I'm probably going to have a person or two want to hunt me down and beat me for this but…I can't finish this story.

I've out grown it and don't really care about it anymore. Every time I try to take time to write the next chapter I get bored and then irritated because I'm bored and pulling up blanks and I just quit.

I'm so sorry for anyone who still actually cared about where this story was going. I really am but I just care about Five Years, AWINKE, and My Nightmare more so they are what I want to focus on. (Comfort is going to be completed just because I'm almost done with it.)

I swore I wouldn't give up on any of my stories and I've made an even bigger liar out of myself than normal because here I am, quitting.

The only way this story will get finished is if you all help me with it. (I ain't feeling too optimistic about that idea since I don't think anyone's going help me out here but whatever…)

So, sorry. No one be mad at something I couldn't really help.
