ChibiChaos: WHAAAAAAAA!!! =(

Hiiro: Now what?

ChibiChaos: It's the finale chapter of the story, again!!!

Hiiro: Now I have no where to hide, HEEEELLLLPPPP!!!

ChibiChaos: Huh? What are you talking about Hiiro, I've still got my other story I'm working on

Hiiro: You're right, now I'm glad you started that story, thanx so much ChibiChaos ^_^

ChibiChaos: That's OK, now down to busness, please don't gross out when you discover who the unknown voice is, I thought it was funny.

Disclaimer: Er………well, I don't own Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon, some really big important companies in Japan do.

Hiiro: How do you know they're in Japan?

ChibiChaos: I don't I'm just guessing.

On With The Story

Unknown Voice: Welcome………welcome to the end………the end, of your journey.

Everyone: O_O???

Usagi: Why do I get the feeling that we're missing something here?

Hiiro: I think we have.

Trista: Have we, met?

Unknown Voice: Hmm, that's for you to decide, for I am………*comes out of the shadows* (drumroll please)

Readers lean forward.

Unknown Voice: *trips over his feet and falls over*

Everyone: -_-;;;

Usagi: This is the guy who has been running around trying to kill us?

Hotaru: I'm disappointed, I was expecting more.

Trowa: ………

Hiiro: He better stay away from MY Usagi.

Usagi: My hero, *smiles*

Hiiro: Hn *faintly blushes*

Unknown Voice: *struggles to regain his composure* Hn, well, as you all know by now, I am………

Trowa: WAIT!!! I just realized that pokemon is on now.

Hotaru: QUICK!!! We must go and watch it.

The two quickly run off to go and watch pokemon.

Unknown Voice: Hey come back, this is a big moment in my career as an EVIL VILLAIN!!! MUHAHAHAHA!!!

Everyone left: O_o???

Usagi: Has he flipped his lid?

Hiiro: I think he did that a looooong time ago.

Unknown Voice: Do you mind? I'm trying to make a big impression here.

Trista: No, we don't mind at all.

Usagi: Besides, I think you've already made a big impression on yourself.

Unknown Voice: -_-

Haruka: Where did Hotaru and that other guy go?

Usagi: To watch pokemon


Everyone: ^_^;;;

Haruka: *storms off to find Hotaru and Trowa*

Unknown Voice: *starts crying* It's not *sniff* fair *sob* nobody knows who I am *wail*

Clefairy: *pats Unknown Voice on the back* Cle, clefairy

Unknown Voice: AHHHHH!!! A MONSTER!!!

Wulfei: Baka, it's a clefairy not a monster.

Usagi: Hey look, it's Wulfei, when did he get here?

Trista: I thought he got trapped in the tv.

Wulfei: They let me out for good behavior.

Hiiro: They let you out for………? Never mind

Unknown Voice: Doesn't anyone care about me?

Everyone: Not really

Unknown Voice: But everybody wants to know who I am!!!

Everyone: Fine

Unknown Voice: ^0^

Unknown Voice: Ok, so now I give you the moment you've all been waiting for, my identity, I am……… (drum roll) DARIEN!!!

Everyone: O_O???????

Darien: You know, Dimando and Hiiro's son?

Everyone: O_o EEEWWWWWWWW!!!!!

Hiiro: What the hell are you talking about? I don't know anyone named Dimando and I'm certainly not GAY!!!

Usagi: Well, I'm not Dimando, I'm Usagi his girlfriend.

Darien: WHAT!? *checks the script* Oh, um………I think I just made a fool of myself

Haruka: Do you mind hurrying up so we can go?

Trowa and Hotaru had returned with Haruka.

Darien: Wait, can I try again?

Everyone: =( NO!!!

Darien: T_T

Hotaru: *takes out her glaive* If you don't get us out of here now, I'll kill you, *points her glaive at him* I'm missing precious reruns of pokemon here.

Trowa: *takes out his gun* Me too!!!

Darien: Fine, fine, I'll make the next group miserable

Darien leads what remains of the group into a secret tunnel and out of the ride.

Darien: Here it is, you'll find your other friends here too.

Haruka: You mean like Michelle?

Darien: Yeah

Usagi: And Rei and Mamoru?

Darien: Ah, well no, not those two, we couldn't get the robots to let Rei go and we couldn't find Mamoru.

Hiiro: *smirks*

Darien: *looks at Hiiro suspisously* You wouldn't happen to know anything about that though, would you?

Hiiro: Who me? Nah.

Darien: I hope you had a good time on the Bermuda Triangle Ride, so come again, bye bye, have to go terrorize the next group now. *Waves and goes back into the secret tunnel.*

Usagi: Well that was a twist.

Haruka: I'm coming Michelle *runs off to find her beloved*

Trista: Doesn't anyone else care that we've been terrorized by a theme park ride that wasn't even supposed to happen?

Everyone: Not really

Hiiro: So how bout that chocolate bar?

Usagi: YOSH!! *goes off with Hiiro*

Hotaru: Let's go, we have episodes of pokemon to watch

Trowa: Right *leaves with Hotaru*

Wulfei: WAIT UP!!! *runs after them with Clefairy*

Trista: ChibiChaos, you are a sick twisted person, you know that?

ChibiChaos: Course, that's why I wrote this story

Trista: I need a vacation and an ice-cream *leaves to get an ice-cream and find her other missing friends that supposedly "died"*

Inside the ride



ChibiChaos: Well, hope you all enjoyed my story.

Hiiro: I guess that was an ok ending.


Hiiro: Mmm, noooo, not great, ok

ChibiChaos: T_T You're so mean.

Hiiro: ^_^ YES!!! I finally got the recognition I deserve.

ChibiChaos: WHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Hiiro: No, don't cry ChibiChaos, I'm sorry, I really am, I'll never do that again. I swear.

ChibiChaos: K ^_^

Hiiro: -_- why do I even bother?

ChibiChaos: Ja ne minna-chan, and don't forget to read my other stories, The Great Catastrophe and Elements Light. Love you all and REVIEW!!!