Title: My Heart
Pairings: This chapter contains slight Kyouraku/Ukitake
Rating: T
Warnings: There is slight OOC, a lot of blood, violence, talk of death, and talk of war. There are also a few errors in here that I most likely didn't catch. This also probably the shortest thing I've ever written but any longer and it would have been dragging. SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 364!
Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach, Tite Kubo does.

The sound of flesh and bone breaking filled the air, the first sight of blood now coming into view. Breathing started to become difficult as that hand went deeper through his chest, the blood rolling from the gaping whole that was once his heart. Ukitake Juushirou, the captain of the 13th Division now stood with a blank stare, the hand of an arrancar impaling him deeply.

Ukitake's dark eyes were once filled with joy, hope, passion, and in these seconds, these small moments everything started to fade away. All of the emotion, all of the memories, all of the life started to fade away as his glance became blank, the mask of death taking his face over. His body started to become limp as his breathing became harder and harder to control. Yet in this moment Kyouraku Shunsui didn't think he could do anything.

At that moment all Kyouraku could do was stare, looking desperately at the mess that had been created right before his eyes. His body froze as blood continued to rain, the beast pulling his hand back with a childlike grin. That grin sent a wave of anger throughout his body, an anger that he never thought that he would ever feel in his life. Yet as he looked at Ukitake's body falling backward, down to the city below, he felt all of the rage bubble within his body, moving closer to the arrancar. In that moment he was going to destroy everything. His vision then filled with crimson.

His body felt heavy as he started to fall, his eyes starting to lose the light that life had granted him exchanging it for the darkness of death. As his vision clouded, he looked over at Ukitake's falling body, blood creating a wake behind it. He could see everything coming back to him at that moment, all of the memories.

None of it matters anymore does it, Ukitake? Nothing that we've seen or been through matters anymore, he struggled with a smile as he fell faster toward the ground. What are you thinking about right now? What are you seeing? Are you seeing what I'm seeing? Because if you are, it's amazing. So many memories… and all I'm seeing is you.

As he fell farther away from Ukitake as it became darker, death taking the 8th Division captain over as he fell faster, the pressure pushing against his body. I used to hate you. I used to wish that this would happen to you: that one day you would fall into the darkness and I would never have to see you again. I used to think you were the most disgusting thing that ever lived. Yet now…

His body fell to the ground, his nerves sending electricity to his body, shaking violently. His eyes looked over to see where Ukitake fell quite a distance away. His eyes watered as he tried to move, unable to, his breathing starting to catch in his throat.

"U-Ukitake…" Kyouraku breathed as he tried to move his body, unable to.

After all of this time, you wanted to be the one to die first; you said that death didn't suit me. I hated you for saying that because it seemed like you were being taken away from me, he stilled tried to move. Death doesn't suit you, Ukitake, it never did. Even when we were young, so young and full of ourselves that we never wanted to cross paths. We were two islands, always at war, but then we merged and became what we were today. And now we're leaving each other all over again.

He could hear Ukitake coughing, a tear forming in his eye as he knew that his friend was in critical condition, he wasn't going to last much longer. He wanted to scream, but he wasn't sure if help was going to hear him, Kira had enough on his hands with Matsumoto, Iba, Hinamori, and Hisagi, he shouldn't be bothered with the two senior captains.

We're just two old farts, Ukitake, two old farts that have finally fallen. Is this how you wanted it to end? I didn't want it to end this way. I always hoped that if he died together, we would die hand in hand, so I can see the life leave your body. I can't even see you…

"Kyouraku…" he heard Ukitake's voice say. "Kyouraku…" the voice kept getting younger and younger until it was the voice that he had heard when he had first met Ukitake Juushirou. "Kyouraku…"

"Ukitake…" he looked up to see the young boy that he had hated, a smile upon his youthful face as bright brown eyes looked down at him. "Ukitake…"

He then faded away as Kyouraku's eyes started to close. I hated that boy, more than I hated anything, and now… now I wish that he was next to me at the end of it. I want to hate you, Ukitake, I want to hate you for not being here next to me now when I need you. I need you to tell me that everything's going to be alright, that this is all part of a greater scheme. He drifted into the darkness. "Ukitake…"

This was the first chapter of the story My Heart. I knew that I wasn't going to post any new stories, but this idea was starting to interfere with my story Dead and Gone so I had to write it. And since it was already written, I thought why not post it.

I initially got this idea way back, but then when I read Chapter 364 I knew that there was a way that I could merge those two ideas. And I had to write a story about these two because Kyouraku and Ukitake are my two favorite captains (I'm going to try my hardest to have no romance in this story.)

Well this is the first chapter to many, it's going to go deeper into the past and how Kyouraku "used to hate Ukitake" That's what the next chapter is on.

Like what you read? Feel free to PM me a request. See profile for details.

And don't forget to review. I love to here feedback on my work.