I go where inspiration beckons me and this one won, update on twilight demon edition soon!


The soft pitter patter of rain soothed the occupants of the room, one placed on a typical long red sofa type chair, while the other sat in a comfortable looking cushy seat.

"It's ok Shippo, continue," The soft dark eyes obscured with black frames smiled lightly at the young cub on the seat.

However despite her comforting words the young fox cub had clammed up his widened green eyes held a look of horror in his eyes. Kagome sighed softly she had been working with the red-headed demon child for 3 weeks now, progress had been made but it was slow. Looking at her watch she saw 45 mins had passed since the session had started and she knew Shippo would not reveal anymore.

"How about we get an ice cream to end your session" she lightly suggested hoping to coax the slightly trembling child out of his horror stricken look. After working with different types of children as well as observing how they reacted she knew a hug was the wrong way to go about it. Shippo wasn't comfortable with anybody talk less of her, she needed to take it slow.

Bright green eyes regarded her softly before his head nodded slightly finally acknowledging her.

Kagome smiled and nodded getting up slowly and allowing Shippo to hop from the sofa-couch.

"What's your favourite flavour?"

Kagome sighed slightly to herself as she wrote up details of her session with Shippo which had produced a little fruit. Most Doctors would have been frustrated at the progress but she was all too glad. From what she read in the police report Shippo had every right to be so closed. Looking at all her work schedule she smiled only one more session due at 3.30 then she was free.

'Praise the gods'

Feeling a little run down and hungry as hell, she brought out a cheese and ham sandwich. She licked her lips and was about to take a bite when she was buzzed. Groaning loudly she pressed the intercom.

"Yes Yema?"

"Dr. Houshi would like to see you" Kagome grumbled about interrupted lunches, and buzzed back.

"Send him in"

Within two minutes a handsome dark-haired male came in a slight smile and a file in his hand.

"How's my beautiful, favourite, interesting, amazing..."

"What do you want?" Kagome had known Miroku since Med school and when he showered compliments it usually equalled trouble.

"Well there is a big med conference coming up and I need someone from the psyche ward"


Miroku sighed, he knew that was the answer in all his years of knowing Kagome she hated parties or any type of group gathering.

"Come on, it would really help the hospital and you would get a lot of exposure"


Kagome bit in to her cheese and ham sandwich ignoring Miroku and enjoying the taste, until it was savagely ripped out of her hands.

"Give it back" She growled trying to snatch her meal out of his quick hands.

"Not until you hear me out" Kagome pinched the bridge of her nose.

"You are a brilliant psychiatrist, You have helped so many kids and teens. You are also one of the first humans to treat both demon and human cases alike. It would honour me and the hospital if you represent us"

She looked at his sincere eyes before sighing, "What about the consultant?"

"He is retiring"

Kagome's eyes widened, Dr. Hiemi was resigning she almost felt like crying, the old psychiatrist had nurtured her moulding her into the doctor she was today.

"But...I'm only a child psychiatrist; I can't represent the whole of the department"

Miroku smiled, now for his brilliant idea although getting Kagome to agree would be tough he had all confidence. He pushed her when they were in University, he pushed her to specialise in psychiatry and he would push her into this. It would be a waste of her talents if he did not try to make her reach her full potential.

"That's why I think you should branch out a bit"


"Look Kagome how long have I known you," Kagome drummed her fingers anxious to smack the persistent doctor yet knowing he was only trying to help.

"About 11 years"

"Yes, from 18 all the way to 29 you have the experience and mind to take 's place"

"But I haven't experienced other cases, I mean I can't gain enough experience in time for the conference"

"Yes you can, the conference is in 6 months, and this is all the experience you need," he threw the file he held on the desk.

Kagome rose an eyebrow before picking up a white tattered folder which had seen better days and was labelled. 'Sesshoumaru Taisho'.

"..and what is this" she muttered, flicking to the first report and nearly dropped the file.

'Detained since 1752'

"Oh my gosh, this demon has been imprisoned for..."

"That's right over 250 years" Miroku said gravely, "Look at his report"

Kagome righted her glasses before scanning her eyes steadily widening.

'responsible for the death of over 10,000 demons and humans, methods of destruction poisoning, consuming, grand scale massacre. Reasons reported:Boredom, Victims:Humans and Demons of all ages.....'

Kagome felt like throwing up her cheese and ham sandwich, how could somebody be so cruel. Her hands were slightly shaking as she placed the file on her table and slid it over to Miroku.

"I can't do this"

Miroku placed his hands in hers before slowly rubbing and comforting his long time friend.

"I would never put forward a case, you weren't capable of handling. But if you manage to get him to spill his guts then you are certified to be consultant."

Kagome shook her head, "How come he hasn't been killed for all the crimes he committed"

"According to demon law, it is illegal to execute lords, he is Taiyoukai of the West and since there is nobody there to claim his lands he must remain alive. Many demons have challenged him for his Lands and many met with quick deaths. He also refused to hand over the lands to the state or anybody for that matter."

"Kami Miroku, I...I have to think about it I just can't take this it's all a bit soon"

The man nodded before standing, "I'll leave the file with you and give you a week to think on it, you are worthy Kagome."

Once the door clicked, Kagome let her head slump a slight throbbing began at the back of her head. Slightly shaking she got up to fetch some water and aspirin. She couldn't believe that somebody could do such a terrible thing. Downing the pills with a rush of water she sat down and looked to the tattered file once more. Could she really take on such a case?

She had only dealt with children and cub cases never an adult case, and a certified serial killer at that. She shuddered at the thought she didn't feel like she was mentally prepared to deal with all the terrors of him recalling his victims. She had overheard conversations between psyche doctors telling of how their patients describe their victims in disgusting manners. And Miroku had given her the worst of them all.

She wasn't a stupid person, she was just simple her life revolved round work and nothing more. She hadn't been in a relationship since her thunderous break up with a wolf demon called Kouga and she hadn't been clubbing in 3 years. Heck the only friend which she held through the years was Miroku and that was only because she saw him at work. Kagome shook her head at the fact she had just outlined her life, well at least she knew one thing she was helping people and that was all she could do.

"Bye Tama" Kagome smiled at the shy girl, who squeezed her hand gently before being escorted away from the office. Kagome smiled fondly, the little girl had come a long way from what she used be. At 5.00pm she was bushed and ready to curl up with a cup of cocoa and a good comedy. Walking to her office she grabbed her briefcase and jacket intent to leave as early as possible before the rush of traffic. Grabbing a few case files she came across the tattered case of 'Sesshoumaru Taisho'. She shuddered, she didn't want that file anywhere in her house.


I am sooooooo inspired for this little ficlet I couldn't resist. Alot of my fics are on hiatus due to studies and writers block. This and twilight demon edition will be updated so stay tuned. And please be generous with reviews ha!