
Soon the clicking stopped, and the door handle slowly turned.

Two devastatingly familiar faces I thought I would never see appeared.

If my heart could stop, this would be the moment it collapsed.

It was Jasper and Alice.

It was Jasper. It was Alice.

Jasper and Alice.

No matter how many times I repeated it in my head, I couldn't get over the fact that I would be meeting them again, at least not after HE left me.

Without much time to continue in my speeding thoughts another body was squeezed against mine, Alice spoke into my ear , "Its an honour to finally meet you Elle!" and she released her tight hands around my body. For a moment there I felt a tint of compassion but I brushed it off quickly as I recomposed my posture.

"I suppose you are the land lord? The lovely couple of Jason and-"

"Alice Whitlock! My husband's name is actually Jasper but his name is Jason around humans. I have heard so much about you Elle, at first I thought you were a human but just looking at all your collections, no human would be able to design something as magnificent as you!"

"Why thank you Alice," I smiled, so she really can't see who I really am? I think I know just what to do now. This ride is going to be fun, well for me at least.

"I hear from your husband that you design as well? Maybe I'll have a look at it and we can discuss about opening a new line? Ever thought about life being a famous designer, you'll love it!"

Alice opened her eyes wide but Jasper cut in quick to reply with a smirk, "That's a wonderful offer Elle, but I think she'll fine just designing clothes for my family. If she becomes a famous designer, I wouldn't have any time with her!"

Alice let out a half giggle and grabbed Jasper's face pulling him close to her face and said before kissing him, "I'll always have time for you baby."

"Don't I know it darling." Jasper said to Alice after the sweet kiss.

"So Alice you design clothes for your family? Its quite odd to have a vampire family, I've only heard of clans or what not."

"Yes you can say that we are, well, different to other vampires. We don't drink from humans, we actually drink-"

"Animal Blood?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"Me too." And with that Jasper and Alice's brows turned in question, obviously surprised that they've found an animal drinker.

"But you eyes, the colour is blue?" Jasper questioned.

"Its one of my gifts actually, I am able to change colours." I said with a proud smile, heck I decided to show off a bit and changed Alice's Burberry dress from a plain yellow into a blue and grey checkered dress. Alice, realizing that her dress changed danced her way and gave me a squashing hug. Don't I remember those hugs…get a grip Elle…she chose to leave you…THEY LEFT YOU.

"What I would do for Alice to have that kind of gift, she wouldn't have to blow all her credit cards buying shoes and clothes!" Jasper laughed.

Alice pouted but quickly turned to me saying,

"Elle, I feel like we're fast friends already! You have to come meet my family, I know they love to see you! Maybe even my brother will find you interesting!" With that Alice turned to Jasper in excitement, but Jasper shook his head and said,

"Oh no Alice, what ever you are doing leave me out of it! I don't want Edward to death stare me for a month again."

"Edward?" I asked, slightly curious about how he was doing, but then again, I just wanted to torture him. Stay in the game Elle. Don't go back to the small helpless Bella that had emotions. Stay in the game.

"That's my brother Edward, he may appear to be quite moody, but inside he's quite sweet. So don't get fooled by his depressed face, he's just been down lately" Alice slightly smiled.

"Down lately? Alice he's been depressed for the last 50 years!" Jasper said. What? But that's the time when he LEFT me. It couldn't be, could it? Of course not Elle, you think he would be depressed over you? No he is heartless, never loved you, that's why you are heartless Elle, You deserve better, you deserve revenge!

"Anywayyy, come over to our house tonight Elle. You'll love it I promise!" Alice gleamed at me.

"Well here I thought meeting you guys would just be a formal business over this property, but why not, I've got time"

We all laughed at the concept of time, perks of being a vampire.

It was 12am when I arrived at the Cullen mansion. Even I was surprised at the anterior of the building. The sapphire blue stone building almost came alive under the moon; it was one of the most modern architectures I have yet to seen.

The moment I stepped onto the front porch the door flew open and just like lightning, I was greeted or rather 'hit' with a deep embrace from Alice, following that was her high pitched voice singing "Welcome to our Home!"

"Hello Alice." I attempted to return in a happy tone. I took out a box I was carrying and gave it to Alice saying, "Just a little gift for letting me come into your home. Its nothing much but I do hope you enjoy it."

All of a sudden the familiar faces of vampires appeared at the door. Esme, Carlisle, Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper all appeared and sniffed my gift.

"Is that…." Jasper lifted his eyebrow.

"BLOOD?" Emmett spoke. The rest were curious as to what exactly was in the gift box.

"Yes they are animal blood drinks. I own a piece of land in Africa and my workers take small amounts of the animals' blood for me every week. Though they think I need it for scientific research, I found it as a more elegant way of drinking blood." I smiled as the rest gaped at what they just heard.

I ripped off the case of my gift and continued, "I hope you like my collection of African lion, tiger, elephant, Giraffe and my favorite, cheetah blood."

"I WANT TO TRY THE ELEPHANT BLOOD!" Emmett shouted and attempted to grab the bottle of blood, but Carlisle grabbed his hands firmly to prevent him from taking it.

"Emmett, before we receive this wonderful gift let's introduce ourselves to Miss Elle shall we?" Carlisle spoke calmly, those his eyes lingered on the bottle of tiger blood.

Carlisle introduced or shall I say RE-introduced the rest of the family until he reached the last member "-and the last member is Edward, you must know he tends to keep to himself so don't think that you've offended him if he gives you a cold shoulder or some sort."

"Still Carlisle!" Alice said "He should've come down at least to greet our guest! Oh I know! Lets go up to him and say hello why don't we Elle."

"Lead the way then Alice" I smiled weakly, though behind that smile was a hint of fear of meeting the one whom ruined my life.

Alice pulled my hand and led me up the stairs of the mansion. As we reached the top of the stairs I could faintly hear a song coming from the room on the left.

"That is Edward's room over there where he spends most of his time, listening to depressing music and that Debussy song." Alice told me.

We walked up to the door and Alice knocked twice before speaking, "EDWARD! I'm coming in with our guest!"

With that she opened the door and reveal Edward lying on a bed with his eyes closed. I couldn't believe it; there he was after 50 years of pain I finally saw the one whom stole my heart. He still looked the same, with the messy bronze hair and perfected sculpted face. Although his face looked almost weak and distressed with a mix of frustration printed across his face.

Edward opened his eyes and lifted his body up, his eyes widened as he saw me. He opened his mouth slowly and his face scrunched in confusion.

"Be..Bella? Is that you?"