Disclaimer: If I owned CSI: NY, then this would be what was happening in the show. So it's probably a good thing I don't.

What's up, Guys!! I know it's been forever, but real life had been a witch. I'm updating anyway cuz this story has stolen my entire muse, so until I complete it, I probably won't update my other stories, but you never know!! Anyway, I hope you like it, Love, Brownie! Thanks for the reviews and please, if you read, REVIEW!

P.S spoilers throughout the whole series are still fair game.


Chapter 7: Piecing it Together

"The nice thing about doing a crossword puzzle is, you know there is a solution." Stephen Sondheim

No, this can't be happening, thought Don, even as he stared at the screen as the creep started walking toward his wide-eyed kid brother. He tried to focus his attention on something – anything – other than the way his little brother's Adam's apple bobbed when the freak straddled him and, thankfully, succeeded. His focus moved to the computer screen, which showed the old footage of Danny, that Martin was studiously watching just in time to catch his little brother say, "You know, this reminds me of that movie with Mel Gibson."

Don couldn't help, but snort in amusement, God, my little brother is a persistent little bastard. He could see that Martin and Taylor echoed his sentiments, if the little grins that were tugging at the corner of their lips were anything to go by. His thoughts took a more serious route as Danny – his brother – continued, "The one where his son gets kidnapped by that guy that runs that child pornography ring and he puts a reward on the kidnapper's head after the drop goes wrong."

Don wracked his brain, but the movie didn't ring a bell, that is until Danny recalled, "The Ransom…" Don zoned out, The Ransom, but as far as he could recall there was no child porn ring in it. That's it, he realized, then stated, "Whoever kidnapped Danny, his brother ran a child pornography ring."

As Danny Taylor started typing on his computer, Flack listened to his brother ramble, knowing that there was more to it than useless babble, "…I watched the movie with my big brother; he was trying to cheer me up from a…bad day. I remember he insisted, "Buddy, I promise, it's an awesome movie."

Upon hearing his little brother say the last part, Don jumped up from his chair and ran out the room, mumbling, "Damn it, why didn't I think of this before? How could I be so stupid?" And, after sharing a befuddled look, Taylor and Martin followed him.


"Mac," called Don, as soon as he, followed my Martin and Taylor, entered the break room, "I know who's got Danny." Don's statement was followed by a moment of silence before Mac ordered, "Explain." Don headed to the computer with the feed and sat on the chair. He winced upon seeing the kidnapper, who he now knew to be Adam Rodriguez, running his hands up his brother's sides, but, ruthlessly suppressing the emotion, he opened a new window, looked up the Alec Rodriguez case file, and started explaining.

"This all started seven years ago, when I was working witness protection. I had just finished a murder case, when my sergeant called me up and told me about this case, which could ultimately bring down Alec Rodriguez, who was the leader of the Tanglewood Boys at the time. Now, this was a big deal because Alec Rodriguez had his hands in everything, from drugs to art forgery, you name it. Everyone knew it was him, but no witness had ever made it to court, that is until the sergeant called Stacy to enter. I can honestly say that I hadn't been expecting to see her holding the hand of a little boy with blonde hair and a very noticeable lisp, who had seen something that he couldn't forget."

Looking up to see the contemplative expressions on their faces, Don reinforced what they were all already thinking, "I'd be lying, if I said that I wasn't a little doubtful at first, but that all changed when I came to know the little spitfire that was Danny Messer. He was afraid – anybody could see it – but he never once expressed a doubt, he never let it stop him."

Smiling at the look of pride on Mac's face, Don continued, "After the trial, where Alec had been sentenced to death, Danny was accosted by the one and only Adam Rodriguez," Don clicked the hyperlinked name of Alec's brother, and staring at the seemingly innocent 25 year old, "who, at the time, was an eighteen year old genius, and is now a Virginia Tech graduate." He then guided to their attention to another window that he'd opened, , and clicked a house under the virtual tours tab, "This is a virtual tour of the house that he purchased a month ago," he explained, pausing it at the spot that he wanted them to see, and gestured for them to come closer.

Once they'd formed a circle around him, he clicked the switch between windows button, so that they could see the live feed and the basement in the virtual tour, and waited for one of them to comment. He didn't have to wait long as Hawkes immediately remarked, "They look like an exact copy except for the bed and stuff."

"Gear up," both Malone and Mac ordered at the same time, causing everyone to jump to attention and leave for their lockers, except Martin, Viv, Sam, Jack and Taylor, who didn't have lockers, and Don, who Mac had stopped from leaving.

"Did you get the address?" asked Mac, once they were the only four remaining in the room. After Don nodded stiffly, Mac placed a hand on his shoulder and asked, "Do you think you can do this?"

"Yeah," answered Don, a haggard expression covering his face.

"Don, I'm asking you this, not as your boss, but as a worried colleague; can you do this?"

Sighing, Don wearily answered "Can I do it? I don't know, but what I do know is that I can't not do it. I have to go, Mac, I need to see that my little brother is okay with my own eyes."

"That's all I needed to know," stated Mac with a thin smile, "Go get geared up." Mac watched Don leave, then, along with the FBI, geared up and prepared himself for the two-hour drive and the upcoming battle.


So whaddya think?? How was the chapter? Plz tell me your thoughts! Anyway, hope you enjoyed.

Reviews and constructive criticism are always appreciated.

*wishes really, really hard*hope you enjoyed it, yours truly, Brownie.