Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto.

September 23

It occurred to me today that I am an Oompa-Loompa. Aren't they the ones who toil day in and day out making chocolate for bratty children who chew with their mouths open? They are my brethren.

Some middle schoolers came into the shop today. The drone that usually works the register called in sick (spent the entire night partying with the rest of the hive), so I was forced to deal with a gaggle thirteen year old girls. They were all wearing variations of the same outfit: micro mini denim cutoffs and skintight tank tops that make me genuinely uncomfortable looking at them or talking to them. Their leader seemed to be the girl with thick glossy red lips and glittering braces.

"Do you like… you know…" started the girl.

"Sell chocolate?" I offered.

The girl giggled demurely and her fingers moved to curl the short strands of hair on the nape of her neck falling from her ponytail. "No, silly." She shared a look with the bespectacled girl to her left and the tall bony girl to her right. They all seemed to be laughing at a private joke.

To say that I was irked would not be lying. There is a reason why I wasn't hired to be a cashier. I don't understand girls. I don't want to understand girls. I especially don't want to understand these girls.

"Either buy something or fuck off." I told them callously.

The girl with the purple-rimmed glasses cleared her throat. "We were just wondering what your favorite chocolate is."

I don't understand why she would even ask me that question. My preference in junk food is no more useful information to her than Yoda's preference in toilet paper ply. Who ever said that I even like sweets?

I tried to hide my confusion. "I like chocolate chips." I told the girls, hoping that they would be satisfied with this response and move on to other shops to bother other workers.

"Oh, really?" asked the girl with braces. She pulled the tie from her hair and shook loose a cascade of thick chestnut curls. The other girls seemed to take this as their cue to also alter their appearances. The girl with glasses stuck her flat chest out as if she were showing off a shiny badge and the tall girl adjusted the hem of her shirt so I could get a peek at her silver bellybutton ring. (Bellybutton rings? What is the point of bellybutton rings?)

I scowled at them. "Yes, really." I said.

The girl with braces leaned in a across the counter and batted her eye lashes. "Do you like kisses?" she whispered.

Idiots. "We don't sell Hershey's here." Couldn't theses morons see that this was all homemade chocolate?

"Have you been to jail?" asked the tall girl.

"Is it true that you've killed a man?" asked the girl with the glasses.

"Are you on drugs?" asked the girl with the braces.

What. The. Hell. Were they writing a newspaper article or something? Why did any of that information pertain to them? "Yes, I killed a man in jail when I was on drugs." I told them sarcastically.

All three girls gasped in tandem. "That's not sexy at all," squeaked the girl with the braces.

Sexy? What were these girls even talking about? Who said anything about sexiness? "Are you going to buy something?" I asked them, trying to be patient.

The three girls stood with arms akimbo and sneers on their faces. "Not from you," said the girl with the glasses snottily.

"Come on girls," said the girl with the braces. "We're out of here."

Good riddance. I tore off the pink apron my boss made me wear and stuffed it into the garbage can. I will never allow myself to be forced into working the register again.

October 10

The book Sakura Haruno gave me isn't as dreadful as I anticipated it would be and it didn't take me long to read. The story was almost interesting.

I have resolved to do the project. If I start now I will probably be able to have it finished by the end of the week. I've been thinking about potential characters and potential plots all day.

I wish I could do this with my own life. I wish I could just put my pen to paper and change my life story. Although, if I were given the chance I think I would be perplexed as to how to use it. What plot holes need to be filled in my own life? Am I missing any important characters? Could I give myself a happy ending? I don't even know what a happy ending looks like much less how to write one.

But I don't believe in sugarcoating the truth and I don't want to be unoriginal.

I wonder what kind of ending Sakura Haruno would want to give me. I wonder what she would write if she was in charge of my destiny. She would probably have me drop dead so she wouldn't have to worry about working with me. The gall of this girl astounds me. She is grossly unattractive but she acts like some sort of beauty queen. She quite clearly hates me but she expects me to still do the project with her. What kind of lunacy is that?

It's settled then. I'll do the project and then never have to speak to her again.

Thanks for reading! Thanks for reviewing! I LOVE my readerssssss. Let me know if there is something specific you would like to see in Gaara's journal ?