The Summer of Smut Contest
hosted by: bookbag, hit-the-duckies, inside-the-disarray, loveinthelies, MojoPen, and TheBlackArrow
The Summer of Smut Contest will feature well written, smutty fun-filled entries from the following categories:
1. Slash
2. Vamp Smut
3. BDSM Smut
4. Trio or Poly Smut
5. B/E Smut
6. Non-Canon Pairing Smut.
Entries will be accepted from July 24th until August 21st 2009.
Voting will take place August 22nd through August 29th 2009.
Winners will be announced September 1st 2009
The six co-hosting authors – bookbag, hit-the-duckies, inside-the-disarray, loveinthelies, MojoPen, and TheBlackArrow - will be serving as the judges. Top stories (as chosen by the judges) from each category will move on to the final round, where they will be voted upon by readers.
One winner will be chosen in each category and will receive a custom made signature banner as well as an author interview on the new and exciting fanfic blog, Roaming in Edwardville.
Please consider grammar, character development, creativity, and of course, sexy times.
All entries must fit into one of the above categories.
All entries must be one-shots.
All entries must include smut/lemons, and therefore must be rated M.
All entries must be at least 8 inches… er, sorry, at least 8k words, but no more than 10k.
All entries must contain at least one of the following 'summer' items/locations:
-Bike rides
-Ice cream
- Rollerblades
-Summer Camp
-Band Camp
-Amusement Park/Water Park
-Baseball Game
-Road Trip
-Backyard BBQ
-Mile-High Club(? On the way to vacation)
-Wet T-Shirt Contest
-Music Festival/Concert
All authors must have a fan fiction account and submit the story under their profile using the 'add story' tab. Once it has been added, a PM should be sent to the Summer of Smut profile to notify us of the submission. In the subject of the PM, please list the following:
Penname/Title of Story/Smut Category
All stories must contain the following heading:
Summer of Smut Contest
Pen name:
Smut Category:
If you have any questions, please contact us via PM.
Good luck! We can't wait to read your entries!