Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or its characters.


"Bella wake up sweetie its time to start packing!!!" Renee yelled. Oh great I thought, at least she's sober this morning. Charlie and Renee split up when I was four and ever since then I have lived with alcoholic slash super mom Renee in Phoenix, Arizona.

I finally got up after about fifteen minutes of just staring at the wall in pain from the last gang beating with her and new hubby Phil. I got dressed in some sweats and a baby blue long sleeved shirt to hide the bruises. It's very hot in Phoenix and then very rainy in Seattle so they seemed like a good choice. My carry on was a dark blue windbreaker (AN: have you noticed her favorite color is blue) and a backpack of my very scant winter wardrobe. "Hurry up Bells we're gonna miss your flight." yelled Renee again starting to get angry. "Ok mom I'm coming."I yelled back.

I'm going to visit Charlie for two weeks like I look forward to every summer. I love it when Charlie takes me to the ocean it's so peaceful up there. I head out with my bag and silently get in the car in the back seat with Renee and Phil in the front acting like they didn't drunkenly beat the hell out of me last night. Before I left my room I took a big dose of aspirin to help with the pain from the probable broken wrist I got last night.

I can tell that Renee blames me for the divorce when I was four she started beating me two days before my fifth birthday. Now I'm 17 and I've been in the hospital more times than I can count. "Bella time to get on the plane. Have fun in Forks sweetie!" cooed Renee. Phil went and hugged me then he whispered in my ear "I better not hear that you told Charlie anything about our situation or I will punish you when you get home." "Yes sir" I whisper back. I pulled away and got on the plane.

I looked out the window to see the sun coming up from behind Mt. Rainier. I thought it was the prettiest site I had ever seen. The plane landed on the runway and everyone exited the plane I looked around to see a very smiling Charlie coming toward me. "Dad! I'm so happy to be here. I can't wait to get to the ocean and see my room again." I exclaimed. "Bella I'm glad you're happy to be here. We can go to the ocean tomorrow after you get settled in ok?" he said. "Sweet!" I am so happy here I feel as though the nightmare with Renee and Phil is another life altogether. Charlie led me to the City of Forks police cruiser. Oh did I forget to mention that Charlie is the Chief of Police in the little town of Forks?! Ironic huh?
We passed the high school and drove in silence for five minutes until we pulled into the drive way and climbed out.

Charlie led me up and into my old room and left me to shower and unpack. I spent all of five minutes unpacking because I had so little. I then went to the little bathroom and went into the shower. I let the hot water gently roll down my badly bruised back. I remembered how Phil and Renee stepped all over my back while I was down on the floor cleaning up my own blood from my cuts on my hand.

The beatings that night were horrible I shook just thinking about them again. Pain suddenly coursed down my arm and centered at my left wrist. I need to get Charlie to look at it while I'm here to make sure it's not broken or fractured. The hot water suddenly turned cold and I hopped out and got dressed.

Making my way downstairs I heard the TV in the living room on with the Mariners' game. Charlie was shouting his cheers for the Mariners' as they apparently trounced the Arizona Diamondbacks. "Hey Charlie have you made lunch if not I can go to the grocery store and get some stuff to make?" I asked. "Um….. Sure Bella go ahead there is some money in the cabinet above the stove for groceries." He absently replies still engrossed in his game. I went and grabbed the money in the cabinet and the keys to Charlie's personal car. The grocery store is on the other side of town.

I drive to the store and grab a cart and get lunch and dinner stuff for the entire time I'm here. Walking to the checkout stand I slipped on some water and land on my back. I feel the pain up and down my back where all the bruises are. When I see a clerk coming to help me up I cringe away from the contact not wanting the male to touch me. He was very big and tall he looked too much like Phil for my liking. I hurried and paid for my items and went to Charlie's car and downed another dose of aspirin for the pain in my back and wrist.

I hurried home and made lunch silently while Charlie finished watching his game. When the game was over Charlie came to sit at the table and noticed how swollen my wrist was. "Hey Bella we should get that looked at when we go to town tomorrow that looks pretty bad. How did it happen?" He asked. "I fell coming down the stairs at school in Phoenix and landed on it wrong. It hurts so badly right now I think I broke it." I lied.

I was thinking how it really happened I came home late from school one day and Phil was drunk and Renee was still at work. Phil got pissed and threw me to the floor and my wrist snapped. "Hey Bella you ok?" Charlie asked. "Yea I'm fine just hurts a lot." I said. "Ok Bells I'll take you to the doctor tomorrow, do you think you'll be ok until then?" Charlie asked me concern showing through his eyes. "Of course" I said smiling "don't trouble yourself." "I'm gonna go take a nap ok Charlie?" I asked. " Sure thing Bells go right ahead."He replied. I went back to my room and laid down on my bed and within minutes was deeply asleep.

So wat do you think should i continue or not. Please review!!!!!!!!!!! - Riley