Sorry for the lack of updating. I had this done for awhile, but, just now decided to post it. I hope it has enough action in it. Sometimes, I'd rather read about action than write it.

That night, Zoey slept in her bed, turned away from her window as a flash of lightning came through her window to light up her room for only a second. Shortly afterwards, thunder boomed, almost waking her up. She blinked her eyes open. A second later, she heard a crackling boom as if lightning had hit a tree, just as her room was illuminated with light. The next thing she knew, she was sitting on the floor, next to her bed, her blanket in front of her, shivering. Her room was dark once more. She looked around.

"That was loud…" she said. She looked at the window. Although during storms, people were supposed to stay away from windows, she stood up & climbed onto her bed, not even bothering with her blanket. She pulled open the curtains & opened her window. She looked into the sky to watch the storm. It was pouring rain outside, some of it getting through her window. But, she didn't care.

She couldn't help, but, smile when another flash of lightning struck through the sky. Feeling almost like a little kid again, she waved at the cloud in front of her & pulled her head back into her house. She closed her window & pulled her curtains back over her window. She laid back down & pulled the covers over her head & closed her eyes, tightly. Without opening her eyes, in fact, only closing them tighter, she curled herself up to warm up as breeze went past her face. She almost felt like she was moving.

"….I…close the window…" she muttered, cutting off some of the words for her thoughts. She suddenly shot up, yanking the covers off of her before she even knew she did it. She looked around. She couldn't see a thing. It was pitch black. She couldn't see the light from her window or the light from under her door that she would see, even when there was no light outside her room. She hugged herself & shivered, as it was cold, now. Almost as if she were outside.

"Why is it so dark in here? At least, the street lights should be…" Suddenly, she heard something swoop by her. She squealed & fell out of her bed, before sitting up. "W-Who's there?" Behind her, her bed began to disappear, as if it were rolling away without the need of wheels, until it was gone. Zoey looked behind her & saw it was gone.

"H-Hello?" she asked, shivering from the cold & a little from fear. She heard another noise of someone rushing past her, as a black figure shot past her, going so fast that "black" was the only way to describe what it looked like. She turned around, then, stood up. "Who are you? SHOW YOURSELF!" she yelled.

"As you wish, young victim…" a cold, feminine voice said. Zoey continued to give the air behind her a frightened look, as a figure walked out of the darkness that hid her colors, even though nothing was there to light her up. She had black hair with blond streaks & a black uniform with yellow trim around it.

"V…Victim?" Zoey said, almost in a whisper, before turning around, "AAHH!"

"Do not scream." Lydia walked up to her. "The only other person here is me. If I am a threat to you, than, you'll have to fight."

"…Are you?"

"You could say that. You can say many things to describe what you are to me."

"…Umm…who are you, exactly?"

"I guess it's only fair for you to know." Lydia's hands lit up in a fit of red flames a she levitated herself into the air & raised her arms out. Her hair began to whip around her face, slightly. "I am Lydia Moya." Her voice began to sound like a million echoes, "I am legendary on many planets. For the process of draining my victims of their power until it is mine. All their energy, all their power…all mine." She pulled her arms back down & landed back on the ground, her red aura & flames disappearing & her short hair falling back down.

"So…why am I here?" Zoey asked, regaining her sarcastic personality.

"You, being the cause of my freedom, are my victim until I am somehow imprisoned, once more." Lydia explained, "I feel your power, already. I could sense from the second I was free that you were very powerful. You are the source of the power I will gain soon…" Lydia grabbed Zoey's arm & her red aura returned as her hair whipped, just barely & she closed her eyes. After a second, it all ceased, once more, & she opened her eyes. "…Zoey…" Zoey gasped & fell over as Lydia let go of her arm.

"How do you know my name?" Zoey asked. Lydia chuckled to herself.

"At least I didn't receive a sarcastic comment or two from you, yet."


"The blond one didn't believe me until I proved it. I can learn people's names just by touching them. However, I was able to learn your gender just by being released by you."

"Ok, first, who the heck is 'the blond one'?"

"Well, you should know. He is how I found you." Zoey just gave her a confused look.

"And second, the only thing I broke is Beast Boy's rock with a red symbol on it."

"That was no rock, dear." Lydia turned her body a little & examined her nails. "It was my Imprisonment Orb; the thing that kept me from reeking havoc for so long. And once it was broken, I was freed. And since you were the one to break it, with your power, I will place my mark on you & all the battles you fight will do the rest." Zoey stood up.

"Look, this is all too confusing! I don't know what mark you're talking about & why you won't just tell me things instead of hinting."

"You'll know soon enough." Lydia turned her head & revealed a sinister smile. "And what exactly am I hinting? That I found you by watching your friend all the time?"

"You have to do better than that. I have more than just one friend, you know."

"I know…but, that's not important right now." Lydia levitated herself into the air once again & closed her eyes as her red aura returned. She raised her arms out again & her hair whipped around her face. "Desolation Trisect…" she said, her voice echoing once again, before she opened her eyes, revealing they were glowing bright red & slashed her arm through the air, releasing three razor sharp beams of red energy at Zoey. Zoey jumped from her spot & flipped into the air, shooting blue flames at Lydia as she was upside-down, in the air.

"What the heck do you want?!" Zoey yelled, landing, before putting up a shield as the last beam hit her shield.

"Don't take up more time, Zoey." Lydia replied, landing on the ground.

"What, you think it would be easy taking on something you think is so powerful?" Zoey took her shield down & jumped into the air, flipping, & landing on the other side of Lydia.

"Well, you have an attack inside of you that I am determined to use. But, you never use it. I'm doubtful that you even know how powerful you really are." Lydia replied, before pointing her hand at Zoey as it lit up red, almost as if her hand were a laser, "Desolation Trisect!" she called out again, her hand releasing three more red beams at Zoey.

"HA!" Zoey yelled, jumping out of the way as one of the beams followed her. She headed towards another beam & jumped out of the way as they collided & exploded. The third beam followed her & all she did was smile as she headed towards Lydia. Lydia's eyes widened as she realized what she was doing. She jumped out of the way just as Zoey jumped & they ran into each other in the air, falling down, just as the beam came at them.

"STOP!" Lyn yelled, holding out her hand as the beam, stopped in mid air & dissolved.

"Smooth move." Zoey said, smiling.

"Get off me!" Lyn shouted.

"I thought it was my turn to attack." Zoey lit up her hands with blue fire & levitated Lyn into the air as the fire circled around her. Zoey yelled out as she sent Lyn flying through the air & banging into what was apparently the wall.

"You're good…" Lyn said, sitting up, "But, not good enough." She jumped to her feet & grabbed Zoey's arm.

"Get off of me!" Zoey yelled, squirming, as Lyn lit her hand up, ready to strike. Zoey's free hand began to flame blue, before she blasted Lyn in the chest with it.

"OW!" Lyn yelled, letting go of Zoey & falling to her knees, clutching herself. "Ok, that was unexpected…" She jumped to her feet & into the air. Her hair began to whip around her face & her red aura formed around her as she held her hand back behind her. "Mystery Slash…" she called out, her voice echoing at least ten times at once. Her hand began to glow red, before she aimed at Zoey & slashed her arm through the air, releasing red energy as she did so. A bolt of red energy was released & headed straight for Zoey. Zoey jumped from her spot just before the bolt turned & chased Zoey.

"Whoa!" Zoey said, running faster. She jumped into the air & let flight take the place of running as she tried to go as fast as she could. She turned to face Lydia, who was smiling, wickedly at her. She lit up her hands & shot blue flames at her. One of the flames hit Lyn & knocked her back.

"You'll pay for that…" she hissed.

"Some day, but, not today!" Zoey yelled back, flying around the corner to avoid the bolt.

"You can't protect yourself forever…" Lyn hissed, shooting more red flames at her. Zoey stopped flying & stood her ground, as the red flames came towards her. She began to wave her arms I the air, slowly, before bringing her hands together as her whole body began to glow in a blue aura, like her bright blue eyes. She reached out one hand as it began to flame blue, the flames getting bigger by the second.

"Take this for protection." she said, smiling, before blue waves shot from her hand & circled the red flames that were coming towards her. Before the flames could hit her, the blue waves disappeared as they seemed to embed themselves into the red flames as they became ice crystals. Zoey jumped from her spot as they hit the wall behind her & crumbled.

"Not bad…you are able to freeze fire with fire…" Lydia rubbed her chin as if to be thinking. She chuckled & glared at her with a smile, "All the more reason to want you for a victim…"


"Don't you understand, Zoey? The harder you are to defeat…" Lyn jumped into the air & aimed for Zoey, "The more powerful you are…" She kicked Zoey in the face before Zoey could think to move, sending her falling over. She landed in front of her. "And more power for you means more power for me." Lyn grabbed Zoey's collar & lifted her up. "My mark will be delivered to you, Zoey…"

"I don't know what you're talking about…" Zoey said. She reached out with both her arms & revealed her palms were blue again. A shimmering, blue shield erupted from her hands & in front of her, blocking anything Lyn could throw at her. Before she knew it, large, blue waves exploded from the wavy shield, sending Lyn flying across the room & into the wall. Lyn gave a soft groan & slid onto the ground.

"You're right about one thing…" she said, "I shouldn't have expected this to be easy if I expect to be as powerful as I know I will be…" She stood up & her hands began to glow red. She shot a red beam at Zoey, before Zoey did a flip around the blast as it hit the wall behind her.

"Yeah, that can't be the best you can do…" Zoey said, smiling & now, standing on one hand.

"It's not." Lyn charged at Zoey & rammed into her. They both knocked into the wall & grabbed each other's hands, pushing on each other. Zoey lit up her hand with blue flames. Lydia did the same with her hand as it began to flame red. They shot their arms into the air, releasing the energy into the air. Their energy balls got bigger & bigger by the second. After a few seconds, Lyn & Zoey were able to hold the huge energy balls on one of their fingers. They threw the balls of energy at each other. But, instead of hitting Lyn & Zoey's targets, the two balls collided & exploded in flashes of purple. The energy blats sent the two flying in opposite directions, each of them flying into the wall. Lyn sat up & rubbed her head, as did Zoey.

"Let's finish this…" Lyn said, heating up.

"I gotta get out of here or she'll fight me all night." Zoey said to herself. She reached out & blue flames circled around a part of the wall, drilling into it. Zoey gave a determined look, before a circle was cut in the wall & the wall dissolved into thin air. "Here goes nothing…" Just as Zoey hit the exit, a bright white light erupted from it & blinded her for a moment. She screamed, as she felt herself moving through a vortex, but, only for a second. Before she knew it, she plopped back into her bed & was back in her room.

"Whoa…" she said to herself. "Was…that all a dream?" Suddenly, the door slammed open, startling her. Zoey gasped. "GO AWAY, LYDIA!" She pulled the covers over her face. Her light snapped on, revealing it was only her mom. "Oh…hi, mom…"

"What's going on, honey? I heard you scream."

"I…" She paused, deciding she could deal with this on her own. "Umm…I'm fine. I…thought I saw a big spider…"

"Oh…well, ok…good night…"

"Good night…" She turned off the light & closed the door. Zoey panted for a moment, before looking at her window. She crawled across her bed & pulled the curtains back & looked out the window. Lightning flashed across the sky. The storm was still going. Zoey smiled, weakly & wiped sweat from her forehead, before turning to go to bed.

"What til' I tell him what happened." she said to herself.


Him otherwise known as Lightning. XD *hugs Lightning*

Lightning: Get off of me...

Me: No, you're too awesome!