Hey all! Been a loooonng time I know , and just omg I started this story when I was like 19 I am now like 30 okay, I know it is so time to finish this thing at some point. I hope it will be by this summer it probably has another 10-20 chapters to go. So to all you loyal fans who are still around, here is chapter 25. Too much has happened between now and then and my writing style has likely changed some so bare with me. The actual background of why I even started this story was because I had broke up with my then bf and so then you got the title of the boy you once were. He had changed a ton and I gave up on him and invested time into starting this story, so as I said I hope to finish this thing either way by end 2020 period otherwise I'm going to have to adopt the story out for someone else to finish because this is just getting ridiculous lol. R&R as always thanks for the loonnng waiting fans for sticking around. Until next time MD
Pain; deep, drumming, radiating pain is all Kagome was feeling right now as she bit down on her bottom lip to quiet the whimpers and curses that wish to escape her mouth. The blood ran freely down her arm from her current shoulder injury but she was safely hidden behind the barrier she had managed to manifest to keep her scent hidden from the current demon; two more days had passed since the waterfall incident and she was near wishing she was still with that fairy woman who had approached her there. She had currently stashed herself behind three trees which luckily were large and had an array of bushes and brush that grew around them. The demon's size was enormous, a giant she would say if the creature wasn't emitting such a large demonic energy around the area. She mentally sighed at her situation...AGAIN...she was separated from Sesshomaru, and again Kouga was no where in sight. Well technically she hadn't lost Sesshomaru, he had been flung who knows how far away and had yet to appear again, at least in her line of sight.
Kouga had gone on ahead a couple hours ago by now to scout the area. What if he is dead? The thought hit Kagome suddenly , a sinking feeling flowing through her core. What if he was dead? He should have been back by now unless he had been knocked unconscious. The booming voice of the giant came again, which happened to be not so bright but at the moment it was brute strength over brains in this situation. "Come out girl, I just want the power, I dislike the taste of human, give it to me and you can leave. " Kagome began rocking back and forth trying to calm her racing thoughts and heart. She had to think of something, anything, her barrier wouldn't last forever it would eventually wear her energy levels down to point it would drop either way and she'd be back out in the open. She heard the heavy footsteps continue in a different direction as the beast continued to seek her out. "Come on Sesshomaru, you better not be dead, you are honor bound to help me home..." She continued to rock back and forth as the very soft whisper left her lips as the giant was out of ear shot from her. The only thing she could do is wait, and hope the demon left before she lost too much of her energy. Especially if Sesshomaru didn't return soon. She didn't know how long it had been since he had been batted out of sight like a baseball, though at the moment it felt like eternity, and who knows when Kouga would return, if at all, at this rate.
Taking a unsteady breath she stood up on wobbly legs that felt like marshmallows; she didn't want to do this on her own, she didn't know if she could. Kagome peaked around the trees to see if she could still see or hear the said giant who wanted her. Her current thought was to inch her way toward the direction Sesshomaru had gone flying in. With very slow light steps she watched every inch she moved to not make one sound or lose focus on her barrier. Leave it to her to be in a near death situation before her miko powers decided to protect her under extreme stress. Toes...heel...toes heel...toes heel... She kept repeating the motions of her bottom extremities as she moved away from her location. Sesshomaru probably couldn't even locate her anyway with her barrier up, he mainly went by sense of smell, she doubted he could stretch his senses out far distances to locate other energies, and she couldn't currently do it to find him because her barrier prevented it. Why do these things always happen to me...no matter in what time I'm in..." She whispered once more against the wind as she continued to move. After several agonizing minutes she took a deep breath and held it. Listening for anything, especially the demon who wanted her dead.
Not hearing a single sound, not even the distant sound of his large steps crushing about the area, she ran. Leaving her barrier in place she continued to run as fast as her body would allow. Her uninjured arm applied pressure to it's counterpart as branches snagged at her skin and hair. Just keep running, keep running... her mind repeated over and over. The adrenaline coursing through every inch of her existence. Her immediate plan was to run a long distance off then drop her barrier in hopes she could find Sesshomaru quickly, before anything else found her. She was praying for Sesshomaru and for her arm to stop bleeding which she believed it had by now, otherwise she should have dropped. She would have been dead already if Sesshomaru hadn't taken the blunt of the hit that had sent him soaring across the forest. "Please be alive, please find me soon..." She sent up the 50th whispered prayer by now in the last hour. She didn't know how far she had ran but she stumbled suddenly and her knees hit the soft earth that was covered in the newly fallen leaves. Her breathing labored as she just knelt there trying to calm her whole body down. If anything was around it would have certainly heard when she tumbled down onto the leaves that crunched beneath her tired limbs.
She heard nothing that indicated anything was around and so she chose to drop her barrier for a few moments just enough to let the wind catch her scent in case Sesshomaru was around and looking for her. Her body trembled between pain and exhaustion. She hadn't slept well the last three nights and it was really catching up to her now. She cursed herself for being weak, cursed herself for not training with Lady Kaede more when she had the chance a few times. The only thing she figured that she was grateful for at the moment is the two males she traveled with had been acting more civil toward one another and it had been making the journey more bearable since they weren't bickering all the time. Kagome counted to 30 in her head and quickly brought her barrier back in place around her to make sure nothing else would find her anytime soon. She forced herself up and stumbled several feet until she caught a tree and balanced herself. "For once I'd like to have one quiet day on this journey...it is becoming overly exhausting...Please just let Sesshomaru find me..." She couldn't help the bittersweet smile that tugged at her lips in this insanity. She was wishing for Lord Sesshomaru to save her, she was actually starting to miss his presence ironically. When just a couple weeks ago she was screaming for his half brother to save her. "Life is so utterly ironic..." She whispered to herself as she let her thoughts rule her for the moment. The irony of relying on the western lord as if he was her protector; although he was for time being it was not to be in the future from the many times he tried to kill her.
Constantly changing the future...constantly muddling up the past... She couldn't help the sigh that escaped her as her weight fell against the tree. She wanted to just collapse, give up; she was so tired and the blood loss was not aiding her cause as she rested against the ancient tree She let her thoughts wander further as she thought about the young Inu lord who was traveling with her. He was vastly different from his future self, yet you could see the quirks and habits that would eventually make up his future cold and calculated ways. She was pulled from her racing mind as she heard a sudden crash of a tree nearby and she gasped throwing herself behind the tree she leaned upon. This was just not one of her best days..."Hey where is everyone at! Kagome you around here I smell your blood human!" Kagome near wanted to scream in pain and joy at the same time as she stumbled out from behind the tree. "Kouga!" She went toward him half tripping as she came within feet of the male and near collapsed, though Kouga caught her easily even if she knew he wasn't thrilled about it.
"Oi , wench what in Kami's name happened to you? You are a bloody mess. Where is that damn dog who is supposed to be watching you?" She near wanted to cry as he kept her upright and she leaned against him. "Sesshomaru was tossed from the battle I have not seen him since." Kagome said breathlessly. Kouga shook his head and none too gently picked her up as he sped off. "I will track the useless mutt down, though he might not survive me after this." She heard him growl lightly as they sped off in the direction she last saw Sesshomaru.