Title: His Crew
Disclaimer: Me no own, You no sue.
Warning: Spoiler-ish for "Ariel"
Notes: This will be a series of one shots done in second person from each of the crew members. Don't know how well it'll work... Each chapter has it's own warnings, including but not limited to slash and gore.
Chapter One: Jayne
You belonged to him. You all did. Mal owned your bodies and hearts and souls and would have nothing short of undying loyalty.
The moment you tuned on them you turned on me.
You want to tell him that he has it all wrong, that even though you don't much care for anyone on that boat except for her captain, Mal was still Mal and through all the hardships and storms of blood, never would you think of betraying him. It just wasn't going to happen.
You see rage in his eyes; hurt and betrayal dance across his face.
Never before have you been afraid of someone smaller than you, but those eyes – the eyes of a battle hardened soldier cut you down into tiny pieces and instantly see right through you to the deepest and darkest parts of your pathetic excuse for a soul.
He was ready to leave you. Without even flinching, Mal was going to leave you to burn in the atmos of the Core.
You wish you could be mad, you wish that you feel that unbridled anger that you are so used to. However, you're too busy trying to show how not afraid you are.