Rumors with Love

Collection of Sasuke Uchiha x Hinata Hyuuga oneshots. Some are AU, others aren't. I do want to say that these AREN'T request fics. You however, can have a tribute and get your name all clad in this area. But only if you can guess the next flavor… Look;

Rumor by; Troubled Spirit Of Hell, because I wrote the flavor.

Summary: Rumor has it that Sasuke Uchiha loves figuring Hinata Hyuuga's flavors out. SasuHina, oneshot collection.

Disclaimer: Don't own, don't bitch.

Cherry Lipstick

Rumor has it that Hinata Hyuuga is a lesbian.

Gossip was a well-known phenomenon in every high school around the world and Sarutobi High was absolutely no exception to the rule. Another trend was to pick on the new student. Mingling the two basic elements together and you've got an explosive mix that'll either break or make a reputation.

Now it doesn't matter whatever bird whispered the rumor into whoever's ear, the point was that the message, presumably dangerous and untrue in most cases, had gotten across.

Whispers and murmurs fleeting through the hallway with the numerous lockers and little drinking fountains. Sarutobi High was a concrete jungle with masked predators and gossip could be in some cases even more lethal to the mental state of mind than a pair of razor sharp claws could ever hope to be.

"Hey, have you heard? The new kid's a dyke."


"No way, she looks so cute though, a lil' bit shy on one hand."


"Ha, I knew that there was something up with her. Hinata's her name right?"


Thud, thud, thud, thud, thud…

She glanced around with big opaque eyes, the hallway went deadly quiet and she was blissfully unaware that she was the cause of this sudden –and unexpected- silence. She looked peculiarly unsure in her school uniform, with her navy blue blazer and her quilted skirt, and tried to smile sweetly at every person in her way.

"Oh, hello, could you please help me?" A boy with spiked blonde hair blinked when he noted he was addressed by the blue-headed girl.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" He scratched his chin and smiled innocently, keeping the rumor in the back of his mind.

"Could please tell me where the Biology classroom is? I have trouble finding it." Her voice was barely above a whisper and she avoided his glance when the boy rubbed the back of his head.

"Yeah, sure. Down the corridor, take a turn right and the fourth door on your right." Gratefully, Hinata smiled at the blonde boy and walked down the hallway.

When she took the turn, the whole school started to blabber about the curious Hyuuga with her soft voice and her long indigo-colored hair.

"Sure's a pity she's a dyke." Naruto –The blonde kid- muttered against his friend, a raven-headed stoic boy in the white button-up shirt.

Adjusting the fabric of his navy-colored slacks, the boy looked at his friend and smirked smugly.

"You shouldn't take gossip for granted, Naruto." Kiba, a brown-haired boy with friendly chocolate-colored eyes stated.

"Well, then I surely hope she isn't a dyke." They both laughed and the third boy, Sasuke, just turned around, saying a feeble 'whatever' to their pleasantries.

The relieving bell signal finally rang through all the classrooms and the students practically ran down the corridor, to the main double doors and enjoyed the warm spring sun. Naruto and Kiba were both joking around, accompanied by two girls, a girl with pink hair and another blonde with cheerful blue eyes. They were awaiting their –albeit serious- companion Sasuke Uchiha to come out.

Hinata was fumbling with her books, trying to get them all into the small locker but she was failing miserably. She flung a few strands of her long indigo-colored hair over her shoulder and tried again, this time succeeding to stuff her school material inside. Smiling in triumph, she closed her locker and spun around on her heel.

Her opaque eyes widened when she was greeted by the sight of a stern face with striking features. The Hyuuga recognized him faintly as one of her classmates in Literature and smiled nervously, fidgeting with the fabric of her blazer.

"Hello.. Sasuke-san." Her words came out as a shriek and he rose his eyebrow.

His deep voice soothed her nerves when he calmly greeted her back.

"Hinata-chan, I have a question for you." Her breath was caught in her throat when he called her by the suffix 'chan'.

"Yes?" The tone of her voice was so terribly high-pitched.

"Normally I do not believe in rumors, but I just wanted to check something." He rubbed the skin beneath his right eye and a thin smile adorned his mouth.

The opaque-eyed girl nodded and clasped her bag pack against her stomach.

"Is it by any chance true that you are in fact a lesbian." If he hadn't spoken in such a serious manner, Hinata might've laughed.

"N-No…That's.. That's a bl-blank lie." Her eyes widened again and she leaned almost completely with her back against her closed locker.

"Very well." And with that Sasuke leaned in and pressed his lips against hers, tasting the flavor of her cherry lipstick.

When they parted, the Hyuuga gasped for air and with all her force she slapped him against his left cheek. He grinned sadistically and rubbed the stinging area, a pink tinge spreading all over it. His ebony eyes witnessed her retreating form and he smirked to himself, Gaara owned him two thousand yen. One thing however, was for certain.

She wasn't a lesbian, but she wasn't easy either.

Now push the little button and leave me a review.

Do you want your name all on top of the next rumor? Then guess the next flavor!

Flavors to choose from;

1. Blood

2. Strawberries

3. Pineapple