Ooh lala~! Hi everyone ^^ This is a short set of drabbles that I've been working on slowly for about two weeks. All are based off of songs from my ipod that I shuffled up. I was supposed to do nine, but I lost inspiration for four of them. So here's five! :'3 Also, it's wise to listen to the songs as you read, they really do set the mood, minus the fourth drabble. And for you Crisis Perverted [google it if you love crack and lols] fans out there, there are two references to it in the last drabble~ ;D
The lullaby Zack sings isn't relevant to the song the drabble is based off of, it's just a lullaby my dad used to sing to me when I was a little. xD
Also, there really is a place called the Life Café, which has a deep connection to the musical Rent. It's not actually like how I described it.. but it's a cool place. Theres one in the East Village, and another in Brooklyn. ^^
HUUUUUUGGEE thanks to Ziggy Pasta [go read Ziggy's fanfic, kaythnxbai.] for being an epic beta. And a smaller, but nonetheless important thanks to my awesome friend, Chippy the Giraffe, for holding my hand while I had a nerve attack 8'D Anyhoodles, enjoy the readings~
Hey Lady - Thriving Ivory - Zack's Point of View
Don't burn your heart out, Love, 'till we're ash over seas…
Zack was thankful for the bed. He had been on the run from Shinra for the longest time. It seemed like years, but what had it been? A week? A month? Zack had no idea for sure. There was one thing he did know, however. There was nothing like a bed to sleep in, even if you found it in an abandoned farm house. Zack definitely needed the proper sleep, and he was pretty sure that the man in his arms could too, seeing as being carried, flipped over on a metal covered shoulder couldn't possibly be comfortable.
"Care you know not, therefore sleep..." Zack sang softly, rocking the grown man in his arms as if he were an infant. "While I o'er you watch do keep~." He pressed a kiss to the Chocobo's forehead, and gently dropped him on the bed, easing his hands out from under the body. "Sleep pretty darling…" The SOLDIER's voice was low and gentle, the song from his childhood coming to his mind easily. Zack believed that the last time he heard this lullaby was when he was...eight. It had always brought him comfort, and now he prayed that it would do the same to his comatose friend. "Do not cry… and I shall sing a lullaby~"
Still humming the tune, Zack pulled the sword from his back, and laid it gently on the floor, half hidden by the bed. He knew that Angeal would have chewed him out for doing such a thing… but right now it seemed to be the best place to have it. Out of sight for possible intruders, but close enough incase of an ambush. "How you doing, Spiky?" Zack asked, the humming paused for a moment as he glanced over at the boy, who lay in the exact same position Zack had placed him in. There was no response, but the First-Class SOLDIER smiled anyway. "It'll be awesome to get a good sleep on a bed, eh? I know my shoulder isn't the most comfortable place around."
He flashed another smile to the blond, and then reached up to his mentioned shoulders, tearing off the metal shoulder pads. Zack was determined to get a good night's sleep, and having those curved metal disks driving into his shoulder was not going to help his goal.
After stacking the shoulder plates next to the sword and a few other uncomfortable items he had on his person, Zack crawled into the bed, leaning over, and pecked above the half-lidded eyes once more. The man liked to think every time he kissed the delicate package in front of him, he saw a little flicker of life inside the hazy Mako-infused eyes. His lips left the cold forehead, and Zack lowered them to the pale ear. For the second time he started the little lullaby.
"Golden slumber kisses your eyes…" Zack promptly pressed his lips softly to each eye, allowing his own to close. "Smiles await you when you arrive.. Sleep, pretty baby, Do not cry… I'll sing you a lullaby~" His lips met his friend's, and then with great delicacy, Zack coaxed the boy into his chest, wrapping his arms around the unmoving body. Hearing the heart beat, slow and tender as it was, gave Zack hope. The heart was still beating, they were both still alive, they were going to make it through, even if he had to carry Cloud the entire way.
Zack's hands gently ran over Cloud's back in a circular motion, just like his own mother used to do back in Gongaga. It had been comforting to him as a toddler. "Cloud, promise me you won't give up. I know somewhere inside you, your heart's still burning." He hugged the cadet tightly. "Heh. Think of me as the pretty girl, for once. You're my cowboy. I need you, Ya hear?" And with that odd comment, Zack drifted off into sleep, clinging to his darling Cloud.
When Zack rose the next morning, he was happy to find that somehow, Cloud's own hands had made them to his waist, clinging to Zack with more force then he would've expected from a Mako-poisoned cadet. Yeah, Zack thought as he pressed another kiss to Cloud's forehead. Things were going to be okay.
Seasons of Love - Rent - Cloud's Point of View
Share love, give love, spread love. Measure your life in love.
There was one thing Cloud would never forget about Zack. His ability to forgive, to stay positive, but most importantly, his ability to love. When Zack walked into a room, it seemed to brighten just a little bit. He was always so alive, and full of joy. Even now, as Cloud walked next to the man who had just been through a hellish day at work, Zack managed to walk along with a bounce in his step and a goofy grin on his face. He never dwelled on his past-- something Cloud envied.
"Wanna go get dinner?"
The question was simple and friendly, and enough to bring Cloud out of his thoughts. Zack was looking down at him expectantly, waiting for a response from the Chocobo. Above him flecks of snow fluttered down from the sky, covering the world around with an innocent white.
"Alright." Cloud answered, looking up to meet his best friend's questioning gaze with a soft smile. Dinner normally meant a pick up at GFC, Gongaga Fried Chocobo, in which Zack would always joke about eating one of Cloud's relatives, but they had already passed that red and white restaurant. In fact, the duo had already passed by the main part of the city, now in a street full of cobblestone. They were surrounded by buildings that reminded Cloud of old fashioned coffee and book shops. "Where do you have in mind?" The younger man asked, fixing his scarf.
Zack smiled back, a mischievous look in his stunning blue eyes. "It's gonna be a surprise, kay?" He responded, wagging a finger at Cloud. "So no asking questions, got it?" The SOLDIER winked and grabbed Cloud's pale hand, lacing his fingers through the nimble ones, of the other. "You'll like it, I promise." And with that comforting notion, Zack started to tug Cloud along, stepping through the new patches of snow.
Cloud just smiled to himself and followed along, allowing himself to be guided. Zack was like a puppy dog, innocent and playful, yearning to please. "Can I ask one question..?" Cloud asked gently, leaning against Zack's warm body.
Zack paused, rubbing his chin in a thoughtful way, before nodding. "Alright. One question. Just one."
"How much farther? I'm getting cold…"
Zack's laughter rang out loudly and cheerfully, almost reminding Cloud of a bark. The man gave Cloud's hand a squeeze. "Not much longer my dear Chocobo head, it's at the end of the block. Can you make it, or should I carry you~?"
It was Cloud's turn to laugh, soft and restrained. "I said I was cold." He bumped Zack with his side, forcing the boy over a step. "Not exhausted."
"Oh fine then. Sorry for being a caring boyfriend." Zack poked out his tongue in mock anger, before pulling Cloud into what could only be described as a bear hug. He wrapped his arms around Cloud's lean frame, and gripped him tightly, picking him off the ground and spinning around twice. "You still love me, right?"
Cloud gasped as he felt himself lift off the ground. "Z-Zack!" He squeaked during the spin, a familiar red blush creeping up to his face. Cloud was definitely not used to this sort of public display of affection. He loved Zack, he really did… but he always felt bashful kissing, or even hugging in public. Zack however, was completely unashamed, and if you asked him to, he probably would of ran up to the elderly lady on the other side of the street, screaming about his love. "Put me down!"
"Saaay it!"
Cloud's blush grew more intense as a few people hidden by hats and scarves glanced at the pair. "Fine. I love you. Happy?" A second later a pair of lips met his own, and then he felt his feet touch the uneven cobblestone.
"Extremely, Cloudie." Zack winked at him, giving his pale hand another squeeze. "Look at you! Red," The pup brushed a thumb against Cloud's warm cheek, flaring the blush even more. "Blue…" The man's nimble hands rose, carrying the tips of his fingers over Cloud's soft eye lashes, sending shivers down the younger man's spine. "..And white!" Zack's hands made their way into the soft mess of white-blond spikes, the warmth from Cloud's head surrounding his bare fingers. Gently, Zack tugged Cloud closer, pressing a kiss on the top of his head.
Cloud's blush was about the color of a fire truck by now. One of the most annoying things about his boyfriend: the way he dotted over Cloud, treating him like a beautiful priceless piece of art. Silently, Cloud confessed to himself, that it was actually his favorite Zack quality. Rather vain, but it really was lovely to hear, "You're beautiful, Spiky", every hour.
"Alright, enough already. You love embarrassing me, don't you?" Cloud feigned annoyance and put his hands up, unweaving Zack's fingers from his hair. "Lets get going, you won't get a goodnight kiss if I'm frozen solid."
The look on Zack's face was hilarious. Cloud thought the best way to describe it would be… maybe a child who had just dropped their sea salt ice cream onto an ant hill.
"Fuck then, Spiky!" Zack broke into another huge grin. "Guess we better get you there fast!" Before Cloud could complain or blush again, Zack had scooped up the blond bridal style and took off running, weaving his way through the passersby, throwing winks at those who stared for longer than a moment.
Thankfully, they had only been a about five buildings down from Zack's secret place, so Cloud's embarrassment only lasted a few seconds before he was deposited back onto the ground, his feet crunching over the freshly fallen snow. "So this is it?"
It was a small brick building, worn soft from years of wear. Golden light flickered warmly through the window, and above the door, a faded sign read "The Life Café."
Zack bobbed his spiked head. "Yeah! I found this place when I was running an errand for Angeal." The puppy grabbed Cloud's hand and pulled him up the set of steps, flinging the door open and stepping inside, his arm wrapped snuggly around Cloud's waist.
The inside of the café matched the outside perfectly. The room, which smelled of coffee, was lit with mismatched lamps. Soft piano music played and a fire crackled happily on one side of the building, the side Zack was leading him to. Around them couples and friends chatted quietly, a laugh bursting out every little while. After a moment of stripping off jackets and scarves, Cloud and Zack settled into a table right in front of the fire.
No sooner had Cloud adjusted to his environment when a young waitress skipped over, a smile on her lips and two menus in her hand. "Evening! What can I get for you two?"
Cloud nodded politely at the waitress, and turned to Zack, who was smiling happily at her. "Uhm, you know this place better than I do.."
Zack nodded, picking up the hint. "Kay. Two hot cocoas with whipped cream! Oh, and do you have those cinnamon sticks that smell like heaven and are fun to suck on…?"
The waitress giggled and bobbed her head. "Yeah, we got those."
Zack's smile was electric. "Perfect! Two of those too, if you could."
The waitress nodded again and scribbled down something on her note book, before skipping off.
Cloud looked down at the scratched table, a thought forming in his head. "Hey Zack, why're you so... touchy?"
Zack stared at him. "Cloudie, does it really bother you that much when I hug you in public..?"
Picking up on the trace of worry in Zack's voice, Cloud's famous blush returned. "N-no!" He stuttered, afraid he had hurt his boyfriend's feelings. "I…like it...actually..." A smirk was formed on Zack's face. "I was just…curious, I guess."
For a moment, Zack thought. No chin-rubbing or scrunching of the face, but a serious thought. He opened his mouth, closed it, and opened it again. "Hm." Zack said after a moment. "Well...because I wanna share love, yah know? If people see me doing something romantic, maybe they'll think 'Oh he's done something, look at how happy they are...' and then they'll go off and do something sweet for the one they love."
Cloud soaked in this surprisingly well-thought of answer, before smiling brightly. Such a smile, that Zack claimed that it had impacted him like a punch in the gut. (In a good way, of course.)
The giggly waitress came and went, dropping off two cups of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream and a cinnamon stick, just as Zack had requested. The couple sat in comfortable silence for a moment, Cloud sipping at his warm drink, and Zack scooping whipped cream into his mouth with the cinnamon stick.
"Now it's my turn to ask a question!" Zack decided, sucking on the piece of cinnamon. "Answer me this, Cloudie. How do you measure a year?"
The blond raised an eyebrow. What was this, a trick question? "Huh…months, days, hours, minutes…?"
Zack brightened "Let's go with minutes! How many minutes are there in a year?"
Cloud faltered. Math had never exactly been his favorite subject. "Like, six hundred-thousand or so?"
Zack pulled the stick from his mouth and tapped his nose with it. "Close~" The man said in a singsong voice and chewed on the cinnamon again. "There are five hundred, twenty-five thousand, six hundred minutes in a year! And for each minute, I want to measure it, remember it, and cherish it!"
Cloud smiled softly at his boyfriend from behind his cup of hot chocolate. His excitement at such a trivial thing was adorable. He was so serious…
"Alright. So...what do you call this minute, right now?" Cloud asked, raising an eyebrow.
Zack pondered for a second, and then responded without missing a beat.
"This? I'd call it a…Season of love!"
Dirty Little Secret - All-American Rejects - Zack's Point of View
I go around a time or two, just to waste my time with you.
"Have you seen Zack?"
"No…What's the pup done now, Angeal?"
"Just…don't go into the Third-Class change room for a while, okay?"
Zack tensed slightly as he heard foot steps. He was panting, having dragged a grunt as he ran away from his mentor. "You...okay...Clou…" The man breathed, leaning against the wall.
So far, this day had gone completely wrong. All he had wanted was a little alone time with his little 'Secret'! Was that too much to ask? So he and his accomplice had gone a little overboard with the Third-Class bath, but really, having thirteen industrial size bottles of hand soap out in the open…that was just begging to be pranked. They hadn't meant to get caught, but Zack just had to slide around in the suds, and Angeal just happened to walk by and notice the wall of bubbles spilling from the change room. They had been on the run for twenty minutes and counting.
"Fine…lungs……explode." The soft voice beside him panted out. The voice belonged to none other then the Shinra grunt, Cloud Strife. The boy was doubled over, gasping.
Cloud was actually the reason Zack had pulled said prank. If everyone was busy freaking out over the bathroom, maybe no one would notice the fact a certain SOLDIER and cadet were missing. In hindsight, Zack realized this was probably not the best way to go about things like this… but what's done is done.
"Zackary Fair!"
Zack's face drained of all color. "Shit! Spiky, shit!" His neck craned down the hall, and there stood his mentor, Angeal Hewley, a beyond pissed expression on his face, and a crown of foam on his head. "RUN!" Zack screamed like a banshee, his Mako eyes widening. Angeal lunged towards them, but Zack was faster. He reached out and snatched Cloud's arm, dragging the blond down the hall.
"FuckfuckfuckFUCK!" Zack's voice was panicky, but the boys didn't seem to be able to stop laughing. "Someone get Reno's t.A.T.u album and play the song with the semi-truck!"
After what could only be described as a classic Scooby-Doo chase scene, Zack and Cloud found themselves hiding inside a laundry room of sorts. There were a few folding tables, a hamper here and there, and a…laundry chute! Zack's eyes glittered. "Cloudie, let's go through the chute!"
The blond boy looked up from his crouched position, face sweaty, and gave Zack a 'You're fucking kidding me.' look. He seriously doubted that it would work. Zack, however, had already pulled the chute door off. "Zack...it won't work." Cloud stopped to take a deep breath. "This isn't a TV show."
Zack just waggled his finger at Cloud. "Don't be so pessimistic! It'll work!" With a quick movement Zack hauled himself half way into the chute, his hands bracing the wall for push off. "Follow after me, yeah?" He gave Cloud one of his trademark smiles and pushed, sending himself flying down the chute.
It was a surprisingly large chute. Just perfect, actually, his broad shoulders managed to go through with only slight resistance. Unfortunately, as predicted by Cloud, Zack had been expecting a fun slide down. But, instead of that, Zack found himself dropping straight down. This was the second bad choice made today. There were more colorful words screamed until the SOLDIER found himself landing in a giant hamper of clothing. The gods were smiling down on him, he was sure.
"Zaaaack!" Cloud's familiar voice echoed down to his ears.
"It's all good, Cloudie! C'mon down!" Zack called up the chute as he arranged himself in the hamper. Every muscle in his body was pulsing. Perhaps next time he'd just fake being sick. That involved a hell of a lot less running.
"Ack!" A head of blond fell from the chute, dropping on top of Zack, receiving a loud groan.
"Ugh… Zack, why didn't you move?" Cloud whined, burying his face in the man's chest. Landing in a hamper, comfortable, but landing on a strong stomach of muscle however, not so much.
"Because~" Zack cooed, patting the Chocobo's head. "Then I wouldn't of been able to do this without moving a lot." He slipped his hands around Cloud's waist and pulled him up a little ways, pressing soft kisses onto Cloud's neck.
"Nnngh…Zack.." Cloud whined, closing his eyes and falling against Zack once more. "I'm friggen' tired now."
"Aww c'mon, all that running for nothing? This is what we ran for, after all."
It was about two hours later when Sephiroth and Angeal stepped into the laundry room, looking over the large hamper.
"Well…at least they landed in a hamper that was already dirty." Sephiroth stated coolly, looking down at the sleeping bodies.
Angeal's face held an amused look. "I always knew Zack had a thing for blonds." He snorted, before grabbing a discarded bed sheet from the floor and draping it over the naked skin.
"I had no idea the boy was gay." Sephiroth mused, glancing at Angeal, a silky eyebrow raised.
"I don't think Pup sees gender, really." Angeal shrugged, looking at the boy Zack was cuddling. "Just people..." Of course, the blond cadet was rather feminine looking. "So what do we do with them, then?"
Sephiroth turned to leave. "Let sleeping dogs lie, I suppose."
"You're not going to do anything?"
There was a smile on the General's face as he moved closer to the door. "Not right now…Let them sleep, after all, everyone has a dirty little secret."
When I'm Gone - Eminem - Cloud's Point of View
Don't mourn; Rejoice, every time you hear the sound of my voice.
It was a bleak morning. The sky was an odd sort of light grey, streaks of dark clouds melting into the canvas. Every few minutes one of the clouds would brighten, and a strip of lightening would dance on the horizon before disappearing. If one had the right attitude, they might call this early morning 'beautiful'. But to the man that found himself pulling his motorbike to a halt a few meters away from the place his life had ended, it was just another morning.
"Hey…Morning." The voice was soft and hesitant. "I'm sorry I haven't been visiting much lately..." There were light footsteps, moving the man they belonged to closer to the giant sword. "Things have been…fast-paced."
A pale hand reached up and pulled a pair of goggles over blue eyes, and then a mess of blond spikes.
Cloud Strife's face gave no trace of his true feelings, as he stepped towards the sword he had once carried on his back, just like two amazing men before him. Silently, Cloud fell to his knees, resting his forehead on the slowly rusting metal of the weapon.
"Things are getting better…" He was saying. "I…actually smiled last night…Marlene brought a puppy she found in the church home." Cloud paused, his eyes stinging. "We named him Zack…after…"
An odd wind blew through Cloud, and he heard foot steps behind him. "After me? I'm honored Spikes." The foot steps came closer, and eventually stopped right behind him. There was no need for introductions. The body behind him settled down onto the ground. "Hey." The man from his past whispered softly, strong arms extending out.
Cloud fell willingly against the strong chest of his lover, eyes closed, body relaxed. There was no mistaking it. This was his Zack. The smells-- sweat, sword polish, lilacs --and the over all feel of the man. This was no ghost. This was real. For a moment he felt extremely frightened, Zack was dead, wasn't he? He had saw him die. You can't come back after death, can you? But an odd sort of calm washed over him, and all those thoughts of uncertainty disappeared.
Zack's laughter was honey. It had been years since he had last heard it. It reminded one of a bark, almost. Cloud made good to remember this. The way Zack's chest clenched as he laughed, his entire body shaking. "We haven't seen each other in ages, and that's the first thing I get?" Zack's arms tightened around Cloud. "How else ya think? Aerith of course. I'm only here like this for a little while…but Aerith's pulling strings."
Cloud let a smile roll onto his face. "So…why are you here?" He asked, scooting up onto the man's lap, swiveling so he could see Zack's face. Cloud felt like he was sixteen again. All those years ago...he had been happy like this.
Zack's blue eyes twinkled. "Well, you always come to talk, and I never get to respond! Just sit there nodding…it gets a little hard. So I'm here for a bit. Sit back, relax, and excuse me while I preach like Angeal used to."
Cloud did just that. He turned himself a little ways, legs sticking out over Zack's lap, ear pressed against the man's chest. Zack absently played with Cloud's hair with one hand, the other holding the man like he never would again. Which, he probably wouldn't, not for a long time, at least.
"Talk away…" Cloud murmured, into Zack's chest, clinging to every breath the man took.
"First off!" Zack said, his hand leaving Cloud's hair to push his own single bang from his face. "It's alright to cry, Cloudie. I know you've bottled a lot of stuff up, but let it go every once in a while." Zack's hand began to rub the smaller man's back, a soothing notion Zack had done years ago. "Please, just stop beating yourself up over what happened." The SOLDIER whispered. "You're doing better, everyone sees it…but there's still a part in you that can't let go, isn't there?"
Cloud started to feel sleepy, his blue eyes becoming half-lidded. He was crying, he could feel the salty wetness as it fell from his eyes. He hadn't cried for years. But now, being like this, it brought him back to the innocent years, when he had been a lowly cadet. "It's hard." Cloud whispered, his emotionless façade melting away. "I'll start to feel better again...but then…I'll hear or smell something that reminds me of you guys...and…" Cloud trailed off. "It starts to hurt again…"
Zack made a noise with his throat and shook his head. "You're thinking about it wrong, then, Cloudie." Cloud looked up at Zack and raised an eyebrow, silently urging him to continue with his speaking. "Well, when ever you hear or smell something, don't start feeling bad, feel happy. Remember the happy times, yeah? Don't think that we'll never see it again, just…see it for us. The Lifestream's a pretty crappy place when we're busy looking down on how depressed you are."
Cloud snorted. How many people would have to say that? Yeah, think of the happy times. He thought sarcastically. "Easier said than done." The blond muttered, looking over at the sword again.
"Yeah, I guess." Zack said, his fingers tugging at blond spikes. "We're always there you know. Aerith and I. 'Kay, well, Aerith wanders off sometimes, but I'm always there. Even if you can't see or feel us."
Cloud sighed, closing his now red eyes. Zack was going to leave soon. He felt it. Cloud wanted to pause time; life was so safe inside Zack's arms. "Always?" He asked, looking up into Zack's puppy eyes.
"Always." The man responded, pressing a kiss onto Cloud's forehead. "Now…" Zack stood up, picking Cloud up with him. This earned a loud whine. "I do believe my time here is up. Marlene'll be waking up expecting her puppy soon~"
Cloud sighed and leaned against Zack. "I'll mi-- wait, what?!"
Zack cocked his head. "Hm?" A smile danced on his lips as he backed away. "You heard me."
"Puppy...you're not...are you?"
Zack winked. "See ya at home, Cloudie." And with that, he was gone.
Crashed the Wedding - Busted - Zack's [& Reno's] Point of View
I'm glad I crashed the wedding, it's better than regretting.
"Angeal! Which way's Gordon Street?!" Zack burst into the room, his eyes wide, fingers fumbling with a red tie. Angeal stood, stooped over one of his numerous potted plants, a watering can in his hand. If Zack remembered correctly, the one his mentor was currently watering was named 'Sasha'.
"What?" The man straightened and turned to face the extremely stressed puppy. "Zack…what the hell are you wearing?"
The young man before him was wearing a pair of jeans now faded, which had once been black, a band T-shirt (Some band called Pink Materia) and a suit jacket. "Where's Gordon Street!" Zack squawked again, tugging on a bright red neck tie. Angeal had always known Zack to be restless, but this was too much, the boy looked ready to explode.
"So you've heard, then?" Angeal sighed, resting the checker patterned watering can on the floor. Angeal knew Zack had harbored a bit of a crush on the boy, but never enough to have the man react this way.
"I've heard?! How could I not've?" Zack wailed, tugging harder at the tie. In all honesty Zack had being battling with the tie the entire run to Angeal's place.
Angeal shrugged "I dunno pup, you can be painfully oblivious sometimes." He watched for a moment as Zack eventually started choking himself with the tie. Sighing, the older man beckoned Zack forward. "Calm down. Zack. Calm. Down." He said sternly, taking the boy's hands and pulling them away from the tie. "What are you planning on doing?" Angeal decided to question, his own fingers taking on the tie battle. Maybe he could talk some sense into Zack before he did something stupid.
Zack fiddled restlessly, fisting his jeans. "I-I don't know.." He muttered, looking down. "But I'm not going to let Cloud marry Sephiroth. It's forced…I know it is."
Angeal raised an eyebrow at Zack as he finally undid the monster knot on the tie. "How can you be so sure?" With calloused hands the man began to re-tie the tie. Of course, almost everyone knew Cloud did not want Sephiroth for a spouse, the Chocobo had made that quite obvious. Unfortunately, his friend had bribed and forced the young man into it. But Zack didn't know that, now did he?
The pup didn't respond for a moment, but instead scrunched up his face. He didn't know for sure, but something was telling him that the marriage was not consensual. "Angeal, I just…even if Cloud does love…I have to let him know. If I don't, I'll be regretting it forever."
Angeal sighed quietly to himself, now straightening the tie. "I suppose the quickest way would be to run…" He trailed off, giving Zack the familiar 'Fine, you win' look.
"Really?! Angeal, man, I love you!" Zack squealed, tackling him into a hug.
Awkwardly, Angeal patted the hugger's back, before pulling him off. "Alright, let's go." He gestured to the door. Zack bounded towards it as soon as he could, tripping and knocking down a plant in the process. Angeal followed, rubbing his temples. He was going to regret doing this, he just knew it. "Sasha, I'll be back later." He added with a glance back at the plant.
"ANGEAL! Let's go! We got a wedding to crash!"
Now, as the mentor and student duo dodged glass windows, cars, and chicken crates, Reno Sinclair was sitting in a church pew, a beer in one hand, and a camera in the other. With a drunken hiccup, the red head looked around, taking in the people in attendance. EVERYONE was there. He had named them all…but in his current state, Cid became Cinderella. Reno did, however, know for a fact that the man with the silver hair in front was Sephiroth. That much couldn't be ignored. The three men up front beside him were like...Larz, Kandy, and Yazoo, right? He had thrown a couple of winks at the Yazoo guy, but they hadn't been recognized.
"Ruuuuude." Reno whispered, bending slightly and leaning over to his partner. "When's it starting?" Another sip of the foul drink. In all honesty, Reno wasn't one to get completely smashed at weddings, weddings were normally fun on their own. But...excuse Reno's language, this wedding 'sucked Chocobo balls'. No one was having a good time. For the obvious reason: No one thought that the two people who were about to get married should. Minus Hobo…er, Hojo, who kept rambling on about grandchildren. That raised a question. Why the hell was everyone here? Maybe Sephiroth had forced them all. Reno had only shown up in hopes for good video footage.
"When ever the bride makes his way down the aisle." The bald man replied, his voice as monotone as ever. Reno stuck his tongue out and swiveled in his seat, looking back to the doors, the camera focused enough for the most part. They had been waiting for a good five minutes already, and Reno was more then happy enough to note that Sephiroth had started to grow nervous.
Finally, the organ started up. Downing the rest of the burning liquid, Reno clamped both his hands onto the camera and waited. The double doors opened, and in walked little Mister Cloud Strife. Soon to be Mister Cloud…what was Sephiroth's last name again? In any event, Cloud was dressed in a pure white dress, something Reno was sure Sephiroth had picked out. "Here comes the briiide!" Reno sang, adding commentary to the video. "Doesn't look like a happy fellow, does he…? Stunning dress. What is that, silk? Ooh lala indeed."
As Cloud slowly made his way towards the alter, three girls trailed after him, all three looking rather miffed at this situation. There was Boobs, the Ancient, and that Ninja Princess… Huh. Bridesmaids, Reno supposed. He felt Rude tug him back into his seat. Seeing the two up at the alter sobered him up a bit. Spiky getting married to Sephy was just… ew.
There was about five minutes of random speaking stuff that Reno pretty much zoned out on, he didn't really care about the vows, he was just waiting to see if anyone was going to object. Did people actually do that? The priest's voice brought him out of his thoughts.
"Do you, Sephiroth, take Cloud to be your beloved...wife, in sickness and health, until death do you part?"
"I do~." Sephiroth's voice came out as a sort of seductive purr. Reno gagged a little.
"And do you, Cloud, take Sephiroth to be your beloved husband, in sickness and health, until death do you part?"
Reno felt for the little Chocobo. He looked scared shitless. 'Boobs' and 'Little Miss Ninja' looked ready to punch the hell out of Sephiroth, and 'the Ancient' had tears of sadness in her big green eyes. Cloud opened his lips, and closed them. Reno zoomed in for dramatic effect.
"Cloud..." Sephiroth no longer had the purr. It had a sort of warning to it, something Reno was not digging, yo.
The blond's eyes widened slightly. "I…I d--"
Reno smirked to himself and turned the camera back to the doors. Yeah, this was going to be great.
Zack's face was red, his eyes wild. Tell me I'm not too late… He stood posed like a game character, his back straight, finger pointed at the alter. Cloud looked simply adorable in his little bride dress. Every one was staring. Looks of relief, confusion, and some, pure happiness. Scanning the pews he saw Reno, the man who had informed him of the goings on, give him a thumbs up. Maybe he wasn't too late after all. Behind him, Angeal stood, a look of concern on his face. "Go." He heard the older man whisper. Zack didn't need to be told twice, and pretty much flew up to the alter.
"Z-Zack?! What are you doing?!" Cloud squeaked, a look of absolute terror on his face. Sephiroth was PISSED. Zack stumbled up the few stairs and threw his arms around the petite Chocobo.
"Cloud. Cloud...I'm so sorry." Zack mumbled into the boy's neck. "I love you. Tell me it's not too late...?" He heard the bridesmaids give small cheers, and he looked up, giving a small wave to Aerith.
"Sorry to burst your bubble, Pup." Sephiroth hissed, his look of anger melting in cocky arrogance. He stretched out a hand and fisted Zack's hair, pulling him away from his bride. "But he's already said 'I do.'" His voice cut hard like his sword. Zack's eyes widened and Sephiroth threw him back.
Zack fell backwards, his eyes twisted in pain. Ow. What kind of groom pulls someone away by the hair? He made a light whimper and rubbed the back of his head. "That can't be right!" Zack protested, jumping back up. "Right Cloud, you didn't say it? Right?"
The look on Cloud's face was enough. Pain, sorrow, regret, all mixed into his azure eyes. "I did… Zack…"
"Actually~" A silky voice yelled from a pew. The heads turned and found Reno, standing on his pew, waving the camera around. "He didn't say it." With an odd sort of drunken skip Reno walked over people's laps, making his way to the aisle. "I got proof, yo."
Sephiroth's face was wild with fury. "Have proof? That he didn't say it?! Everyone heard it. How drunk are you?"
"Uh, not that drunk, yo. S'hard to get smashed when everyone's all serious, you know, yo?" Reno gave another thumbs up to Zack. "He said 'I d--', yo. There's no "oooo" at the end. See?" Reno promptly replayed the video, fast forwarding past most of it.
Sephiroth raised his eyebrow. "A meaningless point." He shrugged. "He was going to say it, which is good enough, yes?" Sephiroth turned and raised an eyebrow at the timid priest.
"Uhm… I suppose in this case Mister Sinclair would be correct…" The priest trailed off, fumbling with his gown. "You got no 'oo', you got nothing."
"HELL YES!" Zack cried in jubilance, scooping up Cloud. "C'mon Cloudie, we're getting the Shiva out of here."
"Zack!" Cloud blushed, suddenly leaving the ground. "I can walk perfectly fine, you know."
"Eh, this is better. …Nice dress by the way." Zack winked, running down the aisle. Unfortunately, Sephiroth was not far behind.
"You dare ruin my wedding?!" Sephiroth spat, grabbing Zack once more by his ebony spikes. "You aren't going to get away that easily, fool." With a good tug, Sephiroth turned the man to face him.
"Fuck you Sephiroth." Zack snapped, and then, he head butted him. The silver haired man recoiled, and Zack was out of the church within seconds, yelling about his love for Cloud and other exclamations.
Angeal stood in the door way, watching as his puppy ran off into the limo with his new found prize. Yeah, Zack had looked really happy. So had Cloud, now that he thought about it. Hm… mentally going over today, he was really glad he crashed the wedding.
Hope you all enjoyed it! Please remember to review. Every review makes moar yaoi possible.