Hey people this is my first fanfic please enjoy!

p.s. If you read my reviews before I'm cookie09 as well but I changed my name.

I do not own MBC but I wish I did!

Danny's POV

Ugh. I hate science class. I'm sitting next to my best friend Chris. He loves science, which I can't figure out. Mr. Fusster is going on about how aliens DON'T exist, again. If only he knew. The bell rang and I got up to go to my locker.

Cathy's POV

I'm so excited! My best friend, Bella from the planet Galactia is moving to Earth with her family! I love her two brothers, Bobby and Connor, they're a real laugh. She's coming next week and already knows about the MBC. I wonder if the others would agree to her becoming a member. She's knows lots about all the different alien species. Suddenly I heard a very familiar voice behind me. "h-h-h-hi, C-C-C-Cathy."

Oh no. "Hi, Jeremy." "So, Cathy will you go to Brendan's party with me?" Grrrr. Why me? WHY??? "Er… Thanks but no thanks. I'm going with Danny." "WHAT??? You never told me you were dating!" "We're going as friends." I couldn't help feeling a bit sad about that. Anyway, even if we WERE dating, why WOULD I tell you? "oh, well. Someday, you will be mine!" He ran off. I spotted Sam walking down the hall towards the door. "Hey, Sam! Wait up!" I yelled, rushing after her. "What's up, Cath?" "I've got something important to tell you, Danny and Chris. Since tomorrow is Saturday can we arrange a meeting?" "Sure, how about 11am?" Cool I'll call the others and tell them. See you later!" and I ran home.

Danny's POV

I walked with Chris over to John's school. Chris had to collect him and walk him home every day. John came out with the other kids. "Hi Chris! Hi Danny!" he called, running over. "Hi John!" Chris said. "Come on, let's go. See you tomorrow!" he said as they walked away, chatting happily. I started walking home. I don't know my Chris is always complaining about John. I wish I had a brother. Or a sister. I especially wish I still had my mom. She left when I was 3 years old. I'm 14 now and I don't remember anything about her. Whenever I try talking to Dad about her, he changes the subject. I have the right to know about my mom, don't I? It's got to be written somewhere. Well, I guess I'll never know.

But I'm wrong about that.

There's a surprise waiting for me when I get home.

So what do you think? Sorry chapter 2 won't be very long and there won't Sam and Chris POV until chapter 3 sorry! Please review!!!