-Chapter 8-

The others arrived at the skating ring.

"Darien? You told her didn't you?" Lita said.

"How do you know?" Darien asked.

"Because the poor girl is scared out of her wits!" Rei answered.

"You're going to have to show her that we're telling the truth. Transform for her. Quick while she's half convinced and half stunned!" Darien ordered.

"What about Molly?" asked Mina.

"Molly can know; she's Serena's best frind. We can trust her," Darien answered.

"Right!" everyone said in an uncertain tone.

"Mercury Star Power!" Amy said as she held up her power stick.

"Mars Star Power!" Rei said as she held up her power stick.

"Jupiter Star Power!" Lita said as she held up her power stick.

"Venus Star Power!" Mina said as she held up her power stick.

Then Darien transformed into Tuxedo Mask.

"See, Serena? You're Sailor Moon! Transform! Here. Take this broach and shout 'Moon Prism Power!'" Luna said.

Serena, upon hearing a cat talk, screamed and ran to Molly, jumping on top of her and pointing at the Sailor Scouts plus Tuxedo Mask while still screaming. Then she passed out.

"Man, I thought we were getting somewhere..." Rei said in dissappointment.

They all looked at Molly, who was to shocked to speak.

Suddenly, the roof came clean off the building.

"GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH" The crocodile that had caused this whole mess was back. Jedite was beside him.

"Whaaa...?" Serena said as she woke up. Her eyes widened when she saw the croc.

"It's... familiar..." she started.

The Sailor Scouts got ready for their second battle with this Negaverse monster. As did Tuxedo Mask.

But this time, the monster had a trick up his sleeve. He unleashed a beam of light from his mouth. It hit the Sailor Scouts, rendering them unable to move. Tuxedo Mask, on the other hand, avoided the attack.

Serena stood there, feeling the need to fight. She didn't know what to do.

"Errr!" Tuxedo Mask said as the monster turned into a big rubber balloon and headed for his face.

'If that thing hits him, he'll suffocate!' Serena thought. Acting fast, she put herself in front of him right before the croc balloon hit.

"Serena!" Tuxedo Mask cried out.

"FINE I'LL SUFFOCATE YOU FIRST!" The monster growled. The rubber stretched across her face, acting as a seal from oxygen.

"Serena! Try to get out!" Tuxedo Mask called to her. He knew she couldn't breathe. He tried to pull the croc off, but the croc was too big and Tuxedo Mask was unable to do it. He started searching for something sharp, but the croc's thick skin couldn't be penetrated.

"Mmmph!!! MMMMMMMMMPH!!!" Serena tried to say. Everyone could tell she was losing oxygen fast because she was starting to struggle violently. Her arms pounded against the croc and her legs were kicking at it.

The Sailor Scouts were finally free of motionlessness. They could move again. "SERENA!" they screamed. Everyone tried pulling the croc off. Useless. The croc was much too big.

Serena was starting to go limp.

"Hang on Serena!" Everyone said.

'Why did I do that? Now I can't get myself out of this mess! I feel dizzy...' Serena thought.

"Venus Tiara Magic!" Sailor Venus shouted and threw her tiara. The tiara once again acted like a boomerang and slammed into Sailor Mars's face.

"I... can't believe... you actually did that... again!" Sailor Mars said as she fell to the ground.

"HA! NO PULSE ANYMORE! SHE'S FINISHED!" The croc balloon said.

"Look at the moon!" Sailor Mercury exclaimed. The moon looked like it had on the night Serena died. It unleashed a beam of light, but this time it was destructive. The beam was aimed at the croc.

"GRAAAAAaaahhh..." The croc was gone for good.

"Serena!" everyone yelled.

The moon's beam turned to Jedite.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHhhhhh..." Jedite, just like the croc, was gone.

Sailor Mercury started mashing on Serena's chest to get her to breathe.


Serena woke up. She held up the broach and looked at it. Then she stood up and left.

"Where is she going?" Sailor Mercury asked.

Soon they looked up just in time to see a figure bounding across rooftops. The figure stopped on a roof right in front of the middle of the moon. It also happened to be right ahead of the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask.

They saw a sillihouted figure of Sailor Moon facing the moon. The wind was blowing, making her hair and miniskirt billow.

'She remembers,' they all thought.