Hey everyone! It's been ages hasn't it? I could bore you with excuses on why I have left this story unfinished because well, they'd all be bogus. For all of you have been waiting patiently for an update, if any of you remember this story I am sorry. I have the bad news that this version of the story will be discontinued. However! I do have good news, I am rewriting it and I'm more than half way done! I'll be posting in a new story because I don't have the heart to destroy/change this one, despite its many faults its a reminder of how far I've come. I've added some new things but still kept around the same concept in a way I believe flows better and isn't as repetitive with a plot that makes more sense. I hope to finish it sometime this year to get closure on it. I'm really happy with the revisions I've made and I hope any fans of me or this story will enjoy it as well.
Anyways if anyone who reads this is interested look out for it!
Yours truly,
BluePanda :)