Disclaimer: I do not own anybody you recognize. This story takes place the summer after fifth year.
Dear Ron, Hermione, and Ginny,
How are you all doing? I hope the summer's going well, and I hope Mrs. Weasley didn't nag too much about flying off to the Ministry. Tell her she should save her nagging for me, if you want to.
Anyways, it's really boring over here ever since the Order warned the Dursleys off. I just sit in my room and read, and I fail to see why you like it so much, Hermione. It's really boring. Do you guys have any plans for the summer, something exciting and fun? Because I could really use it.
Love which is supposedly going to help me defeat Voldemort,
PS: Please don't write one letter to me again. You guys fight too much and get ink all over the words, and I can't make anything out.
Dear Ron, Hermione, and Ginny,
I'm glad you guys are relaxing (Hermione), try not to get so bored that you finish your homework early (Ron), and if you hex the twins, get me a picture, please (Ginny).
Quidditch World Cup is out, if it's in Greece (Ron). As much as I love Quidditch, I'm not traveling across the continent just to watch a few games. The Hogwarts competition is much more fun anyways, since I actually get to take part.
I have studied, thank you very much (Hermione). I've studied so much, I've even completed half my homework. Out of curiosity, why do we have homework when we don't even know which classes we'll be taking next year? I mean, it seems counterproductive to write all these essays and then never turn them in because I'm not taking the class.
What's Dragon's Lair Amusement Park (Ginny)? I've never heard of it. Is it fun? Is it easily accessible? And will the Order let us go (probably not)? And on a side note, there is no need to Bat-Bogey me, I am not moping over Sirius. Promise.
PS: Thank you for not writing one letter. 'Love which is supposedly going to help me defeat Voldemort' is something I'll have to tell you in person, because it involves a fairly sensitive subject.
Dear Ron, Hermione, and Ginny,
Quidditch is not suicidal (Hermione)! Okay, yeah, so I've nearly been killed a couple of times, but that's because there's this insignificant (cough) psycho murderer out for my blood. Well, no, he already has my blood, but he's out to kill me, in any case. I can't really help that, though.
Yes, half my homework (Ron)! I couldn't believe it myself, but there's literally nothing else to do! I suppose the chores were good for something after all. I'm not going to bother to do my Divination, History, or Potions homework, because I'm definitely not taking those classes again.
That sounds like a lot of fun (Ginny). If it's run by squibs, does that mean muggles go there too? Are we allowed to do magic there? And what kind of rides? Also, thank you for deciding not to Bat-Bogey me. You have no idea how much that means to me.
PS: No, of course the fairly sensitive subject isn't Voldemort, what would give you that idea? It's not like he's trying to murder me or anything.
Dear Ron, Hermione, and Ginny,
All right, sometimes it's been my fault (Hermione). But mostly it's been Voldemort's. So, go nag him if you want to. And I'm not going to do the homework for those classes because even if I get a high enough grade (unlikely), I'm still not going to take them. Except for Potions, and that only if Snape has miraculously been replaced as the teacher.
Yeah, we do need a Potions OWL to become Aurors (Ron), but I figure there are plenty of other career choices that don't need Potions. And two years without Snape breathing down my neck, I wouldn't give up for all the OWLs in the world.
So, only muggles who know about magic can go (Ginny)? And we can do magic there? Sounds like a dream come true. I hope they have roller coasters. Somehow, though, I doubt the Order's going to let us go gallivanting off to an amusement park. Any ideas on how to sneak off? And who else should we invite, because it'd be kind of boring with just the four of us?
PS: Hedwig's too smart to be intercepted, but I don't know about Pig. Which is why you'll have to wait until we meet up again to discuss the fairly sensitive subject.
Dear Ron, Hermione, and Ginny,
I thought you said you guys were relaxing this summer (Hermione). Stressing about your OWLs doesn't sound very relaxing. We all know you got straight O's, no need to panic. Although, if you really want to panic, think of the group of cold-blooded mass-murderers out there ready to kill you at the first opportunity. Now you can panic.
We can always become teachers or something (Ron). Or entrepreneurs like the twins. I always wondered how they made brooms. Maybe we could start a new racing broom line, sell millions, and become galleonaires. Sound like fun?
The Knight Bus sounds a little risky, but I suppose I could do it (Ginny). And why don't you guys pretend Luna invited you over for the day, so your parents let you go? Come to think of it, I want to invite her and Neville to the park. Heck, why not the entire DA? We could make it a class field trip or something.
PS: I know she's noticeable. But she's also the most amazingly awesome owl since forever. I've been using her for five years now and she still hasn't gotten killed. That's gotta count for something, right?
Dear Ron, Hermione, and Ginny,
Are all of you guys in with the amusement park thing? Hermione, I know it's dangerous, but I think we deserve a little fun for once. It's not like we got to play much last year. Plus, the DA's good enough to defend themselves in the case of an attack, and that's only if Voldemort decides to come to a squib-run amusement park. For some reason, I can't see him doing that. And don't worry about him looking through my mind. I haven't been feeling anything lately, and I think he's using Occlumency, which means neither of us can spy on the other.
There are books on how to make brooms (Ron)? Why did I not know this before? I'm definitely going to buy them in Diagon Alley this year. Is it hard? It seems like fun. There haven't been any new brooms since the Firebolt, after all. And this way, you can always ride the latest model for free.
So, I take the Knight Bus, you guys (and probably Neville too, since I doubt his grandmother will let him go) go over to Luna's and Floo from there. The rest of the DA can either get permission if they're muggle-borns, or sneak off if they're not. When do we send out the invitations?
PS: Hedwig is awesome. End of story.
Author's Notes: So, originally, this story was a oneshot, but I decided to split it up into four parts. I know this chapter isn't particularly fast-paced yet, but the next chapter, we have our favorite students escaping! So, if you're interested in reading further (and in watching Snape getting turned into a giant blueberry), please review and tell me so! And I'm curious, what was your favorite part of the letters? I love his post-scripts :D Because Hedwig is totally awesome.