[AN: Hello, readers. Yes, I know. I am a loser. :p So I haven't updated in, what, 3 months? SORRY! I moved to a different city so I've been a bit busy, if you can imagine. This is my favorite chapter so far.
MAJOR CHANGES: THIS IS IMPORTANT! I changed this story to THIRD PERSON. If you notice, the beginning is not. I like it better this way. ALSO, I do not think I mentioned this before but, Hermione's dad is now the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, alright? Is that okay with you? It better be, because that's just the way it is. ENJOY!]
Chapter six: Legilimency
September 4, 1998
Hermione sat there stabbing her dinner with her fork, not wanting to eat. Ron sat next to her holding his head between his hands staring at his untouched plate of food.
Harry and Ginny sat across from them. "You really need to eat, Hermione." Ginny suggested. "You didn't have any lunch."
"I'm too angry to eat." She scowled. Ron finally picked up his fork and started eating some chicken. They all knew he couldn't last long without food.
"I can't believe McGonagall is letting this happen." Ron mumbled.
"Me either." Harry said between bites. "I mean, she knows you guys and your pasts, she knows how much you can't stand him. Besides the fact that Malfoy despises muggle-borns and you both wish the death of each other."
Ron suddenly and violently stabbed a piece of chicken on the edge of his plate, causing it to tip over and dump food all over his lap.
"To be honest with you," Ginny began, suppressing a laugh, "I don't see what the fuss is all about. Really, I don't think it's a huge deal." She said nonchalantly.
Ron and Hermione stared at her like she was speaking Parseltounge. Harry on the other hand started choking on a bite of potato. He coughed and hacked until Ginny gave him a good whack on the back. Everyone around us just stared at him. "I'm good." He rasped. And they went back to eating.
"Have you gone bloody insane, Ginny?" Ron asked his seemingly possessed sister.
"He's a Death Eater for Merlin's sake!" Hermione quietly exclaimed.
"Not to mention he hates her guts." Harry added simply, after recovering from his coughing fit.
Ginny sighed. "Yes, Harry, I think we've covered that. And, correction, he was a Death Eater. Not anymore."
"And certainly you're not defending him, are you?" Harry asked, astounded.
Ginny swallowed some pudding, "No, not at all. Just stating facts, is all. I'd do the same for anyone. I'm not ignorant and conceited and someone else I know" She said, glaring at Ron. She then stood, picked up her school bag, and proceeded to walk out of the Great Hall.
Hermione sighed. "She has a point." And she followed her out, leaving two very confused and utterly perplexed looking boys at the Gryffindor table.
* * * * *
Draco skipped dinner the first night the students came. He had a lot on his mind, not to mention the fact that his left forearm was burning like mad. He went to the library to think, knowing it would be empty since everyone was at the feast. He slumped down in a chair in 'Charms' isle, put his elbows on the table and buried his face in his hands. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately.
Carrying the Dark Mark around on your forearm was a dangerous thing to do. Especially if the Dark Lord was back. Especially, if you no longer were in the service of the Dark Lord.
Draco mentally made a list of things he could possibly do to stay alive or at least out of the hands of Voldemort: 1) He could hide under his four-poster bed like a coward. 2) He could give up and join the Dark Lord's forces like a coward. 3) He could run out into the middle of the battlefield and just as easily get himself killed… like a coward. 4) He could…
Just then Hermione turned down he isle he was in. She froze when their eyes met then quickly turned around and walked into a different isle. He watched her as she left and an idea popped into his head.
He stood up to follow her and then stopped. She won't listen to me… She won't care one bit. He thought to himself as he sat back down. He sighed and stood back up. Anyone watching him would think him a maniac. He walked out of the isle and looked for Hermione. He spotted her in the Potions section. He walked into the isle only to find some guy looking at a book in the same isle. He needs to leave. He thought. He grabbed a random book off the shelf, walked up to the boy and shoved the book to his chest. "Here." He said. "It's a good one" And he shoved him out of the isle.
Hermione turned around, looking at him with raised eyebrows. "What are you doing?" She asked bitterly.
"I, uh… I need to talk to you." He said awkwardly.
"What, did you make up some new nicknames for me? Or how about some insults about my personal life? Because if you did, I don't want to hear them." And she walked out of the isle.
Draco followed her. "No. Not this time anyways." He said with a smirk. Wrong thing to say. She kept walking. "I was kidding. Hermione, wait!" He beckoned.
She froze mid-step and turned to face him. "What did you just call me?"
Draco thought for a second. "Erm… Hermione? That is your name isn't it?" He asked, confused.
Hermione ignored him and kept walking. He grabbed her arm. Bad mistake.
She yanked her arm away and slapped him across the cheek, much harder than yesterday.
"Do not touch me, you filthy rat!" She yelled.
Draco wiggled his jaw and smirked. "What are you gonna do, sick your Weasel on me?"
Hermione leaned forward and whispered, "I could kill you right now, Malfoy."
He raised his eyebrows. Then he remembered what he was supposed to be doing. "Right, well we can test that theory later, Granger. I really need to talk to you."
She sighed and turned to scan a shelf. "What do you want?"
He took a much-needed deep breath. "I want to join the Order of the Phoenix."
"You what?" She asked, bewildered.
"I… want to join the Order." Draco repeated hesitantly.
"No, I know what you said, dimwit."
"Well then why did you ask?"
"I wasn't asking what you said, I just… You want to join the Order of the Phoenix?" She clearly didn't understand.
"Didn't we just go over this?" Draco asked, throwing his hands in the air. "Yes, Granger, I want to join the Order of the Phoenix. Do you know what I'm talking about? Your little club to stop You-Know-Who, I want in." He huffed. "And you call me the dimwit."
Hermione put on hand on her hip and the other on her forehead. "You… you were a Death Eater." Draco winced. "You can't just go and join the Order; no one can trust you. No one will believe a word you say. How are we supposed to know that you're not a spy?" She asked.
"Why, Granger, I'm hurt. You can't trust a good ol' fellow like me?" Draco snorted then, noticing the annoyed look on Hermione's face added, "Look, I know I've never been the 'trustworthy' kind. And don't count on me being nice to you because it probably won't happen, but I've got to join. And not just to save my sorry arse, but to kick You-Know-Who's."
"If I wouldn't be lying, I'd say I'm sorry, but I can't trust you. Nor do I want to." She sighed. "I can't help you, Malfoy." Hermione walked away, leaving Draco alone in the isle. He never knew what kind of person Hermione Granger was, besides being a Mudblood, but he thought for sure she was nicer than to leave him weaponless on the battlefield. He couldn't give up. He turned out of the isle to see Hermione walk out of the library. He quickly followed her out into the empty hallway.
"What am I supposed to do?" He yelled, his voice echoing through the hall. Hermione kept walking. "You're just going to leave me as bait for him? Am I not good enough for your precious little club?" She sped up, still ignoring him. Draco was getting angrier, "He'll kill me, Granger. My mum, and me he'll kill us both. Maybe I'm being a little selfish, but my mum and I need protection." She continued ignoring him. "Are you going to let us die?" He asked, louder.
Hermoine stopped dead in her tracks. Draco stopped five feet behind her, staring at the back of her head. "Follow me." She said and started walking again.
"Where are we going?" Draco asked, following her.
"To my father."
He blinked. "Your father's at the school?"
"The new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."
"But your father is…"
"A muggle?" Hermione finished for him. "I thought so too. Look, it's a long story and I don't really enjoy talking to you. He's a wizard. End of story." She added bluntly.
"Well alright then." Draco muttered.
Draco and Hermione briskly walked down the empty corridors. Too briskly, Draco thought to himself. When they reached the classroom, Hermione opened the doors and walked in a step. A man, presumably, Professor Granger, was sitting at the desk in the front of the room, intently reading the Daily Prophet. When the Professor lifted his head, Draco recognized him. But from where? He couldn't tell.
* * * * *
Ron and Harry were walking down the hall from dinner to their towers when they heard a girl scream and saw a red flash of light. They immediately followed the sound out to the dark courtyard and saw a girl lying limp on the concrete. Her red hair was sprawled out around her on the ground…
"Ron, is that..? Ginny!" Harry yelled and ran even faster to her body. Ron followed.
Harry kneeled next to her, placed her head in his lap and checked for a pulse. Relief spread through his body when he found one. "She's just unconscious." He said, his heart still racing.
Ron's mind was somewhere else. He watched a small figure lurk in the shadows. He stood, pointed his wand at it and yelled, "Stupefy!"
The figure dodged the blow and ran off into the dark. Ron started to run after it, but Harry stopped him and said, "We need to get Ginny to the hospital wing, forget about him."
Harry lifted Ginny's body and within a minute they had burst through Madame Pomfrey's hospital doors. The nurse dropped everything she was doing the moment she saw Ginny. "Oh my. What happened to the poor dear?" She asked while summoning Harry to lay her on a bed.
"Harry and I found her passed out in the courtyard." Ron replied. "I think the person who did it was there, but it was too dark to tell who it was, and he ran away."
Madame Pomfrey began busying herself with Ginny and said, "It seems as though she's just been stunned. We'll have to wait for her to wake and see. You lot better get back to your towers before Filch catches you. If you don't hear back from me by noon tomorrow, come back here and I'll let you know what I know."
"Yes, thank you." Harry said as he and Ron went their separate ways.
* * * * *
"Ah, Hermione," Professor Granger said. "What can I do for you and your… friend?"
Draco followed Hermione to her fathers' desk. He mentally snorted. Friend. Draco thought. This guy's bloody mad.
"Well, dad, this is Draco Malfoy." Hermione stated with a bitter tone.
The Professor stood and extended his hand towards Draco. "I know who he is." He said. Draco hesitantly took his hand. "Pleasure to meet you, sir." He lied.
"So, again, how can I help you two this evening?" He asked in a cheerful tone.
Hermione sighed. "Well, Mr. Malfoy here wants to join the Order of the Phoenix." She said matter-of-factly.
Professor Grangers' face blanched. "You what?" He said turning to Draco.
"Yeah, crazy, isn't it?" Draco mused. Here we go again. "Look, I know I've never been trusted before, so why trust me now, right? But-"
"You're a Death Eater." The Professor said, interrupting him.
Draco stared at him. "You know what? Never mind. This was a huge mistake and you obviously don't care about anyone but you and your precious little cult." Draco said and started to leave the room.
"Wait." Hermione said. Draco stopped, still facing the door. "Give Draco a chance." She said to her father. "I know he has good intentions for the Order. We need his help just as much as he needs ours."
"Really?" Draco asked, bewildered as he turned back around.
"Harry taught me Legilimency last year." Hermione said. "I can… I can check your memories." Draco raised his eyebrows. "If that's okay with you." She quickly added.
"Well, er… yeah. Yeah, let's do it." Draco said and walked back to the front of the room.
"Hermione, I don't think that's such a good idea." Professor Granger said.
"And why not?" She demanded. "He's willing to let me check his memories so obviously he has nothing to hide, correct?"
He sighed and sat back down at his desk. "Proceed, then."
"Thank you." Hermione said. Draco grabbed a chair from behind a table, pulled it to the front and sat down. "Ready when you are, Granger." He said.
Hermione reached inside her robes and grabbed her wand, pointing it at Draco. "Legilimens!" she said and immediately her mind was filled with Draco Malfoy's memories, with snippets of his childhood at the Manor, his first steps into Hogwarts, but a couple stood out to Hermione more than the others.
The Yule Ball, fourth year. Draco was gazing at Hermione dancing gracefully with Viktor Krum. "Draco," A voice whispered. It was his date, Pansy Parkinson. "Let's dance." She said and pulled him out onto the dance floor.
Then it changed…
Draco ran out from behind the wall. "Sectumsempra!" Harry yelled. A bolt of light hit Draco in the chest and he collapsed onto the flooded bathroom floor. Draco sobbed in pain as he seeped blood from numerous cuts from the spell, turning his white shirt and the water a vivid red.
And again…
Draco and Hermione stood in a grass field across from Professor Granger, who wasn't himself. He had a deranged look upon his face which was screwed with anger. This was not the father that Hermione once knew.
"Get out of the way, Malfoy!" He shouted at Draco. His eyes, black as a bottomless pit were furious. His arm was straight and rigid as he held his wand in his shaking hand pointed towards Draco who was protecting Hermione behind him. He stood there in the same stance with angry and determined eyes staring back at his.
"I don't want to hurt you, but if you don't move I'll kill you and the girl. Now get out of myway!" he said with clenched teeth.
"The only person that will die tonight is you!" Draco yelled back.
Then a panicked whisper came from behind him, "What are you doing, Draco! You can't kill him!"
"It'll be okay, Hermione," Draco whispered back. He wrapped his arm backward around her. He could feel her shaking against his body. "Avada Ka-" Draco began, but was cut off. The Professor flicked his wrist up to the dark sky and Draco's wand flew out of his hand, across the field and into Professor Grangers'.
"HA!" he shouted, disgustingly satisfied. "What will you do now, Malfoy?" The man then muttered a spell and a ring of fire soon encircled Hermione and Draco. The flames disabled them from seeing the Professor, but heard him yell, "Goodbye, you filthy rats!"
Hermione shrieked. Draco let go of her, turned to face her and said, "Give me your wand!"
"I don't have it, he took mine too!" she cried. He cursed under his breath. The fire was getting closer and the smoke was burning their eyes. "What are we going to do?" Hermione asked. Draco looked down at her pleading, brown eyes. Tears were forming at the corners.
"There's only one thing we can do." Draco said. He wrapped one arm around Hermione's shoulder; the other under her knees and lifted her off the ground.
"Draco, you're going to kill us both!" she exclaimed.
"I won't kill you, I promise."But I never said anything about myself… Draco added to his thoughts."Close your eyes and tuck in your legs, we're going out backwards. She opened her mouth to protest but he interrupted her. "Hermione, listen to me! Either one of us dies, or both of us dies, and you deserve to live more than I do. You don't have time to complain or try to prove me wrong. I'm trying to save your life! Please, just listen to me." Draco pleaded, a lump forming in his throat.
And with that, she gave up and buried her head into his chest. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and prepared himself for death. He took several quick steps backward and immediately felt the fire burning his clothes and then his skin. He let out a pained yell when the pain never ended. The fire never ended. No matter how far he staggered the fire kept burning. Finally, his legs gave out and he collapsed to the flaming ground, holding Hermione in his arms.
"Protego!" Draco yelled, bringing Hermione and himself back to the present. Hermione dropped her wand and it echoed through the room. Her eyes were stinging and she realized she was crying. Draco sat panting in the chair across from her, his hands on his knees. She tore her gaze away from Draco and to her father who was standing at his desk with a worried look on his face. "What is it? Are you alright?" He asked her.
"I'm fine." She replied, wiping her tears. Then she turned to Draco. "Welcome to the Order of the Phoenix."
[And, ta-da! Review please!]