Study Hall part 1:

Note: This takes place the day after it was discovered that Bri is an accomedator!

"Hey, why do you think Brian follows Cross around?" Lavi asked as he watched said people walk away from the cafeteria. He was sitting with Allen, Miranda, Lenalee and Krory, enjoying breakfast when they saw the red-headed General and the young girl walk in, get a cart filled with food(Brian), and walk back out.

"No one cares, baka usagi." Kanda commented before placing his soba noodles in his mouth. 'Especially after what that brat did to me.'

"And why the hell are you all sitting at my table?!"

"Calm down Yuu. This was the only free place for all of us." Lavi explained.

"That's bullshit and you know it." He muttered before trying to ignore his 'friends'.

"Maybe it's because she's his newest pupil." Lenalee pointed out.

"Yes, but he can't stand to be around her." Allen pointed out. "When I was with him, he was always complaining about when I got lost and such. I doubt he would do that with her."

Krory nodded. "I saw him actually try to lose her the other day."

"Could it be that she's a debt collector's kid? They could've sent her after him, like a tick or leech." Lavi said.

"If that were the case, he could've just shot her and left her in a ditch somewhere." Allen said munching on some rice pilaf. There was a moment of silece at the table after that annocement.

"W-why can't she just be his daughter?" Miranda said after a moment. In truth, she had thought this from the moment she saw both child and General stand next to each other. They had the same type of hair, the exception being that Brian's is a tad bit wilder, and the same attitude toward people, that being that most of the human race was beneath them. It just made sense that they could be related. Obviously, her friends didn't think so. They stared at her in silence before Lavi, Allen and Lenalee started laughing. Kanda started choking, and Krory had to slap him on the back to get him to stop.

"T-that was funny Miranda-chan." Lenalee said whipping a tear from him eye.

"Shishou could never willingly keep a child, nor claim it." Allen said, holding his stomach.

"General Cross is a womanizer, so he probably has children all over the world. Why would he claim just one?" Lavi asked.

Miranda frowned. "Well if she's not his daughter, then why else would she follow him around?"

"Miranda is right." Krory said standing up for her.

"She is?" Allen, Lavi, and Lenalee asked.

"I am?"

"What else could she get out of him, besides him claiming her so she won't be a bastard?" he asked.

It was silent for a moment, then "If you want to know, what the hell is stopping you from asking her about it?" from Kanda.

"That's it!" Lavi said standing.

"…?" was the collective statement of the table.

"It's a mystery, so we," he gestured with his hand to the people around the table "Are going to solve it!"

"Hell to the no." Kanda said before standing with his empty plate. "Do whatever the hell you all damn well please, but don't include me in your idiotic plans."

"Aww, and I was going to let you be Fred." Lavi whined.


"It's this thing that I found out about last time I went on a mission in America. It's this cartoon-."

"Stop." Kanda said. "I don't want to do it." He then proceeded to walk out of the cafeteria.

"What a buzz kill." He turned to the rest of them. "But we can still play!"

"Lavi…" Allen started.

"Yes?" he answered.

"Why on earth am I wearing these ridiculous brown…things?" he asked, more than a little peeved. After Lavi had convinced them all to 'play', as he called it, he told him to follow him to his room. He handed out pieces of clothing to each of them.

Allen got a headband that had two pieces of floppy fabric in a shade of shitty-brown with a matching sweater that was lumpy and uncomfortable on his youngish body.

Miranda got a large pair of glasses frames, and an orange sweater that fell to her waist that looked far more comfortable than Allen's.

Krory got a lime green pull over shirt and Lenalee got a purple pullover dress that she put on over her exorcist outfit. Lavi came out in a white turtle neck with a small orange scarf around his neck, saying "Let's go gang!"

"Because you're Scooby-Doo, the namesake of the cartoon."

"And I'm supposed to be what exactly?"

"A dog silly." He said with a smile. "I'm Fred, Krorykins is Shaggy, Miranda-chan is Velma, Lenalee-chan is Daphne and you are the talking dog, Scooby. Ya dig?"

"No I don't 'dig' as you put it." Allen reached up to snatch off the wretched 'ears', but stopped when he heard "This might be fun, if we don't get caught." From Lenalee. That was followed with a "Yes, and we can finally figure out why Brian follows Cross." From Miranda. Allen sighed and put his hand down.

"Alright everyone, first thing's first. We have to look for clues." Lavi announced. "Which way is her room?"

All eyes turned to Allen. He sighed and said "Next to mine."

"Away we go!" Lavi said rushing to get there first.

"Lavi," Lenalee spoke "What exactly are we looking for?"

"Clues, m'dear." He replied. "The kind that will help us decipher Brian-chan's mysterious past."

"Would a picture be a clue?" Krory asked.

"What kind of picture?" Lavi asked.

"Of a woman?"

"A CULE!" he said excitedly. Everyone gathered around Krory to look at the photo. It was a picture of a woman sitting in a chair in front of a set of French windows. She was dressed in what appeared to be a day dress that was pale pink. It made her pale cheeks seem brighter somehow. Her hair was light blonde and straight as an arrow (like how Kanda and Allen claim to be X3) hanging from her head to her bosom. On her lap sat a small child in a purple dress and black Mary-lane shoes. Her hair curled in on itself at the ends and was a shocking red color. While the woman was smiling brightly at the camera, the girl just sat there and pouted.

"It's Brian-chan!"

"That must be her mother." Lenalee said.

"Is there anything else around here?" Allen asked looking around for her trunk.

"NO!" Lavi screamed startling them all. "Now we've got to follow her around from the shadows."

"For what?" Miranda asked as confused as the rest of them.

"That's what they do in the show."

'Why did we decide to do this?' was the thought that went the heads of Allen, Lenalee, Miranda and Krory as they followed Lavi into the hallway.

Aki: OMG I'm starting to think that people don't like this fic anymore. T3T Send me Reviews to prove me wrong!!!

On another note, I'm surprized I haven't gotten flamed for this story because of what I'm doing to the characters. Maybe I'm just lucky X)