I'd do anything for my family -

A Wizards of Waverly Place Fanfiction -

Written By: AutumnMalarkey.

Summary: When Max comes to Alex with a problem, she is forced to act upon it as a sister. But things turn bad and have hurendous consiquences for her. Will she give in and let Max suffer or face the consiquence?

Disclaimer: I own nothing to do with Wizards of Waverly Place. All ownership goes to the creators. I just borrowed them for a while. They will be returned safely.

Chapter Six - Pain

7 months since that day and Jerry hadn't spoke to Alex properly. He still saw Max, much to Teresa's protests, but she couldn't keep him from seeing his own dad. Alex was now heavily pregnant. She'd just be coming up to her due date in a few weeks. Much to Teresa's surprise, she knew teenagers don't normally carry to term, yet Alex was managing it fine. Today she started having a few niggles, nothing big. Nothing she thought she should tell her mum about. They were probably just cramps. But slowly, one by one, they were getting more and more painful and harder for her to hide.

Dinner time and everyone was sat at the sofa's watching some rubbish that Justin had chose on the TV. Alex happily ate. She was greatful her morning sickness had gone. Now she could eat all she liked and thanks to cravings (and Max) she ate a hell of a lot of weird things. Reaching forward over her stomach, Alex placed her empty plate on the table and picked up her glass, finding it empty. Damn! "I'm getting a drink, anyone want one?" She asked, trying her best to stand up.

"I'll get it." Justin stood up taking his and Alex's glasses with him, "Anyone else?" He received a no thanks and went to fill the cups.

Sitting on the couch next to her mum, Alex felt another little niggle coming on. When they first started they felt like what it felt like now, just a little bit of a tickle, but she soon learnt that that doesn't last as it starts like that and grows into pain. She bit her lip letting out a slight groan with it, but it was becoming increasingly worse, she put a hand on her stomach and held her breath to hide the pain. Her mum had saw all the actions and knew them when she first spotted them. Soothingly, she placed her hand on Alex's back and rubbed up and down, "Breath baby. Deep breaths." She instructed.

Justin and Max watched confused as to what was going on. But as soon as the contraction finished Alex let out the breath she was still holding in and relaxed back into the couch, "When did the contractions start sweetie?" She placed a hand on her arm.

"This morning, at school." Alex thought back to her first contraction.


Throwing on the last of her clothes, Alex threw her bag over her shoulder and walked out of the room, her hand placed on her bump that was just visible through her lilac maternity top. Waiting for her at the bottomn of the stairs were Justin and Max, obviously wanting to go to school but she was holding them up.

"Hey!" Justin smiled, helping her down the last two steps and taking her bag.

"God I love being pregnant. It's like I've enslaved Justin." She and Max laughed and Justin smiled, rolling his eyes.

"C'mon." He smiled and lead them out of the house, waving goodbye to their mum as she shouted goodbye to them.

The school halls were busy and crowded like usual, everyone meeting their friends and gossiping about what they'd done the night before. The bell rang suddenly and Alex gave up on looking for Harper as she walked into her homeroom. Like usual there were the comments, but she'd grown used to them.

"Good morning. And today we have several announcements..." The teacher droned on about new clubs and things that were going on. Jumping slightly in her seat at the back of the classroom, her hand flew to her stomach. It felt like she had almost butterflies in her stomach, with an after of a tingle of pain.

"Alex Russo?" The teacher repeated for the 3rd time.

She snapped her head to look at her, "Huh?"

"You're wanted at the principle's office."

Standing up, Alex let out a small 'whoop de do!' before leaving to go to the office.

*End of flashback*

"Why didn't you tell me?" Teresa asked concerned.

"I didn't think it mattered. I thought they were false ones. Or a kick." She smiled.

"Okay baby. We'll get Justin to get the hospital bag and we'll get going, okay?" Alex nodded as Justin raced upstairs to get the bag.

The hospital was full of screaming women in labour, it really was scaring Alex. She didn't want to go through that. But unfortunatly, she was going to and it was going to be pretty soon. "Hey, Alex. We're just going to check how far along you are. This may feel uncomfortable, but bear it. Okay?" She received a nod and proceeded to check how far along Alex was. "I'd say you were only about 2 centemeters dialated at the most." She sighed, "With most cases we send them home and tell them to come when the contractions are quite close. Does that sound okay?" Alex nodded again, going through another contraction getting coached by her mum.

8 am and Alex, Max and Justin would usually be setting of to school about now, instead, Max and Justin were trying to sleep and Alex was sitting exhausted in her bed. The contractions were getting worse and gradually close together. Next to her on the bed sat her mum, trying to ease her with each pain. "Mom? Why does it feel like I've wet myself?" Alex asked, bewildered.

"It's okay Alex, just get out of the bed for me." She helped her daughter up onto the tile floor just incase. "I'll be two seconds." Fastly she raced to the bathroom and found a towel on the rack, she raced back with it. "Stand on this, it'll be okay." Alex nodded.

About 10 minutes later and Alex had changed her clothes and was perched on the end of her bed, trying to keep her scream hushed as she had a contraction. "Okay, sweetie, you're doing great. After this one we'll go back. Yeah?"

"Okay." Alex sat back up the contraction ending.

"Push for me Alex, push." The midwife incouraged her as Alex heaved herself into the 7th push. "You need to try harder otherwise this is going to be a worse job." On her next contraction, Alex gave it all she had, "Okay, it's crowning." She smiled at Alex, "Keep that up and you'll have your baby in no time." Another contraction came and Alex tried her best again, this time pushing the baby's head out. "Okay, I can tell you're troubling. So I'm gonna' try and help. But only as much as I can, most of the work's still up to you." Before she finished, Alex had another contraction and pushed, the midwife supporting the baby and gently trying to ease it out without causing distress to the mother of the baby. "Okay. Only about 2 more like that and you'll get to meet you baby." She smiled and held the baby as it slowly slid out, Alex putting all her effort into it, "There we go." She said as the baby slid out, she placed it on Alex's stomach and smiled as the baby howeled, "You did great. Want to meet your daughter?" She asked.

"It's a girl?" The midwife nodded. A smile started to grow on Alex's lips as they cut the cord and wrapped her baby girl up in a blanket to give to her.

"Here." She took her and smiled.

"Hello Angel." She let her hold her finger.

"Right, we need to give her to the nurses to get a proper check, but you'll get her back in a few minutes, but right now we've got a placenta to deliver."

"I'm an uncle!" Max smiled as he walked into the room, Justin behind him with about 6 different 'It's a girl!' ballons and about a dozen pink teddy's.

"So where is the little princess'?" You could tell she was going to be spoiled already. Justin set everything down on the table and put the ballons next to the bed.

"Right here." A nurse smiled as she wheeled in a tiny case with the little girl wrapped up inside of it.

"She's adorable." Justin smiled as he saw a glimpse of his neice.

"She's doing great at the minute, but we'll need to keep checking her regularly." Alex nodded and the nurse walked out, "good luck." She left the room.

Carefully, Alex picked the pink bundle up and cradled her close to her chest, "Hello, I'm your mummy, yes I am." She smiled and let her grip her finger again.

"Do we have a name for her?" Her mum asked as she leaned over and looked at her.

"Yeah, we need to give her a good name. Anything better than Peppe or Alexandra." Justin commented, now sitting on the end of the bed.

Alex laughed, "Peppe. I love that name. It's so funny." She laughed again.

"I've got it!" Max exclaimed from standing in the doorway, "We call her..." He paused, "Max!"

Everyone looked at him like he was stupid, "No, Max. No. Besides, I have a perfect name for her." Alex smiled

"Go on." Everyone tried to get her to say the name.

"Carter. " She smiled.

"Carter, oh please!" Justin laughed, "Isn't that a boy's name?!"

"So?" Justin shrugged, "Carter Maddison Russo it is then. Do you like that angel?" Carter started to screw her face up like she was going to cry, "Okay then, it that a no? Because I'm all out of names otherwise."

"No. It's perfect hunny. I think she's hungry." Teresa told her daughter.

"Oh!" Alex looked confused, "What do I do?"

"Brestfeed or bottle feed?" Alex looked bewildered, "Okay then, since she's gonna cry any second, brestfeed. Boys, could you." She signaled towards the door.

"Sure." Both boys left the room.