A/N: I'm back with my new favorite pairing! Tonks/Ginny!

It was just after the Final Battle, Voldemort was dead and the wizarding world was free. The survivors were gathered in the Great Hall to celebrate and to mourn their dead. Nymphadora Tonks was crying as she knelt next to her dead husband's body. Remus Lupin had been hit by a stray killing curse just before the break. He looked peaceful in death, more peaceful than he had ever looked in life.

Just a few rows away, stood Ginny Weasley and her family as they crowded around Fred's body. All of their faces were tear-streaked. Ginny stood up and walked away from her family to get a little breathing room.

Tonks left the Great Hall and walked towards the lake so she could think. Ginny was right behind her and ran to catch up.

"Tonks, hey! How are you?" Ginny greeted quietly.

"I'll be okay, Ginny, I'll be okay." Tonks whispered.

"Do you want to walk with me around the lake?" Ginny questioned.

"Sure," Tonks responded as they set off around the lake.

They walked quietly as they pondered all that had happened in just a few short hours. They stayed silent and enjoyed the company as they finished their loop around the lake. Before they entered Hogwarts and faced the grief, they gave each other a hug, a hug that helped each of them realiza that life goes on even when someone you love doesn't. Ginny went and rejoined her family and Tonks apparated to her mother's house.


"Nymphadora! You're okay!" Adromeda Tonks yelled as she ran to her daughter and hugged her tightly. Tonks just hugged her mother and sobbed into her shoulder.

"He's dead, mum. Remus is dead!" Tonks wailed before hearing her son cry. Tonks let go of her mother and ran to her son. She picked picked him up and cradled him to her chest. His hair changed to a bright turquoise as he stopped crying and looked up at her.


"Ginny! Where did you go?!" Mrs. Weasley cried out as she saw her daughter re-enter the Great Hall.

"I went on a walk around the lake with Tonks. We were fine." Ginny said in exhaustion as her mother cluched her to her chest.

A/N2: This is going to stay a oneshot until I finish my other stories or I get a brilliant idea on what to do with it. Please review.