My hands Clench in agony, my heaRt does the same.

Enough has happened, enough is dead.

Living is useless, death iS on it's way.

Life just isn't worth living, there is nothing i can do.

On death row, i'm next in line.

So mAtt, i'm coming after you.

Basically, you got the first word right there. So it's kinda just one word. But there are two.


I think there has been confusion, because of the name of the fic. It's inaccuretly called L's poem. These arn't just talking about L. So now, as part of the hint, I'm gonna give you each of the character's names, although I WILL NOT change the other chapters, 'cuz I'm lazy. I'm also going to call the fic "Death Note codes," when I write the next chapter, just so those "unknown" users can find it, and no one gets cunfuzzled.

Here are the clues:

Both words (there are two) end in "S."

This has to deal with Mello (If you haven't figured it out already.)

Please, I request now that you PM me the answer so you don't give it away. I have a couple of "unknown" users who don't have accounts, but I don't want anyone to give away answers, then PM me and take credit for all the hard work YOU did. Which sucks. ( Actually, if you don't have a account and wish to tell me the answer, plz reveiw one of my other stories with the answer - I'll delete it then give you credit, although I prefer you read the stories, also. )


~LBR/ Z /whatever you want to call me, as long as it's cool and has no curse or icky words in it. (No matter how much you think it suites my persona. )