This will be the only Disclaimer that covers all chapters in this story:
Disclaimer: I am not JKR and I do not claim rights to her characters. Just mine.
Four years ago, I got the letter saying that I would be attending a school filled with witches and wizards. Something I had never believed to be true. I had came to find out that my parents have never even heard of the school, and had always lived with the belief that witches and wizards were only for Halloween purposes and to scare children.
Odd as I was, I ventured to a place called Diagon Alley where I came across with only witches and wizards. I got robes, books, and supplies that I never had in my mind would exist. I landed on the Hogwarts express, crossed the lake and came to the sorting of students into houses. I didn't realize how this would affect me. I was muggle-born and yet, when my name was called.
"Marty Mayhem." I walked up to the stool and sat, the hat placed ontop of me.
"Born from muggles, I see..." The hat had began to speak to me, "...but I do so believe I know what house you belong in..." There was a pause before it bellowed out, "SLYTHERIN!" I stood from the stool and walked to my table, everyone was clapping.
I was the first muggle-born witch to enter Slytherin in nearly fifty years. And that wasn't suppose to be something I was proud of. It wasn't until four years later, on my fifteenth birthday that my parents were killed by a group of evil wizards, Death Eaters, and from there, my life seemed to crumble around me. Harassed, tortured, and hated, I lived my life as a Slytherin. Even in my second year, I requested to switch houses, but the hat refused, saying Slytherin is where I longed to be.
I heard the door open and I turned, "Good evening." I called with a smile as I set down the freshly cleaned cup. The three sat down at the bar and ordered their drinks, I obediately got them and set them down in front of them. "And a Butterbeer for the minor." I said setting it down in front of the familiar face of Regulus Black. This had to be his parents that were with him.
Regulus Black was a year ahead of me, and he had never spoken a word to me in my years of Hogwarts. Actually hardly anyone in Slytherin ever spoke to me, even durring Potions they would ask for a different partner. I could feel him glare at me for saying that, but it was true. He was only sixteen. "Is there anything else I can do for you?" I asked his parents.
"We're just waiting for some friends." His mother spoke, using friends on the lighter term.
"Isn't Marty a boys name?" Regulus asked spotting my name tag.
"Yes." I nodded, I knew very well I wouldn't be able to retort anything back with his parents who could easily hex me. "I'm quite fond of my name as well."
"I didn't say I don't like it." Regulus said flipping his hair out of his eyes as he took a sip of his butterbeer. I looked at him for a moment before attending to a couple at the end of the bar. I came back when a couple of shady figures sat down by Regulus' parents.
"Good evening. What may I help you with?" I asked the two people.
"Clear out this place except for us five." The one on my left said, "We have things to discuss."
"We have a private room in the back if you wish to have a conversation." I said not wanting to have to kick customers out. "Would that be good enough? We're not allowed to close the store unless there is something of great measure, and even then, you would have to leave too."
"You've got some nerve, girl." Regulus' mother said as I felt five pairs of eyes on me. "But the room will work."
I nodded with a smile. "Please follow me." I said before jumping over the bar, and landing gracefully on my feet. I led them to the stairs onto the second floor and up them. There was a private meeting room on the second floor for business deals, or- as my boss liked to call them- finding dark job's. "Here you go." I said opening the room and walking in. I pulled out my wand and gave it a flick, the lights turning on. "When you're done, let me know."
I turned and left, hearing as I left, "Regulus, wait outside until we call for you."
I jumped over the railing and landed on the ground before going back to my station at the bar. "Hit me." The drunken guy said slamming his glass down again. I flicked my wand, his glass refilling instantly with the same brandy he had been drinking.
"Five gallons." I told him as he paid me again. If witches and wizards were not so drunk, they could have easily refilled it by themselves, but then again, my boss had said that there was a charm on the place that doesn't allow anyone but the workers to refill glasses. I pushed my dark brown hair from my face as it slipped from behind my ears again.
I looked up and sitting on the staircase was Regulus Black, watching me. I looked away quickly back at the drunken customer. "Hit me." He said again slamming the glass down. "Aren't you a little young to be using magic, girl?" He asked, his words slurring together as I refilled his drink and he paid me five gallons.
"It doesn't matter. They needed workers and I need money to live." I said without much explanation. "I think this is your last drink, sir." I said seeing how he was slouching over the bar and looking like he was on the verge of passing out.
"You can't tell me what to or what not to do!" He roared, furious as he stood up and slammed the glass back down, shattering it. He pulled out his wand as I flicked my wand to repair the glass and I set it in the sink underneath to be cleaned as I watched him.
"You're going to try and use magic on me sir?" I said almost with a laugh. "You are obviously drunk and need to be sent home immediately."
He swung his wand towards me and I merely moved to the right a hair, causing the spell to move past me and shatter all the bottles behind me. "Shame shame..." I said with a sigh as I flicked my wand, they all flew back onto the shelves, repaired and filled. "You need to learn a lesson, sir. You do not threaten me..." The place had been emptied except for a couple others at the bar. "Crucio." I hissed knocking him off his stool and sending him into agonizing pain. I released him after a minute and he stood, leaving the bar and apparating away outside.
My eyes traveled up to Regulus who caught my eye as he had stood up quickly and was leaning over the railing watching closely with an amused look on his face before he walked down the stairs, one last glance up to where his parents were at before walking over. "Would you like something to drink, sir?" I asked as if nothing had happened. I pulled out the dish and began to clean it.
"How do you know that curse?" Regulus questioned me as I set the now clean glass on the rack behind me, full of other clean glasses.
"It was used on my parents last month before they were killed." I said nonchalantly. My parents death didn't bother me as much as people would think. I guess maybe it was the fact that I had turned myself from everything and everyone. That included emotions and family. "Back then I wasn't allowed to be able to use magic legally." I explained to him, "But since then I've had to move into a room downstairs here and I work night shift so I have a place to live, and work until school starts again."
"You witnessed your parents death?" Regulus said sounding incredulously.
"Yes." I said with a nod. "The two that are talking to your parents in the room upstairs. It was one of them." Regulus looked at me stunned, "It's not like my parents could fight back. They're muggles, you see."
"You're muggle-born?" Regulus asked, it appeared that he had not the slightest clue.
"Yes." I nodded, "You did not know? That's why all of Slytherin ignores me."
"Regulus." His father said coming to the railing on the stairs.
"Looks like duty calls." I said as he got up and left back with his father to the room.
The next time I would have seen Regulus would have been on the Hogwarts express as I sat in a compartment by myself, reading a muggle book that I had brought to read on the train. It had been about two hours since the train left the station when my compartment door opened and I looked up to see Regulus.
"Regulus?" I said, my shock apparent that anyone was coming to sit with me. I knew he was a Prefect, so he must have just gotten off duty. Behind him was three other students from Slytherin, all sixth and seventh years. I recognized Severus Snape, a seventh year prefect, and Rae Barton, a sixth year pureblood who's father was chief editor of the Daily Prophet. The last one I didn't recognize, but I knew that they were a seventh year Slytherin.
"Marty Mayhem, right?" Rae Barton said holding her hand out to me, "The imfamous Mudblood in Slytherin." I cringed at the term still. Mudblood
"Don't use that term." Severus Snape snapped at Rae.
"Sorry. I can't help it." Rae sighed, "I'm Rae Barton, and this is Severus Snape, and Samantha Frygance."
"It's nice to meet you." I lied but smiled anyways. The three of them sat opposite of me, leaving Regulus to sit on my left, "Don't you have better Slytherins to sit with that aren't me?"
"You don't want us to sit with you?" Samantha asked me, looking at me oddly.
"No- it's just..." I paused and looked at them, "Nobody ever sits with me. Not even the first years that haven't been placed."
"That's harsh." Rae sneered, "Do you have any friends at Hogwarts?"
"Nope." I said nonchalantly as I stole a glance from the window. The sky was turning crimson, and quick. "And it doesn't really bother me. Friends will only later on back stab you and you can't really trust anyone in the world."
"That's just your Slytherin side talking." Rae laughed and I could feel them all staring at me. "We're the lot that you should be hanging out with."
"You'd actually let a mudblood in our group?" Samantha hissed to Rae. There was a knock on the compartment door before it slid open. "What is it third year?!"
"Regulus Black, Severus Snape, Samantha Frygance, and Rae Barton... Professor Slughorn told me to give these to you." The third year boy said, his eyes landing on me for some reason. He handed everyone else the rolled up parchments and left, his eyes never leaving mine before he turned and ran down the corridor.
"What was that all about?" Samantha sneered at the compartment door that Regulus closed. She then turned her brown eyes to me, "Did you know him?"
"No." I said, and truthfully I didn't.
"I'm not going again." Regulus said with a sigh. "You guys can go ahead." Severus stood and made his way to the compartment door, Rae and Samantha in tow of him. I must have showed some confusion when Regulus switched sides so he was across from me. "Professor Slughorn has a thing called the Slug Club and he's always trying to get me to go to it. I've been enough times on the train that I don't need to go again." I nodded, still a little lost.
"You're a fifth year, right?" Regulus asked me, as if he was interested.
"Yes, but I don't very well know why you act like you're interested." I said as I shifted so I was leaning against the window side of the compartment and my legs were spread onto the cusioned seat. "That day that you were at the bar with your parents. You went upstairs to discuss with the two Death Eater about when you'll be joining right?" He shifted a bit, looking like he regretted staying almost with me in my compartment.
"How did you-"
"It's easy really..." I said quickly, cutting him off. "Legilimency is a skill of mine. Occlumency is its counter-part, so I would be excellent in both." He looked a bit dumbfounded, so I continued, "I can read peoples mind, and make sure nobody can read mine."
"I know what they are." Regulus shot, annoyed with me portraying him as an inferior person to me, although I did not see it that way. "You don't feel that it's invading the mind and others personal space?"
"You should get use to it because Lord Voldemort doesn't seem to think it is. He's excellent at Legilimency and Occlumency." I told him casually as I looked at his eyes. They were that unique grey that was rarely seen anymore.
"Are you doing that right now?!" Regulus said, guessing that I had been doing legilimency on him.
"Oh- no." I said, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks as I looked away. The train ride became quiet for the next couple of hours before Severus, Samantha and Rae all returned near the end of the ride. Regulus was reading Advance Potion Making while I was continuing the muggle book I had brought.
"Did we miss anything?" Rae asked, I picked up she was the most talkative in the group, and Severus was the one that kept them in check. Samantha, I picked up, was all about blood purity, and Regulus was a confused animal not sure if he was on the side of good or evil. "Apparently not..." Her eyes scanned Regulus and I. "And I thought something interesting would have happened."
"Sorry to disappoint you." Regulus said with a sigh. I glanced from him for a second before looking back to Samantha and Rae. Severus was all ready sitting down next to Regulus. I moved my legs and Rae sat down next to me while Samantha sat by Severus. I had the feeling she didn't want to be around me, but was raised not to be rude.
When we arrived at Hogsmead a couple hour later, it was the first time in my life at Hogwarts to ride in the carriages. I would typically end up walking to the gates, and through the forbidden forest. I noticed the skeleton winged horses that pulled the carriages that I had never noticed before. I didn't say anything as I did a quick check to the others to see if they knew what the horses were, but nobody did.
Severus Snape, however, had blocked me from getting into his mind when I glanced around at them, and I felt his eyes bare into me, long and hard. I didn't meet his glare as I watched ahead of me, ahead of the horses. Sitting through the long sorting, I zoned out, waited for the food before we were all dismissed to the common rooms to prepare for the next day.
"You see her..." I glanced up to see one of the girls in my dorm talking to a group of first year students, " don't want to go around her. She's a filthy mudblood you see, and you don't want to be caught talking to her, or being around her..." I saw the first years all nod, as if taking notes, and taking in who I was.
I ignored it as a yawn escaped my lips, "You look tired." Rae said catching me as she walked by. "I had a problem with a certain roommate of mine, and so I'm in your dorm now. Since there was an extra bed and all." I smiled, someone who actually was not afraid to talk to me would be in my dorm.
"That's great." I said with a smile, "But the girls in my dorm, they usually don't like me as you can guess."
"Yeah, especially the likes of Lyla Vlasic." Rae said rolling her eyes. We both glanced to the girl telling the first years to stay away from me. "She refuses to talk to even half-bloods, such as myself."
"I thought you were a pureblood." I gawped.
"Nope." Rae smiled, "A majority of the people around think both Severus and I are, but we're both half."
"I thought Slytherin was full of Pure-bloods and one mudblood." I said as we made our way to the door the lead to the dormitories.
"Ha, the way you talk, I'm suprised people don't think you're a pureblood." Rae laughed as we pushed open the door to our room. I let out a small laugh too, wishing it was true. "We'll have breakfast in the morning together. Until then, I need to sleep." Rae told me as she found her bed and pulled out her nightgown.
I did the same and soon, I was letting dreams and darkness take over me as I slipped away from reality into the dream world. There was something eerie about my dreams, the same pair of eyes appeared in every dream and I didn't understand why. There were only two people that I knew that had those eyes, and they were brothers. Regulus and Sirius Black.
New story. I know it was suppose to be out yesterday but I had some difficulties... I'm sorry. Review and tell me what you think?