Disclaimer: I Don't Own Harry Potter Or Any Of The Characters.

(Yet…) ;D

Voldermorts Children: Ginny and Hermione?


What if Hermione & Ginny were related? What if their father was Voldermort? Who's side would they choose? They're bestrode to Draco Malfoy & Blaise Zabini. If you don't like it then don't review. Mainly from Hermione's POV. DM/HG & GW/BZ. Hermione & Ginny are both 17 & in their 6th (?) year of Hogwarts.

My goodness… I'm so sorry I've not updated in so long! I've been too busy D:

I'm thinking of re-writing all of the first few chapters as they are a disaster… Thoughts?

Please review! I'd be immensely reassured to find out my readers have not all deserted me and the story…

I still don't really have any idea where I'm going with this story. Has anyone got any ideas or things they would like to see? Or see less of? :L Thankyouuuu 3 3 3

Anyhow, last chapter they were in the room of requirement planning a Halloween Party. Here's the next part of the story- Hope you're not all disappointed!

Ebony's POV

Word had spread fast of the Slytherin's Halloween party and it hadn't been too difficult to track everyone down. I had came up with a spell that would create a small mark on somebody's wrist if they were invited to the party, if anybody else saw the mark it would just look like a smudge of ink. It was only Thursday afternoon yet plans were already progressing at alarming speed. Until now I hadn't realised how much work went into these parties- there was so much to do!

I was currently sitting in the furthest seats away from Harry and Ron at the Gryffindor table and Electra was looking unusually nervous for somebody who was normally so sure of herself. She was staring at the doors, not eating any of her stew, waiting for the two red headed figures that had just strolled into the hall with casual smiles on their faces.

"Hey Gin. You wanted to talk to us?" Fred asked sitting down opposite us.

"Can we go somewhere a little less crowded?" Electra asked standing up.

We walked out of the busy hall and climbed the stairs until we came to an unused classroom in a secluded area of the castle. Electra unlocked the door with a small mutter and proceeded to sit on top of one of the table tops.

I closed the door and put a silencing charm on it before making my way over to where Electra was sat and stood beside her silently. Fred and George had made themselves comfortable; George sat on one of the chairs and Fred leaning against another dusty table.

"What's up Ginny? You're looking nervous." George asked chuckling.

Electra glared at them before taking a deep breath. "I'm not Ginny Weasley."

Fred raised his eyebrows looking amused and George seemed about to interrupt.

"No- don't interrupt me. Hear me out." Electra told them sternly. "At the start of term I was sent to the Headmasters office with Hermione here and we were shown a very interesting letter."

I listened to the story as Electra filled the boys in with everything from the letter to the party. I only bothered to look up from the desk where I was drawing pictures in the dust when Electra had finished and was now silently waiting for her closest 'brothers' reactions. They were both looking shocked and stood in silence before George hesitantly opened his mouth.


We nodded mutely.

"Well… you'll always be my little sister to me." Fred said with a nonchalant shrug before glancing over at his brother than walking over to us.

It startled us all when George started laughing. "I always knew you were different. You had too many brains and too many evil intentions." He stated before walking over to us all and giving us all a bear hug.

I felt Electra sigh in relief and I squeezed her hand. It was a big weight off our shoulders, being able to tell someone. The secrecy was difficult and emotionally very draining, having to watch your words, change depending on what person you are talking to and not being able to trust anybody.

"There's a Halloween party going on with the Slytherins that we have been invited. I recommended you two for getting food saying as you have always been the experts in that department- if you want to come that is." Electra asked, her smile wavering slightly.


"You're friends-"

"With them now?"

"What the fuck?" They both finished.

"You two are pretty messed up now." George said, shaking his head in pretend disappointment.

"But yes, we're coming." Fred winked.

"Good good. Give me your hands so I can stamp you." I said and they both held their right hands out.

"Lutum limosa" I murmured, and two small muddy smudges of brown appeared on each of their palms. It was near Fred's thumb and spread up George's little finger.

"Okay, you're good to go. Can you meet us all in the Room Of Requirement at eight so we have an hour to arrange the food and sort everything out? Lucille Summers will be at the door to check you're invited. Just show her your mark and she will let you in."

"Is she that pretty girl in Ravenclaw with the short black ringlets?" George asked, leaning against the wall near the door.

"Yeah. She's the one you kissed in 4th year behind the suit of armour on the 2nd floor. McGonagall caught you." Fred replied with a smirk as we all laughed. He was stood beside George on the other side of the door.

I and Electra walked over to them. "Remember fancy dress. Bring a plus one if you like- just make sure you can trust them." Electra warned as I removed the charms on the room.

"Sure thing. See you then." The boys called as they left the room, walking with a spring in their step. We watched their unruly red hair bounce slightly as they walked until they rounded a corner and out of sight.

"Well that went better than expected." Electra sighed, sweeping a stray red strand away from her eyes, as we walked in the opposite direction.

"I know!" I said with a smile as we walked up the stairs to the Gryffindor tower. "What's your Halloween costume like?"

"I'm being a devil. I have my whole outfit sorted. I'll show you it when we get back." Electra smiled.

The common room was empty when we arrived except for some small first years studying in a corner at a desk. We walked up to our dorm and found Lavender sat on her bed with Partavi. Lavender smiled smugly at me before announcing loudly,

"Well I've been invited to the Slytherin's Halloween party by Theodore Nott. It's on Friday night and very exclusive."

"I wish I'd been invited, it sounds like it will be fabulous." Partavi sighed.

I raised my eyebrow at Electra before wandering towards them. "Well I've been invited by Theodore Nott. I'm so fabulous, I've got such good looks, and all the boys adore me." I mimicked in a high tone. "What's iccle Ronnie-kins got to say about all of this?"

"Shut up Granger- Just because nobody would ever invite you. Also, Ron has no problem what-so-ever with me going. He knows that he's the only boy for me." Lavender sneered.

"Yeah- him and all the other boys you have said that to." Electra called from inside her wardrobe.

I laughed. "As a matter of fact I have been invited. I'm going with Draco Malfoy. Ginny's with Blaise Zabini."

Lavender looked stunned before replying, "Yeah, in your dreams! Like you two would be able to snag the two hottest boys in the year."

"I might have to tell Ron that you think that…"

"NO! Don't you dare…." Lavender tried to glare at me- I laughed at the pitiful attempt.

"Ok, ok. Get out, we have things to be getting on with without you two interrupting." I demanded, and they stomped off down into the common room. "Now let me see that outfit!"

I bounded over to my bed and sat on it whilst Electra pulled out her outfit. I gasped as she laid it out on the bed. Her dress was short and had a puffed out, frilly red skirt. The top half was low-cut with a thin black belt that wrapped around her ribs. She then proceeded to pull out a pair of sheer red stockings and a pair of black stilettos that were tied with flame embroided ribbons. There was also a pair of curved red devil horns and a black choker with a ruby dangling from the centre.

"I'm charming a red ribbon to be on fire but so that it won't burn anyone and attaching it to the back of the skirt." Electra said holding said ribbon out with a flourish. She looked rather pleased with herself.

"You'll look stunning El!" I said, hugging her.

"Thank you! What is your outfit like?"

"Draco and I haven't finished it yet- we'll be lucky to finish it by Friday at this rate! I've had so many people coming to me and Draco's been so busy we've hardly had any time on it." I sighed.

"Don't worry. I'm sure you'll look gorgeous." Electra reassured.

"I hope so…"

A/N: Sorry this chapter isn't very long! What do you think about Electra's outfit? What should Lavender wear to the party? The spell (Lutum limosa) is Latin for 'muddy smudge' :L