Caught in the Crowd

Hey guys so I kept my promise it's up here

Disclaimer: Everything belongs to Stephenie Meyer I just put her characters in a different world

Biology was boring, so I put my earphones in and listened to my iPod whilst looking out the window. We were just doing our assignment, which I had already finished, so I don't think Mr. Banner would actually care. He didn't, thank god. I don't need any more detention. Detention. Surprisingly, I can't wait to go this afternoon I get to be with Miss Swan, if only I knew her name and what she looked like. I hope she takes that god damn jumper off. It's ridiculous.


I must have dozed out during that class because the next thing I knew, the bell went off. I took my earphones out, stood up, and noticed that the mystery hoodie girl walked out of the classroom. Damn, I would have loved to speak to her this lesson. Maybe next time. I got up and walked out of the classroom

"Eddikins, oh Eddikins "

"Oh fuck, don't call me that. What do you want, Tanya?" I growled as she walked up to me.

"I want to break up with you."

"You what?"

"I want to break up. You're no fun, and I think you hate me," she simpered pitifully.


"And I just don't want to be with somebody who doesn't want to have sex with me, or in your words, 'making love.'"

"Well, you just made my life a whole lot easier." I turned to go, but she grabbed my arm and turned me back around.

"So, you don't care that I'm breaking up with you?"

"Nope, not one bit. Why, should I?"

"YES!" She screeched. "I'm Tanya, god damn it! I'm the most gorgeous girl in school, and you're just going to let me go like I'm nothing! I was hoping you were going to fight with me and tell you love me or something but you just don't even care!"

"Tanya, why should I care? You fucking slept with Mike, Eric, Tyler, and there could be more, all while you were dating me... Did you think I didn't notice? The reason I didn't break up with you so long ago was because I didn't want to hurt you even though you hurt me… So no, I don't give a flying fuck, you cheating whore."

"I-I-I'm sorry." she sobbed

"Whatever, Tanya. Have a nice life and good riddance." With that, I walked off, and all I could hear was her sobbing. I felt relieved and happy. I'm free, and I don't have to worry about that cheating whore anymore. Alice is going to be so happy.

I walked into detention 15 minutes late because of Tanya only to find the brown haired girl with her head on the desk listening to her iPod, so I sat down and waited for the mystery hoodie girl. I stared at the door for those entire 45minutes, waiting for that grey hoodie to come through the door. It reached 4 o'clock, and the mystery hooded girl never turned up. Mr. Banner dismissed us and the brown headed girl walked out of there so fast that she dropped her jumper on the way out... I picked the jumper up, and it looked like something that would fit me. It was big, grey, and had a hood…

"Oh my god, she was here the whole time?" I raced out of the room to try and find her only to see that her bike was already gone. It was starting to rain hard, so I got onto my bike and raced home, stopping half way to find Miss Swan on the side of the road, blood streaming down her face.

So what did you think??? Thanks for reading. PLEASE REVIEW.
