I was in my room packing to leave, tears rolled down my cheeks. There was a knock on my door frame. I turned around to see Chad standing by the door with his hands in his pockets. I quickly wiped away the tears. He looked concerned and walked up to me. "Your eyes aren't supposed to rain, you know." I let out a small laugh. "Come here." I fell into his arms and he held me while I cried. He didn't say a word, just stroked my hair. I pulled away and I thought I saw tears in his eyes.
"Chad Dylan Cooper, crying?" I asked with a small smile on my face.
"No, I just got some dust in my eyes." He wiped his eyes off and then held out his hand. I grabbed it along with my bag and we went downstairs. The rest of our friends were down there looking glum. Tawni's pink suitcases rested at her feet and she let out a sigh. Grady and Nico sat in silence looking at the floor. Aubrey sat on the couch and looked as if she might cry. Chad walked over to Aubrey and put his hand on her shoulder. "Hey Kiddo." Aubrey looked up at Chad and managed to smile a small smile.
"I'm going to miss you Cooper," she said.
"I'm going to miss you too Brooke." My uncle came into the room and smiled slightly.
"You kids have been a big help," he said.
"No problem sir." Chad walked over to my uncle and instead of a hand shake, they hugged.
"Call me Uncle Joe." Chad smiled.
"Ok, Uncle Joe." They hugged one more time and then I walked up to my uncle. He smiled down at me and enveloped me in a hug.
"Maybe that boy has changed." He looked over at Chad.
"Yeah, he has," I smiled over at Chad.
"You know darling, I don't think the farm did any more than show that kid what hard work was like. You're the one that changed him."
"What, no." My uncle smiled.
"Even since the beginning, every time Chad looked at you, there was something in his eyes. It was like he looked up to you." I snorted.
"Chad, look up to me, no."
"Think what you want, but the side of Chad Dylan Cooper you're seeing now, was all, because of you." A horn beeped from outside. "Looks like your rides here." We walked outside to see a limo parked in front of the house.
"A limo Chad, really?" Chad raised his eyebrows.
"I didn't call for a limo," he said.
"I did," my uncle said. We all looked at him confused. "I think you guys have ridden in my old truck long enough, besides we needed something that could fit all of you." We all smiled and said our last goodbyes. We got into the limo and started to drive off. Aubrey sat on the front steps of the farm house with tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Stop the car!" I yelled. The driver stopped and I jumped out of the car and ran over to Aubrey. Chad did the same. She looked up at me and I smiled. "How would you like to be on So Random?" Her eyes light up.
"Or Mackenzie Falls," Chad said. Her eyes grew wider.
"I really think she wants to be on So Random." We started walking to the limo.
"I think she wants to be on Mackenzie Falls."
"Well I think she wants to be on So Random, because I'm practically like an older sister to her." I put my arm around her.
"Well I think she wants to be on Mackenzie Falls, because I'm practically like an older brother to her." He put his arm around her and we got into the car.
"So Random." We started to drive off.
"Mackenzie Falls."
"So Random."
"Mackenzie Falls."
"So Random."
"Mackenzie Falls."
"Mackenzie Falls."
"So Random."
"Ha, I got you."
I really hope you enjoyed this story, I am planing to write a sequal, "Back To California," where Chad's new reputaion is put to the test.