Final chapter! This chapter is very quick time-wise. There is a time skip, but not too big of one. There will be no epilogue. This is it, folks!
Happy Reading.
Don't Forget
By Tsuki's Angel
~Chapter 8~
"Rose, are you dating Natsume Hyuuga?"
"Rose! Did you steal Mr. Hyuuga from Luna Koizumi?"
"Rose, is it true that you and Natsume Hyuuga ditched Luna's party?"
Mikan shoved her way through the paparazzi as she stepped out of the recording studio. She had just finished recording her new song, and quite frankly, she was annoyed. She had to stay much longer than she usually would have because of Hotaru's absence. She always did better with Hotaru there with her. Adding to that, she had been spacing out all day because of that one person that people keep asking her questions about. And all she wanted now was to go home and sleep.
Mikan finally made her way out of the crowd and spotted her limo at the end of the curb. She jogged over to it and nearly jumped into the door that was held open for her by her driver.
When Mikan heard her driver's door slam, she said, "My place. Quickly, please."
As the vehicle started moving and the distance between her and the paparazzi increased, Mikan sighed and lied herself down across the backseat. She threw her purse off somewhere and kicked off her heels, letting her feet breathe.
And then she just stayed there.
Mikan shut her eyes and let the warmness of the limo ease her mind. How grateful she was for heated seats! The gentle bumps and brakes of the vehicle lulled her to sleep. The paparazzi had been ten times more annoying ever since she left the party with Natsume. It seems like the start and end to all her problems was with that boy.
Mikan groaned. Why, oh, why did she have to do something so drastic with him in public? Why couldn't Natsume have chosen a better time for him to declare his love for her? However, despite her complaints, Mikan smiled. She flipped over onto her stomach, letting her arm dangle off the seat. Yes, despite her complaints, Mikan Sakura was happy that Natsume Hyuuga loved her.
Mikan was given quite the wakeup call when the brakes of the vehicles slammed, and she flew forward. She hit her head on the mini-fridge and groaned. She definitely didn't want to get up now. Her face remained planted against the carpeted floor of the limo. It smelled funny.
"Miss Sakura, we have reached your destination," the driver said.
"Thank you," Mikan mumbled into the floor. She shot up when she realized that she was on the floor! Who knows who put their feet on this carpet! "Ugh."
Mikan slipped two fingers through the straps of her heels. She grabbed her purse and stepped out of the limo, slipping on her heels as soon as she got out. She stared up at her building, thanking the lord that she was home.
The elevator took her up to the penthouse. She fumbled around in her purse to find her keys to open the door. Hotaru was waiting for her at the island counter that was in the kitchen. She sat on a leather stool and was drinking a cup of tea. Hotaru couldn't make it to the recording session today because of a meeting she had for Mikan's next concert. Mikan didn't mind doing recording alone, but again, she wanted Hotaru there.
"How was the studio?" Hotaru asked while reading a magazine.
"Annoying," Mikan said, shrugging. She threw her heels into a corner, and her purse was thrown onto a coat rack. She plopped down onto her stomach on the couch and turned her head to face Hotaru. "I'm tired."
"I think you should join me for some tea," Hotaru said. "We could read about your recent escaped with New York's most eligible bachelor."
Mikan blushed faintly and turned her face away from Hotaru. "Stop making it sound dirty."
"It was dirty," Hotaru clarified. "I didn't come home to a tea party. And that coatroom incident? Yeah, Mikan. It wasn't sound proof."
Mikan was deep red now as she propped herself up on her elbows and whipped her head to look at Hotaru defiantly. "Hotaru, shut up! Nothing happened!"
"It was a hot mess in here," Hotaru said. Her face remained expressionless. Only she could pull that off.
"Well, what about you? Didn't you talk to Luca?" Mikan asked harshly.
"No, I did not," Hotaru replied calmly.
Mikan blinked. "At all?"
"At all," Hotaru repeated.
"Hotaru…you should talk to him—"
"Mikan," Hotaru sighed, interrupting her. "Don't start this. Luca and I wouldn't have worked out, anyway."
"Bullshit," I grumbled. "I know that you've always like him."
Hotaru glowered at Mikan. "Stop it."
"You know what? No!" Mikan said. "I know what you gave up. I know why you did it."
"Did you think I broke up with him because Hyuuga broke up with you?" Hotaru asked. "Do you think you have me wrapped around your pinky and that when you get back together with Hyuuga, I'll get back together with Luca?"
Mikan ground her teeth. "I'm not saying that at all! Even when I was broken up with Natsume, I still wanted you to get with Luca. I'm not controlling you, Hotaru." Mikan picked at her fingers. "Why did you break up with him, then?"
Hotaru huffed. "Because I couldn't date him, Mikan. I have a full-time job, and I have my hands full. I can't be with him if I can't spend time with him. It's obviously different for you and Natsume since you both have busy jobs. It's not for us. I'm working long hours. He's not."
"Is that really it, then?" Mikan asked. "Are you really not dating the man you love because of your job?"
"You wouldn't understand," Hotaru said.
"You don't sound like yourself, Hotaru," Mikan commented. "You sound like you're making excuses."
"Are you really going to sit here and chastise me about my love life?"
"Just promise me you'll talk to him?" Mikan asked.
Hotaru sighed heavily, as if weighing her options. "I don't think so."
"Please?" Mikan pleaded. "I will buy you dinner tonight."
Hotaru was silent for a moment. "Fine. Seafood. Tonight. On you."
Mikan sighed in relief. "Thank you."
"But I still won't let you off the hook for defiling the penthouse," Hotaru said.
Mikan frowned. She didn't like that. "I'm going to bed now."
Mikan got up and made her way to her room to escape from anymore of Hotaru's cruel mockery. She didn't even bother taking off her furry winter coat as she threw herself onto her bed. The soft material of her comforter dragged her eyes closed. As her mind went into sleep mode, dreams of her night with Natsume overcame her.
-One Week Ago-
"I think pie sounds wonderful," Mikan said.
Natsume grasped her hand in his and led her through the crowd. Mikan's body fell limp as she succumbed to his touch and let him lead her wherever he wanted. She was already hearing the whispers around her. People gave her and their entwined hands dirty, shocked, giggling, and platonic looks. The crowd split like the red sea did for Moses as Natsume walked swiftly and with purpose to the exit where he gently ushered Mikan in front of him to walk out of the door first.
They meandered into the coatroom nearby and filtered through the various and expensive coats that were worn by the guests. The air smelled musky and leathery, and once Natsume turned on the lights, the room had a warm glow to it. Mikan took a seat on an elegant white velvet couch that rested in front of a tall arched window. Reaching down, she took off her heels and rubbed her sore ankles. It wasn't a good idea to wear brand new heels to a party where she would be walking a lot. They were stiff and dug into her skin.
Natsume sifted through the coats on the rack until he found the one with the tag "Rose" on it. He slipped the coat off of the hanger and walked over to Mikan who was rubbing her ankles. Kneeling down next to her, he set the coat on the couch and then proceeded to lightly trace his fingers along the marks the heel strap left. Leaning down, he kissed her knee while gently rubbing his thumb in slow motions over her ankle.
"Natsume, I…" Mikan trailed off.
Natsume slowly lifted his head and his gaze burned into hers. He held the gaze long enough to ensure that Mikan wasn't regretting anything. Mikan bit her lip. The leap, Mikan! She thought. The leap! Hesitantly, she lifted a shaking hand to his ear. She traced the shape of it with her finger until she reached his jaw. Delicately moving her finger along the chiseled bone, Mikan traced all the way down to his chin and then slightly turned her hand to slowly swipe her thumb across his bottom lip.
Tentatively, Mikan lifted Natsume's chin and leaned down. She closed her eyes and pressed her lips to his in a very sweet and innocent kiss. She deepened the kiss slowly as she took both of her hands and held his face. Natsume ran his hands down from Mikan's shoulders to her hips where he drew tiny circles with his thumbs. He leaned Mikan back so that she was lying down on the couch. He rested his chest lightly on hers as he blanketed her body.
Their kiss sped up. Natsume ran his hand up Mikan's thigh while Mikan loosened Natsume's tie. The music dully boomed in the background as the couple's actions grew hotter, faster, and louder. Clothes went askew, hair went astray, and hormones raged wildly as the two passionately captured each other's essences in a moment of bliss.
. . .
"I can't believe we did that," Mikan grumbled, face flushed from their strenuous activity from ten minutes ago.
Natsume smirked. "I can."
Mikan playfully punched his shoulder as she pulled the front of Natsume's coat closer to her body. The winter air chilled her to the bone, and her short dress did not help her keep warm any.
"I don't think I could ever see that coatroom again," Mikan mumbled.
Natsume shrugged. "You don't have to. We're going to a pie shop."
"Okay, but can we get a taxi? It's really cold out, and I don't feel like walking much further," Mikan complained.
"It's only a few more minutes," Natsume reasoned. He didn't want to admit to her that he wanted her all to himself and that he didn't want to share her with some random cabbie stranger.
Natsume let them to a small pie shop on the corner of the street. The place was nearly empty, and the soft lighting was a blessing to the eyes. Mikan picked a booth in the far corner of the shop next to the window. She slipped into one end as Natsume sat on the other. She stared out the window for a split second, enjoying the view of the falling snowflakes.
A waitress stopped by the table, and Natsume ordered them something. Mikan wasn't sure what it was, but she didn't care. She was suddenly feeling very conflicted with herself. She knew she liked Natsume; she knew that for a fact. However, she found it hard to accept that her hatred towards him could change so drastically. After she came out of the coatroom, she felt almost guilty, as if she shouldn't be with him, as if she had no right to. Was it wrong to be with him so quickly? Why had she just suddenly jumped into his arms? What compelled her to? The only explanation she could come up with was that she had never hated him. She hadn't for a second stopped loving him.
Mikan's eyes trailed from the falling snowflakes to Natsume who was staring at her nervously. He was gauging her reaction, afraid that she would regret everything and bolt as soon as she could. He couldn't even bring up his pride to hide his fear of losing her, and Mikan saw it written clear as day on his face. The man who just made love to her in a coatroom was staring at her, petrified that she didn't want him anymore.
At that moment, just looking at him, Mikan was sure that whatever happened from that moment on was going to be okay.
Everything was going to be okay.
"What are you thinking?" Mikan asked curiously.
Natsume ran a hand through his hair—a nervous habit Mikan knew well. "I could ask you the same thing."
"I'm just thinking about us," Mikan stated bluntly.
Natsume swallowed uncharacteristically. "Yeah, I figured."
"Your turn," Mikan prodded.
Natsume blinked. "I was…I don't…Polka, I…"
Mikan giggled. "My, my. Natsume Hyuuga is at a loss for words? How unlike you."
"I can't lose you again," Natsume said, serious. Mikan froze, listening to every word he had to say. "Just now…when you said you were thinking about us…I don't want you to leave me. Ever. If thinking about us makes you want to leave, then don't think about it. Just let us be," Natsume said.
Mikan was dumbfounded. "I…are you okay?"
"I'm serious, Mikan," Natsume said. "I'm not going to make the same mistake again."
Mikan swallowed nervously. "O-okay, then."
Natsume narrowed his eyes. "Okay then?"
Mikan nodded. "Okay. Let's just…be. See where we go."
Natsume's lips thinned. He didn't like that statement at all. It wasn't concrete, it wasn't permanent enough for him. But, it was all he had going for him right now.
"Agreed, then," Natsume said.
"Your pie, sir," the waitress interrupted. She set down two plates of lemon meringue pie and two cups of coffee. "Enjoy."
"My favorite," Mikan said, picking up a fork and smiling.
"Never forgot," Natsume said.
. . .
The guilty coatroom incident was far from Mikan's mind as hot lips crashed down onto hers while she fumbled with the lock to her penthouse. Mercifully, the lock clicked open, and the door swung aside as Natsume guided her into the dark living room area. He slammed the door behind him and locked it before slipped his jacket off of Mikan's tiny shoulders and moving her further into the room.
Guilt was definitely the last thing on her mind.
"Do you…want to…eat something?" Mikan said in between kisses, her host manners kicking in.
Natsume laughed breathily. "Not unless I can eat it off of you." Mikan blushed, but didn't say anything. Natsume raised his eyebrow at her. "Are you…?"
Mikan's blush deepened. "No! Of course not! I was just wondering if you were hungry. All you had to eat was pie and coffee."
"I'm not hungry for food," Natsume said, leaning in for a kiss. At the same exact time, his stomach grumbled, betraying him.
"I don't think sex will satiate the kind of hunger your stomach is getting at," Mikan said, placing her hands on Natsume's chest. She gently pushed him back and made her way to the kitchen, which was adjacent to the living room.
Natsume grumbled something about not being too hungry, but Mikan wouldn't hear it. She rarely wanted to eat herself, and right now, she was actually kind of up for food. She wanted to take advantage of the opportunity before it disappeared.
Mikan started to pick out some cookware so she could prepare food. She hadn't prepared food in a long time, but she hadn't forgotten the basics. She could make something easy, like macaroni. Mikan hesitated as she took out a body of elbow noodles. Well, if this went wrong, they could always go with cereal. They couldn't go wrong with that.
While Mikan was beginning to prepare something, Natsume just examined her. Natsume couldn't help but notice the way her heels made her legs look long and slender, the way her dress sashayed around her hips, the way the hair at the nap of her neck escaped from her hairdo. He was completely and utterly captured by her very presence, and she didn't even have to touch him.
"…sume? Natsume?" Mikan asked. Natsume's eyes snapped up to her face. "Geez, what were you thinking? I called your name like ten times."
Natsume blinked. "Yeah?"
Mikan fidgeted. "Are you okay with cereal?"
"Cereal? It's a common breakfast food, usually made out of some type of grain…" Mikan said.
Natsume rolled his eyes. "I know what cereal is, Polka. I'm just wondering why."
"Because we don't have cheese…or sauce…or anything, really," Mikan said. Natsume looked at her questioningly, and she replied, "Hotaru doesn't eat here quite often. And as you know, I don't, either. So, your options are cereal or fruit or plain macaroni without cheese."
Natsume let out a slight laugh. "Remind me to stock your fridge with food."
"I can buy it myself," Mikan huffed.
"Fine, then," Natsume said.
"Fine," Mikan said, turning around and opening the fridge.
Natsume, with his hormones still kicking around in his bloodstream after their intense entrance, couldn't help but stare at Mikan as she bent over slightly, examining the contents of the fridge. Her dress covered most of her ass, but his imagination let itself run wild with possibilities.
Mikan, completely oblivious to Natsume's change in demeanor, saw a bowl of strawberries and another of cream. Unable to resist, Mikan picked up a strawberry and took a bite. "Mm, hey, Natsume, do you want some strawberries?"
Natsume was next to Mikan in less than a second. He placed his hands on her hips, pulling her back to his chest. Mikan had just picked up a dollop of cream with her finger to stuff in her mouth along with another bite of the strawberry, but Natsume took her hand and enclosed his lips around the sweet treat. Mikan's eyes fluttered closed as she felt Natsume's tongue circle her finger.
In no time at all, Natsume had Mikan turned around and pinned to the open fridge, not caring that the cool air was escaping. He kissed her passionately at a pace that showed just how eager he was to continue what they were doing earlier. Mikan shoved Natsume forward and slammed the fridge door closed. She backed him up to the island counter and kissed him. Natsume turned them around, hoisting Mikan up onto the counter, their lips never unlocking, as he slowly unzipped the back of Mikan's dress.
Mikan's legs wrapped around his waist, and her arms wrapped around his neck as he carried her to the living room. He moved the coffee table aside with his foot, and since it had wheels, it rolled away to the side. He gently set Mikan down onto the plush carpet and moved himself to hover over her. Her dress barely hung onto her, as the zipper had come completely undone. Mikan unbuttoned Natsume's shirt and had him slip it off before moving to his belt.
Natsume's lips kissed down Mikan's jawline to her neck where he took the extra time to mark her as his. Mikan brought Natsume's lips back to hers just as Natsume's hand trailed underneath her dress to—
"Please tell me that you plan on sanitizing our living room after this."
Mikan's eyes snapped open. She got up and turned her body slightly to see a very angry Hotaru leaning against the doorframe of the living room. She had her arms crossed across her chest and wore a very serious expression. Natsume groaned and sat back against the nearby couch. Mikan got up onto her knees, holding her dress to her chest.
"H-Hotaru!" Mikan said. "I-I thought you were with Luca!"
As if on cue, a red-faced Luca Nogi stepped out from behind Hotaru. "Here."
Hotaru sighed. "Are you going to keep up with this all night, or are you going to make it quick?"
"Are you planning on getting a hotel room?" Mikan asked, astonished. "We can just move to my room."
"Oh, yes," Hotaru said sarcastically. "Because that's sound-proof, unlike the coatroom."
Mikan blushed ten shades of red. "Are you serious? You heard?"
"Me and the entire party," Hotaru said. It was a lie, but right now, Mikan deserved to be embarrassed. She was going to ruin the perfect carpet with bodily fluids she was not keen on cleaning.
"Oh my God," Mikan moaned. She looked at Natsume. "The entire party, Natsume."
Natsume shrugged. "You were louder."
"Imai, we can just go back to my and Natsume's place," Luca said. "I wouldn't want to sleep in the same place if I knew what these two would be up to all night."
Hotaru pursed her lips. "Fine, but only because it's free." She glared at Natsume. "Don't break anything."
Mikan bit her lip while Natsume's lips thinned. They glanced at each other as Luca and Hotaru made their exit. As soon as the door slammed closed and the lock clicked, Natsume leaned in to continue exactly what he had in mind a minutes ago.
. . .
A week had passed since then. Mikan groggily found herself waking up in present time on her bed after dreaming about the night after Luna's party. Her room was pitch black. She glanced at the clock and realized that it was really late at night. Suddenly uncomfortable in her work clothes, Mikan lazily got up from her bed and dragged herself to her closet. Fumbling over some haphazardly thrown objects, she made it to her closet and picked out a pair of pajama bottoms and a baggy shirt, quickly changing into them.
She stood at the edge of the bed and fell straight forward into it. Under any other circumstance, she would feel the soft cushion of her bed. But instead, she landed on a hard, distinguishable form. Immediately, her eyes cracked open, and she screamed. She picked up the nearest object and held it out in front of her in a protective stance as she turned on the bedside light.
There, she saw an irritated Natsume sitting up, pinching the bridge of his nose. Mikan looked at him, skeptical.
"Natsume? What are you doing in my room?" Mikan grouched.
"Sleeping," he replied. "Why are you holding a hairbrush in my face?"
Mikan looked down at the hairbrush and set it aside. "Precautionary measures."
Natsume rolled his eyes and lied back down, his hands behind his head. "I saw you asleep in here, and I didn't want to wake you. I ended up falling asleep."
"I can see that," Mikan said. "Where's Hotaru?"
"She left as soon as I got in. Said she had to talk to someone," Natsume answered.
Mikan sat down on the edge of the bed, next to Natsume's torso. "It's probably Luca."
"Doubt it," Natsume said. "Luca said that Imai wouldn't give him the time of day."
Mikan sighed. "I know Hotaru likes him. She's just really stubborn when it comes to her job. 'No distractions,' she says." Mikan took Natsume's silence as a cue to keep on talking. "I told her earlier today…I told her to talk to him. Hotaru's my best friend, Natsume. She's done so much for me…I…I want to do something for her."
"I'm sure Imai doesn't want that," Natsume said, shrugging. "She's just not that type of person."
"But I want to," Mikan said. "So…I've actually been thinking…I want to write a song for her, and I want it to be a surprise." Natsume raised an eyebrow. Mikan continued, fiddling with her hands nervously. "It's a very different style of music than I'm used to, but I think it will work out. I've been going to private recording sessions…and well, I think it will be a nice little surprise for her when she hears it live as my newest single."
Natsume glanced at Mikan who stared back at him expectantly. "I think it could work."
Mikan was visibly relieved. "You think?"
"Yeah," Natsume said.
Mikan walked around to the other side of the bed and crawled in next to Natsume's side. Natsume wrapped his arms around her body and pulled the comforter over them.
Natsume kissed Mikan's hair. "When do you plan on releasing the single?"
"Sometime next month," Mikan replied. "I'm really hoping she will admit her feelings for Luca by then."
"Yeah," Natsume replied, yawning. He reached over and turned out the light. "Now I'm going to bed."
"Way to close a conversation," Mikan muttered but settled comfortably into his side nonetheless. "Goodnight, then."
"Hn," Natsume replied.
"Are you really going to start up the 'hn' thing?" Mikan asked. "What does that even mean?"
"I love you."
Mikan stiffened. "What?" A snore. "C'mon, Natsume. You can't fall asleep that quickly." No reply. "Natsume?" Silence. "Fine." Mikan pulled the comforter closer around her and kissed Natsume's cheek. "I love you, too."
-One Month Later-
Hotaru held a cell phone to her ear as she jotted down notes. "Yeah...okay…no, we will be touring Asia…during the summer…okay."
She hung up and slipped the phone into the back pocket of her black slacks. Hotaru Imai looked very chic as she strutted around backstage in her purple pumps and black business suit. She held a clipboard to her side as she sought out her best friend who was supposed to be ready to go on stage in half an hour.
Hotaru pressed a button on her earpiece and spoke into it harshly. "Where is that idiot? Is she with Hyuuga?"
A crackle on the other end, and then a voice said, "No, she's with Luca Nogi."
Hotaru's eyes narrowed. "What is she doing with him?" she hissed.
"I do not know."
"Tell her to be in her dressing room in five, or I will have her head," Hotaru snapped.
Hotaru made sure all the stage preparations were made and that the security was tight. She stood by during the sound check just to make sure everything is running smoothly. She made a beeline for Mikan's dressing room as soon as she was satisfied with the progress for the concert. Not bothering to knock, Hotaru walked in on Mikan while she was putting on mascara. Mikan wore a stunning orange halter dress with crystal decals and tool netting that flared at her hips.
"Ah, Hotaru!" Mikan said. "You wanted to see me?"
"What were you doing with Nogi?"
Mikan shrugged. "Talking to him. Aren't you two dating, yet?"
Hotaru sighed. She took the mascara from Mikan's hand and set it down at the table. "We have makeup artists for this."
Mikan blinked. "I like applying my own makeup."
Hotaru shook her head. "I'll call someone over."
Mikan shrugged. "Okay, but can I ask you for a favor?"
"Is it Howalon?" Hotaru asked, exasperated. "Because I told you, I'm not ordering you anymore."
"No, no," Mikan said, shaking her head. "I was going to ask you to sit out with the audience instead of being backstage." Mikan grinned. "I think you'll want to see this one front and center."
"Mikan, I don't think that this one's going to make much of a difference," Hotaru said.
"I had Luca save you a seat," Mikan replied. "He will be waiting for you."
Hotaru crossed her arms and pinched the bridge of your nose. "You just don't know when to give up, do you?"
"Nope," Mikan replied.
As soon as Hotaru exited the dressing room, Mikan picked up her cell phone and texted Luca, telling him that Hotaru was on her way over to the makeup people. A few minutes later, several makeup artists showed up in Mikan's room and began dolling her up for her big night.
"Rose, you have six minutes until the show," Mikan head someone call from outside her door.
"Okay," Mikan yelled back. She looked at her makeup team. "Thanks, guys. I think I'm good." She got out of her chair and walked out of her dressing room where she was greeted by a hectic and frantic backstage crew.
"Hey, Rose," someone called. Mikan looked over to the voice. It was the sound check team manager.
"Yes?" Mikan asked.
"Are you playing the guitar or are you going to let the music play through the speakers?"
Mikan grinned as she walked over to him. "Actually, I'm not going to be singing the song Hotaru gave you tonight."
The man raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah?"
Mikan took out a flash drive from the pocket of her dress. She handed it over to him. "I'm going to be singing this one. Just play the audio like you normally would."
"Why the sudden change?" he asked, curious.
Mikan smiled. "My best friend deserves it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to mike check."
"Sure thing," he said, already working the new audio into the system.
"Thanks!" Mikan said.
She walked off to the stage entrance and sat around with the stereo equipment while technicians checked the quality of the mikes for her. She was handed a microphone, and in a matter of minutes, she was being introduced to the stage.
"Break a leg."
Mikan turned around to see Natsume standing in a pair of jeans and a hoodie. He walked up to her and gave her a kiss. Mikan smiled into his lips.
"Thank you," Mikan said after they broke apart. "Is Hotaru with Luca?"
"Yeah," Natsume said. "They're front and center, like you wanted."
Mikan nodded. "Good."
Natsume squeezed her hand. "I'll be a few seats down from them. A couple of your other friends are here, too."
"Okay, see you after the show?"
"Wouldn't miss it," Natsume replied, kissing her forehead.
He left, leaving Mikan as soon as the announcer called, "Now, the moment you've all been waiting for, please welcome to the stage, Rose!"
Mikan strutted out onto the stage, her crystal white stilettos clicking on the marble stage. The audience's cheer was deafening, and Mikan put on her best smile.
When the crowd died down, Mikan said, "So…tell me, how many of you have a best friend out there?"
A resounding reply ensued. Mikan laughed. "Okay, so a lot of you. Well, I have a best friend, too. She happens to be my manager." Mikan looked down to the front and center of the row where she saw Hotaru, listening to every word she was saying. "She's the most loyal, beautiful, trustworthy, intelligent woman I know. I'm so lucky to have her."
"Aw," the crowed cooed.
Mikan laughed again. "Yeah. Tonight I have a little surprise for her. It's a song I wrote that she had no idea about. It's called 'Oath,' and I hope you all enjoy." Mikan looked at Hotaru who was rolling her eyes. Mikan shrugged sheepishly at her.
A piercing cry from the crowd exploded before the music boomed through the speakers.
Cher Lloyd
Yo, my best friend, best friend till the very end
Cause best friends, best friends don't have to pretend
You need a hand, and I'm right there right beside you
You in the dark, I'll be the bright light to guide you
'Member the times, times, times sneaking of the house
All of the times, times, times that you had the doubts
And don't forget all the trouble we got into
We got something you can't undo, do
Mikan walked to each side of the stage as she did her best singing the song. She tried to watch Hotaru the entire time. From what she saw, Hotaru was showing a semblance of a smile.
Laughing so damn hard
Crashed your dad's new car
All the scars we share
I Promise, I swear
Wherever you go, just always remember
You got a home for now and forever
And if you get low, just call me whenever
This is my oath to you
Wherever you go, just always remember
You never alone, we born to the better
And we'll never change, no matter the weather
This is my oath to you
I know I drive you crazy, mm, sometimes
I know I called you lazy, and that's most times
But you complete me, and that's no lie
You are my tuxedo, and I'm your bowtie
We in the car, sing, sing, singing our song
Rocking the building, tear it down, like we king kong
And in my eyes, you can't do, do no wrong
You got the best friends sing, sing along
Mikan's audience began singing the bridge with her. She held a hand to her chest just as the chorus started once again.
Laughing so damn hard
Crashed your dad's new car
All the scars we share
I Promise, I swear
Wherever you go, just always remember
You got a home for now and forever
And if you get low, just call me whenever
This is my oath to you
Wherever you go, just always remember
You never alone, we born to the better
And we'll never change, no matter the weather
This is my oath to you
Oohh, I'll never let you go
Oohh, Woah, this is my oath to you
Oohh, Just thought that you should know
Ooh, Woah, this is my oath to you
Wherever you go, just always remember
You got a home for now and forever
And if you get low, just call me whenever
This is my oath to you
Wherever you go, just always remember
You never alone, we born to the better
And we'll never change, no matter the weather
This is my oath to you
Ooh, You should know, you should know, you should know, you should know
Ooh, Woah, this is my oath to you
Ooh, You never alone, we born to the better
Ooh, Woah, this is my oath to you
Mikan took a deep breath before shouting into the microphone, "I love you, Hotaru Imai!"
Mikan was happy that the song was a hit. She saw Hotaru in the front row with unshed tears glistening in her eyes, which was very much unlike her. Hotaru looked at Mikan and rolled her eyes, attempting to look cool. The rest of the concert was a success, which was to be expected. Mikan had a natural talent for these kinds of things. Afterwards, Mikan rushed backstage, tired and drained from the performance. She ran straight into Hotaru's arms as soon as she saw her friend walk up to the stage entrance.
"Dummy," Hotaru said, happy that Mikan wrote the song for her. "How did you get that past me?"
Mikan pulled back and said, "I had private recording sessions with Luca."
Hotaru raised an eyebrow. "Nogi?"
Mikan nodded. "He was more than willing to help when I told him I wanted to do something special for you."
Hotaru glanced at Luca, who was waiting patiently to the side with Natsume while the girls finished their talk. She turned her attention back to Mikan, who was beaming. "I suppose I will have to have coffee with him sometime to thank him, then."
Mikan's eyes widened. She grinned from ear to ear. "He'll have it tonight!" Mikan quickly called Luca's name. When he walked over, Mikan enthusiastically said, "Hotaru wants to have coffee with you tonight."
Luca's eyes widened as he looked at Hotaru. "For real?"
Hotaru shrugged, not making eye contact. "It's only coffee."
Mikan smiled. "Natsume's coming over tonight, by the way." She glanced at her boyfriend. "I think that you might want to stay over at Luca's again." Mikan wasn't really planning on doing anything with Natsume tonight, but she did want Hotaru to spend some time with Luca.
Hotaru wrinkled her nose. "Okay, yeah. Nogi, I'm staying at your place."
Luca nodded and smiled. "That won't be a problem."
Mikan clasped her hands behind her back. "So I will see you tomorrow?"
"Yes," Hotaru replied. "Tomorrow."
Mikan left the two alone as she walked over to Natsume, who waited patiently for her. Mikan looped her arm around his and began walking with him towards the exit.
"We've got the night to ourselves," Mikan commented. "Hotaru's staying with Luca tonight."
Natsume shook his head and laughed underneath his breath. "How do you manage to do these things?"
Mikan shrugged. "I just want Hotaru to be happy. She always takes care of me and wants me to be happy, so I wanted to return the favor."
"So…on another note," Natsume said, going off on a complete tangent. "I heard you're touring in Asia this summer?"
"Yeah," Mikan replied. "Hotaru's going over the details. I don't know which countries I'll be touring, yet."
"Isn't it on a short notice, though?" Natsume asked.
"Well, I wanted to change the tour location," Mikan replied.
"So, it's not a coincidence that Luca and I will be doing business in Asia this summer?" Natsume asked teasingly.
"I might have had something to do with it," Mikan replied, laughing as Natsume led her to his car that was parked outside the performance hall. It was the same car that Mikan keyed, except it had a brand new hood.
Natsume held the door open for Mikan. She stepped in as he said, "I suppose I will need tickets for your shows."
"I can arrange that," Mikan said.
Natsume walked over to the other end and sat in the driver's seat. After closing the door, he leaned in and kissed her. "Well, regardless of your tour schedule, I expect a getaway with you."
Mikan leaned in for another kiss while lifting her hand to play with the hair at the nape of Natsume's neck. "A getaway?"
"Maybe Thailand," Natsume said, shrugging.
"Just you and me?"
"If that's what you want," Natsume replied, backing up out of the parking lot.
"I think that sounds wonderful," Mikan replied, sinking into her seat. She stared at the dashboard in front of her before glancing at the glove compartment. Suddenly, she remembered something. "Oh! Before I forget…"
Mikan opened the glove compartment and pulled out the photo album she had examined when she stole his car.
"Hey, what are you doing with that?" Natsume said, obviously embarrassed that he found the album in his car.
Mikan waved him off. "I need to add a picture in the back."
"It's already full," Natsume replied.
Again, Mikan didn't listen. "Don't worry. I'm just slipping in a photograph that I had printed a few days ago."
Mikan dug through her purse until she found her wallet. She opened it and took out a neatly folded picture. Unfolding it, she placed it down on the inside of the back cover of the book. The picture she had printed was one she had Tsubasa take recently of her, Hotaru, Natsume, and Luca at Mikan's penthouse. They were all gathered around the kitchen's island counter with glasses full of fine champagne. They were just hanging out…like old times, and Mikan wanted to remember that moment.
"What was it a photo of?" Natsume asked, not wanting to take his eyes off the road.
"Of the four of us at my place drinking that champagne you brought over," Mikan replied.
Natsume was a little confused. "Why that picture?"
"It was like old times," Mikan replied. "I just…don't want to forget what it's like to be with you guys…I almost did once, and I just…don't want to forget."
Natsume grinned a little. "I won't let you out of my sight, you know. So you don't have to worry about forgetting."
Mikan shrugged. "I guess, but it's still nice revisiting memories."
"You want to know what I think?"
Mikan looked at Natsume curiously. "What?"
"I think it's about time we make some new ones."
Mikan's confused expression slowly turned into a smile. "I suppose it is."
~ Fin ~
So, this is the end. I'm guessing you guys are going to think it's rushed. Well, I think it kind of is. It's been such a long time since I've written this, and my writing style has changed. Despite these circumstances, I hope you enjoyed the final chapter of Don't Forget, as cheesy as it may have been.
This chapter was kind of centered around Hotaru because I wanted to show the importance of friends. My best friend is like my other half, and I know that she would be there for me if I ever had to go through what Mikan had been through. So, I dedicate this song (and chapter, although she does not read Gakuen Alice) to her. I love you, Julia!
I also want to thank all my followers. Thank you for being with me for so long!
Reviews are always appreciated!