Episode Two Pt. 2: A Different Kind of Game Show

The campers walked into the bathroom and immediately started getting showers. Luckily, Chris had installed twenty-two showers for everyone to use. (One remained empty due to Xander already getting his shower.)

After her shower, Ella started yelling at her team mates. "Come on guys. We need to win the next challenge!" She yelled. "Or else one of you is going home tonight!"

"What makes you so sure you're not going home tonight?" Ruby asked. "I mean, I'm so tempted to beat you up right now." Ruby cracked her knuckles, acting tough.

"Just stay out of my way, Rudy."

"It's Ruby!"


"That's it!" Ruby jumped on Ella and began to mess with her hair. The boys stared at the girls with a lot of joy.

"Awesome! Ben said. "Girl fights!"

The boys and other girls formed a circle around Ella and Ruby as they began to fight and pull out hair.

Just when it was about to get good, Chef came rushing in. He wore a nurse's outfit and a little nurse hat.

"Out of my way!" He yelled. He picked up Ella from Ruby and carried Ella to the infirmary.


Confession Cam

Ella: "Ruby…is so…" Ella fell to the ground of the outhouse. She muttered "dead", and then fainted.


Chris looked at the campers as they were in their team groups. "Okay guys, after that little fight in the bathroom," Chris looked at Ruby, who showed no affection. "I've decided to do something that's not physical. A game show!"

"Come on," Fred said. "I'm not in kindergarten."

"I know that. But I have one question for all of you. How many watched the original season of TDI?" Chris asked.

Mostly everyone raised their hands.

"How many didn't?"

Only Fred raised his hand.

"Good," Chris said. "Then this should be fair. Please follow me to the amphitheater, where I will welcome to you to…" Chris led the twenty-one to the amphitheater, where two long tables with eleven leather chairs running down it. On the tables were little red buzzers. In the middle of the two tables was a podium, and above that was a sign that said 'TDI Quiz Show'. "…To the TDI Quiz Show!"

Melissa started jumping up and down. "O my gosh. This is gonna be so much fun!" Her red hair was shaking everywhere.

The two teams sat down at the tables. Chris stood up at his podium. "OK, this is how this is gonna work. I'll ask about twenty questions about the first season, and the first team to get it right scores a point. Ready?"

Mostly everyone nodded.

"Question numba one. Name the final five of last season."

Immediately, Mia rang her buzzer.

"Yes Mia?" Chris asked looking down at his answer cards.

"Owen, Cody---"


Mia was interrupted by a loud buzzer.

"Sorry Mia, but that's wrong. Raging Wolves, who do you, think?" Chris asked looking from Mia to the Wolves.

Oliver talked it over with his team and then buzzed in. "Owen, Gwen, Heather, Duncan, and Leshawna!"


"CORRECT!" Chris exclaimed. "One point for Raging Wolves!"

The Eagles looked over at Mia, not happy with her. But finally, Elijah stood up for. "Guys, it was only the first question."

"Question two, who were the two people to return in the middle of the season?" Chris asked.

Alyssa buzzed in. "Izzy and Eva."


"Correct! The scores are now tied! Next question…"

Soon, the score was 19 to 19. Only question remained. Chris looked down at the campers, who were eager to hear the question.

"This is the last question everybody. But before we continue, please welcome back, Ella!" Chris yelled.

Ella rode in a wheel chair out onto the stage pushed by Chef to her seat. Chef moved the seat out of the way and wheeled Ella into the spot.

The Raging Wolves eyed her.


Confession Cam

Ella: Those people are really starting to annoy me!


"Here's the last question…" Chris said. "…Name the elimination order of season one!"

Everyone looked at Chris, puzzled.

But one person remained calm. It was…












He stood up. "Chris, I know! Ezekiel, Eva, Noah, Justin, Katie, Tyler, Izzy, Cody, Beth, Sadie, Courtney, Harold, Eva again, Trent, Bridgette, Lindsay, DJ, Izzy again, Geoff, Leshawna, Mr. Cocoanut, Duncan, Heather, Gwen, and the winner, Owen!"

"Is that your final answer?" Chris asked.

Fred nodded. "Well, then the Shrieking Eagles win the first challenge!" Chris yelled.

"Yes!" Fred cheered.

Ella turned to her team mates. 'You guys stink!" She yelled.

"That's it. You're SO going home." Ruby replied.


Confession Cam

Ella: All I need is for Melissa, Alice, Arianna, Xander and Zoe to help me vote to get Ruby off.


End of chapter three! I'm leaving for vacation in a few minutes so I decided to post this before we left. Enjoy!