Heya! And again I shamelessy spam the Yazoo-fandom... This time I bring fluff! No seriously! Almost no angsting, no one dies (probably) and I´ll keep the drama under wraps ^___^

Thankies to Chephren for proofreading! *huggles*

Oh, and this is dedicated to natzilla and Rina76, hehehe.


Happily ever after

Sephiroth was sitting at the terrace of his nice house he shared with his remnants in the life stream. With him were his friends Angeal, Zack and Aeris, all happily dead and drinking coffee and having brunch together. Since the four silver haired men had been cleansed from their obsessive Oedipus-complex, they lived a pretty normal and harmonic lif-

"I said I don´t want bloody flowers for our anniversary!!!" The high-pitched screech was accompanied by a crashing noise as something delicate hit the wall. The guests jumped simultaneously in their seats, their eyes darting from the living room where the noise had come from to Sephiroth. The ex-General just casually leaned back and did not look very impressed, explaining with a dismissive gesture of his hand,

"I suppose, Kadaj and Loz had diverging opinions on what an appropriate anniversary gift is."

The threesome 'aah'-ed with enlightened faces and slurped their coffee unperturbed as another piece of porcelain came flying through the open door and crashed against a tree.

"As lively as ever," Aeris smiled brightly and chuckled a bit. The SHM may have been freed from the influence of Jenova and insanity, but their personalities were still the same, with all their pleasant attributes and flaws.

"Yeah… I kinda understand him, though…" Zack peeped up with a pouty side-long glance to his mentor Angeal, who gave a discreet cough as if he didn´t know what was going on. "He´s such a cheapskate…" the young man mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and sighing.

"There´s nothing wrong with in dealing responsibly with your goods," the older man announced sternly, not feeling at fault at all.

"Yeah, but a half-assed kiss to the cheek and an unenthusiastically mumbled "Happy anniversary" is taking it a bit too far, I guess…" Zack frowned, scratching his head.

"Awwww, poor puppy," Aeris said, trying to laugh the upbuilding tension between the two away. To divert from the sensitive topic, she turned towards Sephiroth, who sat comfortably in his chair, coffee cup in hand.

"How is it going with you and Yazoo? I mean I have never seen you having any disagreements, I think that's so awesome!" She beamed at him and clasped her hands together, eyes big and questioning.

Sephiroth leaned back in his chair, an air of slight haughtiness around him as he smirked and calmly announced. "Communication is the key." Which was a pretty easy thing for him to say, because Yazoo wasn´t much of a talker. He was a good listener though, and since Sephiroth liked to talk at times, this arrangement was rather convenient. "Besides, there is not much to complain about when you are together with me-"

"Where´s the hairbrush." At the morosely spoken half-question, four heads turned towards the open kitchen door, where Yazoo stood, half leaning into the garden, glaring at the ex-general with a rather deadly no-shit attitude.

The garden was utterly silent for a moment.

Yazoo´s eyes narrowed and his full lips pressed into a thin line as he said in a clearly irritated, hissing manner, "How many times have I told you to not let it lay around wherever you please? There are other people in this house who could need it as well, you know."

Sephiroth closed his mouth with a small clicking sound, his gaze quickly –and clearly uncomfortably- darted to his guests, before he bestowed his attention back on his pissed off boyfriend. Clearing his throat into the dumbfounded silence, the silver haired man forced a small, benign smile to his face and in an attempt to get the situation back under his control, he said in a friendly –albeit underneath ordering- tone,

"Someone´s being a morning grouch, hm? Now, come here, join us, have a cup of coffee and a nice sandwich with marmelad- "

Before he could even end the sentence, Yazoo had gone alarmingly pale, and without a word of warning, bolted back into the house.

Sephiroth furrowed his brows in utter confusion and set aside his cup, excusing himself tightly with an "I will be right back. Please enjoy the coffee."

The last thing he heard before he vanished in the kitchen was the very dryly spoken comment from his dear friend Angeal who remarked, "Communication, I see."

With quick strides that barely repressed his anger at being exposed to such embarrassment, Sephiroth left the kitchen and lowly asked his fit throwing, youngest remnant "Where´s Yazoo?"

Kadaj stopped in his rant and looked with slightly wary eyes at the ex-General. Sephiroth was not known for a short temper, but once he got angry, there was no messing with him. What surprised him even more was that the man´s irritation seemed to be directed at Yazoo, which, in all actuality freaked him a bit out. They never had arguments (unlike him and Loz!)

"Uhm… I think he went to the bathroom?"

Sephiroth just marched past them, determined to get to his lover and demand an explanation for this outrageous behaviour.

"Yazoo, what was this supposed to be?" he queried in his best I-am-so-not-pleased-manner, staring down the remnant as if he was talking to one of his former rookies who had accidentally managed to blow up the entire facility. "How dare you show up and make a ridiculous scene in front of our guests?!"

Yazoo looked up from his kneeling position in front of the toilet with a blank face.

"My apologies, I don´t know how that happened…"

He blinked and then a huge tear sneaked down his cheek. "I certainly did not mean to embarrass you, I just felt suddenly and very irrationally angry…" His already large eyes grew even bigger and another tear rolled down his white cheek.

Taken aback, Sephiroth narrowed his eyes, anger evaporating to make place for his utter confusion. "Don´t… don´t cry, it wasn´t that bad actually." He could deal with almost everything: wars, dragons going rampant, alien thingies trying to overrule his mind, insanity… but not tears. And this so just wasn´t like Yazoo!

"Are you… all right?" He made an undecided step forward, looking on alert now. Maybe Yazoo was seriously sick?

"Hn," was the reply and Yazoo averted his eyes back to the toilet, clearly looking sick.

"Is everything all right in here?" the soft voice of Aeris peeped up behind them and Sephiroth turned his head, almost relieved to see her. "Well, I suppose he does not feel well…" he explained, for once eager to give up command to someone who was more suited to grant comfort.

"Oh, I am sorry to hear that. Let me have a look," the flower girl said, with worry in her voice and shoved the silver haired man aside. Sephiroth was rather quick at leaving the room and leaning outside against the door frame, every once in a while glancing into the bath room. He could feel an upcoming headache.

His emerald, cool, but still concerned eyes eenly observed as Aeris asked a few questions that were answered with curt, hesitant nods. The young woman looked thoughtful and then she closed her eyes, seeking contact with the planet. Yazoo waited expressionlessly for her to finish and when she came out of her trance, she smiled at him and said something, laying her hand on his shoulder. There was no reaction seen on his lover´s face, just that slight tilting of his head to the side. Aeris stood from her kneeling position and with a last, rather adoring look, she exited the bath room. Sephiroth didn´t know if he should feel even more wary now; though he did not wish her death anymore, the woman was somehow suspect to him…

"Is he all right?"

"Oh yes, he is," Aeris beamed brightly, then she clasped her hands together and announced, "Well, I guess we better get going now, I bet you have a lot to discuss!"

"Do we?" Sephiroth questioned with narrowed eyes, but she only nodded and bounced off with her infuriatingly knowing smile.

Inwardly sighing, the silver haired man stepped into the bathroom and closed the door behind him so they could have some privacy.

Now that they weren´t on display to the public eyes, his features softened a little and he allowed himself to show a glimpse of the emotions he shared with Yazoo on his face and in his gestures. He sat at the rim of the tub and reached for Yazoo´s hands, glad that he had stopped that awkward tear-shedding.

"Are you all right?"

"Hn," Yazoo affirmed, gaze dropping to their intertwined hands and his shoulders relaxed a bit. He felt a bit confused and insecure right now, since he was used to being very balanced and calm and that sudden, unexpected change in behaviour irritated him a bit, even though he knew the source of it now… Brushing his thumb over the white skin of Sephiroth´s hand, he finally explained in his usual, unfazed and slightly bored tone. "It was just the mood swings and morning sickness because of the pregnancy."

"I see," Sephiroth replied, sounding relieved. "I am glad to hear that it is nothing seriou- What?!"


Dun kill me please *ducks*