
Leah is still with Sam, thing is, he has imprinted on Emily and hasn't broken up with Leah… yet. Leah finds something out, tells Sam and they argue. Leah makes two life changing decisions; making her the enemy. What will happen to her when she comes back home? Who will accept her? Will anyone except her? AU. Leah's POV.

A/N: This is my first story, so please be nice :3. No flames please. Oh, and lemons may come up later. So, this is my warning.

When life gives you lemons you make lemonade, not flames.


Nothing Can Take Away What we have…

I awoke slowly, my eyes adjusting to the darkness in my room. I sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes when a wave of nausea hit me and I made a B-Line to the bathroom, throwing myself over the toilet. The rice, beans and chicken from last night came rushing back up and into the toilet. After a few minutes of dry heaving, I finally stooped. I looked down at the different shades of brown chunks in the water and almost threw up again. I reached a weak arm up and flushed the toilet, watching as the chunks swirled and were finally gone.

Ugh, that's nasty… that's already been 4 days in a row, I thought rising off the cold floor and leaning onto the sink for support. I turned the cold water on, cupped my hands under the running water and rinsed my mouth out. Taking in a few ragged breaths, I brushed my teeth and then washed my face off. I stared at myself in the mirror. My pale face, bed-head, and shaky form was all new to me. I'm strong Leah for god sakes! What's wrong with m-

"Leah! Get out of the bathroom! I really hafta go!" Seth yelled, pounding on my door, interrupting my thoughts. I quickly sprayed the bathroom with Febreze not wanting him to smell my vomit in the air and opened the door.

"D'aw, poor wittle Sethy," I teased, he just pouted and pushed past me, slamming the door behind me. I laughed at our playfulness before going downstairs. It was time I told my mom about my random nauseas in the morning and cravings for ice cream. She might know what it was, I wouldn't say it out loud, but my mom was all knowing. I walked into my room, putting on a bra before looking at the calendar on the wall. Saturday, May 17... wait… I'm late… t-this can't be… I-I'm…, I clamped my hand over my stomach, eyes wide in fear and something crossed my face that I didn't quite understand

I threw on a pair of jeans and a tank top before rushing out of the house, grabbing dad's car keys and my wallet before driving to the Pharmacy in Forks. If I went to the one at the Rez they would've told my mom and dad…not something I want to happen before I actually find out if I have…. Sam's child…I couldn't even think about it without a smile forming on my face. I loved him and he loved me. What was there in the world that could break that?

Arriving at the Pharmacy I walked through the aisles before I found a small pink box reading, First Response. I grabbed it and walked to the cashier, hands shaking. The woman looked at me and then at the box before smiling sadly at me.

"That'll be $10.57," she said before putting the box in a plastic bag and I handed her a 10 dollar bill and a 1.

"K-Keep the change," I smiled before she handed me the plastic bag before a knowing smile spread across her face.

"Theirs a bathroom on the left side of the building," She said before turning around, leaving me speechless, staring at the plastic bag. I sighed, Where was ballsy Leah when I needed her?

Walking out of the Pharmacy and into the ladies bathroom on the left side of the building, I sat on the lidded toilet in a stall. I took out the pink box, reading the directions over and over. It was digital, it should all be okay, I reassured myself before pulling the tab off of the end of it and peeing on it.

I stared at my watch… 10 minutes was way too fucking long to figure this out… What would Sam say? He's been a bit distanced from me lately… what if he's- no! He's a good man! He loves me! Everything's going to be okay. Its an early family, but I know things will work out. He's a good man, a good man… I kept chanting to myself before I looked down at my watch. I had spent 12 minutes thinking, It's now or never. I grabbed the stick taking in a ragged deep breath. I look down at the digital letters on the stick: Pregnant. Won't Sam be happy! He told me he wanted to raise a family with me. He even gave me a promise ring. I looked at the small diamond ring on my left hand and then the stick.

Now, all I had to do was tell Sam… I can't believe I would doubt anything. My life has always been pretty happy. Theirs no way it could turn around now. I smiled to myself, thinking about what Sam's face would look like when I told him that we were expecting a little ball of fluff in a nine months…

I was getting my family.

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