actions could change history- and the future- as they know it. The sequel to Changed? and Another Changed?
A/N: Okay, I know you all loved Changed? and Another Changed? and I decided to do a sequel. It's time travel, but not where Fae or Elphaba travel, it's got three people traveling in time, but it has to do with Fae and Elphaba.
A/N: Musical based with some book references.
A/N: Reading the first two are not required, but would make some passages and references eaiser to understand.
A/N: Just like the first two, this alternates between the present and the future....starting in later chapters.
Chapter 1. Prologue: September
A scream pierced the air.
Lights were lit in every room of the castle, from the servants quarters to the guest rooms.
The sound of feet rushing up the stone stairs, and down the hall were heard.
Doors opened, and people rushed out, pulling on robes and slippers as they went.
By the time most of the people reached the source of the sound, people were already in the room.
Slowly, an older woman pushed the door open, and entered, closing it behind her, but not before allowing another highpitched, heart wrenching scream to escape. The rest of the household was sent back to their rooms; they didn't sleep, they couldn't, for they knew what was going on behind the closed bedroom door.
"Is everything all right?" She asked, as she turned from the door.
What met her, brought her to the side of the bed at lightening speed.
"Elphie! Are you all right?" She asked.
Elphie, closed her eyes tight and screamed.
"Fiyero, is it time?" The woman asked, turning to the man by Elphie's side. He turned his blue eyes in her direction.
"Fetch the midwife Glinda. Now!"
Glinda, for her part, did as told, scurrying from the bed and out the door. When she was gone, he turned back to his wife.
"All right love, keep breathing." He whispered, rubbing her back as she grabbed his hand and squeezed.
"Will she be okay, Daddy?" Fiyero looked up, into eyes as deep brown as his wife's. His nineteen-year-old daughter, Fae, a second year at Shiz University, gripped his wife's hand, and met her father's eyes.
"She'll be fine, Fae."
"But what if--"
"No what if's, sweetheart. You're mother's strong. She's gone through this three times before. She'll be okay, and so will the baby." He told her, as his wife squeezed his hand tightly.
"And it never gets any easier!" Elphie screamed, squeezing her daughter's hand.
Elphaba Tiggular, Queen of the Vinkus, mother of three, was about to become a mother of four. She was a world reknowned sorceress- more powerful than Ozma- and known for her green skin and quick temper. She was fair and kind to her subjects, and cared deeply about her family.
"Yackle said she'll be here as soon as she can." Glinda said, coming back into the room. Elphaba looked at her.
"No. No! I don't want Yackle here! I don't! I don't want her birthing my baby!" Elphaba cried, locking eyes with Glinda.
"Okay! What do you want me to do?" Elphaba glared at her best friend.
"Get. OUT!"
Glinda did as told.
In the end, only Elphaba, Fiyero, their children, and Musetta- Elphaba's mother-in-law- were present for the birth. Word had been sent to Yackle that her services were no longer needed.
"Push, Elphaba."
The queen did as told, squeezing her son and daughter's hands as hard as she could. Candle, her daughter-in-law, rubbed her back, calming her. Fiyero helped his wife deliver their child, and Musetta kept her calm.
"Come on love, you're doing great." He told her, as the baby's head emerged.
Her labor lasted long into the night.
Finally, she gave that final push.
"You're doing great, Mama!" Fae cried, as her mother squeezed her hand.
"Come on Mom, you can do it." Liir whispered, kissing her cheek.
"You're doing fine, Your Majesty." Candle told her, gently rubbing her back.
Elphaba let out a scream, as she felt her daughter slide out of her into her husband's arms. A baby's cry was heard, and Elphaba looked up, to see her husband cradling a screaming newborn in his arms.
"She's beautiful, Fae, simply beautiful. You did a wonderful job, my darling." He told her, as he laid the baby in his mother's arms, allowing her to clean the baby off as he cut the cord.
"You did it, Mama! You did it!" Fae cried, pressing her forehead against Elphaba's temple. Elphaba reached up and gently patted her daughter's cheek, before kissing her gently on the lips.
"Thank you, my sweet girl. I couldn't have done it without you." Elphaba whispered, as she lay back against the pillows, finally able to relax. She looked up when Fiyero leaned down to kiss her.
"I'm so proud of you."
"Is she healthy?"
"She's beautiful. Absolutely beautiful, mi regina. Absolutely beautiful."
"As beautiful as Fae was when she was born?" Elphaba asked, glancing at her daughter, as she reached up to take her hand. Fae gave her a loving smile, and settled next to her mother.
"Do you want to hold your baby, Your Majesty?" The royal family looked up to see Musetta standing next to the bed, holding a bundle of pink blankets in her arms. Letting out a tear-filled gasp, Elphaba reached out for her, and the baby was placed in her gentle embrace. Instantly, Elphaba's eyes welled with tears, and she gently traced her newborn daughter's features with her fingertip.
The baby was beautiful. Dark, ebony hair, piercing blue eyes, and tan skin with a slight greenish glow. She had soft pink lips, and gazed up at her mother with innocence in her blue eyes.
"Hey baby girl. Hi. I'm your Mama." Elphaba whispered, sniffling.
"What's her name?" Elphaba looked up at her daughter.
"Muhlama?" Liir asked, looking at his mother. She nodded.
"What's it mean?" Candle asked, allowing Liir to wrap his arms around her.
"It means blossom." Elphaba told her.
"Muhlama. It's perfect." Fae said, settling against her mother's side, and reaching out, gently rubbing her thumb against her baby sister's hand. The infant reached out, and wrapped her fingers around her sister's thumb.
"Do you want to hold her?" Elphaba asked, turning to her daughter.
"Can I, Mama?" Elphaba nodded, and laid her daughter into her oldest girl's arms. Fae looked down at the baby as Fiyero wrapped Elphaba in his arms.
"Hi, Muhlama. I'm your sister. Fae." The baby cooed. Fae laughed, and looked up at her mother. "She's beautiful, Mama."
"She certainly is, Fae." Elphaba replied, watching her two girls.
"She certainly is."