Hey wonderful readers! I'm back this time with a different story! This is my first Kissed By an Angel fic so I hope you like it!!
He's gone, forever. My Tristan has been taken away from me and there's nothing I can do about it. One minute we are sitting in the his car going out to eat and the next……I wake up in the hospital being told that we were in a terrible car accident and he didn't make it. My best friend, my soul mate, my love is gone from the world. And I can't bring him back. Ever. I've now lost every last bit of faith left in me, even my faith in angels is gone. Nothing will ever bring that faith back.
I feel as if my heart has been shattered into a million pieces, like a whole other part of me has been erased. I'm numb, completely numb. I feel very alone, like I'm the only one that exists. No one seems to understand that.
At school I've been asked to see the guidance counselor to help me get through my grief, but the visits don't do any good. I still miss him terribly. So far nothing has helped me feel any better. I don't think anything will. My friends haven't helped much either. They don't understand how empty I am inside.
"Ivy you have to move on," my friend Suzanne said to me during lunch today. She has not been helpful at all these past few days. She and I haven't been on the best of terms since she thinks I'm stealing Gregory away from her.
"Suzanne, do you really expect me to get over Tristan that easily? You don't understand AT ALL how i feel. You have NO idea how much he meant to me," I yelled back trying to control the tears in the back of my eyes.
"Fine. Then sit here and sulk over him if that's all you can do. I don't care what you do." She left me there sitting alone and staring at my unopened lunch. I needed peace and sitting here in a crowded cafeteria wasn't going to get me any. I threw out my uneaten lunch, having absolutely no appetite and left the cafeteria.
I found an empty bench outside in the school courtyard. I sat down and I just let a few tears fall. It was cold outside but I couldn't have cared less. I didn't even notice the flakes that were slowly making their way down to the ground. How could Suzanne know how I feel? She's never lost anyone before. She doesn't understand the hurt, the… emptiness I feel. As I continue to sit and try to control the tears I hear someone behind me.
"Ivy are you okay?" I turned to see Beth looking at me with a sorrowful expression on her face.
I couldn't lie to her. "No, I'm not. I miss him Beth… so much. It's getting so hard to walk from class to class and see his friends watch me as if it's my fault he died, like I'm the one who put the deer in front of the car. I- I just don't k-know what to do anym-more," I was sobbing at this point.
Beth sat down next to me put an arm around my shoulder. "It's okay. You'll be okay. You know it's not your fault. Tristan didn't see the deer come at the car. So stop beating yourself up so much okay? Its not your fault… at all."
I just nodded and wiped my tears with my sleeve. "Thanks Beth, you're a great friend. It still doesn't change how I feel though." Beth smiled.
"And it probably won't, not for a while. But it's all part of the grieving process. Just know that you do have people behind you, even if you don't think you do." I nodded again and hugged Beth. Sometimes I don't know what I would do if I didn't have friends to get me through this.
"Yeah I guess. Well I'll see you after school right?" I asked her. She's been driving me to school since the accident. She's afraid that if I drove myself I'd crash my own car in attempt of suicide.
"Uh yeah about that. I'm meeting my mom after school for dinner. It's a mother/daughter bonding thing she's trying. Sorry!" Great, now what am I going to do.
"Its okay Beth," I lie. "I'll find someone. See you tomorrow," I said as the bell rang for sixth period.
I've been standing outside school for twenty minutes now. All of my possible rides are already gone so I'm stuck here until I can get a hold of my mom. I can't help but think of Tristan again. He was always there for me when I needed him. Now it seems like no one is anymore.
"Ivy? What are you still doing here?" I jumped about a foot not realizing Will had been standing behind me. He and Beth are the only two I feel who have been helping me through this.
"I uh couldn't find a ride home. So I was just about to call my mom when you came," I said to him. I left out the fact that I've been trying to call her for the past 15 minutes.
"Oh. Well if you need a ride home I can take you…if you want me to that is." A sigh of relief washed through me. I was finally going home and getting out of the cold.
"Really? Thanks Will, I owe you one." I hugged him but then realizing what I was doing pulled away quickly. Wow that was awkward. I'd never done that before.
"Uh….sure no problem," he replied while clearing his throat feeling the same awkwardness. He led me to his car and opened the door for me. Once I was in he got in himself and started up the car. We were silent most of the way home. Feeling the awkwardness curling around us, I broke it.
"So what were you still doing at school?" I asked kind of curious.
"I needed to make up an exam for my trig class. It was the only time my teacher could give it to me," he replied casually.
"Oh," I said. That's all I could think of to say.
"I'm sorry about Tristan by the way," Will said. He knows how depressed I am. "Thank you," I muttered quietly back to him.
As we continued to drive I couldn't keep my mind off of Tristan. I really missed him and I wish that I could have seen him one last time and tell him how much I loved him. But I know that no matter how hard I wish it won't ever happen.
About 5 minutes later we arrived at my home. My other family members weren't home yet which I was relieved of. Ever since Tristan's death my mom and stepdad have been very quiet around me, probably afraid that they would say the wrong thing.
I turned to Will and smiled. "Um… thanks for the ride Will."
He didn't look at me but just nodded and muttered a 'your welcome'. I got out of the car and went into house hearing the car leave behind me. After I got inside and shut the door I slid down to the floor and cried. This has been a hard past few days. And it can only get worse… right??
Well was it good so far?? Let me know what you think. The next chapter will be up within the next few weeks. Okay you may review now =]