From Russia With No Love

Chapter Five

A/N: I'd like to thank everyone for the emails encouraging me to continue this story. Real life has really kicked me in the butt since my last update. I lost my father and father in law within two months of each other, had major surgery, lost my beta…luckily I found a new one that's just as good, so hopefully he's found all my mistakes. He's also a slave driver…pushing me every day to get busy and shake the cobwebs off the stories on my hard drive and get them finished.


Horatio and Calleigh pulled their weapons and joined the team behind the Hummers. "Where are they, Frank?"

"Over there in that warehouse. I'm supposed to let them know when you and Calleigh show up.

Calleigh grabbed Horatio's shirt and held tightly. "You stay behind me, Sweetheart, understand?"

She leaned forward and kissed his back. "Please stay out of the line of fire; I have a bad feeling about this."

They looked up and saw Ivan walk out with a gun to Eric's head. "Calleigh, I have your boyfriend here. Come out and get him."

"What do I do, Horatio?"

"Tell him the truth."

"He's not my boyfriend, Ivan, you saw me get married." She yelled at the man.

"Well, I tend to believe what my son tells me, which means you broke our deal."

"We didn't have any deal, Ivan."

"The deal, Caine, was that you and your precious Calleigh get to live as long as you stay married, and now I hear you're filing for divorce."

Calleigh spun Horatio around and attacked his mouth, running her hands up into his hair. He followed suit, pulling her closer to him, kissing deeply. They didn't stop the kiss until they heard Frank cough uncomfortably.

"Nice act, now send Calleigh out here or my men will open fire."

"I am NOT sending my wife out to you, Ivan. Eric, tell him the truth." They saw Eric say something quietly to his father, who shoved him roughly to the ground, walking away.

"We will be watching you, Caine." Ivan turned with his men and walked through the warehouse and into their waiting vehicles.

Horatio hurried over to where Eric was sitting on the ground and helped him up. "Just what were you thinking?"

Eric pulled his arm away from the older man. "You can't keep her, H. She's mine, and just because they forced you to marry her, doesn't make her yours." He started walking towards Calleigh, who was now running to the men.

"Are you all right, Eric?" She attached herself to Horatio's side. "And you…what were you thinking running out in the open like that. You promised me you'd be careful, Horatio."

"I'm fine, Sweetheart, they're gone."

"What if they had a sniper on the roof, did you think about that?"

Eric stared at the couple. "Wait a minute, you sound like this is for real. I was the one with the gun to my head, Calleigh, and you're worried about him!"

Calleigh lowered her eyes. "He's my husband, Eric. Please just let it go."

"You can't even look at me; you know you don't want this."

She lifted her head and looked him directly in the eyes. "He's my husband, I love him. I want this, Eric."

Horatio pulled her closer to him. "This is what your father wanted, Eric, to pull the team apart by forcing this marriage. Don't give him the satisfaction, Son."

"Calleigh, I love you, can't we work something out without Ivan finding out?"

Calleigh shook her head. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Eric, come by the house tonight for dinner and we'll talk in private. Horatio, take me home, please."

The couple turned and walked to their car, leaving Eric to be dealt with by the rest of the team. "I'm sorry; I should've asked you before inviting him."

"Sweetheart, it's your home, too, you can invite anyone to dinner that you want to."

I know, but I also know that Eric is still a sore spot with you. I want him to come by to see that we're happy and we're staying together."

"Do you feel like cooking, or do you want to stop by a take out?"

"Let's just get take out. I don't want him to read anything into a home-cooked meal. I just want to make sure he completely understands what's goin' on so we don't have any more call outs like we just had. I don't want to lose you, Horatio."

"I'm not going anywhere, Calleigh, I promise." They stopped at their favorite Italian restaurant and picked up some food to take home and heat up.

Later that night, Calleigh had just finished setting the table when there was a knock at the front door. "Horatio, can you get the door, it's probably Eric."

Horatio opened the front door to find his former brother in law standing on the porch. He stepped aside for him to enter.

"I brought cheesecake, it's Calleigh's favorite."

She looked up and smiled. "Thanks, Eric; it'll go great with our dinner."

He looked around the living room, seeing several boxes of what looked like Calleigh's things waiting to be put away. "So, what's for dinner?"

"Salad, lasagna, garlic bread and, thanks to you, cheesecake for dessert."

"Sounds good." He made his way to the sofa and sat down. "I guess I owe you an apology for this afternoon. I wasn't thinking clearly."

"Well, that much is obvious. You could've been killed, Eric!"

"What's obvious is that you don't care, Calleigh. I thought we had something together."

"You thought…that's all it was…a thought. Before you were shot you never had those type of thoughts, once you woke up, you had us as a couple. We were never like that. I love you like a brother, and trust you with my life…but I've loved Horatio since I first met him."

"So you just married him…what about you, H?"

"I've loved Calleigh for a long time, even before I met Marisol. She was there for me when Mari died, like she has been for as long as I've known her."

"But you let them force you; you're stronger than that, Calleigh."

"He held a gun to Horatio's head; I would've married Ivan at that point."

Eric turned to Horatio and shook his head. "I can't believe you went along with that. You knew how I felt about her."

"Eric, they also put a gun to Calleigh's head. There were armed guards outside the room when the priest came in to perform the ceremony. We had no choice."

"You couldn't have said something to the priest?"

"He only spoke Russian; we were fed the correct answers. Afterwards they took our clothes, and…" He paused and looked at Calleigh… "And we were told that they expected baby news within six months."

"Baby news?"

"Calleigh and I discussed it, and we agreed to go ahead with it. I'm sure in his warped mind he thinks that a child will cement our relationship."

"Stetler won't allow it; I can make sure he knows about this."

"We've already gone to the chief, and he'll deal with Rick. He's already got plans for Calleigh so she can work alongside me as my wife."

Calleigh opened a bottle of wine and poured three glasses, carrying them to the living room. "All right, enough of this, let's have some wine while dinner is warming, and then we can sit down have a nice meal together."

Horatio slipped his arm around her waist and kissed the side of her head. "Sounds wonderful, Sweetheart. How much longer?"

"Oh, about ten minutes…just enough time to finish your first glass of wine."

After a quiet dinner, the trio returned to the living room to enjoy coffee and the delightful cheesecake that Eric had provided. By the time the evening was over, it was clear that Eric still didn't approve of the marriage, and was sure that it was just a ruse to keep Calleigh away from him. The newlyweds bid him goodnight and watched from the porch until his car disappeared down the street.

"Well, that was fun." Calleigh sighed as she returned to the living room. She felt Horatio's warm arms envelop her waist, and she turned in his arms, burying her face in his chest.

"Are you all right, Sweetheart?" He rubbed her back gently.

"I will be as soon as I get the kitchen cleaned up and we get to bed."

"Leave the dishes, we'll take care of them in the morning." He kissed the top of her head and took her by the hand. "Time for bed, Mrs. Caine." He led her down the hall and into the master bedroom, where he slowly began to undress her. She followed his lead, unbuttoning his shirt and gently pulling it from his slacks. She ran her hands up his chest and behind his neck, pulling to her for a kiss. As he deepened the kiss, he reached behind her and unhooked her bra, sliding it gently down her arms, and then pulled her tightly to him, causing her to gasp at the intimate contact. He began to work the button and zipper of her pants, easing them down her legs, then lowered her to the bed before removing his own. As she moved her hands between his legs and grasped his manhood, he pulled her hand away. "I'm going to make love to you slowly tonight, Calleigh. Consider tonight our wedding night." Her eyes teared as she nodded. How she loved this man. He moved over her and covered her mouth with a searing kiss, and then began to move his mouth all over her body. During the week, they were held captive, he had learned all her pleasure points, and he exploited each one as he moved slowly down her body. As he reached her thighs, she parted her legs invitingly, her will no longer her own. She was almost climaxing and he had barely touched her. After taking a deep breath, inhaling her scent, he let his tongue begin to work its magic on her. As soon as his tongue touched her, she about came off the mattress. She moaned with pleasure as his tongue continued to circle and tease, bringing her almost to completion and down again.

"Horatio, please…" She lifted her hips, hoping he would get the hint.

He smiled and continued his sweet torture on her body, this time inserting a finger deep inside her, finding her spot almost immediately. He quickened the pace, feeling that she was close. He wanted to make sure she was completely satisfied before he was inside of her. He felt her clinch down on his fingers, and her juices pour out of her. He removed his finger, continued to lick until she was clean, and climaxed a second time.

"Oh, my GOD, Horatio…I need you inside me NOW, please?"

He didn't need to be asked twice. He made his way up her body, dropping kisses all the way up. He positioned himself between her legs and entered her slowly; stilling himself once he was fully seated.

"If you don't move I will kill you, Handsome." She smiled up at him and moved her hips upwards. He pulled almost completely out and thrust himself deeply inside her again.

"Like that?" He gave her a boyish grin as he again stilled himself.

Calleigh caught him off guard, flipping him onto his back and impaling herself on him. She placed her hands on his thighs behind her and began to ride him, making sure to pull him almost out before slamming back down hard. Horatio began matching her thrusts, but remembered that he intended to take this night slow. He caught her on a down thrust and flipped her back onto her back, re-entering her almost immediately. "I told you that I was going to take my time with you, Calleigh." He took her arms and held them above her head before slowly beginning to move inside her. Once he was sure she was going to stay put, he released her hands and began to kiss and nibble on every part of her body he could reach. He knew he was close, but he was determined to please his wife even more. He moved his mouth to her nipples and began to suckle while he moved his hand between them to further stimulate her.

"Oh, God, Horatio…I'm gonna…" She couldn't continue, as her breathing was becoming labored.

He removed his hand and began to pound into her harder and faster. He could feel his release close at hand, and was relieved to feel her walls contract around him just as pumped his seed deep inside her. He pulled out slowly and rolled to his side, taking her with him and holding her close. "I love you, Calleigh."

She smiled and sighed. "I love you, too, Horatio. Do you think we made a baby tonight?"

He chuckled. "I wouldn't be surprised, Love. I wouldn't be surprised."

She pulled from his embrace and headed for the bathroom. "I'll be right back; I'm just going to clean up." She emerged a few minutes later with a warm washcloth.

"What's that?"

"It's a washcloth, what's it look like?" She giggled, and then pulled back the sheet and began to wash him off carefully. "There, all clean. I, uh, might want a snack later." She sashayed back to the bathroom and placed the cloth in the hamper before returning to bed.

"A snack, huh?"

"Well, right now I'm pretty exhausted, but give me a couple of hours and I'll be up for a bit of payback." She snuggled close to her husband and was asleep almost immediately.