i'M Pregnant

Plot: Sam discovers she is pregnant and Freddie is the father. How will Freddie react!

Please review. I will still be updating iHave Changed but also this story. Hope you enjoy it. This chapter is in SAM'S POV! They are sixteen.

Chapter 1


I had been sick for the last few days weirdly enough it was just in the morning. I had never thought anything of it until this morning. Monday 7th June! I ran over to my Hello Kitty calendar and looked to see what date I should have had my period. Twenty-sixth May. I'm thirteen days late!

Flashback to twentieth May

It had been Spencer's thirtieth. Carly had organised for him a small surprise party with all his friends me, Carly, Freddork, Socko, Mrs Benson, Auto and loads more of his friends with crazy names!

Spencer arrived and everyone wished him happy birthday and then the music played. The first song was Amazed by Bryan Adams. I sat down on the couch. It was a couple's song. Carly was dancing with Griffin; Spencer was with his girlfriend Emma. Everyone was together apart from me.

Suddenly there was a tap of my shoulder. I turned round. It was Freddie.

"Do you wanna dance?" he asked.

Fredweird asking me to dance?


Freddie took my hand and we walked over to the dance floor where everyone was dancing slowly. I put my arms round Freddie's neck and he put his arms around my waist. We danced. After the song was finished Freddie went to get him and me a drink. I took a seat back on the couch and about a minute later Freddie joined me.

"Here," he said loudly as he handed me the drink.

Little did we know the drinks had been spiked…

I continued taking small sips of the drink while talking to Freddie. He did the same. Hours past and before you knew it we were drunk.

"Freddie you're so cute!" I said in a really babyish voice. I know so not me.

"You look really hot tonight!" he replied back to me in a babyish voice too.

At that moment we look each other in the eyes for about ten seconds before we kissed. It was so much better than our first kiss.

Then the rest of the night was a blur until the next morning.

I woke up in a place that I knew wasn't my bedroom. As my eyes opened completely I realised I was in Carly's guest room! How did I get there? I looked beside me to see Freddie there. I knew from that moment what had happened. I quickly put my clothes back on and left the apartment.

End of Flashback

Sam what had you done? Melanie would never do anything like that. Mom would be disappointed with me for getting pregnant so young if I was. I was as white as a ghost.

"SAM! HONEY!" my mum shouted upstairs.

I quickly put on a pair of jeans and a blue top. I had to speak to Carly. Immediately!

I arrived in school the earliest I had ever arrived in school. Half an hour before school started since Carly always came at that time but when I arrived Carly wasn't there yet only Freddie! I didn't want to talk to Freddie. I felt sick to even think about the fact that I was pregnant and Freddie wasn't going to make it any better.

"What are you doing here so early?"

"Mom had to go to work."

"Since when has your mom had a job?"

Sam you should really think out your excuses I thought to myself.

"Today. It's her first day."


At that moment Carly came in.

"Hey. Sam what are you doing here so early?"

"Her mom got a job," Freddie replied.

"Carly, I really need to talk to you," I said to her.

"I'll leave you girls to talk. Bye ladies," he said as he left.

"What's up?"

"I'm late."

"No Sam you're twenty minutes early."

"Not that sort of late."

Suddenly she realised what I was on about.



"How late?"

"Nearly two weeks."


"What am I going to do?"

"Have you taken a pregnancy test?"

"No I'm scared to."

"Well you'll need to find out one way or the other. If I get you one after school will you take it."


Carly was really calm about that. I thought she would be so annoyed with me. I guess that's what best friends do for each other.

The bell rang time for a boring day at school.

That was the slowest day I've ever had and believe me I've had some pretty boring, long days in school. I couldn't wait to find out if I was or wasn't pregnant. I met Carly outside Bushwell Plaza. She had the brown bag in her hand. She handed to me quickly as Freddie came over. I put it quickly in my schoolbag hoping Freddie didn't see it.

"What was that?"

Ugh he did I. Now what?

"Sam's lunch from earlier," Carly replied quickly.

"Sam always eats her lunch."

"I wasn't feeling well Fudgeface so I gave it to Carly to give to me later. My bag is full of homeworks that still need to be done!"


Crazy came over to where we were all standing.

"Come on Freddie. Time for your tick bath."

"Mom!" Freddie moaned as he was pulled into the building.

We followed them up to the eight floor. We walked into the apartment to find Spencer building another sculpture. Some things never changed, and some things could completely change your life forever.

"Hello Kiddos."

"Hey Spencer." Carly greeted him.

"Hi Spence."

Carly and me continued to walk upstairs. We reached the bathroom.

"I'll wait here and if you need me just shout."

"Thanks Carly."

She gave me a quick hug.

I walked into the bathroom and opened my schoolbag. I took out the pregnancy test and opened it. I followed the instructions and did what it said. Now I had to wait two minutes. The longest two minutes of my life. It felt like a lifetime. I started to think that if I were pregnant whose lives it would affect. My mom's, Mrs Benson's but most of all Freddie's. He wanted to go of to university and be a director. If he had a kid he might not be able to afford uni.

Two minutes passed. I looked down at the pregnancy test. Positive.

So what did you think? Please Review and let me know!