Caught in the crowd

Hi this is my first fan fiction ever so I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: Everything belongs to Stephenie Meyer I just put her characters in a different world.

Chapter: Outlet

I woke up to the screaming of my sister. I shot out of bed and ran to her room, barging right in. I looked and couldn't see her though I could hear her sobbing. I followed the sound and found her huddled in the corner of her closet.

"Alice?" It came out more of a question. She looked up and her eyes were blood-shot red with tears still coming out of her eyes. "Oh Alice, what's wrong?" She didn't answer all she did was point to the laptop. I walked over to it and read what made her cry. It was a news article titled 'End of a Fashion Era'. I read a little more, 'Calvin Klein is quitting the fashion business.' I tried to hold in my laughter I turned around to see Alice sniffling and I just had to ask. "Alice, is this why you are crying, over Calvin quitting the fashion business?" After I said it she went into another round of hysterics and I couldn't hold it in any longer. I just cracked up laughing.

"What is so funny, Edward Anthony?"

"You Mary Alice. You're crying over someone you don't even know. He doesn't even live in this country."

"So? He is my best friend, well his fashion is anyway. I mean look at all these dresses. They are all so beautiful and now there will never be any more because he quit."

"Alice, get over it. There are always more dresses in the world. I mean look at the maroon one. It isn't even pretty"

"Yes it is. You don't know the meaning of true fashion."

"No, I don't, but I do know the meaning of over dramatic and it's you."

"I am not over dramatic."

"Whatever Alice. I'm getting ready for school. Because I don't want to be late."

"Oh, of course, I must bow down the Captain and quarterback of the football field. You are really the cliché Edward, dating the captain of the cheerleader squad, who is a total bitch by the way"

"Hey don't talk about her that way, She is not and she is your captain too and If you don't like her maybe you should quit cheerleading." I was getting more and more frustrated by the second. This is what she did to me almost every day; bitch to me about my girlfriend. 'She isn't that bad,' I kept telling myself, though I knew it was true.
"Fine, whatever Edward. Just go get ready for school so you can see your oh so loving girlfriend." There was no point in arguing over this, so I just walked out, went up to my room and got ready for school.

I went downstairs to the kitchen only to find Tanya, my girlfriend, sitting at the table animatedly talking with Alice. It wouldn't take a scientist to notice Alice's distaste for Tanya. I'm surprised she can't see, although she is blond. As I walked into the room, I tried to kiss Tanya good morning, though I couldn't as she blatantly just said 'Makeup'

"Good morning Tanya," I said, trying to hide my frustration.

"Good morning? How is this a good morning? Calvin quit! It's the end of a fashion era. "

Ugh, who care if he quit? It's not the end of the world. Alice may hate Tanya, though she is a bit like her when it comes to fashion.

"Seriously, Tanya you're going to cry over this as well? This is ridiculous. You don't even know the guy."

"So would you cry if Wally Lewis Died?"

"No, I don't know him."

"You are so callous."

"Excuse me?"

"Callous, you know insensitive, indifferent, unsympathetic. You don't care about anything. You probably don't even care about me." I was about to yell at her before my mother came into the room.

"Is everything alright in here?" she asked.

"Oh yes, Esme. Everything is perfect," Tanya replied.

"I wasn't talking to you, Tanya. I was talking to my son, and its Mrs. Cullen to you."

Alice wasn't the only one in the family that disliked Tanya. Everyone did; my Dad, my Mom, my best mate and his girlfriend. Even Alice's boyfriend disliked her, and it is times like these I understood why.

"Edward, is everything ok?" My mother asked again but before I had time to answer the door bell rang. "I'll get it," I said, wanting to get out of that room I opened the door only to find Jasper one of my best mates standing at the door he was also Alice's boyfriend.

"Hey Jasper, come to pick up Alice?"

"Yeah, I wanted to surprise her."

"Well, I better warn you now, she is not in a good mood. I found her crying this morning over Calvin Klein quitting."

"Thanks for the heads up man. Where is everybody?"


"Edward, who was at the door?" my mother asked as I walked into the room

"Hi Mrs. Cullen," Jasper said as he walked around from behind me, "How are you this morning?"

"I'm good never better and please, call me Esme." Alice and I both snickered at that while Tanya grunted. Before any other pleasantries were said, Alice ran up and hugged Jasper and started telling him about Calvin. It looked like Jasper really cared for Alice, telling her everything was going to be ok. Even though it was over something so ridiculous, he honestly cared and made her feel instantly better when he said he'd buy her Calvin Klein dresses before there were no more.

After we all ate breakfast, Jasper and Alice headed off to school in her Porsche and I was talking to Tanya.

"Can I drive you to school?" she asked

"Tanya, we are not having this conversation again. You know I don't drive to school."

"Why not? You look like a full-on idiot on that bike of yours."

"Tanya, let it go. I'm riding to school and that's that."

"Oh, of course. I can't disturb you and your Eddie time can I?"

"Don't say it like that. It sounds like I'm doing something dirty."

"But you aren't cause you never do anything dirty."

"Can we just stay at the topic at hand please?"

"No. Edward tell me why, Why will you not play dirty with me?"

"Oh god, Tanya. You do not have any self preservation and you know why I won't 'play dirty', as you like you call it, because when I do, I don't want to play dirty, I want to make love."

"Make love? You sound so girly."

"Yeah, well, at least I'm not going around selling myself."

"I do not."

"Yeah sure, whatever you say. I'm going to school. I'll see you there. Bye."

Riding to school is my outlet; It's the only time I have to think without any disruptions to get away from my life.


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