I got this idea after watching 'The Kur Guardian' episode. Is silly and not very well thought out, but oh well.

I should get back to work on 'Failure.'

Fiskerton never really thought about it. He never needed to.

The villagers were terrified of him. People were generally horrified by his red eyes. Fisk couldn't figure out why they screamed and ran. All he did was eat little things, like birds and bugs. The villagers didn't try to understand him.

The Saturdays saved him. They were friendly and open-minded. They understood him perfectly.

Every thought he wanted to convey they understood while he only grunted and whined.

During his stay with the Saturdays he met many different people. No matter the language, if they weren't scared, they understood what Fisk said… and he understood them. He felt connected to them and the world. None of the others seemed to feel such. Komodo and Zon simply knew emotions. Humans couldn't actually speak with them like they did with Fiskerton. What made Fisk different?

Zak was different from the others. Most humans (and even most cryptids) were somewhat closed off to the world. Zak's mind was open; at least to cryptids. Zak's words drifted into the minds of creatures. Even when Zak was a child, Fisk noticed the phenomenon. Fiskerton always felt like he had to press his mind into that of other to get them to understand him; with Zak, he didn't need to.

Fiskerton never really thought about how come everyone always understood him. He never needed to. He realized how why they did when his heritage was revealed to him. IT spoke to him and everyone. The stone head was psychic because it was build to be like his people.

Fiskerton was telepathic.